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The dependence of the conjunction fallacy on subtle linguistic factors   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary The three experiments reported in this article are concerned with moderating conditions of the so-called conjunction fallacy. Although the conjunction of two events (A&B) is necessarily less probable than one event alone, intelligent people's judgments sometimes violate this logical principle when it is easier to think about or imagine the conjunction A&B than the component event A. It was hypothesized that the fallacy might be reduced either by a priming treatment (directing the participants' attention to the logical rule prior to the conjunctions tasks) or by a linguistic manipulation (replacing the ambiguous term probability by the term frequency. Experiment 1 shows that the bias is drastically reduced by the subtle linguistic manipulation and suggests that the fallacy is partly due to a common misunderstanding of the probability concept. The lack of a priming effect seems to imply that cueing or activation of logical schemata is not a critical factor. Experiment 2 replicates the linguistic influence under slightly modified task conditions, and Experiment 3 corroborates the ineffectiveness of the priming factor using a stronger priming treatment.  相似文献   
In an article in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Vecchio (1990) purported to test cognitive resource theory (Fiedler, 1986; Fiedler & Garcia, 1987). We present evidence that Vecchio's article seriously misrepresented previous work on cognitive resource theory and also contained several flaws in methodology that call into question his conclusions regarding the validity of cognitive resource theory.  相似文献   
Two experiments demonstrate a positivity bias in person memory. Recall is superior for statements endorsed by a target person than for denied statements. This effect of informational positivity is independent of affective positivity (Experiment 1) and on holds for statements associated with one individual as an organizing category (Experiment 2).  相似文献   
The results of an evaluation of the perfusion scintigraphy findings of 350 hospitalised neurological patients and 55 more strictly selected neurosurgical patients with cerebrovascular complaints, revealed an accuraty of 83%, a sensitivity of 89%, and a specificity of 83%. The selection of the patients had no influence on the results as a whole. Compared with contrast-medium angiography, incorrect diagnosis must be expected in 17% of the cases. This includes erroneous negative findings in 10% of the cases. Grounds for misinterpretations are suggested, and the biological and methodological limitations of the method are set forth.  相似文献   
Mood-congruent memory was investigated as a function of the structure of the information to be remembered (categorical vs. isolated) and the participant’s arousal (stimulating drug vs. placebo). Free recall of photographs showing either pleasant or unpleasant scenes was assessed for subjects under positive or neutral mood states, induced by the imagination of emotional experiences under relaxation. Although the arousal manipulation did not affect the recall performance, the findings highlight the importance of the information structure: a mood-congruency effect was obtained for the isolated pictures; however, the effect did not appear for categorical material, suggesting that structural constraints on the recall process can override the influence of mood on memory. Interestingly, the subject’s evaluations of the pictures also shifted toward their mood states. A general recall advantage of positive mood was observed.  相似文献   
Diriger des groupes de travail d'une autre culture : effets de I'initiation préalable à cette culture. — Etude exploratoire portant sur l'utilité de programmes d'enseignement culturel pour accroître l'efficacité de ceux qui sont amenés à diriger des groupes de travail appartenant à une autre culture que la leur. La recherche a porté sur vingt-quatre sujets américains (cadets ROTC, engagés volontaires dans une compagnie des Forces Spéciales de l'armée américaine) et a également requis la participation de douze étudiants arabes, inscrits à I'Université de l'Illinois. Les vingt-quatre sujets américains ont été divisés en deux groupes égaux d'après la note qu'ils ont obtenue au LPC (Least Preferred Coworker : partenaire le moins aimé) qui permet d'apprécier les attitudes manifestées dans l'exercice du commandement. Ces groupes sont de nouveau dichotomisés selon deux types de formation : douze sujets reçoivent pendant trois heures un enseignement programmé sur la culture arabe, les douze autres reçoivent un enseignement de même durée et de même forme, sur un sujet sans rapport avec la culture arabe, à savoir la géographie du Moyen-Orient. Après la phase d'enseignement, on demande à chaque