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Volunteers and nonvolunteers have generally been compared on demographic and personality data. Little research is available on attitudinal differences between these groups. As part of a large study on commitment to the police department, 215 officers were asked to participate in a two-stage study. The first stage asked subjects to complete a large questionnaire that included a moral commitment scale and a calculative commitment scale. In order to analyze future behavior, participants were asked to supply their ID number. Results showed that volunteers were more committed than nonvolunteers, particularly on an identification with the organization factor. Some implications of the findings, as well as supportive data, are discussed.  相似文献   
Recently, an investment model integrating several interdependence-type variables has been proposed to explain commitment in social and organizational settings. The model includes the components of costs, rewards, investments, and alternatives, and has served well in predicting specific outcomes such as job turnover and romantic commitment. The purpose of the present study was to determine the degree to which the investment model can be extended to a new area—commitment to musical activities—and to assess the extent to which commitment profiles generated by the model vary across musical preference groups. Results from a sample of 87 musical devotees demonstrated that the investment model is a valid means of accounting for commitment to participation in musical activities. In addition, distinctive profiles for each group—classical and nonclassical—were identified.  相似文献   
In response to new theoretical conceptualizations (Raven, 1992, 1993), an instrument was developed to measure 11 bases of power, the original 6 French and Raven (1959; Raven, 1965) bases of power, with 3 of these further differentiated: reward (personal, impersonal), coercion (personal. impersonal), legitimate (position, reciprocity, equity, dependence), expert, referent, and information. In Study 1, 317 American student respondents rated the likelihood that each of these power bases contributed to a supervisor successfully influencing a subordinate in a series of hypothetical situations. The internal consistency of the items which made up the 11 power bases proved adequate. Factor analysis found 7 factors and 2 categories of bases: harsh and soft. In Study 2, which used 101 Israeli health workers, the earlier findings were generally supported. In addition, job satisfaction was found to be positively related to the attribution of soft bases to the supervisor.  相似文献   
Investigators of the relationship among the two attitude measures: Job satisfaction and job commitment, and intention to leave a job, generally used cross-sectional analysis. Using a longitudinal design over a five-month period, the present study examined the causal link between intention to leave and each of the attitude measures. A total of 39 policemen agreed to complete the questionnaire twice. Results showed that an increase in commitment causes a decrease in the intention to leave. Although not significant, the trend for job satisfaction was in the same direction. Intention to leave was not a cause of either attitude measure. Some of the implications of the present findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.
Les études sur la relation entre l'intention de quitter son emploi et les mesures des deux attitudes que sont la satisfaction et l'implication au travail ont généralement fait appel à la méthode transversale. A partir d'un plan d'enquête longitudinal s'étendant sur une période de cinq mois, notre recherche a porté sur le lien causal existant entre le projet de démission et chacune des deux attitudes. 59 agents de police ont accepté de remplir deux fois le questionnaire. Il apparaït qu'un accroissement de l'implication entraïne un déclin du projet de départ. Il en est de même pour la satisfaction professionnelle, bien que le liaison ne soit pas significative. L'envie de démissionner ne détermine aucune des deux mesures d'attitudes. On examine les conséquences de ces résultats et des suggestions pour les recherches à venir sont avancées.  相似文献   
The power literature supports the notion that power‐base preferences can serve as a means for gaining advantage over others, thereby satisfying the personal self. Here, we inquired whether the use of power bases also serves as a means for gaining in‐group advantage, thereby satisfying the social self. A 2 × 3 × 2 design, including group membership (in‐group/out‐group), influencing agent's status (low, same, high), and gender as independent variables was employed. After reading scenarios describing work‐situation conflicts that differed by the relative status of the influencing agent and group membership of the target person, students and workers completed the Interpersonal Power Inventory for assessing power usage. In general, participants attributed greater use of harsh bases toward the out‐group. Status effects were obtained for in‐group targets and were less clear for out‐group targets. The discussion addresses theoretical implications for both the power interaction model and social identity theory, as well as practical ones for intergroup relations in organizations.  相似文献   
