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The gateway drug model is a popular conceptualization of a progression most substance-users are hypothesized to follow as they try different legal and illegal drugs. Most forms of the gateway hypothesis are that "softer" drugs lead to "harder," illicit drugs. However, the gateway hypothesis has been notably difficult to directly test - i.e., to test as competing hypotheses in a single model that licit drug use might lead to illicit drug use or the reverse. This article presents a novel statistical technique, dual-process discrete-time survival analysis, which enables this comparison. This method uses mixture-modeling software to estimate two concurrent time-to-event processes and their effects on each other. Using this method, support for the gateway hypothesis in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 was weak. However, this paper was not designed as a strong test of causal direction but more as a technical demonstration, and suffered from certain technological limitations. Both these limitations and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   
The relationship among alcohol-related problems, perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, and suicide proneness in undergraduate college students (N=996) was examined. As hypothesized, alcohol-related problems, perceived burdensomeness, and thwarted belongingness were all significantly and positively correlated with suicide proneness. The relation between experiencing alcohol-related problems and suicide proneness was, in part, accounted for by perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness. Additionally, the mediation via perceived burdensomeness was significantly stronger than the mediation via thwarted belongingness. Results suggest that it would be advisable for clinicians to be aware of students' experiences with alcohol-related problems in conjunction with their levels of burdensomeness and belongingness when assessing for suicide risk.  相似文献   
In this study, we examined estimates of internal consistency reliability, measurement invariance, and differential correlates of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS; Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, & Farley, 1988) in samples of undergraduate men (n = 270) and women (n = 340). The MSPSS is designed to assess 3 sources of perceived social support: family, friends, and significant others. The participants ranged in age from 18 to 24 years (M age = 19.60, SD = 1.4 years). First, composite scale reliability and coefficient omega methods provided adequate estimates of internal consistency reliability for the original MSPSS total and subscale scores. Second, results of multiple-groups invariance confirmatory factor analysis provided support for configural and metric invariance. Partial measurement invariance was attained for scalar and strict measurement invariance across men and women. Additionally, given the high correlations among the first-order factors, we conducted multiple-groups bifactor item response theory (bifactor-IRT) analysis to evaluate further the performances of the individual MSPSS items across gender. Support for the bifactor model was strong. Third, we conducted a series of simultaneous regression analyses to identify potential correlates of the social support construct for women and men.  相似文献   
Fifteen young women suffering from OCD in Saudi Arabia were interviewed about their experience of the illness and the roles played by religion. Religion was not perceived as a cause of the illness, but the illness can show itself in religious symptoms – notably with respect to prayer, and in a phase in which the young women were very strict and literal-minded with themselves and their families, with respect to religious observance. Religious symptoms were reported as more upsetting than other symptoms – being seen as damaging to the sufferer's piety. Other facets of the importance of religion in the experience of OCD were shown in help-seeking, in choosing to go first to religious healers for treatment, and only when these were unsuccessful were mental health professionals consulted. At this point, it was very important that the professional should be seen as trustworthy, and the criterion of trustworthiness was religiosity, specifically the use of pious, Qura’anic quotations, and a covered face (for a woman)/long beard (for a man). The accounts of the roles of religion in the experiences of the young women interviewed suggest that religion is an arena – but not the sole arena – for the expression of OCD symptoms. Religion plays an important role in determining the acceptability of treatments and treatment providers.  相似文献   
The gateway drug model is a popular conceptualization of a progression most substance users are hypothesized to follow as they try different legal and illegal drugs. Most forms of the gateway hypothesis are that “softer” drugs lead to “harder,” illicit drugs. However, the gateway hypothesis has been notably difficult to directly test—that is, to test as competing hypotheses in a single model that licit drug use might lead to illicit drug use or the reverse. This article presents a novel statistical technique, dual-process discrete-time survival analysis, which enables this comparison. This method uses mixture-modeling software to estimate 2 concurrent time-to-event processes and their effects on each other. Using this method, support for the gateway hypothesis in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1997, was weak. However, this article was not designed as a strong test of causal direction but more as a technical demonstration and suffered from certain technological limitations. Both these limitations and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   
Youth recently assigned to probation (n = 233) were assessed for current suicide proneness, depression, and hopelessness, as well as for recent suicide ideation, previous suicide ideation, or suicide attempt(s). The Life Attitudes Schedule-Short Form (LAS-SF) was used to assess suicide proneness. As per the LAS-SF, suicide proneness was defined broadly to include current engagement in overtly suicidal behavior as well as in risk-taking and potentially injury-producing behaviors, coupled with a lack of engagement in health and safety behaviors, or self-enhancement behaviors. As expected, current suicide proneness was significantly associated with a history of suicide ideation and attempts, recent ideation, and current depression and hopelessness for adjudicated youth. Gender differences were obtained between the strength of the association between suicide proneness and depressive symptoms. A subgroup of adjudicated youth (n = 39) was then interviewed about their suicidal behaviors. Among other things, these youth indicated that the majority of their previous suicide attempts were committed impulsively.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) stigma represents a significant source of stress among individuals living with HIV disease, prompting interest in research to identify factors that may help to ameliorate the stress burden associated with HIV stigma. Consistent with this research line, the current study was conducted as a cross-sectional investigation examining associations between positive global personal meaning, social support, and perceived HIV stigma. Global personal meaning refers to beliefs and aspirations through which one ascribes value and purpose in living. The study sample was comprised of individuals living with HIV disease who presented for an initial visit in a specialty HIV mental health services program. In bivariate analyses, social support was negatively correlated with multidimensional aspects of HIV stigma that included distancing, blaming, and discrimination stigma, whereas personal meaning was negatively associated only with blaming stigma. In further analyses using structural equation modeling, social support significantly mediated the association between personal meaning and both distancing and blaming stigma. Interactions between positive personal meaning and social support may be useful to consider in future research on psychological resource factors and HIV stigma. Understanding these interactions may also inform clinical efforts to address HIV stigma concerns.  相似文献   
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