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There is evidence that stress can alter the activity in the brain of gamma-aminobutyricacid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that has been implicated in the regulation of LH secretion. In the present study the role of GABA in the restraint stress-induced inhibition of the LH surge was investigated in the intact cyclic rat. Intracerebroventricular (icv) administration of the GABAA receptor agonist muscimol (0.1, 0.5 or 1 μg) 5 min before the presumed onset of the pro-oestrous LH surge (at 0900 h) caused a dose dependent suppression of the surge. A single dose of the GABAB receptor agonist baclofen (1 μg; icv) injected at 0855 h postponed the onset of the LH surge, and repeated injections at 0855 and 1130 h suppressed the surge. These data indicate that GABA-ergic activity in the brain can inhibit the LH surge in the cyclic rat via GABAA and GABAB receptors. Pro-oestrous rats were subjected to 5 hrs of restraint starting at 0855 h. Pretreatment with the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculine (1 μg; icv) at 0840, 0940 and 1040 h or pretreatment with the GABAB receptor antagonist phaclofen (10 μg; icv) at 0840 h were ineffective in preventing the restraint-induced inhibition of the LH surge. The results suggest that GABAA and GABAB receptors are not involved in the inhibitory effect of restraint stress on the LH surge.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 30 weibliche und 30 männliche Versuchspersonen gaben im Dunkelraum bzw. mit geschlossenen Augen bei seitlicher Körperneigung bis in die Horizontale an, in welcher Position ihnen eine Leuchtlinie und ein Metallstab senkrecht erschienen. In nichtlinearer Abhängigkeit vom Grad der Körperneigung zeigten sich dabei Abweichungen der scheinbaren von der objektiven Vertikalen. Die Tendenz dieser Abweichung war für den visuellen wie für den taktilen Wahrnehmungsbereich gleich, bei geringer Körperneigung entgegen, bei großer Körperneigung in die Richtung der Neigung, wobei letztere Tendenz stärker für die visuelle Vertikale ausgeprägt war. Die Ergebnisse wurden auf dem Boden der sensoritonischen Wahrnehmungstheorie interpretiert, nach der sich die Veränderungen in der Lage der scheinbaren Vertikalen nach dem Prinzip der sensori-tonischen Induktion auf Tonusveränderungen des Organismus durch die Scitwärtsneigung zurückführen lassen. Zur Erklärung der nichtlinearen Beziehung zwischen Körperneigung und Abweichung der scheinbaren Vertikalen wurde ein dynamisches Kräftespiel zwischen einer Tendenz zur Reizzuwendung und einer im Dienst der Konstanterhaltung der Wahrnehmungswelt dieser entgegenwirkenden Reaktion angenommen. Das Ergebnis dieses Kräftespiels ließ sich interpretieren, wenn man die Bedeutung einer Konstanterhaltung der Raumdimensionen in aufrechter gegenüber liegender Körperstellung für den visuellen Fernraum gegenüber dem taktilen Nahraum berücksichtigt.
Summary Thirty male and 30 female Ss indicated by means of a luminescent rod in the darkroom and by means of a metal bar with closed eyes the vertical direction of space under systematic variation of tilt from erect to the horizontal position. Deviations of apparent from true vertical had a non-linear relation to the degree of body tilt. The trend of deviations was similar for the visual and tactual experiment: With small angles of body tilt apparent vertical tended to deviate opposite to the direction of tilt; with large degrees of tilt apparent vertical tended to deviate in the direction of tilt. The latter tendency was more pronounced for visual than for tactual vertical.The results were interpreted in keeping with sensory-tonic field theory of perception, according to which deviations of apparent vertical were due to changes in the sensory-tonic state of the organism. Such changes were experimentally introduced through lateral body tilt. To explain the non-linear relation between deviations of apparent vertical and the degree of body tilt, it was hypothesized that there is a dynamic interplay between a primary tendency of the organism to towards stimulation and a secondary opposing tendency serving the maintenance of constancy of spatial dimensions. The result of this interplay was interpreted by introducing the notion of biological relevance of spatial constancy of the upright position versus the reclining position for visual far-space and tactual near-space.

