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本文用主成分分析法对韦氏成人智力量表中国修订本(WAIS-RC)的城市与农村两个常模以及WAIS和WAIS-R进行因素分析,发现这三套测验都负荷较高的g因子;常识,领悟,相似性和词汇测验负荷较高的A(言语理解)因子,填图,木块图,图片排列和物体拼凑测验负荷较高的B(知觉组织)因子,而数字广度,算术和数字符号测验负荷较高的C(记忆/集中注意)因子。因子模型是极相似的,这说明WAIS-RC具有较好的结构效度,保持了原量表的功能。同时,所建立的因子模型也为使用者在使用测验和分析解释结果时提供了有用的参考资料。  相似文献   
韦氏儿童智力量表中国修订本(WISC-CR)的因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究用主成分分析和α因素分析两种方法对韦氏儿童智力量表中国修订本(WISC-CR)以及原量表WISC-R常模进行因素分析,并采用斜交旋转对初始因子矩阵进行转轴处理。结果表明:三因子模型比较符合WISC-CR的结构。常识、类同、词汇和理解四个分测验主要负荷言语理解因子;填图、图片排列、积木、拼图和迷津五个分测验主负荷知觉组织因子;而算术、背数和译码三个分测验主要负荷记忆/不分心因子。WISC-CR与WISC-R各分测验所负荷的各种因子一致性。83-.971,说明WISC-CR保持了原量表的功能,具有较好的结构效度。  相似文献   
王权  戴凌云 《心理学报》1997,30(1):99-104
该文提出了计量测验效度的一种统一方法。首先,根据测量目标由测验编制者提出一组可能的线性拟合模型,拟合模型的集合称作“测量目标结构空间”。然后运用实证性因素分析对各个假设的拟合模型进行多方面的拟合良好性检验。若其中的某一假设模型能最优地拟合预测资料,则该模型中的公共因素的方差总贡献与观测变量的总方差的比就可定义为该测验的效度  相似文献   
Recent studies have documented substantial variability among typical listeners in how gradiently they categorize speech sounds, and this variability in categorization gradience may link to how listeners weight different cues in the incoming signal. The present study tested the relationship between categorization gradience and cue weighting across two sets of English contrasts, each varying orthogonally in two acoustic dimensions. Participants performed a four-alternative forced-choice identification task in a visual world paradigm while their eye movements were monitored. We found that (a) greater categorization gradience derived from behavioral identification responses corresponds to larger secondary cue weights derived from eye movements; (b) the relationship between categorization gradience and secondary cue weighting is observed across cues and contrasts, suggesting that categorization gradience may be a consistent within-individual property in speech perception; and (c) listeners who showed greater categorization gradience tend to adopt a buffered processing strategy, especially when cues arrive asynchronously in time.  相似文献   
Personality disorders (PDs) are usually construed as psychiatric categories characterized by a unique configuration of traits and behaviors. To generate clinical hypotheses from normal personality trait scores, profile agreement statistics can be calculated using a prototypical personality profile for each PD. Multimethod data from 1,909 psychiatric patients in the People's Republic of China were used to examine the accuracy of such hypotheses in the Interpretive Report of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory. Profile agreement indices from both self-reports and spouse ratings were significantly related to PD symptom scores derived from questionnaires and clinical interviews. However, accuracy of diagnostic classification was only modest to moderate, probably because PDs are not discrete categorical entities. Together with other literature, these data suggest that the current categorical system should be replaced by a more comprehensive system of personality traits and personality-related problems.  相似文献   
本研究通过小组辅导的形式对学业不良学生进行学习心理辅导,帮助他们开发自身的学习潜能,提高学习适应性和学习效果。实验结果表明.小组辅导活动是帮助学业不良学生提高学习适应性和学习效果的一条重要途径。  相似文献   
选题是计算机化自适应测验(CAT)测试过程的关键环节,选题策略的目标是要达到较高的测量精度,同时也实现试题曝光率控制及其他测验目标的实现.本文根据选题策略的基本原理和衍生发展,将众多CAT选题策略分为五大选题策略系列:Fisher函数系列、K-LI函数系列、α分层系列、贝叶斯系列、b匹配系列;并根据测验目标(测验精度、试题曝光率控制、内容平衡、多条件约束)对这些选题策略进行了细分,并对CAT选题策略的选择思路进行归纳.  相似文献   
利用眼动分析技术,通过设置不同难度和分值的计算项目,探讨了在有时间压力下学习者的学习时间分配。结果发现:(1)在首次项目选择上,学习者优先选择学习率最高的项目;(2)在学习过程中,学习者的项目选择次序也是根据学习率由高到低。总之,在学习时间分配上,如果需要权衡难度与分值,学习者会考虑单位时间的获益,也就是以学习率为议程的主要依据。研究不仅利用眼动分析技术证实了基于议程的学习时间分配模型,而且进一步揭示了学习率是设置学习时间分配议程的重要依据。  相似文献   
本研究以词图匹配材料为学习材料,以“大多数人选择的情况”为社会性线索,通过分析行为表现和眼动指标,探讨了社会性线索对内隐和外显元认知监控的影响。结果显示:(1)第一次信心判断时,外显信心判断显著高估,内隐信心判断较为准确。第二次信心判断时,在线索一致条件下,外显信心判断等级显著高于内隐信心判断。(2)在提供社会性线索阶段和第二次再认阶段,与线索一致条件相比,线索不一致条件下被提示项的注视时间更短,而未提示项的注视时间更长,且个体改变选择的次数显著增多。结果表明:内隐和外显元认知监测存在分离,内隐监测的准确性更高,外显监测受社会性线索的影响更大;而内隐和外显的元认知控制受社会性线索的影响趋同。  相似文献   
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