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Food stealing is often a serious behavioral problem among children with diagnoses of autism and other developmental disorders. Very few empirical studies concerning this behavioral challenge have been reported. We applied a correspondence training procedure to teach self-control as replacement behavior to four children with autism and developmental disorders who displayed food stealing in the community. A changing criterion design embedded within a nonconcurrent multiple-probe across participants design was used. The treatment succeeded for all four participants by increasing latency to eating highly preferred food to a predetermined criterion and reducing occurrences of food stealing to zero. Three participants generalized the replacement behavior to natural settings and maintained the behavior for 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, and 4 months. One participant without expressive language was taught successfully during treatment trials but failed to maintain and generalize the behavior. A functional relation between delaying food eating and Say-Do correspondence training was demonstrated.  相似文献   
一、日本神道教的宗教动员在历次侵略战争中,日本军国主义政府以神道教为国教,发动佛教及其他宗教实施宗教动员。1.神道教的宗教动员思想神道教主张“神国日本”在世界上的绝对优越性,具有领导全世界的责任和神圣使命感。天皇是创造日本国的天照大神的直系子孙,具有神权,是日本唯一正统的统治者,国民必须对天皇绝对崇敬和绝对服从。而且臣民必须“忠于天皇”、“敬神崇祖”、“灭私奉公”,甚至要求“一旦如有缓急,当义勇奉公,以扶翼天壤无穷之皇运”,即要求一旦遇有战争等非常事态,要为天皇制国家卖命。而以天皇名义发动的战争则是“圣战”,…  相似文献   
浅论《管子》中的宏观调控理论体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《管子》中关于经济思想方面的内容较多,其从各个方面阐述了国家对经济进行宏观调控的必要性以及采取的各项政策和手段等,基本上形成了相对比较完整的宏观调控理论体系。其宏观调控理论对于中国古代社会的经济改革和管理都产生了很大的影响,在今天也具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
孟姜女传说,自春秋晚期发端于齐都临淄城郊以来,历经各代传承与演义,时至明清趋于完善、成熟,并普及全国、享誉世界,从而成为我国著名的四大传说之一。该传说在广泛流播的过程中,逐渐催生出了许多孟氏体裁的民间文艺作品,其中民间音乐占有很大比重。这些音乐作品的形成,首先追溯到齐国的哭调和齐人对孟姜女原型杞梁妻遭遇的感叹之歌。自汉代至明清,孟姜女音乐产生、繁荣,随之出现了流行全国的孟姜女调,从而形成了孟姜女音乐系列。  相似文献   
The directional solidification process of ternary Ag42.4Cu21.6Sb36 eutectic alloy within a wide growth rate range from 2 to 60 μm/s was accomplished at a constant temperature gradient of 50 K/cm. As growth rate increases, the ternary (θ(Cu2Sb) + ε(Ag3Sb) + Sb) eutectic morphology evolves from “lamellar (θ + ε) plus fibrous (Sb)” structure into “(θ + Sb) fibres in continuous ε matrix” structure. The θ and (Sb) phase spacings decrease with the increase of growth rate according to power functions with exponent values of 0.55 and 0.56, respectively. It is also found that the microhardness of directionally solidified Ag42.4Cu21.6Sb36 alloy samples is enhanced with the increase of growth rate, and the decrease of θ and (Sb) phase spacings.  相似文献   
先验主体性与客体性尽管在概念上相互对峙,但作为人类经验与实践的出发点,它们在运作上却从一开始就是浑然一体的。构成主体性是让在时空中对象化了的客体呈现在主体面前并获得意义的意向结构,意动主体性却是让主体获得目的性并将目的在与客体的相互作用中对象化的意向结构。在构成主体性和意动主体性之间的互动中协辩理性的介入,是使规范伦理学有可能在交互主体性的平台上展开的先决条件。  相似文献   
高校毕业生择业焦虑问卷的跨地区验证和比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对高校毕业生择业焦虑问卷的结构进行必要的修订和跨地区验证。使用修订后的问卷对内蒙古、陕西、山东、广东等四省区7所大学的1458名2007届毕业生进行调查,考察不同地区毕业生择业焦虑状况。结果表明:修订后的问卷具有较好的心理测量学指标和跨地区普遍适用性;不同地区高校毕业生的择业焦虑在4个维度和问卷总分上均存在显著差异。说明问卷的修订是有效的,可用于不同地区毕业生择业焦虑的测量和心理教育效果的评定;地区间的经济、文化、教育水平的差距可能是导致毕业生择业焦虑差异的主要因素。  相似文献   
Existing research applying the personal wellbeing index (PWI) in China is restricted to urban and rural samples. There are no studies for Chinese off-farm migrants. The specific aims of this study are: (a) ascertain whether Chinese off-farm are satisfied with their lives; (b) investigate the equivalence of the PWI in terms of its psychometric properties; and (c) examine whether the responses to the PWI from participants falls within the normative range predicted by the Theory of Subjective Wellbeing Homeostasis. The PWI demonstrated good psychometric performance in terms of its reliability and validity and was consistent with previous studies for Western and non-Western samples. The data revealed a moderate level of subjective well-being (PWI score = 62.6). While Chinese off-farm migrants lead hard lives, the PWI was within the normative range predicted for Chinese societies by the Theory of Subjective Wellbeing Homeostasis. A likely explanation for this finding rests with the circular nature of migration in China. When China’s off-farm migrants find it too difficult to cope in the cities, most have the fallback position that they can return to their homes in the countryside. This option provides an external buffer to minimize the inherent challenges of life which would otherwise impinge on the life satisfaction of China’s off-farm migrants.  相似文献   
本文介绍了后现代的文化表征形式及主要特点。指出后现代文化表征所展现的不确定性,反权威,反整合等特点对自我认同焦虑的影响,旨在对心理咨询理论及实践提供有意义的借鉴。  相似文献   
发展性阅读障碍是一种在获得阅读技能方面的特殊困难,其致病原因一直是该领域的核心问题。越来越多的研究表明视觉大细胞-背侧通路功能与阅读技能之间存在紧密联系。视觉大细胞-背侧通路缺陷可能是导致阅读障碍的主要原因之一。一些研究发现汉语阅读障碍儿童同样存在视觉大细胞-背侧通路缺陷。本文将回顾近些年汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童视觉大细胞-背侧通路功能的相关研究成果,并对该领域未来的发展方向做出展望。  相似文献   
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