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This article explores how the sales budget is set in a business organization. Findings from a longitudinal participant observation study revealed that the sales budget is considered of great importance to the organization as sales estimates serve as premises for planning of production and supply and new product developments. It was observed that the sales budget was based on a narrow, inner-directed perspective, almost looking away from important environmental driving forces such as competitors and customers. The findings also showed that individuals involved in the sales budgeting process behaved opportunistically, influencing the budgetary process and outcomes. Theoretical and normative implications are highlighted.  相似文献   
In Norway, by tradition a Lutheran country, the puritan ethics of a “moral minority” has a strong influence on the development and manifestations of medical ethics. Those who exert this influence are found primarily among politicians, the clergy, and, last but certainly not least, among nurses and doctors. The focus of interest is not so much on problems of bioethical moral theory or the teaching of bioethics to students, but very much on attitudes and policies with regard to substantive issues traditionally regarded in Norway as burning bioethical issues, such as: medical research ethics, abortion, prenatal diagnosis, euthanasia, definitions of death, and reproductive technologies.  相似文献   
This study examined the effectiveness of a Swedish parent management training (PMT) intervention for parents of children aged 3 to 10 within the context of regular social service. Self-referred parents of 159 children (aged 3 to 10) with conduct problems were randomly assigned to either 11 practitioner-assisted group sessions (PMT-P), or a single instructional workshop followed by self-administration of the training material (PMT-S), or a waitlist control group. Intent-to-treat analyses showed that both PMT-P and PMT-S improved parent competence and reduced child conduct problems compared to the waitlist at posttest. Both training conditions showed further significant improvements at the 6-month follow-up. In direct comparison, PMT-P was superior to PMT-S on measures of child conduct problems at both posttest and follow-up. Improvement in child conduct was mediated by improvement in parent competencies and homework fidelity. The findings in this study have implications for large-scale dissemination of parent management training through different means of delivery.  相似文献   
Religiousness and spirituality were examined in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Features and subjective significance are described, and associations with psychopathological phenomena are analyzed. The majority of the patients reported that religiousness and spirituality serve a vital positive influence in their ability to cope with their disorder. This positive influence was observed less among those patients with more negative symptoms. The spiritual experience of a divine presence was a common part of spirituality for our respondents, independent of psychopathology, whereas more extraordinary spiritual experiences were associated with certain psychopathological symptoms. Religious patients ruminated less than nonreligious patients did on existential issues, especially regarding the meaning of life, which, together with self-acceptance, was among the key existential issues for these patients.  相似文献   
Ethical notions such as good and bad, are often treated as though they were ‘symmetric’ in the sense of having the same moral ‘weight’, one in a positive the other in a negative sense. I argue that they are in fact ‘asymmetric’ and that the negative members of such pairs of notions are more fundamental and definite, logically speaking, and operationally more important than the positive members. Detailed arguments are given to show this for some non‐moral notions, such as life and death, health and illness; some semi‐moral notions such as pleasure and pain; and finally for the moral notions of happiness, benevolence, right, and good and their negative counterparts. One of the intentions of the article is to show that a systematic view of such asymmetries may have consequences for one's view of the proper or desirable structure of a general theory of ethics: norms stating prohibitions and norms stating permissions will be seen to be, in a sense defined in the text, more fundamental and important than norms stating ('positive') obligations.  相似文献   
Book reviews     
Arvind Sharma, The Philosophy of Religion and Advaita Vedānra: A Comparative Study in Religion and Reason. University Park, Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995, viii+232 pp., £29.50, $32.50. ISBN 0 271 01032 0.

Niels C. Nielsen Jr (ed.), Christianity After Communism: Social, Political and Cultural Struggle in Russia. Boulder, Westview Press, 1994, ix+171 pp., £37.00, $49.95. ISBN 0 8133 2365 7.

Mary Pickering, Auguste Comte: An Intellectual Biography, Volume 1, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993, xi+744 pp., £45.00, $49.95. ISBN 0 521 43405 X.

Christopher Herbert, Culture and Anomie: Ethnographic Imagination in the Nineteenth Century. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1991, 312 pp., $48 (hardback) ISBN 0 1226 32738 8, $16.95 (paperback) ISBN 0 226 32738 6.

