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Associate-recognition has received little attention as a potential clinical tool for detecting early Alzheimer's disease (AD). As an important preliminary stage to investigating the paradigm's diagnostic utility, we designed and administered a verbal associate-recognition task to healthy elderly participants (n?=?62) and compared their performance to that on traditional cued-recall PAL. In both test conditions, the stimulus list comprised of a mixture of highly imageable and less imageable word pairs. Overall, performance on the associate-recognition task was superior to that on the cued-recall analogue. This ‘recognition advantage’ was not attributable to the higher baseline or chance guessing rate in the associate-recognition condition, as the size of the recognition advantage varied across learning trials and stimulus imageability. In comparison to performance on the imageable stimuli, performance on the less imageable stimuli was poor in both associate-recognition and cued-recall conditions. Across the delay, performances were more likely to drop in the cued-recall condition than the associate-recognition condition. These results suggest that verbal associate-recognition may be clinically efficacious and better tolerated in elderly populations than traditional cued-recall paradigms. Although these results are encouraging, further research is required to examine the utility of associate-recognition in clinical populations, particularly early AD.  相似文献   

Discrete state learning models that make Markov assumptions are a powerful tool for the analysis and optimization of performance in paired associate tasks. We seek here to derive bounds on the complexity needed by such models in order to account for the critical effects of lag and retention intervals on paired associate learning. More specifically, after establishing that two different Markov chains are needed (one for describing the effects of trials where a paired associate is presented and one for describing the effects of trials where the paired associate is not presented), we determine the minimum number of states required in a Markov model with two chains. It is shown formally that, under certain psychologically plausible assumptions, more than three states are required. A model with two chains and four states is presented and it is shown empirically that it can account for the lag and retention effects in paired associate learning. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.  相似文献   

李虹  舒华  彭虹  雷霖  邢爱玲 《心理科学》2006,29(3):546-549
本研究以93个学前儿童为研究对象,考察了配对联想学习能力和语音意识在汉字阅读和词汇发展中的作用及其相互关系,其中,配对联想学习分为假词、非词、符号三种形式。结果发现,语音意识是解释汉字阅读的最重要变量,配对联想学习能力对词汇发展具有独特贡献;不会阅读者在假词和非词学习中比初学阅读者差,而在非语言的符号学习中没有差异。  相似文献   

Paired muscle stimulation is used clinically to facilitate the performance of motor tasks for individuals with motor dysfunction. However, the optimal temporal relationship between stimuli for enhancing movement remains unknown. We hypothesized that synchronous, muscle stimulation would increase the extent to which stimulated muscles are concurrently prepared for movement. We validated a measure of muscle-specific changes in corticomotor excitability prior to movement. We used this measure to examine the preparation of the first dorsal interosseous (FDI), abductor digiti minimi (ADM), abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscles prior to voluntary muscle contractions before and after paired muscle stimulation at four interstimulus intervals (0, 5, 10, and 75 ms). Paired muscle stimulation increased premovement excitability in the stimulated FDI, but not in the ADM muscle. Interstimulus interval was not a significant factor in determining efficacy of the protocol. Paired stimulation, therefore, did not result in a functional association being formed between the stimulated muscles. Somatosensory potentials evoked by the muscle stimuli were small compared to those commonly elicited by stimulation of peripheral nerves, suggesting that the lack of functional association formation between muscles may be due to the small magnitude of afferent volleys from the stimulated muscles, particularly the ADM, reaching the cortex.  相似文献   

Science center exhibitions are considered to have the potential to support students' learning. To contribute to the field's knowledge of how to use this potential to the fullest, this study compares four different designs of self-guided resources for use during a science center visit. The first two (open exploration and a traditional worksheet) are similar to many currently in use, and the other two designs (guided exploratory learning, one paper-based and one tablet-based) provided more structure and explicitly aimed to support deeper engagement and exploration. Verbal and nonverbal behaviors of 64 11- to 13-year-old students were recorded by chest-mounted cameras. Video was coded and analyzed quantitatively around instances of behaviors consistent with deep engagement and learning. Findings suggest that different resource designs are associated with different levels of engagement-related behaviors, and designs for guided exploratory learning in particular have the potential to support students' progress towards conceptual understanding.  相似文献   

48名 1 3岁中学生被分为高低两种学习能力 ,每种被试又被分成两组分别学习配有两种插图 (多媒体静态插图和多媒体互动插图 )的一篇生物说明文 ,结果表明 :( 1 )在重在考查插图加工水平的图片测验上 ,学习能力和插图类型主效应均显著 ,但两者之间不存在显著交互作用 ;( 2 )在重在考查文图整合加工水平的文字测验上 ,学习能力和插图类型之间存在显著的交互作用 ,即只有当学习能力高时 ,两种插图之间存在显著差异。 ( 3 )在被试的填图过程中 ,被试的尝试次数与其插图加工时间及学习效果之间存在显著的相关。这说明 ,多媒体互动插图可促进所有被试对插图的加工 ,但只能促进学习能力高者对图文的整合加工 ,而且多媒体互动插图对学习的促进效果与被试加工插图时的实际加工深度有关  相似文献   

