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发展级联(developmental cascades)近年来已成为发展心理学追踪研究中一种重要的理论视角。其基本观点是:人的发展过程是一个诸多发展特征不断产生级联效应的过程,某个时间点上个体特征的发展状况会对该特征的后续发展产生影响,并影响其他领域的发展,进而影响到个体的整个发展进程。在发展级联的理论观点基础上形成的相关方法学模型,为探究发展系统中多个因素之间的纵向关联提供了方法学依据与指导。本文介绍了发展级联的相关概念、理论基础、主要观点以及相关的方法学问题,并对其在实证研究中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

GRADER, a computer program that makes student test and/or course letter grade recommendations to instructors, is described. The program uses an algorithm to combine the content mastery (percentage correct) and peer comparison (“curve”) approaches to set grade cutoffs. In addition to standardizing the procedures with which letter grade cutoffs are made, GRADER may help to reduce instructor grading subjectivity and obviate tendencies toward grade inflation or deflation.  相似文献   

Locke JL  Bogin B 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2006,29(3):259-80; discussion 280-325
It has long been claimed that Homo sapiens is the only species that has language, but only recently has it been recognized that humans also have an unusual pattern of growth and development. Social mammals have two stages of pre-adult development: infancy and juvenility. Humans have two additional prolonged and pronounced life history stages: childhood, an interval of four years extending between infancy and the juvenile period that follows, and adolescence, a stage of about eight years that stretches from juvenility to adulthood. We begin by reviewing the primary biological and linguistic changes occurring in each of the four pre-adult ontogenetic stages in human life history. Then we attempt to trace the evolution of childhood and juvenility in our hominin ancestors. We propose that several different forms of selection applied in infancy and childhood; and that, in adolescence, elaborated vocal behaviors played a role in courtship and intrasexual competition, enhancing fitness and ultimately integrating performative and pragmatic skills with linguistic knowledge in a broad faculty of language. A theoretical consequence of our proposal is that fossil evidence of the uniquely human stages may be used, with other findings, to date the emergence of language. If important aspects of language cannot appear until sexual maturity, as we propose, then a second consequence is that the development of language requires the whole of modern human ontogeny. Our life history model thus offers new ways of investigating, and thinking about, the evolution, development, and ultimately the nature of human language.  相似文献   

Though classical and twentieth-century versions of empiricism and rationalism fail in their aims, as does the Kantian attempt at a compromise between those views, there are residues of those views that play important roles in the scientific enterprise. Those residue, and their scientific roles, are examined in this paper.  相似文献   

Little is known about the influence strategies that young heterosexual adults use to persuade a new sexual partner to use or avoid the use of condoms. College students'(N = 393) opinions about and experiences with six condom power strategies were examined. Overall, students gender-typed the strategies as "feminine" when the goal was to persuade a partner to use condoms and as "masculine" when trying to avoid condom use. Effectiveness and comfort ratings of the strategies varied both by students'gender and the particular tactic being evaluated. Gender differences also emerged in students'actual experiences with the strategies. When trying to encourage condom use, men utilized seduction most often; whereas, withholding sex was the most popular tactic used by women. For avoiding condom use, men were more likely than women to employ seduction, reward, and information. Implications for understanding the impact of gender and social influence in the domain of condom use are discussed.  相似文献   

The development of courseware in conjunction with Drexel’s microcomputer program is discussed. Many factors have influenced development, but the machine-rich environment has had the major impact on both the process of development and the type of courseware that has been generated. Integrating the computer as a tool into this saturated environment requires many developers across all curricula. The end result is an enriched development environment that benefits from the exchange of ideas and methods across all disciplines within the University.  相似文献   

This report is a presentation of a longitudinal research programme which was established at the Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, in 1965 under the title of Individual Development and Adjustment (IDA). It briefly summarizes the interactional theoretical background and presents sub-projects on (a) biological maturation and social development in girls, (b) educational and occupational careers of girls, (c) social development in boys, and (d) biological factors and antisocial behaviour in a developmental perspective. Methodological and ethical issues are discussed and the importance of longitudinal research for understanding the process of individual development is strongly emphasized.  相似文献   

In serial memory for spatial information, performance is impaired when distractors are interpolated between to-be-remembered (TBR) stimuli (Tremblay, Nicholls, Parmentier, & Jones, 2005). The so-called sandwich effect, combined with the use of eye tracking, served as a tool for examining the role of the oculomotor system in serial memory for spatial information. Participants had to recall the order in which sequences of TBR locations were presented. In some trials, to-be-ignored blue dots were presented after each TBR location. Our results show that response locations shift toward the location of the distractors, and this deviation is related to the eye movement deviation toward the distractor location. These results suggest that TBR and to-be-ignored locations are encoded onto a common map that could lie within the oculomotor system. Interference in memory for spatial information is interpreted in light of a model of oculomotor behavior (Godijn & Theeuwes, 2002b).  相似文献   

