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Li  Cheng-Yu  Pan  Chun-Ying  Hsu  Yuying 《Animal cognition》2023,26(5):1477-1488
Animal Cognition - The outcomes of recent fights can provide individuals information about their relative fighting ability and affect their contest decisions (winner–loser effects). Most...  相似文献   
This systematic review examines 35 empirical studies featuring the use of think-aloud interviews in computational thinking (CT) research. Findings show that think-aloud interviews (1) are typically conducted in Computer Science classrooms and with K-12 students; (2) are usually combined with other exploratory CT assessment tools; (3) have the potential to benefit learners with special needs and identify the competency gaps through involving diverse participants; (4) are conducted in the absence of cognitive models and standard procedures; and (5) display insufficient definitional and methodological rigor. Theoretically, this review presents a systematic assessment about the application of think-aloud interviews in CT studies and identifies the limitations in existing CT-related think-aloud studies. Practically, this review serves as a reference for studying the cognitive processes during CT problem-solving and provides suggestions for CT researchers who intend to incorporate think-aloud interviews in their studies.  相似文献   
不确定性问题解决策略研究及存在的问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对不确定性问题解决及认知策略方面颇有代表性的研究的回顾、分析了该领域的研究特点、现状及存在的问题。  相似文献   
潘菽 《心理学报》1979,12(1):4-12
随着我国的社会主义革命和社会主义建设进入了一个新的历史发展时期,我国的科学文化也将要进入一个崭新的光辉灿烂的繁荣发展时期。我们的心理学面临着这样一个伟大的新时期,应该怎么办呢?我想就我们心理学会在粉碎了“四人帮”之后举行第一个具有继往开来意义的年会的时候,对这个问题讲一些个人不成熟的看法,提供同志们参考、讨论并请指正。 华国锋同志向我们指出:“‘四人帮’的垮台标志着我国第一次无产阶级文化大革  相似文献   
1274年,元军在统帅伯颜统领下南下攻伐南宋.在这期间,蒙古统治者没有采取以往攻伐的策略,原南宋之地因此保持了经济发展的势头,而海运的需要,又江苏成为粮食集散地和出海口,江苏市镇和商品经济得到了长足进步.在经济富裕的基础上,江苏文人有了居住在城镇的便利,随之彼此交流扩大.新的生活方式导致江苏文人生活观念发生改变,带来文化面貌的革新.元末,顾瑛为东道主的草堂雅集等促成了文化中心从杭州移向江苏.元代江苏的文化展现了特殊的时代性和丰富的地方性.  相似文献   
价值观是人们区分好坏、善恶、美丑、损益、是非的信念系统,通常是充满情感的。价值观具有稳定性与可变性的特点。价值观的稳定性表现为:基本价值观具有跨时间的稳定性和跨情境的一致性; 特别是保护性价值观和人生价值观具有较强的稳定性。个人的发展、经历重大事件以及实验干预可导致价值观的改变,可变性主要表现为价值观的重要性发生变化。从我国的实际出发,探讨个人的核心价值观问题、以及价值观研究中国化、价值观研究对价值观教育的启示,乃是我们今后研究的关注点。  相似文献   
Pan  Junhao  Ip  Edward Haksing  Dubé  Laurette 《Psychometrika》2020,85(1):75-100
Psychometrika - Ansari et al. (Psychometrika 67:49–77, 2002) applied a multilevel heterogeneous model for confirmatory factor analysis to repeated measurements on individuals. While the mean...  相似文献   
本文以在中国境内举办的宗教心理学学术会议和中国知网为平台,将2014-2018五年间的会议论文、期刊论文、学位论文和出版图书作为文献整体,采用文献计量法统计分析其宗教类别、研究方法、文章体裁、作者特征等方面的数据信息,以期通过量化分析,为构建宗教心理学的中国学术话语体系以及为中国宗教心理学的学科制度建设和未来发展提供决策参考依据。  相似文献   
消极身体意象是青少年健康成长所面临的重要问题之一。了解消极身体意象对青少年的危害以及其形成的影响因素, 对于青少年群体身心健康发展具有重要意义。消极身体意象对青少年的负面影响主要包括自我概念、情绪体验、体重控制策略、饮食失调和社会生活五个方面; 并且青少年消极身体意象形成的影响因素主要有生物因素(BMI)、社会文化因素(父母、同伴和大众媒体)和心理因素(人格因素、认知方式)。未来可从以下几个方面进一步深入研究:(1) 基于生物-心理-社会模型的视角完善青少年身体意象发展的理论模型; (2) 考察社交媒体等新兴因素的作用; (3) 阐明青少年在加工身体相关信息时的认知特点; (4) 推进中国青少年消极身体意象本土化研究。  相似文献   
As virtual reality (VR) technology and systems become more commercially available and accessible, more and more psychologists are starting to integrate VR as part of their methods. This approach offers major advantages in experimental control, reproducibility, and ecological validity, but also has limitations and hidden pitfalls which may distract the novice user. This study aimed to guide the psychologist into the novel world of VR, reviewing available instrumentation and mapping the landscape of possible systems. We use examples of state-of-the-art research to describe challenges which research is now solving, including embodiment, uncanny valley, simulation sickness, presence, ethics, and experimental design. Finally, we propose that the biggest challenge for the field would be to build a fully interactive virtual human who can pass a VR Turing test – and that this could only be achieved if psychologists, VR technologists, and AI researchers work together.  相似文献   
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