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OBJECTIVE: This report reviews the evidence that informs the role of health and mental health care providers in addressing youth smoking cessation. DESIGN: Qualitative literature review. RESULTS: Physicians do not consistently screen adolescents for tobacco use and fail to provide recommended cessation advice. Challenges to addressing smoking cessation include the need for procedures to ensure confidentiality and the existence of competing demands to provide other services. Few published studies have specifically addressed the effectiveness of clinical interventions. Interventions that require return visits or follow-up phone contacts are technically difficult to implement in this population. Successful interventions may require resources not available in nonresearch settings. Most studies have used brief clinical intervention as a control condition, making it impossible to evaluate its effectiveness. CONCLUSION: There is little evidence that supports current clinical smoking cessation guidelines for adolescents. More research is needed to develop inexpensive, efficient clinical interventions that can provide youths access to smoking cessation help. Future challenges include reorganizing clinical systems to offer greater counseling by support staff or in electronic formats and to provide effective booster messages and follow-up care in a population that is difficult to track.  相似文献   
Rats submitted to a chronic variable stress regime exhibited more inactivity during inescapable shock as compared with unstressed rats. Besides, chronic treatments with desipramine, imipramine, clomipramine, or phenelzine reduce the amount of inactivity exhibited during this aversive experience. Furthermore, the combination of both chronic treatments--stress and antidepressants--resulted in a potentiation of the antidepressant effect alone. This higher antidepressant efficacy may result from the interaction of the neural mechanisms triggered by chronic stress exposure and antidepressant drugs.  相似文献   
Preweanling (21 days old) and adult (60-80 days old) rats were exposed to ethanol odor either paired with the early stages of apomorphine-induced toxicosis, paired with the recovery from toxicosis, or unpaired with the induction of distress. Twenty four hours later, ethanol preferences were measured in a spatial olfactory test (ethanol vs lemon odor) or a drinking test (5.6% v/v ethanol vs 0.25% w/v citric acid solutions). During the olfactory test both young and adult rats expressed substantial ethanol odor aversions when previously exposed to this odor paired with toxicosis. However, changes in ethanol intake became apparent only in preweanling subjects. Preweanlings which received the ethanol odor paired with illness drank significantly less of the ethanol solution relative to controls, while subjects experiencing the odor paired with recovery from distress significantly increased their consumption of the ethanol solution. These prior aversive and appetitive olfactory experiences had no effect upon ethanol intake in adult rats. These results implicate both an ontogenetic and a sensorial factor in the regulation of ethanol intake.  相似文献   
Asian Americans are lauded as the model minority who are intelligent and industrious. Simultaneously, they are deemed as perpetual foreigners. The current research examines how racial microaggressions expressed by a White American source toward an Asian American target affect perceptions of the perpetrator and target. White Americans and Asian Americans read about an interaction between two college students, where the racial microaggression made was either an ambiguous expression of the model minority myth (MMM; all studies), an ambiguous perpetual foreigner stereotype (all studies), an unambiguous MMM (all studies), or no racial bias (Studies 2 and 3). Findings indicate that both Whites and Asian Americans respond differently—when exposed to the aforementioned conditions—regarding perceived racism of the White perpetrator and appropriateness of response by the Asian American target; however, they respond similarly regarding perceived legitimacy of collective action by the target. Nevertheless, Whites and Asian Americans deemed the ambiguous microaggression against the target as a model minority not racist relative to unambiguous MMM. Our findings show that ambiguous forms of bias toward Asian Americans go “under the radar” of both Whites and Asian Americans as being racist and contribute to the maintenance of the racial status quo.  相似文献   
Requirements for conditioning of an ethanol-mediated taste aversion in 16-day-old rat pups were examined. Experiment 1 demonstrated that preweanling rats are capable of acquiring, in two trials, an aversion to a 15% sucrose solution when followed by intragastric intubation of a 1.2 g/kg dose of 17% v/v ethanol, but not when followed by a 0.4 g/kg dose. Comparison was with control animals given sucrose followed by an equivalent volume isocaloric Half and Half. When the 0.4 g/kg dose of ethanol preceded sucrose presentation by 30 min (Experiment 2), the aversion was learned, suggesting that the effective delay between the sucrose and the critical consequences of the ethanol had been too long with the former procedure. Expression of the sucrose aversion required, however, the reinstatement of the context of intoxication--state-dependent retention. Finally, the results of Experiment 3B indicated that, in addition to the association between the sucrose and the aversive consequences of alcohol intoxication, the orosensory cues resulting from alcohol's direct elimination, via such processes as respiration and salivation, became associated with the appetitive properties of the sucrose. This was evidenced by a conditioned increase in preference for ethanol odor. Possible age-related differences in the ability to associate stimuli with alcohol's unconditioned consequences, and in state dependency are discussed.  相似文献   