If the effectiveness of vocational guidance services is to be evaluated it is important to have adequate ways of measuring career success. In this paper the concept of career success is discussed in relation to the societal, the individual and the organisational frames of reference, all of which are regarded as dynamic. The actual criteria of success discussed relate to the degree of achievement of valued goals via the occupational setting, as measured through a particular frame of reference. The authors deliberately use the term career success in preference to that of occupational success since they wish to emphasise the significance of work in a person's total life space.  相似文献   

态度元认知指个体对所持态度的主观判断(如态度是否正确、重要与否等),是态度强度的重要维度,并能在态度说服过程中发挥关键作用。首先介绍态度元认知的主要成分(态度确定性、重要性及矛盾性),然后重点阐述新近对态度说服元认知过程的解释模型:认知加工精细程度模型(ELM),内隐-外显双过程模型(APE)和元认知模型(MCM),并从来源属性(来源可信度)、受众属性(情绪及身体动作)、信息属性(信息与受众的匹配程度)和情景四个方面阐释了影响说服元认知过程的因素。未来可以在态度元认知成分及其影响、说服元认知过程的心理机制、态度元认知神经机制等方面展开进一步研究。  相似文献   

This paper presents some commonly occurring problems associated with integrating a computer component into student psychology laboratories. Implementation of a computer component requires consideration of differences among students, objectives and teaching style of the instructor, course level and content, and courseware to be used. These factors are examined with respect to how they can affect the success of an attempt to use computers in the instructional laboratory.  相似文献   

Caplan, in a variety of publications, has presented a model of crisis development which seeks to exemplify the core conditions of a crisis. Brandon has elaborated this model and shown its relevance to counselling and therapy. The recent development of the theory of psychological reversals, however, poses questions about the validity of Caplan's model. In this paper, a critique of crisis theory is presented, focusing particularly upon the notion of homeostasis and upon the relationship between arousal and anxiety. It is suggested that the five crisis models derived from the theory of reversals offer a fuller understanding of crises and crisis counselling than can be derived from Caplan's work.  相似文献   

Graduate students in the sciences must develop practical skills geared toward scientific survival and success. This is particularly true now, given the paucity of research funds and jobs. Along with more elementary skills, research ethics should be an integral part of students’ scientific training. Survival skills include research skills, communication skills, general efficiency, and preparation for post-graduate work. Ethics training covers guidelines for use of animal and human subjects, data treatment, disclosure, credit issues, conflicts of interest, and response to misconduct. The objective of this paper is to describe, from a graduate student’s perspective, the need for survival and ethics training in graduate programs and to raise both faculty and student awareness of the possibilities for explicit instruction of these skills. Many survival skills and ethical practices will be learned without explicit direction and some are already part of standard training; but, this is not the case for all students or for all skills, so specific instruction is a necessity. Research faculty can use their own experience to help students to develop the proficiencies they will need to succeed.  相似文献   

Jung was one of the first to describe an adult developmental position in psychology. Using his work, Levinson describes three adult seasons of summer, fall and winter, beginning roughly at twenty, forty and sixty years of age. During the first half of life (under forty), Jung sees the therapies of Freud and Adler as addressing the central problems. For the later fall and winter seasons of life, Jung's psychology alone has specific relevance. Different stages have typical characteristics, problems, orientations and requisites for effective therapy. Knowing these is important both for therapist and for analysand.Dr. Hoy is Assistant Director and Associate Psychologist at the Rhode Island Youth Guidance Center, special lecturer in the graduate school of Providence College, and the founding Director of the C.G. Jung Center of Rhode Island. His address is: 32 Paris Street, Pawtucket, RI 02860.  相似文献   

Studies 1 and 2 of this paper were designed to reexamine the assumption that women and men are prejudiced against women. Subjects were 50 college women, 40 college men, 40 high-school women and 40 high-school men who were presented with four employment applications for evaluation. The names referring to the gender of the applicants were manipulated so that half of the subjects were shown the two most qualified applicants as female and the two least qualified as male. The other half of the subjects were shown the reverse of this. The results for this factor, with women subjects, revealed that the sex of the applicants did not interfere with or distort the subject's judgments (p>.25). The men subjects did not show a preference for or a prejudice against applicants of either sex (p>.05). The qualifications of the applicants were selected according to each subject's previous ranking of 10 job-related characteristics. The results for this factor, with women subjects, indicated a significant difference between the subjects' ranking of the characteristics and their final selection of the applicants (p<.05). The men subjects showed no significant difference between the subjects' rankings of the job-related characteristics and their rating of the applicants (p>.05). No significant interaction between factors was found for either population of subjects (p>.05). This research reflects changing attitudes of women towards women and provides new insights regarding men's attitudes toward their own sex.The authors of this paper would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Dr. John Schaeuble for his continuous support of this research endeavor.  相似文献   

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