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The role of the dynamic interactions between hydrogen in a solid solution and the stress-induced martensite transformation in hydrogen embrittlement has been investigated using trained Ni–Ti superelastic alloy. In a cyclic tensile test in the stress plateau region caused by stress-induced martensite and reverse transformations after hydrogen charging, a further decrease in the critical stress for the martensite transformation is observed. In addition, the number of cycles to fracture for a trained specimen is significantly larger than that for a non-trained specimen. Since most of the charged hydrogen is preferentially trapped in defects induced by training, the hydrogen embrittlement is considerably suppressed as a result of decreasing interactions between the hydrogen and the transformation. The present results indicate that hydrogen in a solid solution more strongly interacts with the stress-induced martensite transformation than hydrogen trapped in defects, thereby further enhancing the hydrogen embrittlement related to phase transformations.  相似文献   
As with humans, vocal communication is an important social tool for nonhuman primates. Common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) often produce whistle-like ‘phee’ calls when they are visually separated from conspecifics. The neural processes specific to phee call perception, however, are largely unknown, despite the possibility that these processes involve social information. Here, we examined behavioral and whole-brain mapping evidence regarding the detection of individual conspecific phee calls using an audio playback procedure. Phee calls evoked sound exploratory responses when the caller changed, indicating that marmosets can discriminate between caller identities. Positron emission tomography with [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose revealed that perception of phee calls from a single subject was associated with activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal, medial prefrontal, orbitofrontal cortices, and the amygdala. These findings suggest that these regions are implicated in cognitive and affective processing of salient social information. However, phee calls from multiple subjects induced brain activation in only some of these regions, such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. We also found distinctive brain deactivation and functional connectivity associated with phee call perception depending on the caller change. According to changes in pupillary size, phee calls from a single subject induced a higher arousal level compared with those from multiple subjects. These results suggest that marmoset phee calls convey information about individual identity and affective valence depending on the consistency or variability of the caller. Based on the flexible perception of the call based on individual recognition, humans and marmosets may share some neural mechanisms underlying conspecific vocal perception.  相似文献   
We investigated the relationship between levels of delusional ideation (whether positive or negative delusions) and the activation and distortion of memory by using pairs of positive and negative adjectives describing personality traits where those adjectives had similar meanings. We presented one of each pair of adjectives in the learning phase. Immediately after the learning phase in Experiment 1, we asked whether each adjective had been presented. Participants with high (positive or negative) delusional ideation were more likely to indicate that they had learned adjectives that they had not actually learned. This finding suggested that non-learned positive (or negative) adjectives that were associated with learned negative (or positive) adjectives were more likely to be activated in participants prone to positive (or negative) delusional ideation. However, in Experiment 2, two forced-choice tests were conducted immediately after the learning phase. In this context, participants, regardless of their proneness to delusional ideation, could almost always correctly distinguish what had and had not been presented, suggesting that the activation of learned items was still stronger than that for non-learned items in the immediate test. As time passed, the proportion of false alarms for positive or negative adjectives was higher in the two forced-choice tests among those with high proneness to (positive or negative) delusional ideation, suggesting that participants with delusional ideation were increasingly likely to depend on internal conditions for retrieval over time. Nous avons examiné la relation entre les niveaux d'idéation illusoire (qu'elle soit positive ou négative) et l'activation et la distorsion de la mémoire, en utilisant des paires d'adjectifs positifs et négatifs à significations similaires décrivant des traits de personnalité. Nous avons présenté un membre de chaque paire d'adjectifs lors d'une phase d'apprentissage. Dans une première expérience, immédiatement après la phase d'apprentissage, nous avons demandé si chaque adjectif avait