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贾成龙  吴婷  孙莉  秦金亮 《心理学报》2023,55(3):455-468
依恋对象的敏感性回应是儿童安全依恋发展的重要前因。研究采用改编版依恋预期范式考察实时互动情境中依恋对象确定性和概率性回应对幼儿支持提供预期及预期修正的影响。结果发现:相对不安全型依恋幼儿,初始预期中安全型幼儿更多预期依恋对象会向依恋者提供支持;幼儿能够基于依恋对象的确定性和概率性回应一致地修正对该对象是否提供支持的预期。同时,低水平回应对幼儿预期修正的影响高于高水平回应。研究表明5岁左右幼儿能够基于实时互动中依恋对象的回应信息修正其对该依恋对象的预期,这对理解幼儿依恋表征的发展具有重要启示。  相似文献   
四组中国被试的归因在维度上相对位置的评定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究了中国被试对十项归因(心境、技巧、知识、机会、努力、帮助、能力、任务、偏好和运气)在五个维度(基源性、稳定性、控制性、预见性和普遍性)上相对位置的评定。并与钱德拉等人(Cbandler & Spies,1984),用美国被试所得的结果进行了比较。实验结果表明中国被试与美国被试评定的一致性达62%。此外,没有一项归因的评定是在维度的极端等极(1.0-2.0或6.0-7.0)。  相似文献   
传统统计方法面临的挑战:元分析方法   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
郭春彦  朱滢  李斌 《心理学报》1997,30(2):130-136
利用计算机构造实验组和控制组总体,进行传统统计方法与元分析比较实验研究。在实验组总体高出控制组总体0.50个标准差的提下,传统t检验的统计检验能力(P)仅为为41%;而利用元分析的方法进行统计分析,其结果与计算机构造模型有很高的一致性从而提出元分析方法在进入心理学实验研究和证实理论方面的有效性和可靠性,以及传统统计方法面临挑战的事实。  相似文献   
合作学习对小学生同伴关系、成就动机和成就影响的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
旨在探讨在我国开展合作学习教学的可行性,以及合作学习对小学生同伴关系、成就动机和成就水平的影响,运用自然实验和测量相结合的方法,选择了北京师范大学实验小学三年级两个班进行实验研究,其中一个班为实验班(n=35),另一个班为控制班(n=37).实验为期三个月。结果表明:合作学习在小学教学中不但是可行的,而且效果较为显著;合作学习对同伴关系的改善有着积极的影响,学生间的接纳度和被接纳度都有普遍的提高;合作学习在较大程度上激发了学生的成就动机水平,学生对合作学习的课程兴趣明显提高.成绩较差的学生表现得更为明显;合作学习对提高学生的学习成绩有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   
王徵(1571─1644)是明末天主教徒、维新派和机械工程学家,但长期以来为旧史学家所忽视。本文认为宋伯胤先生《明泾阳王徵先生年谱》一书,对王徵的科学成就和宗教信仰做出了公正的评价,恢复了他在历史上应有的地位。并从王徵的思想、政治经历,探讨了天主教信仰对他的影响,以及中西文化融合的可能与途径。  相似文献   
为了考察特质焦虑与青少年冒险行为的关系并基于双系统模型探究其中的影响机制,本研究采用特质焦虑问卷、简版自我控制量表、感觉寻求量表和青少年多领域冒险行为问卷对1720名12~18岁的青少年进行问卷调查,共回收有效数据1549份。结果发现:(1)特质焦虑能正向预测青少年的冒险行为,自我控制在特质焦虑与冒险行为间的关系中起中介作用;(2)感觉寻求调节了该中介过程的后半路径,即个体的感觉寻求水平越高,自我控制对冒险行为的预测作用越大。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Approximately 6,000 Americans die every year awaiting an organ transplant. Health promotion interventions may alleviate the shortage of viable organs by increasing the number of registered organ donors. This study is the first to evaluate the differential effectiveness of various organ donor messages in naturalistic settings. DESIGN: A 4 (Appeal)x4 (Exemplar)x4 (Location) counterbalanced quasi-experimental design was implemented. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The behavioral outcome measure was the number of individuals who registered to be organ donors at computer kiosks. RESULTS: A number of significant main effects and interactions emerged. Most notably, of the 4 different appeals (counterargument, emotional, motivating action, dissonance), counterargument was by far the most efficacious, especially in academic-type settings (library, university, community college); the emotional appeal was most successful in hospitals. CONCLUSIONS: The findings from this study have implications for both organ donor investigations and health campaign research in general. Statistical interactions highlight the importance of evaluating multiple exemplars in multiple locations for each type of appeal when conducting health campaign research.  相似文献   
一、从国际国内的大环境看20世纪70年代以来,一股新蒙昧主义在世界范围内泛滥成灾。它大肆宣传超自然现象的存在,特别是打着人体科学、生命科学的幌子,极力鼓吹人体的所谓超常功能。在它的带动下,传统有神论的种种货色亦乘机死灰复燃……一时间,沸沸扬扬,闹得乌烟瘴气。它已不再仅仅局限于民间,而  相似文献   
Teachers can be biased, especially toward low achievers and students with behavioral issues. However, creative students often appear to be disruptive in the classroom, and many of them struggle academically. The purpose of the present study was to examine the extent to which teachers’ perceptions of students’ creativity is associated with students’ academic achievement and classroom (mis)behaviors, as well as to examine the interaction between these two factors. Three hundred and fifty‐four eighth‐grade students selected from five middle schools in China participated in this study. Using achievement scores, peer nominations, a divergent thinking test, a self‐rated ideational behavior scale, and teacher ratings, the present study found that, whereas creativity has no significant relationship with teachers’ perceptions, academic achievements and misbehavior are significantly associated within structors’ perceptions. The achievement bias resulted in the underestimation of low achievers’ creativity, even when the low achievers were highly creative. More nuances emerged when student misbehaviors were considered. Specifically, misbehaving low achievers’ originality was further underestimated even when they were highly original. In contrast, teachers overestimated well‐behaved high achievers’ creativity, even when the students comprised the lowest creativity group. The results are further discussed from a socio‐cultural perspective.  相似文献   
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