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This study aims at verifying the inner validity and logic of a squash competition decision-making model through the use of computer simulation. The model defines the cognitive-decisional strategy of the defending player (D) when selecting a motor reaction in response to his opponent's shot. Computer simulation of the model was carried out on a PDP-10 computer using a recent version of UCI-LISP. Protocol analysis data pertaining to the nature of the information D processes when awaiting the attacking player's shot were fed into the simulation program in order to examine the extent to which the model can reproduce decisions reached in various defensive contexts. Simulation results reveal that the proposed model can account for a substantial part of the variation in the speed and accuracy of D's motor reaction in real sport situations. Several factors like time pressure, expectancies, uncertainty, recency and familiarity of the relationship between signal and response appear to affect D's motor response via the cognitive-decisional strategy employed by the defending player. Particular discrepancies observed between simulation results and decisions reached by expert players in specific defensive situations nevertheless indicate that the decision rule utilized within the present model needs to be refined. In this regard, several issues are discussed and suggestions for further simulation studies are put forward in order to account more precisely for the various features characterizing the defensive player's motor reaction in real sporting context. 相似文献
The purpose of this investigation was to examine further the contention of Alain et al. (1988) that a third priming type exists, called nonselective restricted (NSR) and controlled by response probability, which is distinct from those types influenced by foreperiod duration (nonselective general priming) and prediction probability (selective priming). In a four-choice reaction time (RT) task, prediction probability (.5, .7, & .9, indicating the likelihood of a particular response) and response probability (.5, .9, denoting the likelihood that a response would be needed at all) exerted significant but noninteractive effects on RTs for prepared responses (most probable), suggesting that each of these probabilities influence different priming types (Sternberg, 1969; selective and NSR, respectively). This was further indicated by the fact that prediction probability, but not response probability, significantly altered RTs for the unprepared (lesser probable) responses. Finally, the hypothesized nonselective character of NSR priming (i.e., all outputs controlled by response probability are equally affected by its value changes) was supported when responses were equiprobable, and, while the null effect of response probability just mentioned seemingly argued against this property when selective priming took place, the interpretation provided herein negated this opposition. 相似文献
Bruno Berberian Jean-Christophe Sarrazin Marie-Dominique Giraudo 《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(3):215-238
The organization of tonal-temporal information in a memory task was studied in two experiments. The stimuli consisted of four different configurations of eight beeps, presented sequentially. In two configurations, the stimuli were tonal-time congruent, with (constant or variable) inter-stimulus tonal distances corresponding to (constant or variable) inter-stimulus time intervals. In the two other configurations, the stimuli were tonal-time incongruent, with (constant or variable) inter-stimulus tonal distances not corresponding to (variable or constant) inter-stimulus time intervals. After a learning phase consisting of 20 presentations of the target configuration, participants reproduced the spatial (Experiment 1) or temporal (Experiment 2) characteristics of the target 60 times in succession without ever re-examining the target configuration. Classically, in incongruent space-time conditions, the effects of variable inter-stimulus time intervals or inter-stimulus space intervals on the reproduction of constant distances (Tau effect) and constant durations (Kappa effect), respectively, are observed. However, our results showed that this was not the case when the spatial dimension was substituted for the tonal dimension (i.e., the distances between consecutive tones). The results are discussed in the light of the properties of the physical versus frequential space, that is, of a tonal dimension in which the different frequencies were considered as the spatial dimension. 相似文献
JC Helbing 《Psychologie appliquee》1984,33(3):335-350
Past studies have found that risk perceptions of suffering from diseases play an important role in the development of intentions to perform physical activity (PA). According to the behaviour motivation hypothesis, perceived risk could be positively and directly related to PA, but this possibility has been ignored and/or underestimated. Accounting for recent methodological developments on the importance of study design and risk perception assessment, the purpose of the present study was to examine the risk-perceptions-PA relationship among older adults. Participants (N=143) aged from 61 to 70 years initially underwent measurement of risk perceptions, baseline PA, socio-demographic and health factors. Six months later, they were asked about their PA participation. Multiple regression analyses revealed that perceived risk of suffering from diseases and conditions without regular PA participation was an independent positive predictor of later PA, over and beyond baseline behaviour, socio-demographic and health variables. This study fills a gap in the existing literature on the PAs of older adults and reveals that risk perceptions are directly linked to their participation. In addition, it extends existing knowledge in health psychology on the behaviour motivation hypothesis, and emphasises the necessity of methodological adjustments when assessing the risk-perception-behaviour relationship. 相似文献
Aïna Chalabaev Philippe Sarrazin David Trouilloud Lee Jussim 《Journal of applied social psychology》2009,39(10):2469-2498
