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Fouts  Gregory  Burggraf  Kimberley 《Sex roles》2000,42(9-10):925-932
A content analysis of 18 prime-time television situation comedies (two episodes each) examined the body weights of 37 central female characters (92% White, 8% Black), the negative comments they received from male characters about their weight or bodies, and the audience reactions (e.g., laughter) following the negative comments. It was found that (a) below-average weight females were overrepresented in the programs, (b) the heavier the female character, the significantly more negative comments were made about or to her, and (c) negative comments were significantly associated with audience reactions. These results indicate that situation comedies present males making derogatory remarks about heavier women's weights and bodies, with this behavior being reinforced by audience laughter. This combination of thinness modeling and vicarious reinforcement likely contributes to the internalization of gender and weight stereotypes which deleteriously affect the health of female adolescents.  相似文献   

Fouts  Gregory  Burggraf  Kimberley 《Sex roles》1999,40(5-6):473-481
A content analysis of 28 different prime-timetelevision situation comedies examined the body weightsof 52 central female characters (88% White, 10% Black,2% Asian), the verbal comments they received from other characters as a function of bodyweight, and their self-comments with respect to theirown body weight, shape and dieting behaviors. Comparedwith the general population, below average central female characters were over-represented insituation comedies; above average weight characters wereunder-represented. Below average weight femalecharacters received significantly more positive verbal comments from male characters with regards tobody weight and shape than their heavier counterparts.Dieting female characters gave themselves significantlymore verbal punishment for their body weight and shape than those less involved in dieting.This combination of modeling the thin ideal and theverbal reinforcement associated with this modelinglikely contributes to the internalization of the thin ideal and may put some young female viewers atrisk for developing eating disorders.  相似文献   

This experiment assesses children's cognitive and emotional responses to negative emotions in family-formatted situation comedies. Boys and girls from two grade levels (Grades K-2 vs. Grades 3–5) viewed a family sitcom that featured one of two negative emotions (anger, fear) and varied the inclusion of a positive, humorous subplot (no, yes). Results revealed that inclusion of the subplot reduced comprehension of the major story line for younger children as well as for boys. Among all children, the presence of the positive subplot also distorted perceptions of how negative and persistent the main character's emotions were, finally, children who perceived the family sitcom to be highly realistic were more concerned about similar negative emotional events in their own lives than were those whoperceived theprogram to be less realistic. The findings are discussed in terms of children's social learning from television and emotional development.  相似文献   

Good  Glenn E.  Porter  Michael J.  Dillon  Mark G. 《Sex roles》2002,46(11-12):419-427
The media have been widely criticized for promoting unhealthy images of masculinity. To better understand how men are portrayed on television, we analyzed male characters' self-disclosures on television. From the 11 most highly rated situation comedies, 1,320 min of programming were examined, in which 328 incidents of self-disclosure were identified. Results indicated that male characters disclosed an average of once every 4.08 min (5.96 times per 24-min episode), disclosed more often to male than to female characters, and expressed negative emotions more frequently to male than to female characters. Male characters self-disclosed freely and comfortably, and they were moderately emotionally expressive and personally revealing. They typically received somewhat favorable responses from others to their disclosures. However, the demographic characteristics of the characters failed to represent the diversity of U.S. society. Potential implications for television and society are discussed, and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

Television (TV) often depicts a version of the world that differs from social reality in several ways. The present study examined the relationship between the amount of TV people watch, how important TV is for their entertainment and information-gathering purposes, and their perceptions of their health, weight, and physical fitness. Regression analyses showed that, after controlling for their actual level of obesity, health perceptions were negatively related to both the amount of time spent watching TV and TV's perceived importance as an entertainment medium, but for women only. In addition, those who watched a lot of TV tended to see themselves as more overweight than did those who watched less TV. The implications of these findings for the cultivation hypothesis, as well as issues of replication, were discussed.  相似文献   

