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The way consumers behave is fundamental to marketing. Journal of Consumer Behaviour (JCB) is an international journal dedicated to publishing the latest developments of consumer behaviour. To gain an understanding of the evolution and trends in consumer behaviour, this study presents a retrospective review of JCB using bibliometric analysis. Using bibliographic records of JCB from Scopus, this study finds that consumer behaviour research in JCB has grown substantially in terms of collaboration (co-authorships), global reach (countries), productivity (publications), and impact (citations). The major themes explored by consumer behaviour research in JCB include consumer information processing, consumption communities, consumption value, sustainable consumption, intergenerational consumer behaviour, consumer-brand relationship, consumer ethics, and conditional relationships in consumer behaviour. The most recent consumer behaviour research in JCB has considered externalities such as the COVID-19 pandemic and focused on themes such as consumer ethics and sustainable consumption in line with the global movement toward environmental social governance (ESG) and sustainable development goals (SDGs).  相似文献   
There is still limited understanding of how goal orientations influence the association between value congruence (VC) and organisational attraction for job seekers. We address this issue by investigating the impact of individuals’ goal orientations on the VC–attraction relationship. Our investigation using different measurement approaches to congruence across two studies also allowed us to examine the implications of different methods to operationalising VC in job search contexts. Two prominent types of goal orientation in job search—learning-approach goal orientation (LAGO) and performance-avoid goal orientation (PAGO)—were hypothesised to moderate the relationship between VC and organisational attraction. In study 1, value congruence based on direct molar perceptions displayed a stronger positive relationship with attraction among low LAGO individuals. Study 2, using separate atomistic judgments of person and organisational values, also demonstrated that LAGO moderates the effects of VC on attraction. However, the form of moderation effects varied across different types of work values (i.e., relationships and security). These findings demonstrate the need to contextualise the study of job seekers’ VC within a goal-striving context, where different ways of operationalising VC can also shed more light on the psychological processes underlying judgments of congruence.  相似文献   
The medical profession consistently strives to uphold patient empowerment, equality and safety. It is ironic that now, at a time where advances in technology and knowledge have given us an increased capacity to preserve and prolong life, we find ourselves increasingly asking questions about the value of the lives we are saving. A recent editorial by Professor Raanan Gillon questions the emphasis that English law places on the sanctity of life doctrine. In what was described by Reverend Nick Donnelly as a “manifesto for killing patients”, Professor Gillon argues that the sanctity of life law has gone too far because of its disregard for distributive justice and an incompetent person’s previously declared autonomy. This review begins by outlining the stance of the sanctity of life doctrine on decisions about administering, withholding and withdrawing life-prolonging treatment. Using this as a foundation for a rebuttal, a proposal is made that Professor Gillon’s assertions do not take the following into account:
  1. 1)
    A sanctity of life law does not exist since English Common Law infringes the sanctity doctrine by tolerating quality of life judgements and a doctor’s intention to hasten death when withdrawing life-prolonging treatment.
  2. 2)
    Even if a true sanctity of life law did exist:
    1. a)
      The sanctity of life doctrine allows for resource considerations in the wider analysis of benefits and burdens.
    2. b)
      The sanctity of life doctrine yields to a competent person’s autonomous decision.
This review attempts to demonstrate that at present, and with the legal precedent that restricts it, a sanctity of life law cannot go too far.  相似文献   
Inequitable gender norms in societies and communities negatively contribute to women’s sexual and reproductive health. While the need for change in gender norms is well recognized, the task is highly challenging in terms of intervention design, implementation and assessment of impact. This paper describes a methodology for identification of gender norms, the design of community level intervention, community participation and the assessment of intervention impact in a low income, predominately Muslim community of 600,000 people in Mumbai, India. Formative research focused on in‐depth interviews with women, men and couples yielding gender normative statements and assessment of community resources to facilitate change. A Gender Equity Scale (GES) based on this formative research was developed and administered annually for a three‐year period to random, cross‐sectional samples in the intervention and control communities, and to community based, non‐governmental organizations (NGO) staff and Imams (religious leaders) in the intervention community. NGO staff disseminated gender oriented messages to their female constituency through their regular outreach activities and through special events and festivals in the community. Imams disseminated gender messages through lectures on social issues for men attending Friday prayers. The results showed that the NGO staff and Imams, assumed more gender equitable attitudes across time. The intervention was associated with a significant improvement in attitudes towards gender equity in the intervention relative to the control community. Men showed a dramatic change in more positive gender attitudes, while women lagged behind in their GES scores. The meaning of these results are explored and the implications assessed for the generalizability of the methodology for other countries, cultures and communities.  相似文献   

One of the main problems regarding language which has bothered philosophers since antiquity is that it often misleads us. Linguistic understanding inevitably involves a subject who understands and the subject-matter or content of what she understands. Since the subject-matter of linguistic understanding is externally given to the subject as text or spoken word, linguistic understanding, therefore, is both subjective and objective at the same time and ineluctably involves interpretation on the part of the subject. But the moment we grant the subjective participation in understanding, the problem of universality of meaning would inevitably raise its head. This problem has been addressed in different ways by different thinkers across history and cultures. Even though some of the ancient Indian thinkers like Bhartṛhari mainly focus on understanding of the Vedic texts, they could probably have important clues for the problem of universality in understanding through language as it is posed by hermeneutic thinkers starting from St. Augustine in medieval period up to Gadamer and Habermas in more recent times. This paper attempts to explore and examine Bhartṛhari’s philosophy of verbal holism from the point of view of the problem of universality in hermeneutics.

