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The therapeutic alliance has consistently predicted client outcomes in psychotherapy. This study uses attachment theory as a resource in understanding the therapeutic alliance. Participants in this study were 27 mothers, 15 fathers, and 23 adolescents that participated in family therapy. Results indicate that mothers' reports of trust in their oldest child predicted the alliance, and adolescent ratings of trust in mothers and fathers moderated the relationship between therapy alliance and symptom distress. Implications for family therapy research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper argues the need for an increased emphasis on the therapeutic relationship in family therapy. The ways in which the field of family therapy has eschewed the importance of the therapeutic relationship are discussed. Therapeutic alliance research from the field of individual psychotherapy and research on the importance of relationship factors to family therapy are reviewed. Suggestions for family therapy theory, practice, and research are presented.An earlier version of this article was presented at the 1992 Western Canadian Conference on Family Practice.  相似文献   

The formation and maintenance of the therapeutic alliance in family therapy involves complexities pertaining to the stabilizing tendency of family systems, and the necessity for negotiation of the goals and tasks of therapy with and among multiple individuals (i.e., the family members) in a context of systemic reciprocity and mutual influence. This article explores the complexities associated with the establishment and maintenance of the therapeutic alliance in family therapy. Alliance stances are presented as clinical applications designed to assist therapists in working with split alliances, establishing within family collaboration, and in negotiating homeostatic processes.  相似文献   


Therapists often conceptualize resistance as client behaviors that impede progress; this perspective threatens the therapeutic alliance, especially in couple and family therapy where increased resistance and multiple alliances are present. Polyvagal theory reframes and normalizes resistant behaviors as preconscious, protective responses emerging from our autonomic nervous system. The theory also explains how humans reciprocate safety cues to connect with each other; therapists can use concepts of polyvagal theory to manage their own emotional regulation and foster safety and connection in therapy. Polyvagal concepts deepen our understanding of protective behaviors presenting in couple and family therapy; therapists can help couple and family clients to recognize protective behaviors in their own relationships and facilitate safer connection and engagement. Clinical implications are presented: psychoeducation can help clients normalize and understand their protective processes; therapist presence and immediacy acknowledges and normalizes protective behaviors as they arise; therapist and client self-regulation skills support connection; therapist genuineness is a precondition to client safety; and understanding of polyvagal theory enhances assessment of conflict and enactments in couple and family therapy.


A number of recent studies have investigated the relationship between therapist and client gender and conversation in marriage and family therapy. There has also been recent empirical investigation of therapeutic alliance and its influence on therapy outcome in marriage and family therapy. However, there has been limited investigation of the influence of interactional patterns on therapeutic alliance. It seems probable that therapy conversation (which seems to be influenced by gender) will influence therapeutic alliance and subsequent outcome.  相似文献   

The common factors paradigm in couple and family therapy has gained popularity over the past several decades, leading many therapists to refer to themselves as common factors family therapists. Despite this, no consensus exists on what it means to be a common factors family therapist, or if such a designation even makes sense given that the common factors paradigm is not a model. Synthesizing the existing common factors literature, a case is made for the designation “common factors informed family therapist,” and the following six core principles are outlined that characterize this designation: (1) sees overlap among theories; (2) passionate about theory, not a theory; (3) client centered; (4) monitors hope and the therapeutic alliance; (5) views clients as people rather than objects; and (6) prioritizes healing over therapy. Each of the concepts is discussed in depth, and clinical implications are provided.  相似文献   

Client engagement is an essential yet challenging ingredient in effective therapy. Engaged clients are more likely to bond with therapists and counselors, endorse treatment goals, participate to a greater degree, remain in treatment longer, and report higher levels of satisfaction. This study explored the process of engaging high-risk youth and their parents in a unique home-based family therapy intervention. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 19 families who completed family therapy sessions that included a core component aimed at increasing treatment engagement. Parents’ and youths’ perceptions of engagement suggest the importance of developing therapeutic alliance with therapists, who facilitated building a shared alliance among family members. Implications for improving client engagement are discussed within the context of alliance building with the therapist and among family members.  相似文献   