S. américain de diriger un groupe composé de deux arabes et de lui-même. Chaque équipe de deux arabes est utilisée une fois dans chacune des quatre conditions expérimentales (deux types de chefs, deux types de formation), l'ordre étant contrebalancé. Chaque groupe travaille sur trois tâches différentes (une tâche coopérative non structurée, une tâche coopérative structurée, une tâche de négotiation). On obtient généralement un plus haut niveau de performance, mesurée à la fois par la productivité et par la qualité des relations dirigeant-dirigé, avec les moniteurs qui ont reçu un enseignement sur la culture arabe. On trouve également des différences entre les moniteurs libéraux, soucieux de bonnes relations inter-personnelles et les moniteurs autoritaires et répressifs. l'interaction entre I'initiation à la culture et le style de commandement montre que les moniteurs qui ont des styles différents bénéficient de manière spécifique du programme d'initiation culturelle. On constate que I'initiation à la culture et I'interaction face à face avec des gens d'une autre culture entraînent des changements positifs dans les attitudes.  相似文献   
The study reports relationships between teachers' belief systems (Harvey), a teacher-pupil interaction measure of classroom influence, pupils' perception of the dimate of the dassroom, and pupils' academic achievement. Results demonstrate that more complex teachers encourage more pupil influence, and are perceived as having a more origin climate. In classrooms of high pupil influence and perceived origin climate, the pupils have higher academic achievement. These results are discussed in terms of the theory of personal causation and are cited as evidence for the value of the study of action sequences as related to verbal-utterances of the actors.  相似文献   
A cognitive-ecological approach to judgment biases is presented and substantiated by recent empirical evidence. Latent properties of the environment are not amenable to direct assessment but have to be inferred from empirical samples that provide the interface between cognition and the environment. The sampling process may draw on the external world or on internal memories. For systematic reasons (proximity, salience, and focus of attention), the resulting samples tend to be biased (selective, skewed, or conditional on information search strategies). Because people lack the metacognitive ability to understand and control for sampling constraints (predictor sampling, criterion sampling, selective-outcome sampling, etc.), the sampling biases carry over to subsequent judgments. Within this framework, alternative accounts are offered for a number of judgment biases, such as base-rate neglect, confirmation bias, illusory correlation, pseudo-contingency, Simpson's paradox, outgroup devaluation, and pragmatic-confusion effects.  相似文献   
Conditional probability judgments of rare events are often inflated. Early accounts assumed a general deficit in using statistical base rates. More recent approaches predict improvement when problems are presented in frequency format or refer to natural categories. The present theory focuses on sampling processes. Experiment 1 showed that a seeming advantage of frequency over probability formats is due to a confounded factor, the need to mentally transform stimulus samples. An information search paradigm was used in Experiment 2. When sampling by the predictor, the probability to be estimated, p(criterion/predictor), was conserved in the samples and judgments were quite accurate. However, when sampling by the criterion, the low base-rate event was strongly overrepresented, accounting for the entire bias. Judgments were quite sensitive to the sampled data, but failed to take sampling constraints into account, as shown in Experiments 3 and 4.  相似文献   
This study examined the relationships between personality disorders and retrospective reports of family support and conflict with parents. Participants were 798 United States Air Force recruits who were participating in a larger program of research on the peer assessment of personality disorders. Correlational analyses revealed consistent but modest associations between personality disorder features and both measures of family adversity. Borderline, antisocial, and paranoid features maintained small, unique associations after controlling for the general component of personality disorder. Further analyses, however, showed that differences among the correlations between personality disorder traits and family adversity measures account for little explained variance. In general, it does not appear that individual personality disorders have unique relations with retrospective reports of family adversity. Instead, the relation between personality disorders and family adversity seems to depend on a component common to all personality disorders.  相似文献   
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