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The responses to the original article by Rönnberg (1990a) provoked interesting and thoughtful points of view that are covered by Gärling (1990), Hjelmquist (1990), Montgomery (1991), and Runeson (1990). These articles do not merely present a different outlook but also provide concepts that are certainly worthy of consideration and add more substance to the general topic under discussion. The purpose of this commentary is to seek an understanding of the ideas presented by the above authors within a synthesis of our views of current conceptualizations in cognition and perception. Each of the original criteria (Rönnberg, 1990a) will be treated in turn.  相似文献   
Several experiments were performed with rats in order to investigate the stimulus conditions affecting the rate of acquisition of two-way active avoidance. The number of trials per session, the duration of the Conditioned Stimulus (CS), the intertrial interval (pause time), and the intensity of the shock presentation were each varied in separate experiments. The optimal, yet practicable, conditions required to obtain a fast rate of acquisition included 40 to 60 trials per session, a 40-sec intertrial interval, a 10-sec Conditioned Stimulus presentation and a shock intensity of 1.0 mA. These results are discussed with regard to the problem of standardization in behavioral research manipulating biological independent variables.  相似文献   
Sixty-four subjects were tested in an experiment relating temporal factors to the modality effect. The experiment involved both an immediate recall and a recognition phase. Recall scores supported a functional view of the modality effect, while the one-and two-store models only partially predicted the data. The recognition data could only be accounted for in functional terms. A non-parametric compatibility score was suggested to capture the recognition performance. The effect of a shift of input mode (in Phase I) to test mode (in Phase II) was also analyzed.  相似文献   
The role of noradrenaline in learned behaviors: studies using DSP4   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DSP4 (N-2-chloroethyl-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine) is a novel noradrenaline (NA) neurotoxin sufficiently selective, following systemic administration, to be a pharmacological tool of much potential; this possibility has warranted the extensive use of DSP4 to study the role of noradrenaline in learned behaviors. Thus, after DSP4 treatment (50 mg/kg) a very robust two-way active avoidance impairment is incurred and this deficit remained over a wide range of stimulus conditions and parameters. On the other hand, the acquisition of relatively simple tasks such as one-way active avoidance, fear conditioning, step-down passive avoidance and taste-aversion conditioning, was only slightly affected or not affected at all. DSP4 administration caused a retardation of the rate of acquisition of a "right-turn" running response for food reward in a modified T-maze, and an attenuation of the exteroceptive context effect in taste-aversion conditioning and extinction. In spite of a few similar results, NA-depletions following DSP4 generally do not produce the same behavioral effects as the 6-Hydroxydopamine lesions but are more akin to the locus coeruleus lesion. An hypothesis of the role of central NA, based mainly upon the shuttle box procedure, incorporates a function in establishing the Signal-Response association, in adapting to situations that require a correct response to stress and in maintaining an adequate span of attention to the range of environmental events presented in any given learning situation.  相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of a perceiver's own disclosure on attraction for self-disclosing others. In Experiment 1, female undergraduates selected two topics and disclosed information on them to a confederate partner. This disclosure occurred either before or after the confederate disclosed information on three different topics that were either high or low in intimacy. Based on self-perception theory, it was predicted and found that intimacy of the subject's self-disclosure would be positively correlated with attraction for the confederate when the subject disclosed before her partner but not when she disclosed after her partner. A second prediction that subjects would be attracted toward a highly intimate partner only if they had previously disclosed was not confirmed. Instead, attraction for the confederate was greater when she had disclosed before the subject and when she had disclosed intimately. Experiment 2 varied the intimacy of the response of a partner to the subject's initial self-disclosure and whether this response dealt with the same topics or different topics. It was found that attraction was greater for an intimate than a nonintimate partner when topics for disclosure were the same. When disclosure topics were different, there was no significant difference in attraction for the intimate and nonintimate partner. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for the disclosure-liking hypothesis.  相似文献   
The present investigation was designed to study the effect of preexposure to a saccharin plus noisy bottle stimulus compound, or to each element by itself, upon the extinction-dependent "context effects" (due to the presencelabsence of the noisy bottle contextual cue) in taste-aversion learning, following noradrenaline (NA) depletion via a single systemic DSP4 injection. Since contextual manipulations have provided a reliable means of studying selective attentional processes the current theorising on the role of noradrenaline can be effectively accommodated. It was found that, under the No Preexposure and Noisy Bottle Preexposure conditions, the "context effect" during the saccharin preference tests, after reinstatement of the noisy bottles for all groups, was totally absent for the NA-depleted rats; in the Saccharin plus Noisy Bottle Preexposure condition the "context effect" was partially blocked for the NA depleted rats and in the Saccharin Preexposure condition it was at least as strong as in the control condition, These findings may be interpreted as supporting our conclusions, concerning NA-depleted rats derived from several different investigations, i.e. that following NA loss rats fail to attend sufficiently to contextual cues in taste-neophobia and taste-aversion situations. Thus, the attentional deficit may be described as an inability to attend to all aspects of the taste stimulus plus exteroceptive context stimulus compound. Although the selective attentional hypothesis of noradrenaline function requires a good deal of alteration, it remains the most parsimonious account that can be described at present.  相似文献   
The effect of exteroceptive contextual cues, presented during the conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US) intervals, upon the later development of conditioned saccharin aversions was studied in two experiments. It was found that the presence of the contextual cues during the CS + US and CS intervals resulted in a greater degree of saccharin aversion; the presence of these cues during the US interval was relatively less important. These findings are discussed in terms of conditioning models and retrieval models derived from animal learning and human information-processing data.  相似文献   
Three experiments were performed to study the effects of bilateral olfactory bulbectomy upon active and passive avoidance conditioning. In the first experiment, olfactory bulbectomized rats were found not to be impaired on a one-way active avoidance task but showed a fear retention deficit. In Experiment 2, sham-operated rats demonstrated a degree of fear retention that was a positive linear function of the number of shock presentations; olfactory bulbectomized rats showed a total absence of fear retention. In the third experiment olfactory bulbectomized rats failed to demonstrate the inverse relationship between shock intensity and two-way avoidance performance normally evidenced. The pattern of data obtained suggests that while bulbectomized rats do not show any general avoidance impairment they do seem to be unaffected by the suppressive effects of shock upon ongoing behavior.  相似文献   
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