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The standard treatment for chronic hepatitis C (pegylated interferon and ribavirin) causes challenging physical and psychological side effects. The current pilot study evaluated the efficacy of a brief, telephone-based, cognitive-behavioral self-management intervention designed to address mood and quality of life within a sample of veterans on antiviral treatment for hepatitis C. Results from this pilot study support the feasibility of this telehealth intervention, showing that veterans were highly satisfied with the content of the intervention and compliant with the telephone calls. Findings further indicate that symptoms of depression and anxiety and mental health quality of life either remained stable or improved in those participants who received the brief telephone intervention, while those receiving usual care showed significant declines in mood and mental health quality of life. The findings from this study provide evidence that a brief, clinician-administered phone intervention may help individuals on antiviral therapy for hepatitis C to cope more effectively with the negative treatment side effects.  相似文献   
Our preferences are sensitive to social influences. For instance, we like more the objects that are looked-at by others than non-looked-at objects. Here, we explored this liking effect, using a modified paradigm of attention cueing by gaze. First, we investigated if the liking effect induced by gaze relied on motoric representations of the target object by testing if the liking effect could be observed for non-manipulable (alphanumeric characters) as well as for manipulable items (common tools). We found a significant liking effect for the alphanumeric items. Second, we tested if another type of powerful social cue could also induce a liking effect. We used an equivalent paradigm but with pointing hands instead of gaze cues. Pointing hands elicited a robust attention-orienting effect, but they did not induce any significant liking effect. This study extends previous findings and reinforces the view of eye gaze as a special cue in human interactions.  相似文献   
The authors examined the associations that underlie the orientations of bilingual Latino college students toward family and school. Participants completed, in English or Spanish, 3 implicit association tests assessing their attitude toward family vs. school, identifications with these concepts, and self-esteem. Results revealed a more positive attitude toward, and stronger identification with, family than school. Identification with family was stronger among participants who completed the study in English, suggesting self-definition in terms of distinctions from the context. Last, the more participants valued family over school and identified with family rather than school, the higher was their self-esteem. These findings shed light on the subtle, yet crucial, mechanisms by which cultural knowledge is incorporated in the self-concept of bilingual Latino college students.  相似文献   
The authors assessed the impact of training undergraduates in multicultural counseling competencies. When compared with a control group of students in a psychology of personality course (n = 20), repeated measures analyses of variance confirmed that multicultural counseling trainees (n = 21) significantly increased levels of multicultural counseling awareness and knowledge. As expected, there were no significant changes in either multicultural counseling skills or empathic responding. Los autores evaluaron el impacto de educar a estudiantes universitarios sobre las competencias de consejería multicultural. Comparados con un grupo de control matriculado en un curso de psicología de la personalidad (n = 20), un análisis de variaeión de medidas repetidas confirmó que los niveles de consciencia y conocimiento de los estudiantes de consejería multicultural (n = 21) fueron significativamente aumentados. Como esperado, no se observaron cambios significativos en las habilidades de consejería multicultural ni en las reacciones empáticas.  相似文献   
Gang youth are a concern to society because they are often associated with crime and acts of violence and are particularly at-risk for involvement in sexual victimization, relationship abuse, and inter-partner violence (IPV). The current study reviews the nature of the association between gang involvement and IPV. The study summarizes what is currently known about IPV and gangs, reviews risk factors that are connected to both gang membership and relationship violence, the manifestation of relationship abuse and violence among those affiliated or associate with gangs, and how factors such as gender roles and the social structure of gangs play a role in IPV risk. Eighteen articles met the criteria for the current study and are described in this review. Implications for the additive risk associated with gang involvement are discussed.  相似文献   
