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Recent reaction time analysis of motor programming has utilized a precue stimulus that provides advance information about some or all of the attributes for the upcoming motor response. This kind of precue typically confounds the number of remaining stimuli with the motoric processes under investigation (Zelaznik, 1978). In Experiments 1 and 2 the precuing of hand, digit, and duration of a key press response was manipulated. A new precuing procedure was utilized that does not confound the number of stimuli with the motoric processes under investigation. The findings of Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrate that none of the advance information was helpful in reducing reaction time and as such, suggest that these features of movement are not selected in any particular order. Experiment 3 compared this new method of precuing to the other, traditional method. The results of this experiment suggested that there is parallel processing of the perceptual and motor mental operations in this reaction-time task, since there was an underadditive interaction between the number of stimulus response alternatives and the non-precued movement dimensions. This paper highlights problems inherent in the utilization of precursing methods to understand motor programming processes. It appears that a better understanding about the variables involved in movement control is necessary before examining the order of selection of those variables.  相似文献   
Ethical issues emerging from forensic assessments are addressed from clinical and research perspectives. The relevance of agency, forensic identification, and attitudes toward defendants are explored within the framework of ethical practice. Finally, the ethical role of mental health professionals in the courtroom, the scope and basis of their testimony, and the rendering of conclusory opinions are discussed within a psycholegal context.  相似文献   
All 51 jurisdictions in the United States require physicians to report suspected child abuse. In most jurisdictions, reporting requirements override both confidentiality and privilege associated with the physician-patient relationship. The authors review the literature relevant to the conflict between privacy and reporting abuse and report the results of a national survey of therapists at sex offender treatment units. They discuss ethical problems experienced under these statutes by therapists who attempt to provide treatment for sex offenders, and by therapists who are required to report past instances of child abuse even when there is no evidence of ongoing abuse.  相似文献   
罗素说过,“几乎没有任何别的大诗人要等待这么久的时间才为人所认识到,但是到了近代,他的优异性差不多已是普遍公认的。”这位大诗人便是卢克莱修(约公元前99年—55年)。他的哲学巨著《物性论》在写成之后,整整湮没了一千余年,直到1473年才被发掘出来。而且在中世纪,它仅仅存下了一份手稿。该书用诗歌体裁著成,共六卷,七千余行。马克思曾据之称赞卢克莱修是“真正罗马的史诗诗人”,是“朝气蓬勃的,大胆的、富有诗意的世界主宰者”。  相似文献   
(一)孽海生涯四十春,风花雪月枉哦吟。欺名交负诗文债,居室常牵儿女情。五蕴焉能空浊体,六如未必了凡心。无边佛法人间有,处处随缘证夙因。 (二)自是尘心终未泯,杨枝洒落指迷津。收将狂慧板三宝,证得因缘学五乘。名利场中鄙俗客,菩提树下仰高僧。借来南海半瓶水,化作东山一片云。四十三周年生日皈依三宝赋呈正果老法师@德纯~~  相似文献   
Ⅰ我们的信念(至少)在两方面是模糊的:所相信的命题是模糊的(含有模糊的概念),相信与不相信的界限是模糊的,就是说相信这个概念本身是模糊的。通过下面的语句我们来说明后一种类型的模糊性。(1)光比声音传播的速度快。(2)大量的维生素 C 预防流感。(3)奥尔弗·帕尔梅将在1980年出任瑞典总理。(4)大卫·休谟身高五英尺六英寸。  相似文献   
M.海德格尔1933年的政治错误的严重程度比他想让世界相信的还厉害。1966年3月11日哲学家海德格尔给作家 E.凯斯特纳写信说:“从根本上讲事情与我1933年至  相似文献   
新发现的两种讲课笔记证明:黑格尔作为社会哲学家在海德堡和柏林一直都是进步的在1819—1820年冬季学期黑格尔甚至谈论穷人的非常权利。  相似文献   
一、导言我认为历史唯物主义就是马克思在其著名的《<政治经济学批判>序言》(以下简称《序言》——译者)中所阐述的、在《资本论》和马克思以及马克思主义者其他许多著作中举出作为例证的那种观点。我将用几句导言开始我的论述,然后概略地介绍一下这个理论,最后我要力辩,尽管这个观点确实具有许多吸引人的地方,但它过分限制了对历史进行合理探讨的范围,以致最后成为不可接受的了。  相似文献   
Transfer of matching-to-figure samples in the pigeon   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Three pigeons were trained on a modified six-key matching-to-sample procedure. The third peck on the figure-sample key (which presented a bird, hand, face, beetle, rabbit, fish, flower, or red hue, as the sample) lighted only one comparison key. Every three additional pecks on the sample lighted another comparison key, up to a maximum of five keys. Pecks on keys of matching figures produced grain. Pecks on nonmatching keys (mismatches) turned off all lights on the comparison keys and repeated the trial. Three figures were used during acquisition. The birds learned to peck each sample until the matching comparison stimulus appeared on one of three comparison stimulus keys, and then to peck that key. Later, five novel stimuli, employed as both sample and comparison stimuli, and two additional matching keys were added. Each bird showed matching transfer to the novel samples. The data suggest that the birds may have learned the concept of figure matching rather than a series of two-component chains or discrete five-key discriminations.  相似文献   
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