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Single-route models attribute stimulus-response compatibility effects to the difficulty of translation from stimulus to response. Dual-route models propose that compatibility effects reflect in part an additional direct, or automatic, activation route. Selected findings from three lines of research are reported that converge to provide evidence consistent with the view that the automatic activation route plays a role in compatibility effects. The data suggest that the activation produced via this route by relevant stimulus attributes influences response selection only when all mappings of stimuli to responses are known to be compatible.  相似文献   
The interrelationship of measures of rigidity-flexibility and of psychometric intelligence is examined. The latent factors of Attitudinal Flexibility, Motor-Cognitive Flexibility, and Psychomotor Speed are derived from the Test of Behavioral Rigidity, and factors of Inductive Reasoning, Spatial Orientation, Verbal Ability, Numeric Ability, Verbal Memory, and Perceptual Speed are derived from the Thurstone Primary Mental Abilities Test and the Educational Testing Service Kit of Factor-Referenced Tests. The data base in this study comes from the fifth wave of the Seattle Longitudinal Study (N = 1,628; age range, 22-95 years). The Rigidity-Flexibility factors were found to be independent of the cognitive domain. Also, longitudinal stability of the factor structure of the rigidity-flexibility domain was confirmed for 837 participants tested in both 1977 and 1984.  相似文献   
The present study elaborates the conceptualization and process of development of a scale for assessing diabetes self-care efficacy (DSCE) in patients of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Health maintenance in chronic illness as diabetes is dependent on performing several key self-care behaviours. The present study discusses two parts—Part I elaborates the qualitative exploration of the research construct through semi-structured interview of diabetic patients. It included 25 diabetic patients, Type-I (n?=?5) and Type-II (n?=?20). Part II discusses the quantitative research methods. The sample consisted of 233 diabetic patients, Type-1 (n?=?39) and Type-2 (n?=?194), who were randomly selected from diabetes and endocrine outpatient department (OPD) of a hospital in, Kolkata, India. Following an exploratory approach employing Principal Component Analysis (PCA), three components were yielded that accounted for approximately 60% of explained variance. Cronbach’s alpha was established at 0.89 indicating satisfactory internal reliability. The components were identified as component 1, “Beliefs about physical exercise regimen” (BPE), component 2, “Beliefs about food and insulin administration and medication recommendations” (FMR) and component 3, “Beliefs about learning and following from others” (LFO). To test the obtained factor structure of the proposed DSCE scale, a confirmatory analysis was performed to help validate the 3-factor, 15-item DSCE scale. The scale is first one of its kind to be proposed and developed in an Indian diabetes context and can prove useful in other settings. Study findings have implications for use in hospital setup and for development of intervention programs in dealing with diabetes patient population.  相似文献   
In settings in developing countries, children often socialize with multiple socializing agents (peers, siblings, neighbors) apart from their parents, and thus, a measurement of a child’s social interactions should be expanded beyond parental interactions. Since the environment plays a role in shaping a child’s development, the measurement of child-socializing agents’ interactions is important. We developed and used a computerized observational softwareBehavior and Social Interaction Software (BASIS) with a preloaded coding scheme installed on a handheld Palm device to record complex observations of interactions between children and socializing agents. Using BASIS, social interaction assessments were conducted on 573 preschool children for 1 h in their natural settings. Multiple screens with a set of choices in each screen were designed that included the child’s location, broad activity, state, and interactions with child-socializing agents. Data were downloaded onto a computer and systematically analyzed. BASIS, installed on Palm OS (M-125), enabled the recording of the complex interactions of child-socializing agents that could not be recorded with manual forms. Thus, this tool provides an innovative and relatively accurate method for the systematic recording of social interactions in an unrestricted environment.  相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted to investigate the relation between the attentional blink (AB), a deficit in reporting the second of two targets when it occurs 200-500 ms after the first, and the P3 component of the event-related potential. Consistent with the view that the AB reflects a limited ability to consolidate information in working memory and that the P3 reflects working memory updating, increasing the amplitude of the P3 elicited by a first target (T1) by varying T1 probability (Experiment 1) or T1 cue validity (Experiment 2) led to an increase of the AB. Overall, the P3 elicited by T1 was greater when T2 was not identified than when it was. However, the correlation between P3 and AB magnitude across participants was not significant, leaving open the question of how direct the relationship between the P3 and the AB is.  相似文献   
