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The use of hardware interrupts for presenting and timing visual displays and for controlling reaction timing on the Commodore 64 is described. The three sources of interrupts discussed are reaction-time keys interfaced through the user port to on-board hardware timers, the alarm of the 60-Hz real-time clocks, and the video raster. In a demonstration program, these interrupts are used to measure display durations, to change screen displays, and to coordinate the onset of reaction timing with the onset of screen changes. In addition, an externally generated interrupt caused by a keypress is used to control reaction timing independently of CPU operations.  相似文献   

Many psychologists avoid using microcomputers in teaching and research laboratories because they lack the experience and knowledge necessary for interfacing. A $1 electronic component can connect external circuits into any computer. For output interfacing, circuits are available to control external devices with one or no additional components.  相似文献   

The effects of practice on bilateral and unilateral reaction times (RTs) for thumb flexion tasks were investigated. Four female and 23 male students were divided into 4 groups who practiced a task under a single condition: unilateral (with either the right or left hand), bilateral, or control. Unilateral and bilateral groups practiced 20 trials 3 days a week for 6 weeks. For the left hand, the RT shortened following practice in the Unilateral-left and Bilateral groups; however, the interaction of the practice group by task was not significant. For the right hand, the RT shortened following practice, but neither the interactions of the practice group by task nor the practice group by measurement time were significant. The changes in the bilateral RTs with practice were significantly correlated with the change of the unilateral-left RT but were not significantly correlated with the change of the unilateral-right RT. As a result, no significant change in bilateral deficit was found. There was no lateral specificity in the effect of practice on RT.  相似文献   

The potential of the Commodore Amiga as a digital synthesizer for research and demonstration in psychoacoustics and memory is discussed. Economy, ease of use, flexibility, portability, and accuracy outweigh disadvantages of narrow bandwidth, narrow dynamic range, and storage limitations for many applications encountered in pilot research and education. The Amiga also bears serious consideration for psychoacoustic studies requiring frequencies below 4000 Hz and modest signal-to-noise ratio, as exemplified by an implementation for research in absolute judgment, similarity scaling, and sequential pattern tracking.  相似文献   

Performance decrements attributed to mental fatigue have been found to be especially pronounced in tasks that involve the voluntary control of attention. Here we explored whether mental fatigue from prolonged time on task (TOT) also impairs temporal preparation for speeded action in a simple reaction-time task. Temporal preparation is enabled by a warning signal presented before the imperative stimulus and usually results in shorter reaction time (RT). When the delay between warning and imperative stimuli - the foreperiod (FP) - varies between trials, responses are faster with longer FPs. This pattern has been proposed to arise from either voluntary attentional processes (temporal orienting) or automatic trial-to-trial learning (trace conditioning). The former account suggests a selective RT increase on long-FP trials with fatigue; the latter account suggests no such change. Over a work period of 51 min, we found the typical increase in overall RT but no selective RT increase after long FPs. This additivity indicates that TOT-induced mental fatigue generally reduces cognitive efficiency but leaves temporal preparation under time uncertainty unaffected. We consider this result more consistent with the trace-conditioning account of temporal preparation.  相似文献   

Summary The median of simple motor reaction (RT) to a flash parallels the latencies of visually evoked potential (VEP) deflections if flash intensity is varied. However, mean and median reaction times are not equal because of the skewness of RT distribution. It therefore seemed plausible that the mean reaction time — intensity relationship would be steeper than that for VEP latency. Such divergence would account for the intensity-dependent motor component of RT revealed by other psychophysical studies. The latencies of VEP deflections were measured as a function of intensity and the results were compared with mean and median RTs. The difference between mean and median RT is constant and independent of flash intensity. Moreover, both values are parallel to VEP latency. The general pattern of results remains the same after a change in the distribution from which the foreperiod is sampled.  相似文献   

