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通过探讨正常人与高位胆管癌病人之间的门静脉血流改变,发现两者之间有明显的不同。所以门静脉血流改变在诊断高位胆管癌方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   
汉字读音中的音似与形似启动效应   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
张厚粲  舒华 《心理学报》1989,22(3):62-67
本研究使用启动命名法,对汉字读音过程中的音似和形似启动效应进行了初步探讨。结果发现,音和形都相似的启动字和目标字之间存在着显著的启动效应。关于字音和字形的相对作用,在本研究中音似启动效应显著,表明汉语读者的心理词典结构中存在着语音联结通路。形似启动效应不显著,但字形的启动作用值得进一步研究。  相似文献   
本研究使用命名法和量表评定法,分别对235个图形的命名一致性、熟悉性、表象一致性和视觉复杂性进行了测试。被试为142名大学生,集体施测。结果发现,除命名一致性指标相对较低外,其它三项指标与国外研究结果很接近,表明这套图形基本上是适合我国被试的。相关分析表明,四项指标是不同质的,它们的设置是必要的。其中,熟悉性和命名一致性两个指标是在各种图形实验设计中需要特别注意的。  相似文献   
滕桂荣 《心理学报》1989,22(1):78-87
本实验研究了成员地位差别(平等组(4—4—4)、杰出组(3—5—5)、突出组(3—3—5)、惯常组(3—4—5))和任务种类(猜谜、人员选择、资源分配、风险决策)对小团体达成一致决策的影响,并预测了五种决策模式:真实模型、权力模型、大多数模型、弱者联合模型和折中模型。结果表明,猜谜问题比较符合真实模型,而突出组(3—3—5)符合权力模型。这与国外得到的研究结果一致,并表现出某些中国人的决策规律。  相似文献   
Invariance in the MMPI's component structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bernstein and Garbin (1985b) suggested that the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory's major clinical scales (excluding Scales ? and 5) can be approximated by an oblique three-component structure: (a) Profile Elevation, (b) Test-taking Attitudes, and (c) Optimism-Pessimism, collectively termed the salient weight model. In this study, we found that both this model and the MMPI's principal component structure remain invariant across race, sex, and, as previously noted, context of testing (job applicants vs. inmates in correctional institutions). We further noted that several alternative definitions of Profile Elevation provide equally satisfactory representation of the relations among the scales. This factor invariance is necessary, but not sufficient, for the MMPI to be viewed as unbiased.  相似文献   
跨期选择是对不同时间点的得失的权衡与选择。伊索寓言《蚂蚁和蚱蜢》假借群居型昆虫的跨期选择偏爱暗喻投资未来的慢策略比只顾眼前的快策略更利于生存。用跨期选择领域通用的语言解读这一寓言便是:选择大而迟选项的蚂蚁比选择小而早选项的蚱蜢更可能扛过严冬而生存下来。为了探索何种跨期选择策略更有助于我们扛过疫情,本研究调查了亚非欧美大洋洲这5大洲18个国家共计26355名受测者对混合得失双结果的跨期选择偏爱,测量了人们平时和疫时跨期选择偏爱的变易程度(2类变易的程度指标),以及人们自评的扛疫成效。跨文化比较结果的主要发现是:不同通货的选择变易程度(指标1)和不同时期的选择变易程度(指标2)能联合预测中国/新加坡文化圈国民的自评扛疫成效;不同时期的选择变易程度(指标2)也可以单独预测印度/马来西亚/菲律宾/尼日利亚文化圈国民的自评扛疫成效;这2类选择偏爱变易的程度指标不能预测其他文化圈国民的自评扛疫成效(或者预测方向和假设相反)。基于易经“穷则变,变则通”的要旨和跨国比较的发现,我们认为:面临历史危机时善于变通的特长抑或成就了中华民族特有的竞争优势;在应对危机时,与中国文化距离越相近的国家或民族抑或也能...  相似文献   
The 3RT Test consists of a simple, a choice, and a conditional reaction time (RT) task. The three tasks involve comparable visual stimuli and require identical manual responses, but they differ in the complexity of cognitive processing required. The nonverbal stimuli convey commonly known meanings. Responses can be made either on the keyboard or on response keys connected to the computer’s serial port. The computer’s internal timer/counter is used for millisecond timing. The test administration program allows flexible setting of the test conditions. The data analysis program provides summary data not only for each RT task as a whole, but also for separate trial types within each task. Summary statistics include measures of variation and central value that are not affected by extreme scores. In addition to laboratory studies with normal adults, the 3RT Test is suitable for life-span developmental studies, cross-cultural comparisons, and other uses in various clinical settings.  相似文献   
This study investigated the relationship between coping strategies and distress symptomatology in survivors of sexual revictimization. Coping strategies were assessed with the revised Ways of Coping Scale (Aldwin & Revenson, 1987). Distress symptoms included global distress, depression, anxiety, and somatization. Subjects were 44 survivors of sexual victimization in both childhood and adulthood; 54 survivors of a single incident of sexual victimization in childhood; and 256 nonvictimized individuals. All were drawn from a subject pool of female undergraduate students. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed significant differences between groups on reported symptomatology and coping strategies. Victimized groups reported more distress than did the nonvictimized group. The multiple victimization group indicated greater use of coping strategies than did the nonvictimized group, and both victimized groups reported greater use of the escapism strategy than did the nonvictimized group. Multiple backward regression analysis found that coping strategies were predictive of distress symptomatology in all three groups, with escapism as the most potent predictor of distress for each group. Coping strategies were the most powerful predictors of distress in the multiply victimized group. The results of this study provide strong support for the importance of addressing coping strategies in clinical intervention of distress, particularly with survivors of multiple sexual victimization.  相似文献   
潘菽 《心理学报》1979,12(1):4-12
随着我国的社会主义革命和社会主义建设进入了一个新的历史发展时期,我国的科学文化也将要进入一个崭新的光辉灿烂的繁荣发展时期。我们的心理学面临着这样一个伟大的新时期,应该怎么办呢?我想就我们心理学会在粉碎了“四人帮”之后举行第一个具有继往开来意义的年会的时候,对这个问题讲一些个人不成熟的看法,提供同志们参考、讨论并请指正。 华国锋同志向我们指出:“‘四人帮’的垮台标志着我国第一次无产阶级文化大革  相似文献   
生活中,个体会时时关注自己的行为结果并及时做出调整以适应环境的变化。但在应激下个体能否有效地监控行为并做出适应性调整依然未知。本研究招募了52名男性大学生被试,将其随机分入应激组与控制组,采用特里尔社会应激测试(Trier Social Stress Test, TSST)诱发个体的应激反应,并结合错误意识任务(Error Awareness Task,EAT)探索个体急性应激下的错误监控与错误后调整过程。应激指标的结果显示应激组个体在应激任务后唾液皮质醇、心率、应激感知自我报告和负性情绪均显著高于控制组,表明急性应激的诱发是成功的。行为结果显示应激组的错误意识正确率显著低于控制组,错误意识反应时显著短于控制组;进一步地,应激组个体在意识到错误之后的试次上正确率显著低于未意识到错误之后的试次,并且应激组个体在意识到错误之后的试次上正确率低于控制组。结果表明急性应激降低了个体对错误反应的监控水平,即便在辨别出错误反应的情况下,个体的行为监控与调节也更差。本研究说明急性应激会损伤行为监控系统,导致个体的行为适应性下降。  相似文献   
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