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The binaural auditory system exhibits certain advantages over the monaural system when detecting a tonal signal in a background of masking noise. These advantages have been described in detail and are referred to as masking-level differences, or MLDs. It has been demonstrated, for example, that performance in detecting a tonal signal that has been reversed in phase at one ear relative to the other ear is about 15–17 dB better than detection of the same signal in-phase at the two ears when masked by moderately intense masking noise that is in-phase at the two ears. The explanations for this phenomenon fall into two general categories, and both types of explanations are based upon the interaction of the tonal signal and masker when they are added together. In the present paper, data are presented which indicate that an MLD of at least 4–5 dB can be obtained in a binaural masking experiment in which the offset of the tonal signal precedes the onset of the noise masker.  相似文献   
The effects of backward masker “fringe” on performance in homophasic and antiphasic masking conditions were investigated. The results of the study indicate that (1) the presence of a backward masker fringe has only a small effect on performance in homophasic masking conditions; (2) under antiphasic masking conditions, the presence of a backward masker fringe improves performance; (3) similar to the results of studies investigating the effects of forward masker fringe, the magnitude of the improvement in performance increases as the duration of the fringe increases; and (4) the magnitude of the improvement caused by the presence of backward masker fringe is considerably smaller than the magnitude of the improvement caused by the forward masker fringe. It appears, then, that the presence of backward masker fringe may provide a baseline or reference phase similar to that which the forward fringe is presumed to provide. The presence of this reference phase after the offset of the signal apparently makes the phase shift associated with the signal-plus-noise waveform more discernible, thus leading to higher detectability. However, for reasons not yet clear, the presence of a baseline or reference phase after the offset of the signal (backward fringe conditions) does not make the signal-plus-noise phase shift as discernible as do either the presence of that same reference phase before the onset of the signal (forward fringe condition) or the presence of that same reference phase both before signal onset and after signal offset (continuous masker condition).  相似文献   
This article illustrates through a personal case example how Solution-Focused Brief Therapy concepts can help people lose weight and keep it off.  相似文献   
In a study of 105 same-sex twin pairs, ages 7 to 10 years, maternal ratings on 23 bipolar scales yielded six factors designated as compliant morality, applied cognitive, sociability, emotionality, tough-mindedness, and activity-distractibility. Analyses by twin pairs (68 identical, 37 fraternal) indicated that correlations for identical pairs were significantly higher than fraternal pairs on all but one factor: tough-mindedness. Profile analyses for the six factors indicated that the profiles of scores across the factors were more concordant for the identical twin pairs. Correlations obtained from the individual scales produced differences between the identical and fraternal twin pairs as well. Overall, the data suggested that several components and the total organization of those components of personality and temperament are genetically influenced.  相似文献   
Lange A  Evers A  Jansen H  Dolan C 《Family process》2002,41(4):709-722
The PACHIQ (Parent-Child Interaction Questionnaire) is designed to help clinicians and researchers assess how parents view relationship with their children (PACHIQ-Parent version), and how children evaluate their relationship with their parents (PACHIQ-Child version). The items in this questionnaire refer to both interpersonal behavior and feelings. Conceptually, the PACHIQ is based on learning theory and structural systems theory. The development of the PACHIQ was described by Lange, Blonk and Wiers (1998). The present article reports additional psychometric data obtained in the development and validation of a revised, shorter version of the questionnaire (PACHIQ-R). We present norm tables for families with children who are referred for psychological treatment, and norm tables for families in the normal Dutch population. The PACHIQ-R displays a two-factor structure with factors interpreted as Conflict Resolution and Acceptance. The parent version of the PACHIQ-R contains 21 items, the child version 25 items.  相似文献   
Both the interrater and test-retest-retest reliability of axis I and axis II disorders were assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I) and the Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders (DIPD-IV). Fair-good median interrater kappa (.40-.75) were found for all axis II disorders diagnosed five times or more, except antisocial personality disorder (1.0). All of the test-retest kappa for axis II disorders, except for narcissistic personality disorder (1.0) and paranoid personality disorder (.39), were also found to be fair-good. Interrater and test-retest dimensional reliability figures for axis II were generally higher than those for their categorical counterparts; most were in the excellent range (> .75). In terms of axis I, excellent median interrater kappa were found for six of the 10 disorders diagnosed five times or more, whereas fair-good median interrater kappa were found for the other four axis I disorders. In general, test-retest reliability figures for axis I disorders were somewhat lower than the interrater reliability figures. Three test-retest kappa were in the excellent range, six were in the fair-good range, and one (for dysthymia) was in the poor range (.35). Taken together, the results of this study suggest that both axis I and axis II disorders can be diagnosed reliably when using appropriate semistructured interviews. They also suggest that the reliability of axis II disorders is roughly equivalent to that reliability found for most axis I disorders.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the validity of mediating pathways in predicting self-assessed negative affect from shyness/social withdrawal, peer rejection, victimization by peers (overt and relational), and the attitude that aggression is legitimate and warranted. Participants were 296 3rd through 5th graders (156 girls, 140 boys) from 10 elementary schools. Self-report measures of victimization, attitudes, and negative affect, and a teacher-report measure of shyness/social withdrawal and peer rejection were completed during the spring semesters of 2 consecutive years. Hierarchical regression analyses supported the mediational model in predicting negative affect at Time 2. However, an increase in negative affect over the 12-month study period was best accounted for by direct effects of increased victimization and changes in attitudes/attributions regarding aggression. Implications for the planning of school interventions designed to interrupt these victimization-maladjustment pathways are discussed.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Effective Learning Program (ELP) with students who are at high risk for dropping out of high school. The intervention sought to change external control expectancies to more internal ones, improve students' skills in building relationships with peers and adults, and increase graduation rates. Thirty-eight students considered at risk for dropping out of high school received the intervention. In addition, ELP-eligible students who did not receive the ELP intervention (n = 36) and regular education students (n = 50) from the same high school were compared with the students who received the ELP. A significantly greater percentage of ELP students graduated, became more internally controlled, achieved more as shown by standardized tests, and developed greater social skills and better relationships than their ELP-eligible but nonparticipating peers. The authors suggest that researchers identify which aspects of the ELP are responsible for the improvement in retention, achievement, and personal attributes.  相似文献   
This study examined rater congruence and discrepancies in African American parent–adolescent reports of emotional concerns, behavioral functioning and depression. Using parent child reports of functioning from the ASEBA CBCL and YSR self-report instruments, and clinician rated depression via the CDRS-R, the team examined baseline data from a non-clinical community sample of 35 African American parent–youth dyads. Data suggest that discordance in parent–youth dyad reporting on perceptions of adolescent behaviors and emotions is a helpful factor in predicting depression in African American adolescents. Additionally, the research team identified moderate to strong correlations between clinician-rated and adolescent-rated depression. These data provide a novel examination of the potential significance of parent–adolescent congruence and discrepancies in reporting on youth emotional and behavioral states and its significance for assessing depressive symptoms in teens.  相似文献   
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