Clifford Geertz, After the Fact: Two Countries, Four Decades, One Anthropologist. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1995, 198 pp., $27.50. ISBN 0 674 00871 5.

William Hamilton, A Quest for the Post-Historical Jesus. New York, Continuum, 1994, 304 pp., $27.50. ISBN 0 8264 0641 6.

Valerie J. Hoffman, Sufism, Mystics, and Saints in Modern Egypt. University of South Carolina Press, 1995, 377 pp.+ notes and index. ISBN 1 57003 055 3.

Margaret H. Case (ed.), Heinrich Zimmer: Coming Into His Own. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1994, vi+ 148 pp., $24.95. ISBN 0 691 03337 4.

Tessa J. Bartholomeusz, Women Under the Bō Tree: Buddhist Nuns in Sri Lanka. (Cambridge Studies in Religious Traditions 5.) Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, xx+284 pp., £37.50, $59.95. ISBN 0 521 46129 4.

Philip C. Almond, Heaven and Hell in Enlightenment England. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, xiii+ 218 pp., £35. ISBN 0 521 45371 2.

George W. Stocking, Jr., After Tylor: British Social Anthropology 1888–1951. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, London, Athlone Press, 1996, xx+441 pp., $40. ISBN 0 485 30072 9.

P. F. Kornicki and I. J. McMullen (eds), Religion in Japan: Arrows to Heaven and Earth. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996, xxv+315 pp., £40. ISBN 0 521 55028 9.

Michael Angold, Church and Society in Byzantium under the Comneni 1081–1261. 605 pp., $89.95 (cloth). ISBN 0521 26432 4.

David Nirenberg, Communities of Violence: Persecution of Minorities in the Middle Ages. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1996, ix+301 pp., $29.95, £23.95. ISBN 0 691 03375 7.  相似文献   
Dionysius the Areopagite has been an important point of orientation for the debate on how humans appropriately approach God. Among his avid readers is Martin Luther, whose understanding of Dionysius is investigated in this article. Luther is a critical reader, but his criticism is founded on a basic identification with Dionysius' central tenets. His main objection is that he finds Dionysius too theoretical. For Luther, God is incessant activity; the question of approaching God correctly therefore for Luther is an existential question. This is an aspect he does not find adequately integrated in Dionysius' apophatic dialectics. Luther also found faults with Dionysius' Christology. For Luther, the experience of not being properly related to God is a terrifying experience. This can be read as a reinterpretation of Dionysius' Mystical Theology, showing both influence (Luther knew this work almost by heart) and independence. Central aspects of Luther's thought thus present themselves as a reinterpretation of Dionysian mysticism.  相似文献   
Attributions are constantly assigned in everyday life. A well-known phenomenon is the self-serving bias: that is, people’s tendency to attribute positive events to internal causes (themselves) and negative events to external causes (other persons/circumstances). Here, we investigated the neural correlates of the cognitive processes implicated in self-serving attributions using social situations that differed in their emotional saliences. We administered an attributional bias task during fMRI scanning in a large sample of healthy subjects (n = 71). Eighty sentences describing positive or negative social situations were presented, and subjects decided via buttonpress whether the situation had been caused by themselves or by the other person involved. Comparing positive with negative sentences revealed activations of the bilateral posterior cingulate cortex (PCC). Self-attribution correlated with activation of the posterior portion of the precuneus. However, self-attributed positive versus negative sentences showed activation of the anterior portion of the precuneus, and self-attributed negative versus positive sentences demonstrated activation of the bilateral insular cortex. All significant activations were reported with a statistical threshold of p ≤ .001, uncorrected. In addition, a comparison of our fMRI task with data from the Internal, Personal and Situational Attributions Questionnaire, Revised German Version, demonstrated convergent validity. Our findings suggest that the precuneus and the PCC are involved in the evaluation of social events with particular regional specificities: The PCC is activated during emotional evaluation, the posterior precuneus during attributional evaluation, and the anterior precuneus during self-serving processes. Furthermore, we assume that insula activation is a correlate of awareness of personal agency in negative situations.  相似文献   
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