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Two experiments explored whether the magnitude of the enactment effect in action memory (i. e., higher recall with motor than with non-motor encoding) may depend upon the use of individual or group testing procedures. Nonmotor encoding instructions, requiring the subjects to listen to orally presented action items, were compared to instructions which also required enactment. With encoding treated as a within-subject factor, the observations failed to reveal any significant difference between individual and group testing. With encoding treated as a between-subject factor, the results showed an interaction between test and encoding conditions, such that an enactment effect was found only with group testing. Different support value for auditory cues in group and individual test situations was assumed to account for this difference. In a third experiment the indicative and imperative verb forms were compared. An interaction was observed, showing that in Norwegian, enacted verbs were remembered better when presented in the indicative than in the imperative. No corresponding difference was found under non-enactment conditions. For this finding, a social interaction interpretation was offered.  相似文献   
Cross-modal transfer as a function of the amount of first modality training was investigated in two experiments. Subjects learned to associate numbers with three-dimensional objects which were presented either visually or tactually. After training in one of the modalities, the transfer was tested in the other modality. In the first experiment the transfer was tested after different number of trials of training and in the second experiment it was tested after different levels of overlearning. Transfer in the tactual-visual order was superior to transfer in the visual-tactual order in all training conditions, and the magnitude of the effect was the same. The results suggest that learning factors such as amount of training are of minor importance as causes to the asymmetry between these modalities and that it may be more fruitful to concentrate on perceptual factors.  相似文献   
The usefulness of cost-benefit models for analyzing the individual's educational and occupational choice is discussed, with the choice after high school graduation as an example. As a background, the economic approach linked to the human capital concept is described as well as the use of cost-benefit analysis within this framework. Cost-benefit analysis is then discussed as a possible model within the area of educational and occupational choice. First, the traditional, strictly economic model is analyzed and criticized. A psychological economic alternative is proposed which, in contrast to the economic model, is based on the individual's perceptions and expectations regarding costs and benefits. As a third step, a purely psychological cost-benefit model is suggested, where the cost and benefit concepts are broadened to include all types of personal sacrifices and rewards. This model is regarded as more realistic for the individual's career choice than the economic prototypes.  相似文献   
The study was directed towards uncovering differences in socio-political ideology between males and females. The subjects consisted of 532 Swedish high school students from metropolitan Stockholm. All subjects were from the same grade and of approximately the same age (18 years). The results failed to disclose any significant differences in the political party preference of males and females. However, there were a number of statistically significant differences in the socio-political attitudes of males and females as measured by the S5 Conservatism Scale. Females were found to be less generally conservative, less racist, pro-western, punitive and more religious and egalitarian than males. Despite certain ideological differences between males and females, the socio-political attitude profiles and the attitude structures, as measured by profile and factor analyses, were quite similar for males and females. The results are discussed in terms of four schools of thought concerning the sources of sex-related differences in political style.  相似文献   
由于血液透析的广泛应用,尿毒症患者的生存时间显著延长. 建立并保持良好的血管通路是长期慢性血液透析的前提条件.彩色多普勒超声作为一种无创性检查方法,在人工动静脉内瘘血管通路的监测中发挥着重要的临床价值.本文评估彩色多普勒超声在人工动静脉内瘘并发症临床决策中的重要作用.  相似文献   
Larsson Sundqvist, M., Todorov, I., Kubik, V. & Jönsson, F.U. (2012) Study for now, but judge for later: Delayed judgments of learning promote long‐term retention. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 53, 450–454. Delayed judgments of learning (JOL) are assumed to be based on covert retrieval attempts. A common finding is that testing memory during learning improves later retention (i.e., the testing effect), and even more so than an equivalent amount of study, but only after a longer retention interval. To test the assertion that also delayed JOLs improve memory, the participants either studied Swahili‐Swedish word pairs four times, or they both studied (two times) and performed delayed JOLs (two times) alternately. Final cued recall test were given after either five minutes or one week. Results showed a reliable learning‐group by retention‐interval interaction, with less forgetting in the group that alternated between studying and making JOLs. The results are discussed in relation to the self‐fulfilling prophecy account of Spellman and Bjork (1992) , and in terms of study advice, the results further underscore the importance of delaying JOLs when studying and evaluating one’s ongoing learning.  相似文献   
The effect of mild aphasia ( n = 9), as a result of subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH), was evaluated against one matched (sex, age, and education) control group suffering from SAH of unknown origin without aphasia, and against one matched healthy control group. According to aphasia testing (Reinvang & Engvik, 1980), criteria for a classical diagnosis were not met. Therefore, the patients were characterized as mild aphasics: They generally displayed intact audo-verbal comprehension and repetition abilities, and they demonstrated a fluent, spontaneous speech. However, they showed phonemic and semantic paraphasias, with self-corrections; a few patients displayed alexia and agraphia. Memory performance of these three groups was evaluated by a neuropsychological test battery, designed to tap various components of verbal memory function. From the results it was concluded that: (a) Short-term memory is impaired, as regards the phonological loop and the central executive in working memory, whereas maintenance rehearsal is unaffected, given that the demands on phonological coding is minimized, (b) long-term memory is also generally impaired, whereas long-term learning and forgetting by means of subject-performed tasks proceeds within a normal range. Impairments were hypothesized to reflect less efficient central executive functions of working memory, involving generation of less appropriate semantic codes and phonological representations, (c) mildy aphasic patients are not subjectively aware of their own memory deficits, and (d) aphasia classification by means of standard procedures do not sufficiently characterize the nature of a mildy aphasic patient's memory problems.  相似文献   
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