Two problems in the measurement of prejudice are the theoretical orientation underlying its measurement and the sensitivity of prejudice measures to social desirability. Most previous studies of prejudice have either not attempted to use sexual threat as a measurement model or have been plagued by other measurement problems. By introducing an unobtrusive procedure that overcomes those measurement problems, this study has tested a sexual-threat model as well as an incentive-conflict model. It was found that sexual threat does affect responses to interracial couples but that those responses are also affected by the value support that interracial couples provide for white norms, as predicted by incentive conflict.  相似文献   

Knowledge of results plays a major role in almost all learning and motivational theories of task performance. Central to all these is the belief that it is necessary to feed back to employees information about the degree to which they have or have not met performance standards. In particular, information about performance that falls short of the standard (typically termed negative feedback) is a necessary but not sufficient condition for corrective action. However, reactions to negative feedback frequently do not produce the desired effect of improving performance even in cases where the person is capable of better performance. This article presents a model of negative feedback incorporating situational and individual characteristics that appear to impact motivation to respond to negative feedback.  相似文献   

Another Side to Caregiving: Negative Reactions to Being Helped   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Until recently, caregiving research focused almost exclusively on caregivers of older adults with health problems, and there was little focus on care recipients' perceptions of the care they receive. The present article reviews relevant research on reactions to caregiving assistance. Several recent studies indicate that help in these contexts can be viewed negatively by care recipients. As many as two thirds of physically impaired older adults who receive assistance with daily activities, such as preparing meals, climbing stairs, or dressing, experience negative reactions to some of the help they receive. Negative reactions seem to have important consequences for the care recipient, because they are associated with higher depression concurrently and 1 year later. Because some of the findings are inconsistent with theoretical models of negative responses to help, an alternative framework, based on social-support and social-conflict research, is briefly proposed.  相似文献   

The moral lessons of television situation comedies were explored as possible contributors to children's prosocial development. In order to determine if children comprehend the moral lessons of adult sitcoms, children in small groups watched sitcoms and then were individually interviewed to determine if they comprehended the moral lesson. An over-whelming majority of 1st, 3rd, and 5th graders understood moral lessons contained in an episode of The Cosby Show. Similarly, one third of the 1st graders and half of the 3rd graders were able to identify an overarching moral lesson in an episode of Full House. Finally, a correlational analysis was undertaken between the frequency with which the children viewed prosocial sitcoms and the frequency of their prosocial behavior. As anticipated, viewing emerged as a predictor variable, particularly for those subjects who evidenced understanding of the moral lessons of sitcoms.  相似文献   

With the knowledge that medical students experience a variety of academic pressures as well as interpersonal stress during medical school, an assessment was made of emotional reactions among male and female students during the initial months of medical training. Questionnaires were completed at the start of school and 4 months later for the incidence of positive and negative emotions and tension-related symptoms. Students also estimated their midterm grade point average (GPA) and rated the friendliness of their peers and their experience of sex discrimination. By midterm, all students experienced negative emotions and symptoms more frequently and positive emotions less frequently than at the beginning of the school year. Additionally, women students reported more negative affect and physical symptoms at both time points than men. Women also reported a greater decrease in positive emotions and perceived peer friendliness than men. Higher anticipated GPA was associated with more frequent experience of positive emotions and less frequent negative emotions and physical symptoms in both sexes, but this pattern was stronger for women than for men. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This annotated bibliography describes 271 scholarly investigations (211 empirical studies and 60 reviews), which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 365,000.  相似文献   

Empirical research has documented the attitudinal and behavioral consequences of sexual harassment, but has not examined the physiological consequences. In the present study, we monitored women's autonomic physiological activity while they performed a word‐association task with a male confederate who was either harassing, egalitarian, or submissive. Subsequently, we examined the women's cognitive, affective, and physiological reactions as they prepared and delivered a speech to the same confederate. Results indicate that harassment led to greater cardiovascular reactivity during the word‐association task and to greater cognitive, negative affective, and cardiovascular reactions during the subsequent speech compared with other conditions. Subgroups of harassed women who confronted their coworker, or who blamed themselves for his behavior, also exhibited greater cardiovascular reactivity during both tasks compared to women who did not use these coping responses. We integrate our laboratory results with those obtained in field settings.  相似文献   