The impact of relational structures (i.e., the systematicity of relations between successive items) on incidental sequence learning was investigated in a serial reaction-time (SRT) task while keeping constant the statistical structure. In order to assess the influence of relational structures in stimulus and response sequences separately, the strength of relational patterns in sequences of digits as stimuli and of keystrokes as responses was orthogonally varied. In Exps. 1 and 2, the variation of relational patterns was mainly effective in the keystroke sequence. In Exp. 2, in addition to the variation of relational patterns, the presentation of stimuli was delayed at serial positions that were incongruent with the relational structure. The results show that these incongruent pauses reduced the learning of strongly structured sequences of keystrokes but improved the learning of weakly structured sequences. Experiment 3 suggests that even higher-order relations between elementary patterns are utilized to accelerate responses. The data are interpreted as evidence for the impact of relational patterns, in addition to statistical redundancies, on the formation of chunks. Reasons are discussed for the finding that relational chunking was more pronounced in the keystroke than in the digit sequences. Received: 25 June 1998 / Accepted: 3 December 1998  相似文献   

Scores on three spatial tests (mental rotation, embedded figures, and gestalt completion) were significantly correlated with four same-different reaction-time tasks in a sample of 48 female university students. Scores on the Vandenberg-Kuse mental rotation test correlated best with a one-different-all-different task, embedded figures with a one-different-all-same task, and the gestalt completion with a one-same-all-same task, suggesting that the strategies subjects employ for each spatial test are similar to the strategies they use in each of the same-different tasks with which their scores correlate best. Present results support the position that stronger correlations than previously noted between scores on spatial tests and reaction-time tasks are observed when matching the tests and tasks in terms of hypothesized underlying processes.  相似文献   

In a disjunctive reaction-time task in which Ss responded to clicks presented to one ear while white noise was presented to the other, RT was significantly faster to stimuli presented to the left ear than to the right ear. In a simple reaction-time task, using the same stimuli. there was no difference in R T to stimuli presented to right or left ear. The results were discussed in relation to functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres. and were taken to support a perceptual interpretation of the ear asymmetry effect.  相似文献   

Several studies of two-choice reaction times have compared situations in which the alternative responses are fingers from one hand (the same-hand pairing) or one finger from each hand (the different-hand pairing). Two patterns of results have been obtained: (a) equivalent reaction times for the same-hand and different-hand pairings and (b) faster reaction times for the different-hand pairing. Previously, these outcomes have been attributed to the adoption of different response-preparation strategies when response pairs are constant (low response-pair uncertainty) versus when they are varied from trial to trial (high response-pair uncertainty). However, response-pair uncertainty has been confounded with whether only the two relevant fingers were placed on response keys or whether more than two fingers were. Experiment 1 of the present study demonstrated that finger placement, rather than response-pair uncertainty, determines which reaction-time pattern is obtained. Experiments 2 and 3 investigated the nature of the finger-placement effect by placing the fingers that were irrelevant for the task on response keys or on immovable blocks. The experiments indicated that the crucial factor is the number of fingers on active response keys, with the type of preparation being different when only two fingers are on keys rather than when more than two fingers are.  相似文献   

The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and Personality Inventory were administered to 96 college students, along with a choice reaction-time (RT)/movement-time task. The results show that females and Ss high on neuroticism made significantly fewer ballistic errors on the RT. The implications for RT research are discussed.  相似文献   

A problem of circularity emerges in any attempt to index depth by retention alone. In the present study, reaction time (RT), and heart-rate response were used to index the three qualitatively distinct levels of physical, phonemic, and semantic processing. An additional objective was to distinguish between the three levels under incidental vs intentional learning conditions. Subjects were 46 male undergraduates who were given 30 trials. A trial consisted of the presentation of an orienting question and an imperative word-stimulus separated by a 6-sec. interval. There were three types of questions in order to induce processing to one of the three target levels. The results indicated that recall as well as heart-rate acceleration distinguished between two (physical vs phonemic and semantic) rather than three levels of processing in the incidental condition. Heart-rate change differentiated between incidental and intentional, the intentional condition showing a smaller change. Semantic and phonemic RTs were faster than physical RT, but there were no differences between semantic and phonemic RTs. Intentional recall was superior to incidental recall. It is suggested that psychophysiological indices can provide independent evidence for 'levels of processing.'  相似文献   