été présenté. Les participants ayant un niveau d'idéation illusoire (positive ou négative) élevé étaient plus susceptibles d'indiquer qu'ils avaient appris les adjectifs qu'ils n'avaient pas appris. Ce résultat suggérait que les adjectifs positifs (ou négatifs) non appris qui étaient associés à des adjectifs négatifs (ou positifs) appris étaient plus susceptibles d'être activés chez les participants portés à l'idéation illusoire positive (ou négative). Dans une deuxième expérience, deux tests à choix forcés ont été menés immédiatement après la phase d'apprentissage. Dans ce contexte, les participants, indépendamment de leur tendance à l'idéation illusoire, pouvaient presque toujours distinguer correctement ce qui avait été présenté de ce qui n'avait pas été présenté, suggérant que l'activation des items appris était encore plus forte que celle des items non appris dans le test immédiat. Avec le temps, la proportion de fausses alarmes pour les adjectifs positifs ou négatifs était plus élevée dans les deux tests à choix forcés chez les participants portés à l'idéation illusoire (positive ou négative), ce qui suggère que les participants avec idéation illusoire étaient de plus en plus susceptibles de dépendre de leurs conditions internes lors du rappel à mesure que le temps passait. En este estudio se investigó la relación entre los niveles de ideación delusional (tanto delusiones positivas como negativas) y la activación y distorsión de la memoria a través del uso de pares de adjetivos positivos y negativos que describen rasgos de personalidad. Estos pares de adjetivos tenían significados similares. En la fase de aprendizaje se presentó un miembro de cada par de adjetivos. Inmediatamente después de la fase de aprendizaje se realizó el primer experimento, en el cual se preguntó al participanten si es que se le habían presentado cada uno de los adjetivos. Los participantes con elevada ideación delusiva (positiva o negativa) reportaran con una mayor probabilidad haber aprendido adjetivos que en realidad no se les había presentado. Este hallazgo sugiere que adjetivos positivos (o negativos) no aprendidos que estaban asociados con adjetivos negativos (o positivos) aprendidos, tenían una mayor probabilidad de ser activados en participantes propensos a una ideación delusiva positiva (o negativa). En el segundo experimento se llevaron a cabo inmediatamente después de la fase de aprendizaje dos pruebas de decisión forzada. En este contexto se pudo observar que los participantes a pesar de su tendencia hacia una ideación delusional, lograron distinguir en la mayoría de los casos correctamente entre los adjetivos que les fueron presentado y lo que no. Esto sugiere que la activación de los items aprendidos fue mucho más intensa que la de los items no aprendidos en el test. Sin embargo se pudo observar en los participantes de las dos pruebas de decisión forzada que con el paso del tiempo el porcentaje de falso reconocimiento de adjetivos positivos y negativos fue más elevado entre aquellas personas con una alta tendencia hacia una ideación delusional (positiva o negativa). Esto sugiere que en participantes con ideación delusional el reconocimiento de información a lo largo del tiempo probablemente es muy dependiente de condiciones internas.  相似文献   
One of the most frequently used markers in research on numerical cognition is the distance effect. Recently, we have suggested that a distance effect can have different origins depending on the experimental task. By dissociating the comparison distance effect from the priming distance effect we revealed the need to study the origin of this effect before drawing any conclusions from it (van Opstal, Gevers, de Moor, &; Verguts, 2008). Because a distance effect in a same–different task is also commonly used to study number representations (e.g., Dehaene &; Akhavein, 1995), the present study aimed at uncovering the origin of the effect in this task. Computational and empirical results indicate clearly that the distance effect in the same–different task originates from number representations rather than a decision process.  相似文献   
In three experiments, we examined whether change in direct gaze was better at capturing visuospatial attention than non-direct gaze change. Also, change in direct gaze can be categorised into two types: 'look toward', which means gaze changing to look toward observers, and 'look away', which means gaze changing to look away from observers. Thus, we also investigated which type of change in direct gaze was more effective in capturing visuospatial attention. Each experiment employed a change-detection task, and we compared detection accuracy between 'look away', 'look toward', and non-direct gaze-change conditions. In experiment 1, we found detection advantage for change in direct gaze relative to non-direct gaze change, and for 'look toward' compared with 'look away'. In experiment 2, we conducted control experiments to exclude possibilities of simple motion detection and geometrical factors of eyes, and confirm detection advantage in experiment 1 only occurred when the stimuli were processed as faces and gazes. In experiment 3, we manipulated the head deviation, but the results in experiment 1 persisted despite changes in head orientation. The findings establish that individuals are sensitive to change in direct relative to non-direct gaze change, and 'look toward' compared with 'look away'.  相似文献   
