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A chimpanzee ( Pan troglodytes ) performed a visual search task using a modified matching-to-sample procedure in which a sample stimulus was followed by the search display, which contained one stimulus identical to the sample (target) and several uniform stimuli different from the sample (distractors). On cued trials, while the subject was observing the sample, a white square (precue) appeared at the location where the target was to be presented (valid trials), or elsewhere (invalid trials). The validity of the precue (correspondence between the cued and the target locations) was changed from 0% to 100% across conditions. Cost-benefit analyses were performed on the difference between valid and noncued trials (benefit) and between invalid and noncued trials (cost). Under the high-validity conditions, the response times were shorter when the cued location corresponded to the target location than when the precue did not appear. When the cued location did not correspond to the target location, on the other hand, the subject took longer to select the target than on noncued trials. When the validity of the precue was relatively low, however, cost of the invalid trials disappeared, while benefit of the valid trials remained. These results confirmed the two-process (automatic and attentional) theory of priming in human information processing; the advance information had the same effects on a chimpanzee's visual search performance as on humans'.  相似文献   
In this study, we compared the performances on an enumeration task (numerical labeling task) of 1 chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and 4 humans. In this task, two types of trials, with different exposure durations of the sample that was to be enumerated, were used. In the unlimited-exposure trials, the sample remained on until the subject made a choice. In the brief-exposure trials, the sample was presented for 100 msec and then was masked. The results show clear differences between the different species. The main differences had to do with accuracy during the unlimited trials and response times during the brief trials. Detailed analyses of the pattern of response times for the chimpanzee and of looking-back behavior during the task suggests that the enumeration process underlying the subject's performance was not counting but estimation.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the readiness potential (RP) preceding a brisk extension of the right middle finger during different arousal states as monitored by skin potential level (SPL). The late component of the readiness potential in the medium arousal state was significantly larger than those in the low and high arousal states. This finding indicates that the RP waveform may vary as a function of arousal states, suggesting the inverse U-shaped relationship proposed in studies of the contingent negative variation.  相似文献   
We directly compared chimpanzee infants and human infants for categorical representations of three global-like categories (mammals, furniture and vehicles), using the familiarization-novelty preference technique. Neither species received any training during the experiments. We used the time that participants spent looking at the stimulus object while touching it as a measure. During the familiarization phase, participants were presented with four familiarization objects from one of three categories (e.g. mammals). Then, they were tested with a pair of novel objects, one was a familiar-category object and another was a novel-category object (e.g. vehicle) in the test phase. The chimpanzee infants did not show significant habituation, whereas human infants did. However, most important, both species showed significant novelty-preference in the test phase. This indicates that not only human infants, but also chimpanzee infants formed categorical representations of a global-like level. Implications for the shared origins and species-specificity of categorization abilities, and the cognitive operations underlying categorization, are discussed.  相似文献   
We studied gaze perception in three infant chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), aged 10-32 weeks, using a two-choice preferential-looking paradigm. The infants were presented with two photographs of a human face: (a) with the eyes open or closed, and (b) with a direct or an averted gaze. We found that the chimpanzees preferred looking at the direct-gaze face. However, in the context of scrambled faces, the infants showed no difference in gaze discrimination between direct and averted gazes. These findings suggest that gaze perception by chimpanzees may be influenced by the surrounding facial context. The relationship between gaze perception, face processing, and the adaptive significance of gaze perception are discussed from an evolutionary perspective.  相似文献   
Physical activity and psychological stress were hypothesized to improve more in participants with high self-efficacy than in those with low and medium self-efficacy after a one-week intervention. 39 female university students participated. The intervention had two steps: a lecture on self-monitoring and goal setting (160 min.) and a one-week pedometer intervention. Analyses were conducted on tertile groups according to self-efficacy at baseline. Pedometer step counts were higher in the high self-efficacy group than in the low self-efficacy group after intervention. Helplessness decreased time dependently after intervention only in the high-self-efficacy group. Because physical activity improved more in the high self-efficacy group after a one-week intervention, one hypothesis was supported.  相似文献   
As with humans, vocal communication is an important social tool for nonhuman primates. Common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) often produce whistle-like ‘phee’ calls when they are visually separated from conspecifics. The neural processes specific to phee call perception, however, are largely unknown, despite the possibility that these processes involve social information. Here, we examined behavioral and whole-brain mapping evidence regarding the detection of individual conspecific phee calls using an audio playback procedure. Phee calls evoked sound exploratory responses when the caller changed, indicating that marmosets can discriminate between caller identities. Positron emission tomography with [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose revealed that perception of phee calls from a single subject was associated with activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal, medial prefrontal, orbitofrontal cortices, and the amygdala. These findings suggest that these regions are implicated in cognitive and affective processing of salient social information. However, phee calls from multiple subjects induced brain activation in only some of these regions, such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. We also found distinctive brain deactivation and functional connectivity associated with phee call perception depending on the caller change. According to changes in pupillary size, phee calls from a single subject induced a higher arousal level compared with those from multiple subjects. These results suggest that marmoset phee calls convey information about individual identity and affective valence depending on the consistency or variability of the caller. Based on the flexible perception of the call based on individual recognition, humans and marmosets may share some neural mechanisms underlying conspecific vocal perception.  相似文献   
Animal Cognition - In this bottom-up study of gesture, we focused on the details of a single gesture, Touch. We compared characteristics of use by three young chimpanzees with those of 11 adults,...  相似文献   
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