The interactions of task and external feedback on practice performance and learning were examined. While external feedback was consistently beneficial to performance during practice, regardless of the availability of feedback from the task, it was detrimental to learning when the task provided little feedback. External feedback benefited learning only when feedback was also available from the task. In addition, task feedback benefited learning, partially due to its effects on error detection and correction skills. Results suggest the importance of examining the simultaneous provision of feedback from different sources, studying the role of task feedback in learning, and more cleanly assessing learning to avoid confounding it with transient performance improvements.  相似文献   

This study examines the interactive effect of mother’s and father’s education on childhood language development. Parents of sixteen- and twenty-month-old children (N = 48) completed measures on their children’s language production (MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory: Words and Sentences) as well as basic demographic information. There were variations in language production according to maternal education for only the older children. There was also an interaction between maternal and paternal education; children of parents with heterogeneous levels of education (that is, only one parent with a 4-year degree) had higher levels of language production than parents with homogeneous levels of education (that is, either both parents with a degree or both parents without a degree). Surprisingly, children with homogeneous levels of parental education were the ones who scored the lowest on measures of language production. This may be due to less effective parenting at both the low and high parental education levels or because disparity in parental education positively affects the home learning environment.  相似文献   

路径整合指通过自身运动信息对自身位置进行更新的过程。本研究使用头盔式虚拟现实系统和分段式迷宫, 在两个实验中检验在同样布局的外出路径上重复地进行路径完成任务是否会改善被试的反应表现。实验1中的外出路径具有相对较简单的空间布局, 实验结果表明, 男性和女性被试均在反应时、位置误差、角度误差上表现出了学习效应, 即第二次在同样空间布局的外出路径上进行路径完成任务时的表现比第一次有了显著的改善。实验2中的外出路径具有更复杂多样化的空间布局, 而实验结果表明, 男性和女性被试均在反应时和比例位置误差上表现出了学习效应, 但是路径更复杂时要求更多次数的重复才可以提高路径整合成绩。这些研究结果为路径整合能力训练的可行性提供了初步的实证依据。  相似文献   

学习判断是元认知判断的一种重要形式,是对未来回忆成绩的预测。重复学习判断中的低自信效应是一个有趣而反常的现象,指在重复学习测验中,学习判断往往低估了回忆成绩的增加,出现低自信的一种现象。目前,大部分实验证据支持重复学习判断中的低自信效应是普遍存在的,但也有一些实验结果表明该效应是受一定条件限制的。对于这种低自信效应的作用机制,研究者提出了不同的理论模型(如,锚定调整假说、记忆偏向消除理论、过去测验记忆的启发式假说等)进行了深入探讨。最后,文章还指出了此领域现有研究的局限和有待研究的问题  相似文献   

钟翔  王芳  马小丽  杨彬  宋艳 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1379-1384
以往的朝向辨别学习普遍采用真实刺激作为材料,其特异性与迁移性是研究争论的焦点之一。该研究以实线和想象线为刺激,采用朝向辨别任务训练被试,系统考察两者朝向辨别学习的特点和相互关系。结果发现,训练实线和想象线任务的两组被试行为都有显著提高,并且这两种学习效果能部分地彼此迁移,且都能迁移到不同位置。该研究结果提示,不论是想象线的学习还是实线的学习都涉及高级脑区的参与,并且两者的学习有部分共同的脑机制。  相似文献   

By  Eduardo R. Cruz 《Dialog》2004,43(1):34-36
Abstract :  "North‐South" divides usually overlook the fact that Latin America was also part of the New World. It was only after WW II that these countries were lumped together in a large bunch called "third world." For the sake of simplicity, this paper restricts itself to the period when Liberation Theology made its appearance until now. Even though the seventies devised an autonomous Christianity, with its own traits and purposes, nowadays the churches are back in the mainstream. Issues that engage Christians there are not unlike their counterparts in "the North," thanks to globalization. Demographic changes are still more important than cultural ones, and economic prospects are more likely to interfere in the shape of Christianity than the will and emotions of leaders and the faithful alike.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the impact of the type of undergraduate studies and the ability to form mental images on representations of city imagery. A total of 291 Architecture and Business Studies undergraduates participated in the study. Participants completed a 5‐min task of drawing their own mental map of a city. The number of point marks, line marks, and area marks drawn and the system of representation were assessed. Business Studies undergraduates represented more point marks using a point than Architecture undergraduates, whereas the latter drew more point marks in plan and in 3D than the former. The ability to form spatial images had no influence on the number of point, line, or area marks drawn. Significant differences between women and men were observed in the 3D representations, and in the configuration.  相似文献   