The current paper describes the results of an experiment in which 200 students who varied in levels of trait perfectionism performed a laboratory task and then were assessed in terms of levels of state affect, state self-esteem, and state automatic thoughts. Independent variables included task difficulty (high versus moderate level of difficulty) and performance feedback independent of their actual level of performance (positive or negative). Analyses also examined objective levels of performance (i.e., the number of errors on the task) and initial confidence in performance. Analyses showed that the experience of state automatic thoughts involving perfectionism was associated with negative automatic thoughts, negative affective reactions, and lower state self-esteem. Analyses of changes in mood and self-esteem showed generally that participants high in socially prescribed perfectionism had increased levels of dysphoria and anxiety and lower levels of state self-esteem following the experience of negative performance feedback or after having a relatively poor performance. Analyses of the physiological measures found increased systolic blood pressure among self-oriented perfectionists who had poorer performance and among socially prescribed perfectionists who had received negative feedback about their performance. The results for heart-rate changes yielded a less clear pattern, though there was evidence that participants with high socially prescribed perfectionism had increased heart rate if they received negative feedback and were relatively low in confidence. Collectively, these findings illustrate that how perfectionists react in challenging situations varies as a function of actual performance, performance feedback, and feelings of personal efficacy.
Gordon L. FlettEmail:

The present work examined whether conservatives and liberals differ in their anticipation of their own emotional reactions to negative events. In two studies, participants imagined experiencing positive or negative outcomes in domains that do not directly concern politics. In Study 1, 190 American participants recruited online (64 male, Mage = 32 years) anticipated their emotional responses to romantic relationship outcomes. In Study 2, 97 Canadian undergraduate students (26 male, Mage = 21 years) reported on their anticipated and experienced emotional responses to academic outcomes. In both studies, more conservative participants predicted they would feel stronger negative emotions following negative outcomes than did more liberal participants. Furthermore, a longitudinal follow‐up of Study 2 participants revealed that more conservative participants actually felt worse than more liberal participants after receiving a lower‐than‐desired exam grade. These effects remained even when controlling for the Big Five traits, prevention focus, and attachment style (Study 1), and optimism (Study 2). We discuss how the relationship between political orientation and anticipated affect likely contributes to differences between conservatives and liberals in styles of decision and policy choices.  相似文献   

We review theory and research concerning the relation between attachment style, measured in terms of the two dimensions of insecurity (attachment anxiety and avoidance) and emotions that arise in response to threats and dangers, relationship separations and losses, interpersonal offenses and transgressions, and positive personal and interpersonal events. The review indicates that attachment theory systematically organizes research findings associated with emotional appraisals, feelings, and expressions.  相似文献   

Innovations in communication technology have changed the way news is produced and consumed. Various digital platforms, ranging from news websites to social media sites to personal blogs, have enabled news users to indicate how much they like the news they have read, to share it with others, and to leave comments. News users' mouse clicks are automatically recorded and aggregated by computational systems and made publicly visible (e.g., “Most Read Articles”). This essay reviews the ever‐growing research on how audience feedback online, a hybrid form of interpersonal and mass communication, alters various stages of news production and influences the way people select, process, and make sense of the news. Future research agendas are proposed.  相似文献   

We examine whether female and male collegestudents differ in their tendencies to reject negativeevaluative feedback in transactions with parents andwith male and female peers. The predominantly white respondents described specific,real-life instances of negative feedbackfrom each of four sources (mother, father, female peer,male peer), rating their relationships with eachfeedback sender (closeness, interaction frequency),characteristics of the feedback itself (importance,negativity, directness), their own emotional response(degree of negative affect), and their rejection (vs.acceptance) of the feedback. Participants also completed aglobal self-esteem measure. Though no simple directeffects of gender upon rejection of feedback wereobtained, women showed an overall pattern of greater rejection of feedback as a consequence ofseveral indirect effects. Women reported receivingfeedback on more important topics, and greaterimportance of feedback was related to less rejection.However, women also tended to receive more negativefeedback from others and tended to respond with strongernegative feelings, both of these variables being linkedto greater rejection of feedback. The results challenge various common assumptions in thegender roles literature.  相似文献   

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