This article explores ideas about threes and the triadic space of reflection. Early family therapy theory offered rich ideas about triadic relationship patterns. Contemporary practice frameworks have generated reflective therapeutic practices and an attention to reflexivity. Meanwhile, a contemporary theory constellation allied with psychoanalysis has studied the capacity for ‘thirdness’ in intersubjective relating, reflective functioning and mentalization, and the triadic space of thinking. The article reviews this psychoanalytic theory, explores symbolic thirdness alongside actual triadic relating, and maps an understanding of the space of reflection as triadic and relational. Thinking about the space of reflection as triadic and relational offers one way of orienting ourselves to reflective processes and an inclusive frame for valuing both the earlier family therapy attention to relationship patterns and the different, current contemporary family therapy practices of reflection.  相似文献   

Client-reported therapeutic alliance scores were examined as a measure of improvement in therapeutic skills across master's-level marriage and family therapy (MFT) training. The results indicate significant correlations between alliance ratings and training variables, with the number of cumulative clinical hours identified as a significant predictor of alliance ratings according to a regression analysis. Trainees lacking the expected number of clinical contact hours in each level of training were found to be more likely to receive consistently marginal alliance ratings. Additionally, alliance ratings were especially useful in identifying trainees who were functioning at minimal levels of competency.  相似文献   

Extensive empirical research has established therapeutic alliance as one of the most stable predictors of psychotherapy outcomes. Nearly all the contemporary empirical literature on therapeutic alliance focuses on the therapist-client dyad without attending to the relational experiences many clients in outpatient clinics have with administrative staff. Literatures from the fields of social work, psychiatric nursing and milieu therapy suggest there are more systemic relational and environmental dynamics that impact treatment beyond the therapist-client dyad, although these issues have been considered primarily in inpatient settings. A relational ecology framework has been developed drawing upon relational psychoanalysis, attachment theory and symbolic anthropology to help conceptualise the broader relational dynamics beyond the therapist-client dyad that may impact a more systemic therapeutic alliance in certain outpatient contexts. In an initial cross-sectional pilot study with a sample of clients (N = 107) receiving psychotherapy at a community mental health clinic in the Northeastern United States, the present study found client ratings of both (a) the therapeutic alliance with their therapists and (b) their alliance with administrative staff each significantly positively predicted client ratings of treatment. Thus, ratings of administrative alliance predicted client ratings of treatment over and above the effects of the therapist-client therapeutic alliance. These findings provide preliminary support for further investigation of the relational ecology of outpatient psychotherapy and suggest that client experiences of relational and environmental dynamics with administrative staff may be important contributors to psychotherapy outcomes. Limitations of the present study and implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

There is currently little research on the therapeutic alliances in family therapy, and even less on those from minority ethnic backgrounds. This paper reports on how British South Asians attending family therapy perceive the alliances, and compares this to the constructs of a newly developed tool – the System for Observing Family Therapy Alliances. Nine participants were interviewed and thematic analysis was employed to analyse the data. The results suggest that certain aspects of the alliances may need more attention when working with this ethnic group. These are safety in front of the therapist and emotional connection to the therapist (including feelings towards the reflecting team and consideration of ethnically matching therapist and client). In general, the quality of the alliance is seen as more important than employing culturally specific techniques. The implications for diversity and family therapy training are discussed.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of controlled trials research on treatment processes and outcomes in family-based approaches for adolescent substance abuse. Outcome research on engagement and retention in therapy, clinical impacts in multiple domains of adolescent and family functioning, and durability and moderators of treatment effects is reviewed. Treatment process research on therapeutic alliance, treatment fidelity and core family therapy techniques, and change in family processes is described. Several important research issues are presented for the next generation of family-based treatment studies focusing on delivery of evidence-based treatments in routine practice settings.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of intense specialised multi-family therapy (ISMFT) for 111 multi-stressed families, and the therapeutic alliance as a possible predictor of outcome, were examined. A repeated measures design was used, where changes in all ISMFT phases (preparation, multi-family therapy and follow-up) were assessed and compared for both mothers and fathers. Evidence was found for improved family functioning after the therapy period, which was maintained at 3 months follow-up, although the multi-stressed families still functioned in the problematic range. The therapy did however not decrease parenting stress, or did so only temporarily. Observations of the therapeutic alliance with the System for Observing Family Therapy Alliances (SOFTA) scales indicated that high therapist engagement was related to positive therapy outcomes, both at the start of therapy and later. High family engagement also predicted therapy effectiveness, but only at the start of therapy. The present study shows that solution-focused multi-family therapy at least seems to provide the first step in alleviating problems in multi-stressed families.  相似文献   