Diese Arbeit wurde unterstützt durch ein Public Health Service Research Grant, MH-00348 des National Institute of Mental Health, während der erste Autor als NATO-Forschungsstipendiat an der Clark-Universität arbeitete. Die Berechnungen wurden im Rechenzentrum des Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts durchgeführt.  相似文献   
Acute stress stimulates the expression and release of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) from the hypothalamus, and the pro-opiomelanocortin products beta-endorphin and ACTH from the anterior pituitary. These neuropeptides are also expressed in immune tissues, and it has been proposed that they may modulate immune responses to stress through paracrine mechanisms. We subjected rats to restraint stress or central injection of interleukin (IL)-1beta to determine whether these acute stimuli can alter the expression of neuropeptides in the spleen and thymus. Restraint stress significantly increased the contents of all these neuropeptides in thymic, but not splenic, extracts. A single icv injection of IL-1beta increased contents of CRH, AVP, ACTH and beta-endorphin in the spleens of both sham-operated and adrenalectomised (ADX) rats. IL-1beta increased thymic contents of CRH and ACTH in sham-operated rats but these increases were not observed in ADX rats. These results suggest that the effects of IL-1beta on neuropeptide expression in the spleen are independent of glucocorticoids, whereas IL-1beta stimulation of neuropeptide expression in the thymus is dependent on circulating glucocorticoids. There were significant correlations between increases in CRH, ACTH and beta-endorphin in the spleen, and between CRH and ACTH in the thymus, consistent with the suggestion that IL-1beta-induced increases in ACTH and beta-endorphin may be mediated through CRH. These results provide evidence that stressors can directly influence neuropeptide expression in immune tissues. Thus stress may influence immune functions through paracrine mechanisms involving locally synthesised neuropeptides as well as through activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis.  相似文献   
We examine the association between neighborhood socio-economic disadvantage and perceived stress during middle and late adolescence among African American youth (N = 665; 51 % female; M = 15.9 years at baseline). In addition, we explored the ways through which neighborhood stressors interacted with an individual’s intra- and interpersonal resources (e.g., coping, social support and substance use), to affect their perceived stress trajectories during adolescence. First, we tested a neighborhood stressors model and found that youth who lived in neighborhoods with greater socioeconomic disadvantage had higher baseline stress and a steeper increase in stress over time. When we included individual-level risk and promotive factors in the model, however, the effect of neighborhood disadvantage on perceived stress was no longer significant, and the stress trajectory was explained by adolescent substance use, social support and perceptions of the neighborhood. Our results support theories of stress and coping, and the importance of proximal intra- and interpersonal factors in either amplifying or mitigating perceptions of stress. We discuss implications of the neighborhood context and how our findings may inform future prevention and intervention related to adolescent stress and development.  相似文献   
采用沉思量表、报复动机量表、宽恕倾向量表、宽恕态度量表和流调中心用抑郁量表对236名大二学生进行问卷调查,综合探讨大学生人际宽恕和报复心理及其与抑郁的关系。研究发现:(1)男大学生的报复倾向显著高于女大学生。(2)宽恕倾向与报复倾向及对侵犯的沉思程度显著负相关。沉思程度和抑郁显著正相关。(3)沉思程度和宽恕倾向对抑郁分别具有显著的正向和负向的预测作用。(4)大学生的宽恕倾向和宽恕态度的相互作用以及宽恕倾向和报复倾向之间的交互作用对抑郁均没有显著预测作用。  相似文献   
The relationship between operant level (base rate) and asymptotic reinforced instrumental responding was investigated in several contingencies in which licking was contingent upon running, under different FR schedules. For Group I the relationship was examined by selecting rats who naturally differed in their running base rates and for which the licking base rates were equivalent. For Group II the relationship was examined by selecting rats with equivalent running and licking base rates, but whose running rates were eventually made to differ by manipulating wheel-torque requirements. Asymptotic reinforced instrumental responding was found to be linearly related to pre-contingent running base rates, for all FR schedules, and independent of the procedures used to obtain differing running base rates. The results support Premack's contention that asymptotic reinforced instrumental responding is a joint function of the reinforcing response and the operant level of the instrumental response.  相似文献   
Summary Ninety six Ss were subjected to lateral body tilt, ranging from 10° to 90° to the right and to the left, and indicated the visual vertical (by means of a luminescent rod) and the tactual vertical (by means of a metal bar) in a darkroom. There were significant differences for deviations of apparent from true vertical in both series between body tilt to the right versus to the left. With tilts to the right, apparent vertical deviated more opposite the direction of tilt, the E-phenomenon, or less in the direction of tilt, the A-phenomenon, as compared with tilts to the left.This study was supported, in part, by a Public Health Service Research Grant, MH 00348, from the National Institute of Mental Health, while the author was a NATO research fellow at Clark University, Worcester, MA; and in part by a Federal Grant, MR HD 06276, to the Children's Hospital Medical Center, while the author was a research fellow in child psychiatry at Harvard University, School of Medicine, Boston, MA.  相似文献   
Mentoring relationships are characterized by a sustained, high quality, and skill‐building relationship between a protégé and mentor (Handbook of Youth Mentoring, Los Angeles, SAGE, 2014). Within prevention science, youth mentoring programs emphasize creating a specific context that benefits a young person. Program‐sponsored relationships between youth and adults allow for creating a mentor–mentee partnership, but do not require the establishment of a strong bond in order to deliver prevention‐focused activities and experiences (Handbook of Youth Mentoring, Los Angeles, SAGE, 2014). Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a counseling style used widely to promote health behavior change and in prevention interventions. As part of an upstream approach to HIV prevention, we combined mentoring and MI by training peer mentors to use MI skills in their interactions as part of a large RCT of a mobile life skills intervention for adolescent men who have sex with men (AMSM). Our training model developed for training peer mentors in MI skills resulted in peers reaching and exceeding established MI fidelity thresholds (e.g., mean percentage of complex reflections = 80%, mean reflection to question ratio = 2.2:1). We offer reflections on lessons learned and future directions for those researchers and practitioners who may benefit from adapting this blended approach for mentoring AMSM.  相似文献   
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