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A biodevelopmental model of insomnia is articulated specifying coordinated nighttime (disturbed sleep pattern) and daytime (no excessive daytime sleepiness) characteristics defining an insomnoid classification in at-risk groups: short sleepers and older adults. Pupillometry is proposed as a useful means of discriminating degree of daytime sleepiness to aid in the differential diagnosis of insomnia and insomnoid states, and the present study tested the discriminative validity of this approach. Noninsomniac (n = 34) and insomniac (n = 29) college students submitted to four 10 min pupillometry sessions tracking daytime sleepiness from morning arising to bedtime. Pupil diameter proved to be an able discriminator of these two groups though substantial overlap of the two distributions was also noted. The results supported the sensitivity of pupillometry in detecting daytime sleepiness, but yielded alternative interpretations. We observed statistical differentiation in insomniac and noninsomniac daytime sleepiness, but substantial, functional overlap between these groups. Assessment and treatment implications arising from the biodevelopmental model were hypothesized.  相似文献   
A study of the appearance-reality distinction in American 3- to 5-year-olds was replicated with Chinese 3- to 5-year-olds. The error patterns, age changes, and absolute levels of performance were similar in the two samples. It was speculated that the acquisition of this distinction may be a universal, possibly age-linked development that is probably fueled by experiences with appearance-reality discrepancies that are available in all cultures.  相似文献   
张亚利  李森  俞国良 《心理科学进展》2020,28(11):1836-1852
孤独感与手机成瘾均是当下生活中较为常见的现象, 诸多研究基于不同的理论视角探讨了两者间的内在联系, 但研究结果却存在很大分歧。为明确两者之间的整体关系, 以及产生分歧的原因, 对检索后获得的121项研究(124个效应值)使用随机效应模型进行了元分析。结果发现:孤独感与手机成瘾存在中等程度的正相关(r = 0.25, 95% CI = [0.23, 0.27]); 两者的相关性受被试年龄群体的调节, 成年人群体中的相关系数显著高于青少年群体, 但两者的相关性不受性别、孤独感和手机成瘾测量工具的影响。结果表明孤独感与手机成瘾关系密切, 支持了补偿性网络使用理论和自我调节缺陷模型。未来应加强纵向研究或实验研究进一步揭示孤独感与手机成瘾的作用方向。  相似文献   
大约100年前,中国的佛教改革家太虚和德国的社会学家马克斯·韦伯相继注意到了佛教和基督教两者与社会经济之间的亲疏关系,并对此予以了研究,但由于条件所限,研究工作均未能深入.之后近百年,东西方许多有识之士对造成佛教、佛教徒和佛教国家在适应资本主义经济生产方式方面长期落后的原因进行了探讨,这种探讨在现代社会尤其受人关注.本文通过对佛教和基督教信仰模式的对比,对形成二教经济差距的原因进行了尝试性的研究分析.  相似文献   
张亚利  李森  俞国良 《心理学报》2021,53(3):273-290
社交媒体使用与错失焦虑均是当下生活中较为常见的现象, 诸多研究探讨了两者间的内在联系, 但研究结果却存在很大差异。为明确两者之间的整体关系, 以及产生分歧的原因, 对检索后获得的65项研究(70个独立样本)使用随机效应模型进行了元分析。结果发现:社交媒体使用与错失焦虑存在显著正相关(r = 0.38, 95% CI [0.34, 0.41]); 二者的相关强度受社交媒体使用测量指标和社交媒体类型的调节, 但不受性别、年龄、错失焦虑测量工具和个体主义指数的调节。结果一定程度上澄清了大众传播的社会认知理论和数字恰到好处假说的争论, 表明社交媒体使用程度越高的人往往也会伴随着较高水平的错失焦虑。防止社交媒体过度使用, 尤其是引导大众合理使用以图像为中心并且开放度较高的社交媒体有助于错失焦虑的缓解。  相似文献   
运用方便取样的方法从河北省选取河北大学、河北科技大学、邢台学院3所高校共522名大一至大四学生,采用问卷法考察手机成瘾倾向在无聊倾向与认知失败间的中介作用,以及独生与非独生对上述中介作用的调节作用。结果发现(1)无聊倾向、手机成瘾倾向与认知失败两两均呈显著正相关;(2)大学生手机成瘾倾向在无聊倾向外部刺激因子与认知失败的关系间起到部分中介作用;(3)是否独生能够调节无聊倾向内部刺激因子与手机成瘾倾向之间的关系,只有独生群体中内部刺激才能显著预测手机成瘾倾向。  相似文献   
There is an increasing awareness that the astrocytes in the immature periventricular white matter are vulnerable to ischemia and respond to inflammation. Here we provide a synopsis of the articles that have evaluated the causes and consequences of developmental brain injuries to white matter astrocytes as well as the consequences of several genetic mutations that result in abnormal astrocyte development. Emerging data suggest that the astrocytes are not simply responding to the injury but are likely victims as well as culprits. Given the important roles that astrocytes play in maintaining ionic, neurotransmitter, and metabolic homeostasis in the brain, a more thorough understanding of the mechanisms that lead to their incapacitation, demise, or reactions as well as a better understanding of the stimuli that regulate their neuroprotective and regenerative properties will enable these cells to be manipulated to preserve the integrity of white matter and to potentially provide therapeutics to enhance neonatal regeneration and recovery from brain injury.  相似文献   