Although the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III) is arguably the best instrument currently available for assessing students' intelligence, its use will present practitioners, especially school psychologists, with some unique challenges. Recent research suggests that significant reductions in special education students' WISC-III Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ scores will be found, compared with their previous WISC-R results. This finding will have a profound impact on special education placement decisions. Specifically, students who were previously found eligible for learning disability programs may now no longer evidence the significant discrepancies necessary in order to receive continued services. Conversely, students earlier identified as “slow learners” may now be eligible to receive services for those classified under the category of educably mentally handicapped. In addition, the notion that the WISC-III may underestimate the ability of certain populations of students requires further exploration. This article will address these issues as well as implications for practitioners presently administering the WISC-III.  相似文献   
Weanling (21-day-old) rats were exposed to an alcohol odor paired with either an interoceptive (apomorphine-induced illness) or exteroceptive (footshock-induced distress) reinforcer. Twenty-four hours later, ethanol preferences were measured in a locational olfactory test (ethanol vs lemon odor) or an ingestion test (5.6% v/v ethanol vs 0.25% v/v citric acid solution). Weanling rats expressed substantial olfactory aversions, independent of the reinforcer employed in conditioning. During the drinking test, however, only rats that had experienced the ethanol odor paired with internal malaise showed a significant reduction in the intake of the ethanol solution when compared to unpaired controls. Furthermore, rats that had experienced the ethanol odor paired with external distress drank significantly more of the ethanol solution than their controls. These results provide further evidence that olfactory experiences with ethanol can lead to changes in ethanol ingestion, and indicate that the nature of the unconditioned stimulus is critical in establishing the ingestive effect.  相似文献   
As more interpersonal interactions move online, people increasingly get to know and recognize one another by their self-selected identifiers called usernames. Early research predicted that the lack of available cues in text based computer-mediated communication (CMC) would make primitive categories such as biological sex irrelevant in online interactions. Little is known about the types of perceptions people make about one another based on this information, but some limited research has shown that questions about gender are the first to be asked in online interactions and sex categorization has maintained salience. The current project was designed to examine the extent to which individuals might include obvious gender information in their usernames, as well as how easily gender could be attributed from usernames. Seventy-five coders were asked whether or not they could assign 298 people to a sex category based only on their username, and then to rate how confident they were in making the attribution. Results indicated that coders were fairly inaccurate in making these attributions, but moderately confident. Additionally, the results indicated that neither women nor men were more accurate in attributing gender from usernames, and that neither women nor men tended to use more obvious gender markers in their usernames. Additionally, those who did use obvious gender markers in their username tended to have less experience with computer chat. The results are discussed in conjunction with the limitations of the present investigation, and possibilities for future research.  相似文献   
This study examined the association between childhood ADHD and juvenile delinquency by examining data from the Pittsburgh ADHD Longitudinal Study (PALS), a follow-up study of individuals diagnosed with ADHD in childhood (ages 5–12) and recontacted in adolescence and young adulthood for yearly follow-up (age at first follow-up interview M = 17.26, SD = 3.17). Participants were 288 males with childhood ADHD and 209 demographically similar males without ADHD who were recruited into the follow-up study. Delinquency information gathered yearly during the second through eighth follow-up provided a comprehensive history of juvenile delinquency for all participants. Four childhood diagnostic groups [ADHD-only (N = 47), ADHD + ODD (N = 135), ADHD + CD (N = 106), and comparison (N = 209)] were used to examine group differences on delinquency outcomes. Analyses were conducted across three dimensions of delinquency (i.e., severity, age of initiation, and variety). Individuals with childhood ADHD + CD displayed significantly worse delinquency outcomes than the other three groups, across almost all indices of offending. When compared to comparison participants, boys with ADHD-only and ADHD + ODD in childhood displayed earlier ages of delinquency initiation, a greater variety of offending, and higher prevalence of severe delinquency. These findings suggest that although childhood ADHD + CD creates the greatest risk for delinquency, boys with ADHD-only and ADHD + ODD also appear at a higher risk for later offending. The patterns of offending that emerged from the PALS are discussed in the context of the relationship between ADHD, comorbidity, and delinquency.  相似文献   
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