We investigated the perceived distance of targets in convex and plane mirrors. In Experiment 1, 20 subjects matched the distance of targets in a real scene to the distance of a virtual target in different mirrors. The matched distances were much larger for convex mirrors than for a plane mirror. In Experiment 2, 20 subjects viewed two targets in a mirror and adjusted their own positions so that the distance to the closer target was perceived to equal the distance between the targets. The mean distance to the closer target was smaller for the convex mirrors than for the plane mirror. In Experiment 3, 20 subjects adjusted the position of a target so that the distance to it in a mirror was perceived to equal the distance designated by the experimenter. The best-fitting power functions showed that the scaling factors were larger for the convex mirrors than for the plane mirror, but the exponents were smaller for the convex mirrors than for the plane mirror. It is suggested that distance in the convex mirrors was perceived to be larger than in the plane mirror, and that the growth of perceived distance in the convex mirrors was slower than in the plane mirror.  相似文献   
Previous studies have suggested that auditory hallucination is closely related to thought insertion. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the external misattribution of thought and auditory hallucination-like experiences. We used the AHES-17, which measures auditory hallucination-like experiences in normal, healthy people, and the Deese–Roediger–McDermott paradigm, in which false alarms of critical lure are regarded as spontaneous external misattribution of thought. We found that critical lures elicited increased the number of false alarms as AHES-17 scores increased and that scores of AHES-17 predicted the rate of false memory of critical lures. Furthermore, we revealed that the relationship between AHES-17 scores and the rates of false alarms to critical lures was strictly linear. Therefore, it might be said that individual differences in auditory hallucination-like experiences are highly related to the external misattribution of thought. We discussed these results from the perspective of the sense of agency over thought.  相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted to investigate the functional relationship between the general somatic motor function and the oral motor function. In Experiment 1, we analyzed the relationship between the amount of masseter muscle (MSS) activity and the velocity of a ballistic, 'karate-do' arm thrusting movement (ThrMov). ThrMov velocity was measured from video images taken with a high-speed CCD camera at a frequency of 500Hz. EMGs of MSS and sternocleidomastoideus (SCM) muscles as well as other related muscles were recorded simultaneously with video images in 6 varsity 'karate-do' athletes. Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated between EMG amplitude and movement velocity. EMG activity of MSS as well as the other muscles increased as a function of ThrMov velocity in all participants, as evidenced by highly significant (p<.01) correlation coefficients, ranging from .64 to .87 (mean: .75). MSS EMG activity attained during ThrMovs performed at maximum velocity ranged between 14.6% and 113.8% of this muscle's MVC (45.7+/-39.3% MVC, mean+/-SD). SCM was also strongly active and closely associated with MSS. Besides changes in amount of EMG activity, it was further found that R-MSS EMG onset progressively shifted to the earlier phase of the ThrMov as ThrMov velocity increased. EMG onset time of R-MSS as well as R- and L-SCMs was negatively correlated with ThrMov velocity; when performed at maximum velocity MSS activation preceded the start of ThrMov by more than 100ms, whereas MSS was recruited last at approximately 150ms after the start of ThrMov when performed at moderate speed ( approximately 50% of maximum). In Experiment 2, the effects of head movement relative to the trunk on R-MSS and SCMs EMG activity were tested in both gazing and sidelong glancing conditions. A much smaller head rotation relative to the trunk was necessary during the ThrMov in the sidelong glancing condition compared to the gazing condition. R-MSS EMG activity was affected significantly by the difference between these conditions and decreased by 5.2% MVC in the sidelong glancing condition compared to the gazing condition. In association with the change in requirement for head movement between those conditions, EMG balance between the bilateral SCMs changed substantially. Finally, marked muscle activity during ThrMov was found in the MSS that was not directly involved in performing this movement, indicating a form of 'remote facilitation'.  相似文献   
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