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Aghaei  Mojtaba  Ardeshir  Mohammad 《Studia Logica》2001,68(2):263-285
We introduce two Gentzen-style sequent calculus axiomatizations for conservative extensions of basic propositional logic. Our first axiomatization is an ipmrovement of, in the sense that it has a kind of the subformula property and is a slight modification of. In this system the cut rule is eliminated. The second axiomatization is a classical conservative extension of basic propositional logic. Using these axiomatizations, we prove interpolation theorems for basic propositional logic.  相似文献   

The study aims to explain Existential Humanistic Therapy with Iranian Couples and its Effect on Meaning of Life and Love Attitudes. The population consists of all married couples who have referred to counseling centers, whom 20 couples have been sampled randomly. The sample received psychotherapy training in thirteen sessions. After collecting questionnaires, the results were analyzed by MANOVA multi-variance analysis. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of existential psychotherapy on the participants’ attitude toward meaning in life. The results show that the couples who received existential therapies search more efficiently for meaning in life and try to improve their love attitudes.  相似文献   
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