In settings in developing countries, children often socialize with multiple socializing agents (peers, siblings, neighbors) apart from their parents, and thus, a measurement of a child’s social interactions should be expanded beyond parental interactions. Since the environment plays a role in shaping a child’s development, the measurement of child-socializing agents’ interactions is important. We developed and used a computerized observational softwareBehavior and Social Interaction Software (BASIS) with a preloaded coding scheme installed on a handheld Palm device to record complex observations of interactions between children and socializing agents. Using BASIS, social interaction assessments were conducted on 573 preschool children for 1 h in their natural settings. Multiple screens with a set of choices in each screen were designed that included the child’s location, broad activity, state, and interactions with child-socializing agents. Data were downloaded onto a computer and systematically analyzed. BASIS, installed on Palm OS (M-125), enabled the recording of the complex interactions of child-socializing agents that could not be recorded with manual forms. Thus, this tool provides an innovative and relatively accurate method for the systematic recording of social interactions in an unrestricted environment.  相似文献   
Zn1???xCoxO (ZC) [x?=?0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9?mol%] thin films were prepared by sol–gel combined metallo-organic decomposition method. The films were deposited on the Si substrate with spin-coating technique and annealed at 600?°C for 3?h. X-ray diffraction pattern shows the formation hexagonal wurtzite phase and distortion (c/a) decreases with increasing Co concentration in ZnO. The average grain size is measured using Scherer relation. Atomic force microscopy is used to confirm the formation of nanograins resulted by the use of polyethylene glycol as surfactant. The photoluminescence was recorded by using He-Cd laser of excitation wavelength 325?nm in wavelength region of 350–650?nm which exhibits some influence of Co doping on the multiplication of defects such as O vacancies, Zn interstitials and grain boundary defects. All thin films show room temperature ferromagnetism except pure ZnO which is diamagnetic and 9?mol% of Co shows paramagnetism. This behaviour is interpreted as due to fluctuations in the magnetic ordering, depending on grain size and site location in grain boundaries or oxygen vacancies.  相似文献   
Cent trente-six sujets âgés de 14 à 16 ans (88 de race blanche et 48 de race noire) ont suivi, dans six écoles anglaises, un enseignement systématique destiné à accroître la compréhension des problèmes raciaux et à réduire les préjugés et l'intolérance. Les élèves de race blanche furent comparés à des groupes contrôles appariés du point de vue de l'âge, du sexe, du niveau scolaire et des résultats initiaux à une ?chelle de racisme (R). Après l'enseignement expérimental, les résultats des garçons blancs à l'échelle R vont en décroissant légèrement, tandis que la chute est nettement plus accusée chez leurs condisciples féminins. Aucun changement n'apparaît dans le groupe contrôle. Les scores des filles de race noire augmentent légèrement mais non significativement; ceux des garçons noirs diminuent de façon significative.  相似文献   
The effects of anxiety, reinforcement, and intelligence were studied on the learning of a difficult task (paired associates with 1% association values) in 252 subjects studying in class IX in Chandigarh schools (mean age, 14.7 years). A 2 × 3 × 3 factorial design was used with two anxiety groups (high and low), three reinforcement conditions (praise, reproof, and praise + reproof), and three levels of intelligence (high, middle, and low). In general, the results were in line with the Sarasonian theoretical framework that anxiety shows its debilitating effects under certain conditions, but not all. At upper levels of intelligence, neither anxiety nor reinforcement was found significant. At lower levels of intelligence, anxiety was found to interfere with learning under all the reinforcement conditions. It was found further that the most affected group was the middle intelligencehigh anxiety group. This group performed better under praise than under praise + reproof and reproof alone.  相似文献   
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