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The résumé is the most commonly used selection tool for organisations. Past studies have demonstrated that recruiter hiring recommendations can be predicted based on the content of applicant résumés. However, the mechanisms underlying the links between résumé contents and hiring recommendations remain unclear. The present study extends previous research by examining the mediating roles of recruiters' multi‐faceted fit perceptions in a field setting. Data were collected from 216 organisational recruiters who participated in campus recruitment at seven universities in Taiwan. The results showed that applicant work experience and educational background increased recruiter hiring recommendations through recruiter perceived person–job (P–J) fit. In addition, applicant work experience predicted recruiter perceived person–organisation (P–O) fit, which in turn enhanced recruiter hiring recommendations.  相似文献   
任继愈先生以93岁高龄离我们而去了。我结识任先生的时间不长,是从1997年无神论学会重建时开始的。12年的接触,任先生给我留下了深刻的印象。  相似文献   
繁殖群中婴幼川金丝猴社会关系发展的个案研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
使用瞬时取样法,对繁殖笼内出生的两只婴幼川金丝猴进行连续22个月的行为记录。结果表明,川金丝猴婴猴断乳大约在19—20月龄;断乳表现为母婴之间矛盾冲突的过程;群内其他雌性对初生婴儿表现出明显的抢婴、护婴和育婴行为;父亲对婴幼猴表现出接纳和容忍的态度;婴儿在断乳前是群内全体成员保护和爱护的对象,以后开始进入社会关系网,受到成年个体的责备,但很轻微;雌性幼猴在32月龄时尚未被记录到对群内成员表现威胁、蜷缩和匍伏等行为模式。  相似文献   
一般认为,突触传递的长时程增强(Long-term potentiation,LTP)可能是学习和记忆的神经基础。我室的系列工作表明,大鼠在条件性行为的建立中,海马齿状回、CA_3、CA_1区均出现LTP样变化,并将之称为习得性LTP(Learning-de-pendent LTP),而且发现每次训练作业后突触效应的增强,经一段时间(4小时)后就  相似文献   
This research investigated the interplay between mood, disclosure language, and ad skepticism on consumers' recognition and evaluation of native advertising. During two online experiments, participants first received a mood manipulation and then read an article-style native advertisement. Results from both studies indicated that participants were more likely to recognize a native ad with an explicit rather than an implicit disclosure label, and a negative mood was more likely than a positive mood to drive participants to recognize the native ad. More importantly, participants in a positive mood evaluated a native ad with an implicit disclosure more favorably than an ad with an explicit disclosure. By contrast, participants in a negative mood responded more positively to a native ad with explicit disclosure compared to an ad with implicit disclosure. Study 2 demonstrated that the interaction between mood and disclosure language was further moderated by individuals' levels of ad skepticism. These results are believed to provide meaningful theoretical and practical implications to the field of native advertising and consumer behavior.  相似文献   
婴儿共同注意能力的发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
董奇  曾琦 《心理科学》1997,20(4):298-302
本研究采用严格的实验室测验法,从年龄趋势、学习能力、性别差异三方面考察了8~11个月婴儿共同注意能力的发展。结果表明:1)婴儿的共同注意力在8~11个月间逐步提高,9个月左右出现显著的发展性变化,但1岁以前,该能力的发展水平都较低;2)就共同注意而言,婴儿具有从练习经验中学习的可能性,且学习能力存在年龄差异,8个月的婴儿基本不能从练习中受益,而8个月以上的其他三组婴儿在练习后共同注意水平都有不同程度的提高;3)总体而言,女婴共同注意能力的发展水平显著地高于男婴。  相似文献   
8─11个月婴儿迂回行为发展特点与学习能力的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董奇  陶沙  曾琦  芦咏莉  王雁萍 《心理学报》1997,30(3):286-293
采用程序标准化的婴儿迂回行为测验,探讨了244名8-11个月婴儿的迂回行为发展特点及学习能力。结果表明:(1)8-11个月婴儿的迂回行为水平表现出随婴儿月龄的增长而提高的趋势。(2)8-11个月的婴儿具有从反复尝试中学会迂回行为的可能性,其中9、10个月的婴儿的学习可能性较大,而8个月婴儿的学习可能性较小。(3)8-11个月婴儿的学习速度随月龄增大而提高。  相似文献   
A study of the appearance-reality distinction in American 3- to 5-year-olds was replicated with Chinese 3- to 5-year-olds. The error patterns, age changes, and absolute levels of performance were similar in the two samples. It was speculated that the acquisition of this distinction may be a universal, possibly age-linked development that is probably fueled by experiences with appearance-reality discrepancies that are available in all cultures.  相似文献   
理想情感是人们期望获得的情感状态。情感评估理论认为文化对理想情感的塑造有着重要影响,主要的影响途径有文化体验、文化价值观和社会文化变化。理想情感对个体会产生具有文化特异性的影响,主要会影响个体的偏好及选择行为、混合情绪体验、身心健康和社会认知决策。理想情感研究未来发展可以着眼于4个方向:使用纵向视角研究理想情感,进一步探索理想情感的前因变量,打造适合中国文化的心理健康标准和通过认识理想情感来消除文化隔阂。  相似文献   
许多企业采用人工智能服务应答顾客需求,然而多项研究指出用户并不总是对此感到满意。本研究围绕着用户对AI的心灵知觉的产生和影响,探索了驱动用户对AI服务态度的关键因素及使用促进策略,包括(1)机理分析层面:用户与AI早期接触的线索和体验因素如何使得人们产生了AI“擅长计算却缺乏感受”的心灵知觉?(2)调节作用层面:不同的用户内部状态和AI外部特征怎样调节了这种心灵知觉的形成和激活?(3)促进策略层面:将AI拟动物化和提供技术援助为何能借助心灵知觉使得用户在更广泛的场景中接受来自AI的服务?本研究试图在学理层面构建一个基于心灵知觉理论的新型AI服务接受模型,为从理论上解释用户对AI服务的矛盾态度提供心理学参考;同时试图在实践层面上借助心灵知觉理论提出两种促进用户接受AI服务的路径方法,为企业在服务中提升AI的应用效能提供技术参考。  相似文献   
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