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尚杰 《世界哲学》2004,(4):59-81
索绪尔的宏大构想,是展示一个伟大发现:存在着种种神的名字,诗人以神秘而固定的样式创制出来,编织入(梵文、希腊文、拉丁文)古诗的行节中,这些名称经由依次选择数个特定的字,使其可被人理解。简括地说,索绪尔发现诗是双层的:行上覆行,字上覆字,词上覆词,能指上覆能指。这种变换字序以形成新词的圆转若环的现象,索绪尔以为到处都可见;他被它迷住了;若是听不到原初意义的籁籁细响,他就无法读一行诗。若干字结了盟,播撒遍了诗行,历历在目……意义决不是单一的,数个字形成一个词,虽则每个字理性上都是毫无意义的,字继续在我们身上寻觅它的自由,去意指别的什么。  相似文献   
尚庆飞 《学海》2007,2(6):5-11
十一届三中全会以来,以邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛为代表的中国共产党人,以毛泽东的终点为起点,在社会主义处于低潮,马克思主义受到挑战的国际大背景下,领导中国走上具有中国特色的社会主义发展道路.在新的国情和实践基础上,他们坚持和发展实事求是思想路线,不断总结经验,创新理论,从而将马克思主义中国化的事业不断推向前进.在党的十七大即将召开之际,总结、概括并把握马克思主义中国化的发展脉络和创新逻辑,对于21世纪中国特色社会主义的建设,必将具有十分重大的实践意义和理论价值.  相似文献   
Animal Cognition - Exploring new and unfamiliar environments is critical for survival, providing information on food, shelter, mates, and sources of danger. The open field paradigm is commonly used...  相似文献   
In the present paper, we describe a method for recording the coordinates of a fish in an aquarium in a three-dimensional space, using a single video camera and a mirror. We use photogrammetic equations for this, considering the image obtained in the mirror as a virtual image obtained by a second camera. A transformation of the coordinate system is required to express the obtained coordinates in anx,y,z system defined by the edges of the aquarium. The accuracy of the proposed method was estimated, and errors in extreme conditions were found to be 0.8% to 1.2 %, compared with the dimensions of the aquarium used in the test.  相似文献   
Two experiments tested whether a dogmatic alcohol prevention message may, by arousing psychological reactance (the motivation to reassert a threatened freedom) result in more subsequent alcohol consumption, compared to a neutral message. In Study 1, 535 college students received either a high-threat (dogmatic) or low-threat (neutral) message recommending either abstinence or controlled drinking. Results indicated that high-threat messages were rated more negatively and resulted in more drinking intentions compared to low threat. The negative effect of high threat on message ratings was most pronounced for habitually heavy drinkers and an abstinence-espousing message. In Study 2, under the guise of a “memory study,” 74 college students received either a high- or low-threat message recommending abstinence from alcohol. Then, under the guise of a “perception study,” all subjects participated in a taste-rating task in which their beer consumption was unobtrusively measured. Results indicated that the effect of high threat was most negative for male heavy drinkers, who drank significantly more beer compared to low-threat controls. These results suggest that the persuasive ability of alcohol prevention efforts depend to a considerable extent on the reactance-arousing properties of the materials and that dogmatic alcohol prevention materials may have counterproductive effects for some college students.  相似文献   
风险偏好预测中的性别差异和框架效应   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
11 8名大学生被试在得益和损失两种任务框架下对自己、其他男性和女性的风险偏好进行了预测。结果发现 ,被试在损失框架下对各类对象风险偏好的预测均高于得益框架 ,且都高估了男性的风险偏好 ,低估了女性的风险偏好。在损失框架下 ,女性被试对各类对象的风险偏好预测高于男性的预测。研究认为 ,性别原型知识、任务框架和即时情绪共同影响被试的风险偏好预测。  相似文献   
隐藏情绪识别对公共安全防范与预警具有重要的意义。微表情是揭示隐藏情绪的一条重要通道。但目前隐藏情绪研究较少且微表情因其细微幅度与快速出现等特性难以识别, 其研究尚未在实际中广泛应用。因为, 隐藏情绪的认知与表达机理亟需系统的研究,采集实际场景中的微表情数据, 并以脑电信号辅助微表情的精确标注是提高微表情标注效率的有效途径。深入研究微表情识别方法, 并辅以人脸颜色、注视估计和非接触生理信号等多通道数据, 以检测与识别隐藏情绪。社会公共安全是隐藏情绪分析和识别的典型场景。面向精神疾病患者两害行为(即危害自身或他人的危险行为)风险评估和服刑人员会见场景隐藏情绪检测, 可以有效地对相应系统和方法进行验证和修正。  相似文献   
Middle school students in Lushan county (N = 315) were assessed 6 months after the Yaan earthquake using a trauma severity questionnaire, a posttraumatic fear questionnaire, a social support questionnaire and a posttraumatic growth inventory to examine the effects of posttraumatic fear and social support in the relationship between trauma severity and posttraumatic growth (PTG). The results showed that posttraumatic fear mediated the relationship between trauma severity and PTG, and social support moderated the relationship between posttraumatic fear and PTG. These findings suggested that trauma severity could be positively associated with PTG in a direct way or in an indirect way through posttraumatic fear. Moreover, posttraumatic fear had a positive relation to PTG under the condition of high social support level, whereas the relation was non‐significant when the level of social support was low. These results were discussed in terms of their implications for adolescents after trauma.  相似文献   
Sans résumé  相似文献   
Understanding whether and why individuals' emotional responses are different to the same behaviour performed by different others is important for understanding phenomena in social interaction. Given that there is no relevant research in Eastern culture testing such issues, the present research including two studies was conducted with Chinese samples and investigated whether Easterners experience more vicarious guilt about close ones' immoral behaviours than distant ones' immoral behaviours and the underlying mechanism of the effect. Study 1 showed that people felt more guilty when recalling close ones' misdeeds than distant ones' misdeeds. Study 2 replicated the findings of Study 1 using the scenario method and demonstrated that behavioural control partially mediated the effect of relationship closeness on vicarious guilt, that is, people reported more behavioural control over close ones' immoral behaviours, which in turn resulted in more vicarious guilt. Implications for social interaction and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
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