同伴互评对初中生的TAT中亲和意象的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈祉妍  黄峥  刘嘉 《心理科学》2003,26(2):301-304
本研究以北京市47名初二学生为被试,选用6张图片研究了TAT故事中的亲和意象在同伴互评前后的变化,以及图片线索、性别等因素对亲和意象影响。结果表明:(1)在互评前亲和主题数较少的被试在互评后亲和主题数增多,而在互评前的亲和主题数较多的被试在互评后反而减少。(2)图片线索对亲和主题数有显著影响,引发亲和动机的线索较少的图片在互评后的故事中亲和主题数的增加最为显著。(3)女生的亲和动机高于男生,且性别与其它因素有交互作用。  相似文献   

通过两个实验,检验人工语法学习迁移效应产生机制的组块信息迁移和抽象类比迁移假说.结果表明:当序列表层结构不同时,被试能够学习和迁移非重复成分间的序列依存性.学习序列与语法测验序列分布特征间的匹配会影响非重复成分间依存性的迁移;重复成分间序列依存性的迁移.在一定程度上不以序列的分布特征为基础.  相似文献   

采用观察法对106对新婚夫妻在问题解决和社会支持任务中的行为进行录像,并采用在中国被试中经过修订的IFIRS进行编码;以即时互动满意度和夫妻报告的婚姻质量分别作为即时效应和状态效应的预测指标,检验夫妻互动行为两种效应的不同。结果发现:(1)妻子在4个互动中的消极行为均显著高于丈夫;妻子在自己的问题解决和丈夫社会支持话题中的积极卷入显著高于丈夫,妻子的积极情绪在丈夫社会支持互动中显著高于丈夫。(2)就即时效应而言,妻子的消极行为在丈夫问题解决和自己的社会支持情境中均具有主客体效应;丈夫的消极行为和积极情绪分别在自己的社会支持和问题解决情境中具有主体效应;丈夫的积极卷入在丈夫和妻子问题解决情境中分别具有主体效应和客体效应。(3)就状态效应而言,丈夫的积极卷入在丈夫问题解决和妻子社会支持情境中均具有主客体效应,在妻子问题解决和丈夫社会支持中均具有主体效应;妻子的积极情绪在丈夫问题解决情境中具有主体效应,丈夫的积极情绪和消极行为在妻子问题解决情境中均具有客体效应。  相似文献   

味觉厌恶性条件反射建立后脑内c-Fos的表达   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨杰  林文娟  郑丽  谭会兵 《心理学报》2000,32(4):433-437
以新异味觉刺激糖精水的摄入为条件刺激,以腹腔注射环磷酰胺(CY,免疫抑制剂)或氯化锂(LiCl)为非条件刺激,分别使大鼠建立味觉厌恶性条件反射.在条件刺激日,糖精水在学习组大鼠下列脑区中诱发出密集的Fos表达下丘脑、杏仁核、边缘皮质等,而非学习组在这些区域中却没有或只有少量表达.另外,在丘脑前背侧核、扣带回、下丘脑外侧核、穹隆下器、压部后颗粒皮质、视上核,CY组的Fos表达明显多于LiCl组;而在伏核、杏仁基底外侧核、腹外侧隔核,LiCl组的Fos表达明显多于CY组,这种差异可能是两种药物的不同药理性质所致.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(1):42-53
Despite the incidence of trauma in the histories of people with Hoarding Disorder (HD), reexperiencing symptoms, namely intrusive images, have not been investigated in the condition. To address this, 27 individuals who met DSM-5 criteria for HD and 28 community controls (CCs) were interviewed about (a) their everyday experiences of intrusive imagery, and (b) the unexpected images they experience when discarding high- and low-value possessions. Compared to CCs, everyday images described by the HD group were more frequent, had a greater negative valence, and were associated with greater interference in everyday life and attempts to avoid the imagery. With regard to discard-related imagery, a MANOVA followed up with mixed ANOVAs showed that HD participants reported more negative experiences of intrusive imagery in comparison with CCs during recent episodes of discarding objects of low subjective value. However, HD and CC participants both experienced positive imagery when discarding high-value objects. CC participants reported greater avoidance of imagery in the high-value object condition, but imagery-avoidance did not change between conditions for HD participants. The findings are discussed, particularly in relation to the potential of imagery-based interventions for HD.  相似文献   

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