This research investigated different forms of sex bias in teacher expectations relative to gymnastics performance. First, a laboratory experiment including 163 physical education teachers confirmed that stereotypes favorable to boys may influence teacher expectations in gymnastics. Next, a naturalistic study involving 15 teachers and 422 students showed that teachers expected no sex differences, even though girls performed better than boys. However, this sex bias was a result of reliance on nondiagnostic student personal characteristics favorable to boys, rather than on a stereotype per se. These results suggest that egalitarian beliefs may mask a bias in favor of a social group when group differences actually exist, and that sex‐biased teacher expectations do not inevitably involve an influence of sex stereotypes. 相似文献
Jean-Philippe Heuzé Philippe Sarrazin Manuel Masiero Nicolas Raimbault Jean-Philippe Thomas 《Journal of Applied Sport Psychology》2013,25(3):201-218
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships of perceived motivational climate to cohesion and collective efficacy in elite female teams. A total of 124 basketball and handball athletes completed two season measures (T1, T2). Relationships were examined at an individual level both statically and across time. Canonical correlations revealed that a combination of high perceptions of an ego-involving but low perceptions of a task-involving climate were associated with low perceptions of task cohesion at Time 1. High perceptions of a task-involving but low perceptions of an ego-involving climate were associated with higher perceptions of task cohesion and collective efficacy at Time 2. Moreover, low perceptions of an ego-involving and moderately low perceptions of a task-involving climate were associated with high perceptions of social cohesion at Time 2. Regression analyses including autoregressive influence indicated that a task-involving climate positively predicted variance in T2 group integration-task and collective efficacy after controlling for T1 scores. In contrast, an ego-involving climate negatively predicted changes in T2 athletes’ perceptions of social cohesion (individual attractions to the group-social [ATG-S], group integration-social [GI-S]) and group integration-task [GI-T] after controlling for T1 scores. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. 相似文献
P. Sarrazin R. Vallerand E. Guillet L. Pelletier F. Cury 《European journal of social psychology》2002,32(3):395-418
The purpose of this study was to test a motivational model of sport dropout that integrates the four‐stage causal sequence proposed by the Hierarchical Model of Vallerand ( 1997 ) and elements from achievement goal theory (Nicholls, 1989 ). The model posits that a task involving motivational climate facilitates, while an ego‐involving climate undermines, perceptions of competence, autonomy, and relatedness. In turn, feeling incompetent, non‐autonomous, and unrelated to others undermines self‐determined motivation toward handball which leads to the intention of dropping out of the game. Finally, such intentions are implemented later. Three hundred and thirty‐five female handballers completed a motivation questionnaire and were followed for 21 months. Results from structural equation modelling analyses provided basic support for the model. The findings are discussed in the light of their theoretical and applied implications. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
JC Beall 《Australasian journal of philosophy》2013,91(1):113-118
Humean metaphysics is characterized by a rejection of necessary connections between distinct existences. Dispositionalists claim that there are basic causal powers. The existence of such properties is widely held to be incompatible with the Humean rejection of necessary connections. In this paper I present a novel theory of causal powers that vindicates the dispositionalist claim that causal powers are basic, without embracing brute necessary connections. The key assumptions of the theory are that there are natural types of causal processes, and that manifestations of powers are identified with certain kinds of causal processes. From these assumptions, the modal features of powers are explained in terms of internal relations between powers themselves and the process-types in which powers are manifested. 相似文献
This study aims at specifying some of the cognitive processes underlying decision-making in squash competition. More specifically, the study focuses on the strategy of the defending player (D) when chosing among three categories of preparation (total preparation for one particular event, partial preparation in favor of one event and absence of biased preparation). D is viewed as an information processing system (IPS) placed in a problem-solving situation, the problem being what decision to reach. The results obtained in a preceding investigation about the nature of the information processed by a player to anticipate and prepare for the opponent's shot in a real game setting, are used to determine a typical protocol of the behavior of D. The analysis of this protocol allows one to formally define (in Backus-Normal-Form) the problem space of D which is also D's internal representation of the task environment. From the problem space are derived (1) the problem behavior graph depicting the search of D through his problem space for a solution, and (2) the production system (a set of conditional statements, each expressing what to do under specific conditions) defining the logic of the search. The results of this first phase of the simulation study of a decision-making model of squash competition show that the cognitive strategy of D is based upon the use of a specific preformed algorithm. This algorithm could be stored in some long-term memory and activated by the current state of information in short-term memory. Finally, the proposed model also leads to the suggestion that the cognitive strategy of the performer may be influenced by a variety of factors such as the experience of the player, the time pressure, the expectancies, the performer's confidence in his predictions and the mistakes caused by incorrect predictions. 相似文献