Recent reports suggest that hormone therapy (HT) with estrogen may have a protective effect on the ageing brain and cognitive function. However, clinical evidence regarding the cognitive effects in menopausal women under HT has produced conflicting results. The purpose of the present study was to assess and compare the cognitive effects after 6 months of HT in 30 early postmenopausal women, who were divided into three groups as follows: group I, Therapy conjugated equine estrogen (ET) CEE 0.625 mg/day (n = 10); group II, Estrogen‐Progestin Therapy (EPT), CEE 0.625 mg/day plus, chlormadinone 1 mg/day (n = 10); and group III, the control group, who did not receive treatment (n = 10). The three groups were matched by age and years of education. Exclusion criteria were: central nervous system diseases, severe cardiac disease, and clinical history of cancer and depression. Subjects were tested using a comprehensive battery for the evaluation of attention, memory and executive functions, which was standardized and validated in Spanish‐speaking subjects. The rate of cognitive change was defined by the difference between the measurements at the sixth month minus the baseline score. Mean group differences were assessed with MANOVA, followed by one‐way ANOVA considering statistical significance when p < .05; the alpha significance level .05 was corrected using the Bonferroni procedure. The EPT group showed higher scores than the control group and ET group in the Total Attention Score and in the copy of the Rey‐Osterreith Complex Figure. The ET group showed significantly higher scores than the control group and the EPT group in the subtest of Spatial Backward Span and in the Immediate Face Codification. The short‐term positive effects observed with HT in this sample could be related to the stimulation of brain receptors and/or neurotrophic factors that are still present at this age.  相似文献   
Students enrolled in a college success course were assigned to (a) a cognitive intervention using the Career Thoughts Inventory (CTI) workbook ( Sampson, Peterson, Lenz, Reardon, & Saunders, 1996b ), (b) an occupational research project involving an oral report, and (c) a control condition. The workbook condition had a significant effect on the CTI total score, whereas the research condition and the control condition did not. Both workbook and research conditions had a significant positive effect on decision‐making confusion and commitment anxiety.  相似文献   
Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) has been identified as a predictor for dating violence victimization; however, the mechanism for this relationship is unexplored. The current study examined whether fearful dating experiences may help explain the relationship between CSA and dating violence victimization. Participants (N =?327 college women) completed self-report measures of CSA, fearful dating experiences, and dating violence. In a mediational model test, CSA was found to be positively associated with fear in dating relationships and with dating violence victimization, fear was associated with dating violence victimization, and the effect of CSA on dating violence victimization scores was reduced after controlling for fear. A Sobel's test showed that fear partially mediated the relationship between CSA and current dating violence victimization.  相似文献   
The Health Equity Advancement Lab (HEAL) at the University of Iowa College of Public Health began in 2012 to support students, researchers, and community members interested in tackling persistent health inequities through a community‐based participatory research (CBPR) approach. Using concepts from critical consciousness theory, we developed an approach to building students’, faculty members’, and community partners’ capacity to engage in CBPR to promote health equity that involved immersion in developing CBPR projects. Our paper describes the evolution of HEAL as a facilitating structure that provides a support network and engages diverse stakeholders in critical reflection as they participate in research to advance health equity, and resulting political efficacy and social action. We describe one HEAL‐affiliated research project that employs a CBPR approach and has a strong focus on providing transformative learning experiences for students, faculty, and community members. We highlight challenges, successes, and lessons learned in the application of critical consciousness as a framework that engages diverse academic and community partners seeking to promote health equity. We argue that critical consciousness is a relevant theoretical framework to promote transformative learning among students, faculty, and community partners to promote health equity research in diverse communities.  相似文献   
Posttraumatic growth (PTG) is the positive psychological growth that a person might experience after enduring a traumatic event. PTG is a relatively new area of research identified by researchers because it represents a shift in thinking. Rather than focusing on the negative consequences of trauma, it explores the potential for positive outcomes associated with trauma. Although PTG is well documented across different types of traumas, it is unclear how this kind of growth stems from sexual violence, specifically. This review provides an overview of the literature concerning PTG that is associated with sexual violence. Results across the literature indicate that sexual violence is consistently associated with PTG. However, given the inconsistency in research designs, assessment, and operational definitions used to study PTG, many researchers suggest that it might be difficult to determine how and when PTG occurs. This study provides a literature review of the research on PTG in the aftermath of sexual violence. Important implications for future directions and trauma-based therapy are discussed and include the identification of relevant predictors, the importance of context, and how service providers might benefit from a better understanding of PTG.  相似文献   
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