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In a longitudinal study of psychosocial factors in children with recent onset of rheumatic disease (N = 72 ), it was hypothesized that FACES III cohesion sum scores would be correlated with family closeness as measured by the Kvebaek Family Sculpture Technique (KFST). A second aim was to examine how these instruments were associated with semi-structured interview assessments of child and family psychosocial function, and whether these associations were linear or curvilinear. FACES III cohesion sum scores and KFST family mean interpersonal distance were not correlated, whereas the cohesion sum scores were related to the mother-father distance on the KFST. Where associations with child and family psychosocial function were found, they were linear. The results support the usefulness of a distinction between cohesion as a family or group characteristic and dyadic closeness, especially between the parent figures. The need for further conceptual clarification and more thorough empirical validation procedures in this area is emphasized.  相似文献   
The reliability and validity of the Norwegian translation of Plutchik's Life Style Index (LSI) have been tested in a material of 704 individuals, 471 men and 233 women. The results showed low internal consistency for most of the subscales (Alpha ranging from 0.43 to 0.68). Several of the scales were also significantly correlated. Factor analyses showed that some of them loaded on common factors, indicating low specificity of the scales. Further, the validity of the test was not confirmed.  相似文献   
In Norway, legalized gambling is pervasive, easily accessible and socially accepted, particularly the participation in national lotteries. We conducted a stratified probability sample study during January–March 2007 (age group 16–74 years, N  = 3,482, response rate 36.1%) to assess gambling behavior and prevalence of problematic gambling by the NORC Diagnostic Screen (NODS). Overall, 67.9% of the study population had been engaged in past-year gambling and 0.7% were past-year problematic gamblers (NODS score 3+). Male gender, low educational level, single marital status, and being born in a non-Western country were variables positively associated with problematic gambling. Past-year problematic gamblers indicated the slot machine (34.6%) and Internet gambling (26.9%) as the most important games, while most non-problematic gamblers pointed out the lotteries (62.3%) as the most important game. The prevalence of self-reported sleeping disorders, depression and other psychological impairments was significantly higher among problematic gamblers. Gambling problems affect people's lives in multiple ways.  相似文献   
Attributions are an important part of self-presentation strategies. In order to favorably control their interpersonal environment, people are motivated to seek social approval in their self-presentations. Social norms determine which types of attributional self-presentations will result in social approval and which will not. A regression analysis was performed which showed that actor-observer conditions interact with success-failure conditions to produce different attributional patterns depending on the particular combination of at-tributor perspective and task outcome. These results are interpreted to mean that different attributional norms exist for actors and observers in success and failure situations. It is concluded that a normative self-presentational approach to attributions which includes both motivational and cognitive factor can help to explain inconsistent findings in the relevant research literature.  相似文献   
A quasi-experimental study was conducted to examine the effect of sex on actor and observer attributions of success and failure. It was predicted that, contrary to American results in similar studies, Norwegian males and females would tend to be largely similar in their attribution of success and failure. Only same-sex attributions were explored. Subjects were asked to attribute causality along a set of six standard causal dimensions. The results showed that sex had a relatively minor effect on attributions, compared to the effects of attributor role and task outcome. Only in their attributions of ability did men and women differ to some degree in that women were more likely to use lack of ability as an explanation for own failure. The study concludes that cross-cultural research is needed in order to better assess the normative impact on attribution.  相似文献   
Three months before school entrance a sample of 29 children and their mothers was tested for degree of decentred child educability and degree of decentred maternal teaching. Mother and child were tested in two different situations, thus preventing interdependency between the measures of mother and child. Four months after school entrance, teacher judgements of school performance were obtained. A strong correspondence between degree of decentred child educability and degree of decentred maternal teaching was demonstrated. Degree of decentred maternal teaching and degree of decentred child educability were found to be good predictors of school performance, accounting for respectively 45 and 33% of the variance in school performance. In contrast a test of school readiness only accounted for 2% of the variance. A test of intelligence given after the teacher judgement accounted for 31% of the variance. The fact that the mother seems to be a better predictor of her child's school performance than the child himself, supports the assumption that parents, particularly mothers, are important mediators between the child and the outer world.  相似文献   
A comprehensive short-term fund-raising campaign, was launched in 1987 by a health charity organization in cooperation with the only Norwegian TV-channel covering the whole country. The campaign which was extensively announced on TV and other media and which involved large proportions of the population, finished up with a six hour TV-show on the fund-raising day. Because a considerable amount of information on prevention of heart disease was presented in connection with the campaign, it is presently evaluated as a nationwide health education campaign. Twenty-two per cent of the population reported changes in one or more habits in connection with the campaign (one third of them took more exercise, while one quarter reduced/quit their smoking). Health behaviour change among family/friends, reported new knowledge of health and worry created by the campaign, were the factors most clearly associated with self-reported behaviour change. The paper discusses the magnitude of the effects of the campaign in relation to the study design, and the importance of social environment and fear arousal on health behaviour.  相似文献   
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