Studies of social power use have frequently employed self‐report instruments that are prone to response bias. In the present study, an experimental design was conducted in which 100 participants were asked to gain compliance from in‐group and out‐group members. We tested whether harsh tactics—often used for elevating self‐image at the dyadic level—also provide a means for gaining advantage at the group level. For this purpose, self‐esteem and self‐efficacy were examined as possible moderators. Findings indicated that self‐esteem interacted with target group: Low self‐esteem participants used harsh tactics more frequently toward in‐group than out‐group members; and moderate and high self‐esteem participants used harsh tactics more frequently toward out‐group than in‐group members. The process involved in this interaction is discussed.  相似文献   
The study examined whether the Power Interaction Model is applicable for explaining the choice of power tactics in conflict situations among Israeli married couples. In addition, gender role ideology was tested as a moderator of the relationship between power usage and marital satisfaction. Seventy-eight couples reported on self usage and spouse’s usage of power tactic behaviors during conflicts and completed questionnaires assessing marital satisfaction, gender role ideology (traditional, liberal) and demographics. Findings indicated greater agreement within couples for harsh rather than for soft tactic preference. As expected, preference for harsh tactics was associated with lower marital satisfaction yet gender role ideology moderated this association. The role of conflict and power usage in traditional and liberal families was addressed.  相似文献   
Research on computer attitudes has generally focused on describing the cognitive elements. The present study used the Ajzen and Fishbein model to predict intentions to work hard in a computer course and actual time on the computer. In addition, the influence of experience on predictions was examined. Results from 74 social science students showed that the Ajzen and Fishbein model is effective at predicting both intentions and behavior. Unlike previous findings, experience did not interact with attitudes. Finally, a short cognitive attitude scale was an additional significant predictor beyond intentions in explaining behavior variance.  相似文献   
The present study examined the effects of gender and status on the use of power strategies. The experiment consisted of a computer‐based problem‐solving task performed in pairs, where participants interacted with simulated long‐distance partners. Participants were 36 female and 38 male undergraduate students, who were assigned to be influencing agents and were required to convince their partners to accept their help in the problem‐solving process. Status was manipulated by the extent to which partners were dependent upon the participants' resources. Partners were either same sex or other sex. Results indicated an interactive effect of agent gender by status. Men used more frequently ‘masculine’‐typed and less frequently ‘feminine’‐typed strategies than did women in low status positions, whereas in high status positions no significant gender differences in power strategy choices were found. These findings suggest that gender differences and similarities vary according to social contexts. Implications of the findings for both theory and practice are discussed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
On a développé un modèle intégrateur de la relation existant entre la participation à la prise de décision à 1'occasion d'un changement dans 1'organisation et les attitudes professionnelles (implication, satisfaction et sentiment d'efficacité). Le modèle présente une variable indépendante, la décision, stratégique ou tactique, concernant le changement et deux variables intermédiaires, la somme des contrôles exercés dans 1'organisation et 1'acceptation du changement. Grâce à un échantillon de 232 fonctionnaires, on a pu montrer que le modèle "Participation à la prise de décision tactique somme des contrôles acceptation du changement attitudes professionnelles" rendait mieux compte des données que les modèles concurrents. Diverses questions théoriques et pratiques sont discutées et les limites de la recherche soulignées.
An integrative model of the relationship between participation in decision making (PDM) during an organisational change and work attitudes (organisational commitment, job satisfaction, and sense of effectiveness) was developed. The model contains one antecedent variable, type of change decision (i. e. strategic or tactical), and two mediators, total organisational control and change acceptance. A sample of 232 government workers provided evidence that the proposed model, PDM in tactical decisions total control → change acceptance → work attitudes, fits the data better than competing models. Theoretical and practical considerations are discussed and limitations for the study outlined.  相似文献   
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