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吴阶平,著名科学家、教育家、社会活动家,中国泌尿外科的奠基人和中国性教育的开创者。1917年1月出生于江苏常州,1942年毕业于北平协和医学院。1947年,吴阶平经著名泌尿科专家、归国华侨谢元甫教授推荐,赴美国芝加哥大学进  相似文献   
六年前,上海城隍庙组织全体教职人员参加了华东师范大学宗教班的学习。经过这几年国民学历教育大专阶段和本科阶段的修学,其中部分教职人员已经或将于年内本科毕业。面对这样的好形势,庙管会拓展思路,创新学习机制,以文化学习为基础,全面提高教职人员  相似文献   
Qiuen Yu 《Synthese》1992,90(1):145-179
G. Priest's anti-consistency argument (Priest 1979, 1984, 1987) and J. R. Lucas's anti-mechanist argument (Lucas 1961, 1968, 1970, 1984) both appeal to Gödel incompleteness. By way of refuting them, this paper defends the thesis of quartet compatibility, viz., that the logic of the mind can simultaneously be Gödel incomplete, consistent, mechanical, and recursion complete (capable of all means of recursion). A representational approach is pursued, which owes its origin to works by, among others, J. Myhill (1964), P. Benacerraf (1967), J. Webb (1980, 1983) and M. Arbib (1987). It is shown that the fallacy shared by the two arguments under discussion lies in misidentifying two systems, the one for which the Gödel sentence is constructable and to be proved, and the other in which the Gödel sentence in question is indeed provable. It follows that the logic of the mind can surpass its own Gödelian limitation not by being inconsistent or non-mechanistic, but by being capable of representing stronger systems in itself; and so can a proper machine. The concepts of representational provability, representational maximality, formal system capacity, etc., are discussed.  相似文献   
运用规则空间模型识别解题中的认知错误   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
余嘉元 《心理学报》1995,28(2):196-203
运用规则空间模型识别学生解题中的认知错误,该模型将认知心理学,项目反应理论和数据库的代数理论相结合,将被试的二值反应模式映射为笛卡尔乘积空间的一组序偶,然后计算被试和错误规则在该空间的代表性位置之间的马氏距离,并通过贝叶斯决策准则划分被试的错误类型,根据644名中学生对30个数学题目的反应,识别出其中86%的学生可以被划分人18种认知错误类型中。  相似文献   
Five hundred and ten first-year junior high school students were administered a battery of psychological tests. On the basis of their scores from two gender-role adoption measures, three smaller groups were extracted within each biological sex: masculine, feminine, and undifferentiated individuals. Feminine students reported a greater amount of discomfort (vulnerability). A battery of tests administered toward the end of that school year revealed that females attained greater neuroticism and alienation scores than did their male peers. Possible explanations for this pubescent self-report of maladjustment are the more masculine orientation of the junior high school in comparison to the elementary school and the menarche.The authors wish to thank Ms. S. Chesterman, Regional Director of the Montreal Catholic School Commission, and Mr. K. Quinn, Principal of Sir Wilfred Laurier Junior High School, for granting us permission to disrupt school activities in order to test their students. We also wish to acknowledge the assistance of the following members of Sir Wilfred Laurier: Mr. O. Hruby, Vice-Principal; Sr. G. Larocque, Vice-Principal; Mr. S. Radeschi, key teacher; and members of the administrative and teaching staff.  相似文献   
The purpose of this essay is twofold: to review two existing paradigms (the Priest and the Prophet) of pastoral care with prisoners; to propose a new paradigm (the Seer). The prison chaplain has been traditionally identified as a priest or a prophet. The change of pastoral setting from parish to prison is a drastic one that requires a paradigm shift. Incarceration is understood in terms of liminality which is a transitional period of a life re-ordering. To those in liminality, the Seer as a divine visionary of hope comes to reawaken a sense of God's presence and aims at renewing of covenant faith.This article is an edited version of an address presented by the author to the Chaplains of Tennessee Department of Corrections at their annual meeting in January 1990.  相似文献   
情绪活动和某些生理机能或心理过程的关系很久以来就已进行过大量的研究。外科手术前患者的情绪状态及其相应的生理机能的变化,也曾受到注意。患者在意识清醒状态下进行针麻手术,他的情绪状态对针麻过程及其效果的作用如何,这种情绪状态和某些心理、生理机能有什么联系?这是针麻临床上和理论上应予探讨的问题之一。本工作试图综合分析患者的情绪状态和与之伴随的某些生理生化指标变化,以探讨  相似文献   
众所周知,明代有四大高僧。他们分别是释袜宏、释真可、释德清和释智旭。以他们是“出尘体道,以极佛化”的“出类拔萃”者,故有此誉。其中,释袜宏、释真可、释德清三大高僧,又以“久栖胜地,道著清凉,或暂入兹山,感通大圣”,而又谓之明代五台山的著名高僧。所以,《清凉山志》卷三《莲池大师传》中说:  相似文献   
环境中的风险认知特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
于清源  谢晓非 《心理科学》2006,29(2):362-365,357
采用多维度的心理测量范式,研究公众在“影响程度”、“可控性”、“了解程度”、“影响的持续性”、“发生的可能性”、“结果的严重性”六个维度上对39个环境条目的风险认知特征。研究结果验证了“风险程度指标”,并将环境风险划分为“生态环境”“疾病与灾害”“生活环境”三个大类并探讨其风险认知特征。结果显示,由“客观认识”和“主动作用”两维度形成的认知地图可有效地指导风险沟通。  相似文献   
双目光学测距仪器光轴不平行度范围的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方俐洛  虞积生  高晶 《心理学报》1982,15(2):94-102
目前,我国的双目光学测距仪器光轴不平行度公差大致有以下几组: 垂直发散:±15′±20′±20′±27′ 水平发散:60′60′60′60′ 水平会聚:20′20′30′36′上述数据基本上是沿袭国外有关数据。美苏两国这方面的数据大致为:  相似文献   
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