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The current preliminary study presents data on reliability and validity of the Maudsley Marital Questionnaire (MMQ), a short 20-item scale which was designed to assess degree of favourableness of attitude towards one's own marriage. The MMQ contains three scales related to marital, sexual and general life adjustment, whose composition was initially based on those of analogue scales of the Structured and Scaled Interview to Assess Maladjustment (SSIAM). In addition to providing substantial support for an almost perfect similarity between hypothetical and empirical MMQ dimensional representations, findings, based on self-ratings of 125 volunteer couples from the community and 50 distressed couples, demonstrated that the MMQ scales have high internal consistency, sufficient test-retest reliability and validity and are only slightly correlated with social desirability.  相似文献   
Studies using identical measures have identified different levels of depression in different countries or cultures. Until now, however, explanations for such differences, other than methodological ones, have not been empirically addressed. It was hypothesized and found that soft or feminine nations in which both women and men are offered equal opportunities for the fulfillment of multiple social roles that are associated with good self-rated health would score significantly lower on national depression levels than tough or masculine societies in which such opportunities exist to a clearly lesser extent. Analyses of data collected in 14 nations in Europe (total N>5000) demonstrated that higher scores on Hofstede's national masculinity index and lower ones on national wealth were independent predictors of higher national depression levels. National trait neuroticism did not mediate the relationship between national masculinity and national depression levels.  相似文献   
Some essential adaptations to the method for determining clinically significant change originally introduced by Jacobson, Follette and Revenstorf [Jacobson, N. S., Follette, W. C. & Revenstorf, D. (1984a). Psychotherapy outcome research: methods for reporting variability and evaluating clinical significance. Behavior Therapy, 15, 336-352.] are presented. One adaptation deals with the failure in the original method to distinguish between analysis at the individual versus analysis at the group level. A second adaptation entails the provision of a closer approximation of the underlying true scores. This refinement represents an enhancement in precision. Specific aspects of this refinement may be understood in terms of a correction for error-based regression to the mean. Taking into account these adaptations, new procedures are described for determining (clinically significant) change. Some guidelines for the publication of outcome findings are also presented.  相似文献   
人造细胞是现代生物科学技术中的热点问题之一,由人造细胞及其衍生出来人造生命的伦理问题也备受关注,关于是否应该继续研究人造生命,支持者和反对者之间各执其词。以克莱格·文特“创造人造细胞”事件为切入点,回顾了人造生命的历史,简要介绍人造细胞的产生过程,分析人造细胞的正面和负面影响;同时提出马克思主义哲学可以为医学伦理问题的研究提供不同的维度与角度,让人们对人造细胞产生的道德问题做出更全面的判断。  相似文献   
Capturing Children's Response to Parental Conflict and Making Use of It   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
To read this article's abstract in both Spanish and Mandarin Chinese, please visit the article's full-text page on Wiley InterScience ( http://interscience.wiley.com/journal/famp ).
The aim of our study is to examine the interface between children's physiological changes and the specificities of parental conflict, and to develop a procedure in which such information can be shared with the family for therapeutic change. Children from 20 families were exposed to parental conflict discussion (CD) while their arousals were measured through skin conductance and heart rate sensors. It was found that regardless of the subject of the argument, 80% of the time they were complaining about each other. Likewise, 80% of the time the children were responding to the parents' own interpersonal tension, including moments of silence. The protocol established for the study, consisting of CD and debriefing, was found to be a powerful tool in moving parents toward conflict resolution.  相似文献   
In a recent article, Ross, Clayer and Campbell (1983) argued and showed by means of factor analysis that the number of child-rearing dimensions found previously with the EMBU appears to be dependent on the type of rotation used in factoring. Based on the assumption and empirical evidence that the dimensions found earlier are significantly correlated, Ross et al. (1983) argued that Oblique rotation would appear to give rise to a larger number of distinguishable dimensions than previous analyses (e.g. Arrindell, Emmelkamp, Brilman and Monsma, 1983). We contend that their conclusion was based on an inappropriate analysis of the data with a neglect of relevant psychometric principles. Employing objective techniques of factorial invariance the factors obtained in our previous study were shown here to be congruent across rotational procedures (Oblique vs Varimax). Supporting the stability and factorial and construct validity of the EMBU Rejection, Emotional Warmth, Overprotection and Favouring Subject dimensions, they were shown in further analyses to be: (a) replicable across split samples of phobics (Ns: 421 vs 420); and (b) invariant across distinct populations (phobics, N = 841 vs normals, N = 277).  相似文献   
Since the publication of the first findings with a Fear Survey Schedule over five decades ago, there have been no published studies examining the extent of overlap of factorially-derived robust dimensions of irrational fears with social desirability or dissimulation. Due to measurement problems associated with the use of individual fear items or general fear measures, the findings reported to date are relatively meaningless. In the present study, community volunteers were administered the Fear Questionnaire and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Lie scale, the correlation between both measures determined, and the influence of the Lie scores on the sex difference in self-assessed fears examined. Neither in males nor in females were Agoraphobic and Social fears significantly correlated with dissimulation. Significant associations reflecting small effect sizes were obtained in both samples between Blood-injury fears and Lie scores. Only the sex difference in Blood-injury fears was meaningfully affected by dissimulation: the usual finding of higher mean scores for females was obtained only after controlling for the influence of Lie scores. The importance of taking the research and practical implications of the findings with respect to the Blood-injury fears dimension seriously, despite the small magnitudes of the relevant data, was emphasized, as was the need for further studies in this area.  相似文献   
Davey's mediational hypothesis [Davey, G. C. L. (1994). Self-reported fears to common indigenous animals in an adult UK population: the role of disgust sensitivity. British Journal of Psychology, 85, 541-554.] suggests that the sex difference in self-assessed animal fears can be accounted for by the sex difference in disgust sensitivity. An empirical test failed to support this hypothesis in a non-clinical sample (N = 214). Holding constant the influences of confounders such as age, fear of contamination, sex roles, neuroticism, psychoticism and disgust sensitivity, biological sex kept emerging as a significant predictor in relation to four types of animal fears (fear-relevant animals, dry or non-slimy invertebrates, slimy or wet looking animals and farm animals). Other things being equal, high disgust sensitivity either lost its predictive capability (in relation to dry or non-slimy invertebrates and slimy or wet looking animals) or predicted high fear of fear-relevant animals and of farm animals inequivalently across, respectively, the sexes (high in females only) and age groups (high in the old only). A multifactorial, interactionist approach should be advocated in the study of the aetiology of animal fears if progress in this area is to be achieved.  相似文献   
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