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论大足孝道石刻在佛教中国化中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大足佛教石刻中的传统儒家孝道内容,是佛教中国化的重要体现。佛教传入中土以来,对于传统儒家的种种攻击,采取了曲折自卫、逐步演化的过程。这个演化的过程,也就是印度佛教中国化的过程。佛教中国化的最终完成,即是以孝道为载体的。理论以唐代的《佛说父母恩重难报经》和宋代契嵩的《孝论》的出炉为标志,而实践层面则要首推大足石刻造像对孝道的形象、生动的阐发。大足石刻对孝道思想形象的刻划,对佛教的中国化是起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   
"去工业化"与人民公社的困境   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人民公社承载着组织农村工业化之重任,普遍试办社队工业企业、就地转移劳动力、使农民尽快富裕起来是人民公社工农商学兵、农林牧副渔综合发展的题中之意.然而1962的政策大调整将其"去工业化"之后,人民公社被归结为一种纯农组织而失去了它应有的功能,并由此开始陷入困境而走向终结.  相似文献   
许小东 《心理学报》1988,21(2):56-62
现今工业企业中所采用的奖励系统多数是由基本奖和超额奖两部分构成。本研究考察了基本奖和超额奖不同的配比结构对作业绩效的影响。结果表明:不同配比结构的奖励系统具有不同的激励功效,关键的影响因素是超额奖励率和基本奖励率之间的奖励比,在多数情况下,奖励比越高,作业绩效越好。最后,讨论了这一结果产生的原因及有关问题。  相似文献   
一般认为,突触传递的长时程增强(Long-term potentiation,LTP)可能是学习和记忆的神经基础。我室的系列工作表明,大鼠在条件性行为的建立中,海马齿状回、CA_3、CA_1区均出现LTP样变化,并将之称为习得性LTP(Learning-de-pendent LTP),而且发现每次训练作业后突触效应的增强,经一段时间(4小时)后就  相似文献   
广州大学生对衣服款式及颜色爱好特点的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用心理物理学的等级排列法,用男女各16种服式及27种颜色布样做材料,随机抽取广州市五所大学一年级学生男女各30名为被试,对被试的服式爱好和颜色爱好特点进行实验研究,结果表明:(1)单纯对布样颜色爱好的顺序与对特定服式的颜色爱好顺序不一样、衣服款式不同,喜欢配搭的颜色的爱好等级顺序也不同。(2)当前男女大学生都喜欢活泼大方、文雅、有朝气的服装款式,而不喜欢过时的、古旧的服式。(3)从颜色明度来看,大学生喜欢明度大的(反射率Y大的)颜色,不喜欢明度小的(反射率Y小的)颜色。其颜色爱好变化趋势是从明度大的颜色向明度小的颜色方向变化。  相似文献   
关联负变化(CNV)与反应时的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验采用选择性叠加方法,研究了关联负变化(Contingent NegativVariation以下简称CNV)与反应时的关系。证明:最长、最短反应时差异显著时,相对应的CNV面积差异也显著。CNV的这种差异主要表现在CNV面积的后半部分。对形成这种现象的原因作了讨论。  相似文献   
本工作研究两例先天性无痛症患者的心理特点,主要是其情绪特点,以探讨疼痛和情绪的关系,并借以检验疼痛学说的意义。例一,女,10岁,智力略低于正常,艾森克少年儿童人格问卷表评定人格正常。与身体损伤有关的恐惧感明显缺乏,但与社会和教育影响有联系的恐惧感却甚于正常儿童。情绪急躁,易发作暴发性脾气而不能控制。在突然刺激(强光、强铃声)下的反应和正常儿童相近。例二,男,13岁,智力明显落后,人格评定正常,各种恐惧感均明显缺乏。情绪经常呈明显欣快状态。突然刺激下有口语惊吓和动作反应但无相应的面部表情和植物性神经系统的变化。两例均有无目的的多动作表现。看来疼痛和情绪有某种关系,但本结果并不能证实疼痛的情绪学说。  相似文献   
Numerous studies on Western cultures have suggested a strong linkage between authenticity and mental health. However, little is known about whether such an association can be generalized to Eastern cultures. This study aimed to conduct a cross-cultural comparison on the association between three dimensions of authenticity (authentic living, self-alienation, and accepting external influence) and two factors of mental health (negative and positive) across Western and Eastern cultures. Measurement invariance tests were carried out and multigroup structural regression models developed on two college samples from the US (n = 392) and China (n = 281). Results suggested that the associations between authenticity and the negative factor of mental health were consistent across cultures, where both self-alienation and accepting external influence were positively associated with anxiety. However, the associations between authenticity and the positive factor of mental health were different in the US and Chinese samples. Specifically, both authentic living and accepting external influence were significantly associated with life satisfaction in the US sample but not in the Chinese sample. Findings stress that having a nondistorted perception of the true self is critically related to lower levels of anxiety across cultures and highlighted the need to identify culture-specific promotive factors for life satisfaction.  相似文献   
People who consider themselves moral sometimes use self-serving justifications to rationalize their selfish behaviours. Previous studies have tested the role of ambiguity in justifying wrongdoings, but it remains unclear whether ambiguity also plays a role in justifying promise-breaking behaviour and whether heterogeneity exists. To investigate justification in promise-breaking, we introduced a new experimental paradigm called the card-guessing task and used hierarchical cluster analysis to classify participants based on their promise-breaking decisions in unambiguous and ambiguous conditions. Experiment 1 revealed three clusters of solutions: Cluster 1 always kept their promises (i.e., keepers); Cluster 2 only exploited the vague promises and broke their promises in the ambiguous condition (i.e., intermediates); Cluster 3 tended to take advantage of vague promises and broke their promises irrespective of ambiguity (i.e., breakers). Experiment 2 confirmed that participants in the three clusters differed in their norm-abiding preferences and social value orientations. Keepers were more altruistic and had a stronger sense of norm compliance than intermediates and breakers. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that self-serving justifications were more likely to be employed by people who are moderately sensitive to deviation from social norms, which has implications for strategic interventions and policy formulation concerning unethical behaviour.  相似文献   
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