En este artículo se pone a prueba la influencia de efectos placebo en la aceptación de informes evaluativos y diagnósticos por los sujetos. Tras introducir brevemente el tema y plantear las hipótesis, los autores describen el método y los resultados de su investigación. En la discusión explican que estos resultados sugieren que la aceptación del diagnóstico que ofrece un profesional es un fenómeno general independiente de las características personales de los individuos que lo reciben, poniendo en entredicho el fenómeno de la validación personal y, al mismo tiempo, interactúa con determinadas características profesionales de los sujetos, ligadas a imágenes de personalidad a las que son más propensos. Los autores también analizan una limitación importante de su trabajo, el tamaño reducido de la muestra, y finalizan destacando que es el contenido del informe, más que el tipo de pruebas o profesionales, lo que parece afectar diferencialmente a distintos grupos profesionales.  相似文献   

The interaction between interfacial dislocations and γ/γ′ interface is critical to the high temperature creep properties of single crystal superalloys. However, only a few studies have paid attention to the detailed structure such as local interfacial morphologies and the elemental distribution around interfacial dislocations. In this paper, the interfacial protrusions and related dislocations in a single crystal superalloy after creep at high temperature – low stress have been investigated in detail. It is found that the morphology and size of the interfacial protrusions remain almost the same during the early and middle stages of high temperature creep, which indicates a local equilibrium at the interfacial protrusions. Steps at different height are formed at the γ/γ′ interface at the initial stage of high temperature creep since dislocations could move along the γ/γ′ interface, which indicates that dislocation motion at different creep stage may affect the morphology of γ/γ′ interface.  相似文献   
This study examined a moderated mediation model testing whether dysmorphic concern is related to behaviour altered to change appearance. This relationship is potentially mediated by depressive symptomatology (dysphoria and self-esteem) and ideas of reference about “laughing, commenting” and “attention, appearance,” and each mediated relationship moderated by sex. The sample was made up of 3377 adolescents from 12 to 18 years old (Mage = 14.52; SD = 1.65, 56.5% girls). The results showed that dysphoria and ideas of reference about “laughing, commenting” and “attention, appearance” partially mediated the relationship between dysmorphic concern and behavioural impairment related to body image. The relationship with dysphoria was moderated by sex, such that the mediation effect was stronger in girls than in boys. This result implies that girls who are worried about some characteristic of their appearance and show dysphoria are at greater risk of altered behaviour involving avoidance or controlling their appearance than boys. In addition, a possible risk of body dysmorphic disorder (3.45% of the sample) was found, with very prominent hiding behaviour using clothing or control behaviours, such as frequent weighing and looking at oneself in the mirror too much. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
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