Humans must often use working memory to execute processes one at a time because of its limited capacity. Two experiments tested where limits in access to working memory occur. Subjects searched a short-term memory set for one stimulus digit and performed mental arithmetic with another stimulus digit. In one experiment, they were told to carry out the mental arithmetic before the memory search and to make the arithmetic response first. In the other, they were instructed to perform the tasks in the opposite order. The overt responses were executed in the prescribed order. Moreover, the covert working memory processes were executed in the prescribed order, as revealed by a critical path network analysis of reaction times. Results are explained in terms of a double-bottleneck model in which central processes and responses are constrained to be carried out for one task at a time.  相似文献   
Personality traits analysis has been an active area of research in information systems and its cognate disciplines. However, there are multiple challenges faced by questionnaire-based measurement of personality traits including low response rate and limited access to the individuals. This research paper presents a social media-based approach to determine the Big-Five personality traits of different groups of celebrities. First, authors collected the Twitter posts of celebrities in different professions and used IBM’s Watson Personality Insights tool to determine the personalities of these celebrities. Next, with the help of statistical analysis and visualization techniques, authors determined the personality pattern within and across the group of celebrities. The results demonstrate that there is significant difference across groups of celebrities on three of the Big-Five personality traits—Openness, Agreeableness, and Extraversion. However, there is no significant difference among the celebrity groups on the Conscientiousness and Neuroticism trait.  相似文献   
Three experiments were conducted with 10 grapheme-colour synaesthetes and 10 matched controls to investigate (a) whether awareness of the inducer grapheme is necessary for synaesthetic colour induction and (b) whether grapheme-colour synaesthesia may be bidirectional in the sense that not only do graphemes induce colours, but that colours influence the processing of graphemes. Using attentional blink and Stroop paradigms with digit targets, we found that some synaesthetes did report “seeing” synaesthetic colours even when they were not able to report the inducing digit. Moreover, congruency effects (effects of matching the colour of digit presentation with the synaesthetic colour associated with that digit) suggested that grapheme-colour synaesthesia can be bidirectional, at least for some synaesthetes.  相似文献   
The Experimental RunTime System (ERTS) is a recent addition to the small collection of commercial software packages available for writing and running reaction time experiments on IBM-compatible PCs. Experiments are written using any text editor and a relatively small set of ERTS commands. Millisecond timing is provided by a software timer with no additional hardware requirements. All displays are in high-resolution VGA graphics. The Creative Labs Soundblaster card is supported in 16-bit mode, but is not required for simple tone generation. Voice-key support is available via the Soundblaster card. Keyboard, mouse, and external keys may be used as reaction keys, and the mouse or a joystick may be used as a tracking device. The stimulus-centered design and powerful display control commands of ERTS make it appropriate for developing a wide range of trial-based experiments.  相似文献   
There is currently considerable impetus for applying behavioral intervention strategies to a variety of counseling settings. This discussion seeks to extend the application of these procedures to the employment security counseling situation. Unemployment is seen as unadaptive behavior, and its antecedent conditions are examined. Behavioral counseling tactics of goal-setting, contingency management, counter-conditioning procedures, and social systems intervention are considered in relation to the employment counselor's repertoire of potential helping responses. A hypothetical case is discussed to illustrate the application of these procedures. This case includes potential applications in systematic desensitization, assertion training, modeling and behavioral rehearsal, manipulation of reinforcement contingencies, and intervention in the employment system.  相似文献   
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