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中国人的群体参照记忆效应   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
杨红升  黄希庭 《心理学报》2007,39(2):235-241
在自我参照效应范式中加入参照认同群体加工任务,比较了中国被试在参照中国人和参照美国人进行记忆加工时的再认率及“记得”与“知道”判断的成绩。两项实验结果一致表明,参照中国人加工的再认成绩显著高于参照美国人,表明记忆加工的认同群体参照效应,而在“记得”与“知道”指标上并无差异;参照中国人加工的再认成绩和“记得”判断成绩显著低于自我参照加工。根据个体自我、关系自我和集体自我的分类方法,自我参照效应反映了个体自我对于记忆加工的影响,群体参照效应则主要反映了集体自我的影响  相似文献   
IT企业员工压力源、应对方式与身心健康的相关研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究旨在探索压力源、应对方式与身心健康的关系和作用机制。结果表明:所有压力源和控制型应对方式与身心健康有显著相关;对男性心理健康起预测作用的压力源为人际关系、角色模糊、工作家庭平衡、职业发展,且控制型应对方式在角色模糊与心理健康之间起调节作用;对男性身体健康起预测作用的压力源为工作负荷、角色冲突和控制型应对方式;对女性心理健康起预测作用的压力源为工作家庭平衡,对女性身体健康起预测作用的压力源为工作负荷。  相似文献   
程序公正及其心理机制   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
程序公正是组织公正的重要成分。自从Thibaut和Walker(1975)提出程序公正的概念以后,程序公正被引入了很多领域的研究,得到了极大的发展,但是程序公正的内容需要整合统一。发言权效应和尊重效应讨论了影响程序公正判断的因素,个人利益模型和团体价值模型则分析了其内在的心理机制。程序公正影响了大量与工作有关的态度和行为,并与分配结果产生了交互作用,其内在机制也在文章中得到了讨论。  相似文献   
自我面孔识别的独特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
杨红升 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1517-1520
与识别他人的面孔相比,自我面孔识别在行为反应、种系发生、个体发展以及脑机制等方面都具有很大的独特性。行为指标方面,自我面孔识别在速度上快于识别他人的面孔;种系发生方面,只有人类和大猩猩等高级灵长类动物才具有识别自己面孔的能力;个体发展方面,儿童出生后不久即能识别他人面孔,但要在18个月左右才能表现出自我面孔识别能力;脑机制方面,神经心理学和脑成像研究结果表明自我面孔识别可能主要是右脑的功能。该领域的研究进展将为深入了解自我的形成机理提供一个新的探视“窗口”。  相似文献   
We examined the impact that measurement artifacts (antithetical items that overlap counterproductive work behavior (CWB), agreement response, halo in supervisor ratings) in organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) measures has on observed relationships between OCB and 15 predictors. Respondents were 146 employees and their supervisors who completed surveys that included OCB measures with and without artifacts. Predictors (conscientiousness, emotional stability, empathy, distributive justice, procedural justice, role ambiguity, role conflict, leader–member exchange, affective organizational commitment, job satisfaction, negative and positive emotion, turnover intention, CWB, and task performance) were chosen that related to OCB in prior meta-analyses. Results with the OCB scale with artifacts were consistent with meta-analyses, whereas results with the artifact-controlled OCB scale were not, suggesting that accepted conclusions about OCB’s relationships with many other variables should be reexamined.  相似文献   
This article focuses on the key relationship marketing tools of customer service, loyalty/rewards programs, brand/store community, personalization and customization, and their relationship with customer retention. The relationship between customer service, loyalty/rewards programs, customization, personalization, brand/store community and customer retention were examined via an empirical investigation of 450 loyalty/reward program members of three retail stores in Malaysia. The administration of the survey was personally administered but self‐completed. Four of the five relationship marketing tools, namely, customer service, loyalty/rewards programs, brand/store community and personalization, had a significant positive relationship with customer retention. The findings provided valuable insights into the loyalty program management practices of retail stores in a developing country context. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Eye-tracking technique and visual search task were employed to examine the cognitive advantage for one’s own name and the possible effect of familiarity on this advantage. The results showed that fewer saccades and an earlier start time of first fixations on the target were associated with trials in which participants were asked to search for their own name, as compared to search for personally familiar or famous names. In addition, the results also demonstrated faster response times and higher accuracy in the former kind of trials. Taken together, these findings provide important evidence that one’s own name has the potential to capture attention and that familiarity cannot account for this advantage.  相似文献   
大学生自信发展特点的研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
车丽萍 《心理科学》2003,26(4):661-666
本研究选取931名大学生为被试,采用自编“大学生自信问卷”?考察了大学生自信的年龄特点、性别差异及学校类型差异。结果表明:大学生自信总水平差异显著,除社交自信外,整体自信、学业自信和身体自信均存在极显著性别差异,男生高于女生;大学生在整体、学业和身体自信及其分维度上存在显著年级差异:一、四年级显著高于二、三年级,其中三年级自信度明显低于其它年级;学业、社交、身体自信及其分维度存在显著学校类型差异,非重点大学学生显著高于重点大学学生;年级和学校类型在身体自信、整体自信、学业自信、社交自信及其某些层面上存在显著交互作用;性别和学校类型在身体自信某分维度的交互作用达显著水平。  相似文献   
How to promote employees to be proactive behaviourally is a significant issue in the literature because it would benefit organisations in several ways. Drawing on the acceptance and commitment model, we proposed a new antecedent, psychological flexibility that might contribute to employees' proactive work behaviour. Furthermore, we investigated how the contextual role of supervisor need for structure exhibits a cross‐level moderating effect on the relationship between employee psychological flexibility at work and proactive work behaviour based on interactionism. Data from 241 full‐time employees and their corresponding 45 managers indicated that employee psychological flexibility was positively associated with proactive work behaviour. More importantly, the supervisor need for structure played a moderating role, suggesting that employees would demonstrate greater proactive work behaviour especially when the supervisors have a high need for structure. Implications for psychological flexibility, proactivity, and person‐situation interactional research are discussed.  相似文献   
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