Adults and 8-, 10-, 12-, and 14-year olds completed a serial reaction-time task with two stimuli mapped to each of two responses and 100-, 500-, and 1000-msec response-stimulus intervals (RSIs). Trials were classified as (1) identical (same stimulus and same response on two consecutive trials), (2) response equivalent (different stimulus but same response on two consecutive trials), or (3) different (different stimulus and different response on two consecutive trials). Identical and different trials were compared as a general indication of repetition effects. Response-equivalent minus identical reaction time identified stimulus contributions, and different minus response-equivalent reaction time identified response contributions. Adults received a repetition advantage at all RSIs and children received a repetition advantage at 500- and 1000- but not 100-msec RSIs. Stimulus contributions accounted for the repetition effect for both adults and children. At the 500- and 1000-msec RSIs, both the overall repetition effect and stimulus contribution were positive and decreased in magnitude as age increased. The response contribution was independent of RSI and was negative for 8- and 10-year-olds and near zero or positive for older performers. At the longer RSIs, positive stimulus contributions were sufficient to overcome the negative response contributions present for younger children.  相似文献   

Pigeons searched computer screens for 1 of 4 letter targets among 55 alphanumeric distractors. In Experiment 1, valid-cue trials used distinctive patterns to signal the subsequent appearance of specific targets, whereas ambiguous-cue trials used a signal common to all targets. Search reaction times (RTs) after valid cues were shorter than after the ambiguous cue; increased target discriminability also reduced RT. In Experiment 2, when reinforcement for 2 targets shifted from 10% to 20%, RTs to those targets dropped, whereas RTs to the other 2 targets rose. RT distributions suggested that precues and discriminability both affect the momentary probability of finding a target, as embodied in the decay constant of an underlying exponentially distributed RT component. Reinforcement changes appeared to affect different components of the response process, embodied in changes in the mean of an underlying lognormal distribution.  相似文献   

A general-purpose graphics package is described that allows the user to generate figures with a supraset of the basic CalComp plotting subroutines. The software runs under RT-11 on an LSI-11 with 28K words of memory. The graphics subroutine library is approximately 200 blocks long. The plotting tasks are passed over an RS 232 line to a simple extension of an inexpensive and commercially available graphics controller. The controller implements these tasks as plotting instructions to a color television, a vector display, and a digital plotter. The graphics subroutines are written in FORTRAN and are invoked by the user as subroutine calls from a FORTRAN program. The graphics controller is a modified Motorola “Micro Chroma 68 Kit.” The board is based on the 6808 microprocessor and 6847 video controller. It provides eight graphic modes from 64 by 32 eight-color graphics to 128 by 192 four-color graphics to 256 by 192 two-color graphics. The present software and hardware implements the graphics subroutines as 256 by 192 two-color graphics, as 512 by 512 vector graphics, and as stepping instructions for a digital plotter.  相似文献   

Articulatory speaking rate and response time latency are believed by many to be important factors in determining whether stuttering will occur in a given utterance. Currently, however, there is little empirical evidence to suggest that these measures of utterance timing are directly related to stuttering. This study examined the relationship between articulatory speaking rate and response time latency in the conversational speech of 12 boys who stutter (mean age = 55.2 months; SD = 8.8 months) who participated in 30-min conversational interactions with their mothers. Discriminant function analyses were conducted on 75 utterances drawn from each child's speech sample to determine if the articulatory speaking rate or response time latency of a specific utterance was related to the likelihood that the child would stutter on that utterance. No significant relationships between these measures of utterance timing and stuttering were found for any of the 12 subjects, and there were no significant relationships between these two measures of utterance timing. Findings do not provide support for many current theories of stuttering and suggest that the role of these measures of utterance timing in predicting the occurrence of stuttering in conversational speech in these theories may need to be reexamined.  相似文献   

In a simple RT task with variable interstimuli intervals (ISI), the negative slope of the RT-ISI duration relationship is generally interpreted as an effect of the increasing conditional probability of the response signal (RS). A previous study using 6 different ISIs has shown that the first order sequential effects (SE) contribute, for a part, to this slope. The aim of the present experiment was to investigate, up to the fifth order, the SEs observed when two different ISIs (1.5 and 3.0 sec) are used. The results show that SEs also intervene in the tendency for the Ss to be preferentially prepared when the RS occurs at the end of the long ISIs. They are discussed according to the hypothesis that the role played by these SEs in the negative slope of the RT-ISI relationship is primarily due to the opportunity given the Ss in such an experiment to make two successive preparations.  相似文献   

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