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近二十多年来,宇宙学中的“人的宇宙原理”(“Anthropic Principle”,或译为“人择原理”)在国际学术界引起了广泛的兴趣.就这样一个专门学科中的尚待证实的普遍原理,已经出版了若干本研究专著,在各种不同的学科领域的杂志上发表了数以百计的、探讨其内容、意义或历史渊源等方面的文章,一些学术会议也以此作为中心议题,讨论远远超出了宇宙学的范围,从物理学、生物学、天文学、哲学、科学史、文化史乃至宗教神学等不同角度,对之进行了多方面、多层次的分析研究,各种意见、看法分歧之巨大、争论之激烈,在近年来学术界中还是少见的.有人认为,可以把它“扩展成为人天观”,“作为从现代科学技术一个新的大部门、人体科学,到马克思主义哲学的桥梁”,不少专门研究人的宇宙原理的学者认为:这个原理“在科学中应用的现实效力”“足够高”,“如果它没能解决由物理学和宇宙学的进展所提出的问题的话,那么,至少可认为它有助于这些问题的解决,等等.  相似文献   
妙湛法师(厦门南普陀寺方丈、闽南佛学院院长) 我们这次能在上海开佛教教育工作会议,可以说是一次很好的转机。这次会议关系到我们今后的僧教育,关系到佛法的前途。我认为,从1980年在北京开会以来,这次会是最好的一次,可以说是谈到我们佛教的根本问题上来了。这几天大家讨论的办学的方针,认识可以说都是一致的,希望在今后的行动上也是一致的,行动上一致才能解决问题。我们朴老已80多岁的高龄,还在为佛教事业呕心沥血,我们诸山长老、大  相似文献   
直言命题的图解问题,是逻辑教学中的一个重要问题,也是一个亟需进一步加以探讨的问题。唐晓嘉同志在《论逻辑教学中文恩图替代欧拉图的必要性》(载《逻辑与语言学习》,一九九○年第六期。)一文中,比较了用欧拉图与文恩图解释A、E、I、O四种形式的传统直言命题的优劣,提出并论证了在逻辑教学中用文恩图替代欧拉图的必要性。我们认为,这些意见是很可贵的、富有启发性的。同时认为,文恩图虽然克服了欧拉图图式与命题不一一对称的缺陷,但它也存在着不能  相似文献   
A survey of the 37 psychology departments offering courses accredited by the Australian Psychological Society yielded a 92% response rate. Sixty-eight percent of departments employed students as research subjects, with larger departments being more likely to do so. Most of these departments drew their student subject pools from introductory courses. Student research participation was strictly voluntary in 57% of these departments, whereas 43% of the departments have failed to comply with normally accepted ethical standards. It is of great concern that institutional ethics committees apparently continue to condone, or fail to act against, unethical research practices. Although these committees have a duty of care to all subjects, the final responsibility for conducting research in an ethical manner lies with the individual researcher.  相似文献   
Three commentaries are offered on the following case: George, age 57, is a previously healthy man who recently underwent surgery for removal of a low-grade malignant thymoma. At the time of admission to the hospital, George stressed to the staff that he had long ago signed a "living will," which he renewed immediately after he learned of his cancer diagnosis. At the time of surgery, the tumor was found to extend into his mediastinum; although it was removable, this required revision of part of the sternum and grafting of the vessels feeding the heart chambers. Because of the resultant tissue damage and neuronal hyperactivity, George experienced postoperative episodes of cardiac arrhythmia and bronchospasm. Unanimous medical opinion was that this situation was a temporary problem that would resolve itself as the tissues healed. Until that time, however, it will be difficult to wean him from ventilatory support. When his stay in the intensive care unit became prolonged, George and his family began to insist that his status be changed to "do not resuscitate" and reminded the staff about his longstanding living will. All of this is happening despite the fact that the patient and family seemingly comprehend that although the short-term interventions are invasive, there is a high probability of a successful outcome. George's cancer prognosis is excellent, and, although he may well have an episode of life-threatening arrhythmia, he is likely to respond to resuscitation interventions. Once the immediate postoperative period is over, his potential for a long and productive life with full capacities is excellent. Consider the following questions: (a) Should George's expressed wishes be respected, or should the staff take additional steps to help him survive the postoperative period, even if that means violating his stated wishes? and (b) What steps might the staff follow in sorting through this problem?  相似文献   
脑中风患者由于大脑局部血流供应的阻断或出血常常伴发一些心理功能障碍。除比较明显的各种各样失语外,我们过去的工作表明,这类病人的记忆功能,词语流畅性及视觉运动反应时间也存在明显损害。这些心理机能损害随着病程的转归会有哪些变化,心理作业成绩与临床疗效关系如何是本研究的目的。被试:55名被试选自1983~1988年在天坛医院神经内科住院人群。其中脑梗塞38例;脑出血17例。左侧  相似文献   
虞积生  林春   《心理科学进展》1992,10(1):67-67
人口已成为困扰发展中国家的一大难题,并将危及全世界。我国把计划生育作为基本国策。外国心理学者近20年来开始涉足人口领域,八十年代以来,出版了《人口心理学导论》等专著。许多作者根据实证材料提出不同模型描述、说明、解释生育行为及其相关因素。我们用同卷法从研究生育观——生育动机、生育意愿与生育行为关系入手,试图为建立中国人口心理学头石探路。这方面的工作可能是有意义的。根据我们设计的理论框架设计  相似文献   
书法为中华文化固有之艺术创作,古代尤为学子必备之基本技能。晚近虽因科技进步, 书法工具大为改进,在实用的考察下,书法已渐趋沦于修身或观赏之用,然其重要性仍不可小视。根据台湾教育部门编定之课程标准规定,自国民小学第一学期起,应教导学童学习毛笔字,包括文房四宝之认识、书法欣赏与实际练习。根据过去所作有关语文教学之研究或担任  相似文献   
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