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Based on interviews with 20 creative writers, this study explores the relationship between creativity and the family. Although most research in this area addresses the effect of parental influences on young creators, this study examines the effect of being a parent and a spouse once adult creators establish families of their own. The family affects writers in terms of (a) gender expectations, (b) material and symbolic constraints of parenthood, and (c) social support provided by spouses. These social forces affect men and women differently, and may help explain why there have been so few female creators. Locating creativity within the context of family relationships will further expand the study of creativity from a psychological phenomenon to a social process.  相似文献   
This article reports the results of a study designed to test the validity and reliability of a newly developed career self-efficacy test called the Perceived Employability Scale (PES). A large group (N = 2,600) of low-income women with diverse cultural, ethnic, and racial backgrounds living in Hawaii participated in this investigation. Recommendations for researchers and practitioners who are employment counselors are discussed.  相似文献   
A primary prevention program designed to promote the personal development of individuals in a particular high risk population is discussed.  相似文献   
This article presents a career development consultation skill training program for enhancing the professional growth of beginning teachers by master teacher mentors trained by counselors and counselor educators.  相似文献   
The authors agree that the multicultural counseling movement represents a powerful force with the potential of radically modifying the perspective of the entire counseling profession. To realize its full potential, however, much more research needs to be done within professional training programs to determine the types of instructional strategies that are most effective in terms of developing counselors who are sensitive and effective in working with persons from diverse cultural, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. This article reports on the results of a series of investigations designed to assess the impact of a comprehensive multicultural training model among different groups of graduate students. Implications for future research and training are also discussed. Los autores están de acuerdeo en que el Movimiento de Consejería Multicultural representa una fuerza con la potencia de modificar radicalmente la perspectiva de la profesión entera de consejería. Sin embargo, para cristalizar esta potencia, hay que hacer más investigaciones dentro de programas profesionales de entrenamiento para determinar los tipos de estrategiás instruccionales más eficaces con respecto a consejeros que trabajan sensiblemente y eficazmente con personas culturalmente, raciálmente, y étnicamente diversas. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una serie de investigaciones hechas para estimar el impacto de un modelo comprensivo de entrenamiento de consejería multicultural entre grupos diferentes de estudiantes graduados. También se discuten las implicaciones en las investigaciones y entrenamientos en el futuro.  相似文献   
This article is a comparative review of career development programs in Switzerland and the United States, with emphasis on the degree of parental involvement. Investigators visited schools and interviewed parents in both countries. This article offers ideas for improving the effectiveness of career development programs in the United States. Among the useful ideas from Switzerland are greater use of community resources such as departments of employment services, specific career training in schools, and school-based job placement programs.  相似文献   
The authors discuss the various approaches to multicultural counseling training currently being used in counselor education programs. In doing so, they outline a developmental framework that describes the types of training thought to be available to counseling students at this time. Los autores discuten los diferentes tipos de entrenamiento multicultrual que se usan hoy en día en los programas educativos de consejería. Al hacerlo, proporcionan un esquema del estado actual de desarrollo que describe los tipos de entrenamiento que se cree que están disponibles actualmente para los estudiantes de consejería.  相似文献   
This article presents findings of a survey of English, Swiss, and American parents regarding their involvement in their children's career decision-making process. A questionnaire was developed and a pilot survey was conducted. Although the results must be interpreted with caution, this study suggests that these parents exhibited some marked educational and career choice bias. Furthermore, these differences may reflect the nature of the educational systems of the countries represented. It seems that effective systems for career development and employment counseling result in parents who are confident in helping their children with career decision making.  相似文献   
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