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Motor performance and concurrent cognitive tasks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty students tapped between two targets while concurrently performing either a verbal or a visuospatial cognitive task. Speed of tapping and consistency revealed right- and left-hand disruption during solving either the con-current verbal or visuospatial task respectively. Accuracy of performance in terms of hitting the targets was not selectively disrupted by the cognitive activity. The results are discussed in terms of an attentional model of lateralization of cerebral function.  相似文献   
Examined the differences in serf-concept and psychological health between androgynous, sex-typed, cross-sex-typed, and undifferentiated males and females. Two hundred forty-nine students who were enrolled in introductory psychology classes were classified according to sex type on the basis of their scores on the Bem Sex-Role Inventory. Nine aspects of self-concept and five aspects of psychological health, obtained, from the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, were analyzed as a function of Sex and Sex Type. A series of analyses of variance and subsequent individual comparisons across groups revealed a clear pattern wherein androgynous subjects manifested more positive self-concepts and more positive psychological health than sex-typed subjects. Undifferentiated subjects manifested the poorest self-concepts, while results for sex-typed and cross-sex-typed subjects varied more as a function of the sex of the subject. The data are discussed as appearing to be consistent with Bem's hypothesis that androgynous people may represent a more appropriate societal definition of mental health than strongly sex-typed people. Qualifications of this support are also discussed.  相似文献   
在科学共产主义发展史上,《哥达纲领批判》是《共产党宣言》和《资本论》之后最重要的里程碑。马克思和恩格斯通过预言共产主义社会形态的形成、本质和两个发展阶段,丰富了马克思主义。对于理解社会主义和共产主义的辩证法来说,《哥达纲领批判》是科学共产主义创始人最重要的著作。借助于历史唯物主义的一般社会理论和方法,尤其是关于社会经济形态的学说,马克思和恩格斯在科学共产主义形成时期就已经指出,从工人阶级的阶级斗争和解  相似文献   
智力研究的名声,已经被骗子的欺骗行径所败坏,为种族主义所沾污,就象炼丹术士的罐子一样黑。最近的争论集中在:智力是不是天生的?种族之间有没有区别?智力测验能否真正测量智力,或者只是表征一个人接受特定的文化的程度?目前有两个英国  相似文献   
In rural Appalachia in Tennessee, data on 13 female adolescents who had experienced a pregnancy (mean age=16 years, 7 months) were compared with those on 38 female adolescents who had not experienced a pregnancy (mean age-16 years, 4 months) to test the hypothesis that teenagers who experience a pregnancy have external attributions of control over their life events. The Nowicki-Strickland Locus of Control Scale for Children was administered to determine their beliefs about causes of events in their lives. All the girls were white and matched for socioeconomic status, housing, and cultural background. The mean attribution of control to external agents score stood at 14.5 for girls who had experienced a pregnancy compared with 12.7 for those who had not experienced a pregnancy, but the difference was not significant (p=.08).54% of the cases exhibited external attributional orientation compared with 16% of the controls (p.02). This finding concurred with that of earlier studies. The fact that not all the girls who had experienced a pregnancy had external attributional orientation suggested that it is not the only factor linked to adolescent pregnancy. Studies have not identified whether external attributional orientation is a causal factor or consequence of adolescent pregnancy. A 1980 study found that women who had shown more external locus of control scores during pregnancy and tended to castigate themselves had a high probability of postpartum depression. Another study indicated that rises in depression among adolescents were linked to prechange orientations toward external attributions of control. Practitioners should selectively pay attention to teenagers who have extreme attributional orientations since many teenagers carry their pregnancies to term and choose to rear their infants. These orientations appear to pose risks for the adolescent mother and her children.  相似文献   
学习低能学生的教育干预与教学方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
对学习低能学生教育干预的目标是缩小他们能力与成绩之间的差距。过去和现在的绝大多数教育计划都是在不断探寻这一目标,为阅读、算术和语言艺术等基本技能提供矫治教学措施。学习低能学生的教师发现讲授基本技能是特殊教育教师最为重要的专业能力之一。另外,有些教师还提出,学习中最为重要的事情是发展基本技能教学。阅读和数学教学固然应分配最好的教学时间,但是,语言艺术也是课程中的一重要部分。“学习低能者全国  相似文献   
一最近日本出现了一股中国热:电视台播映着介绍丝绸之路和黄河的节目;报纸上登载着招徕人们去中国旅游的大幅广告;街上书店摆出了许多有关中国的书刊。在这种风气的影响下,日本人对中国道教产生了兴趣。许多年青人步入了道教研究的行列,并不断有令人瞩目的研究成果出现。1985年和1986年,我曾两次应邀在东京朝日文化中心,向普通市民介绍中国道教。这说明,中国道教在一般的日本人中间也引起了反响。这种情况,同本世纪初相比完全不可同日而语。当时,日本人对中国道教,不仅一无所知,而且不屑一顾。二十多年前,也就是1963年秋天。当时,中国永乐宫壁画展,在东京、名古屋和  相似文献   
Japan is unusual among industrialized countries in its reluctance to use brain criteria to determine death and harvest transplant organs. This results from public distrust of the medical profession due to an earlier incident, and from concern that technological interventions will threaten religious and cultural traditions surrounding death and dying. Public acceptance is growing, however, as medical professional groups and universities develop brain criteria, and as pressure from patients who could benefit from a transplant, as well as from foreign countries, increases.  相似文献   
对一切生物所固有的辨识能力所做的最新研究证明,辨识能力不仅体现生物机体在直接周围环境中量的规定性,而且体现质的规定性。例如,植物借助根系“选择”土壤中含有的其生命活动所必须的物质,吸收数量上刚好是它需要的物质。这种选择借以实现的“指示器”,吸收植物所需营养物的根系感受体,完全不同于动物的感觉。植物的根系起着一个进行生物化学过程的器官的作用。可是认识,特别是人的感官的作用,难道不含有使来自外部世界的信息传到人脑的一定生物化学过程吗?这一例证中最重要的是对被感受的外部作用能够进行辨  相似文献   
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