Ryan D  Carr A 《Family process》2001,40(1):67-77
To replicate and extend Dozier's (1992) test of Tomm's hypothesis about the differential effects of questioning styles on therapeutic alliance, an analogue study was conducted. Twenty-eight family triads, each including a son and his parents, viewed four videotaped, simulated family therapy scenarios in which Tomm's four questioning styles were separately portrayed. Participants were asked to identify with the client whose role corresponded to theirs (that is, father, mother, or son) and, on the basis of this, to rate the client's alliance with the therapist. They were also asked to rate the overall alliance between the family and the therapist. Finally, having viewed all four scenarios, they were invited to rate comparatively the quality of the therapeutic alliance across the four questioning styles. Compared with strategic and lineal questioning styles, circular and reflexive questions led to higher ratings of therapeutic alliance on all three measures. The results of this study support Tomm's hypothesis that questioning styles based on circular assumptions lead to a better therapeutic alliance at an individual and systemic level than do questions based on lineal assumptions.  相似文献   

Garfield R 《Family process》2004,43(4):457-465
This article presents clinical considerations about the therapeutic alliance in couples therapy, stimulated by pertinent new research findings reported in this issue. A loyalty dimension of the couple's relationship is described, as well as its influence on the therapeutic alliance in couples therapy. The therapist's establishment of a "meta-alliance" with the couple around their loyalty conflicts, avoidance of splits and disruptions, and prioritization of marital distress (versus individual symptoms) as the primary focus of treatment all serve to solidify the therapeutic alliance. In addition, identifying the partners' early family-of-origin distress can help predict and respond to strains in the therapeutic alliance that may occur later in therapy. Finally, the therapist helping the couple to balance their relational power differences in therapy and to address their concerns about the impact of the therapist's gender also strengthens their therapeutic alliance. A clinical case and vignettes are included to illustrate these issues.  相似文献   

This study extends prior research that identified client-derived variables believed to contribute to therapeutic alliance development. Forty-two clients participated in a three-round-modified Delphi poll in which the subjective importance of 74 client-derived, common alliance formation variables was rated using a six-point scale. Participants consensually identified 23 variables as highly important, five as moderately important and three as low in importance to the formation of a strong alliance. Variables related to validation and asking about parts of the client’s life other than the presenting concern were considered as most important by at least one-third of the sample. Limitations of the study are presented and implications for theory, measurement, practice and future research are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The role and function of the therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy has increasingly been the focus of clinicians' and researchers' interests over the last decade. Alliance concepts have, however, been criticized for lack of conceptual clarity. The paper presents a generic model as a heuristic means for clarifying the conceptual meaning of the therapeutic alliance. The model distinguishes between the personal relationship aspect, and the collaborative, task-related aspect of the alliance, with therapist, patient, and common contributions to each of these aspects. The model is compared to other alliance conceptualizations, and its implications for alliance theory and research are discussed. A content analysis of four widely used alliance scales in relation to the model shows the scales to represent conceptually different, yet overlapping constructs. It is argued that the componential nature of the therapeutic alliance will render difficult any interpretation of findings regarding the relationship between alliance and outcome in traditional process-outcome research. More complex research strategies guided by theory are called for, if the therapeutic alliance should remain a vital field of research.  相似文献   

Parental-adolescent conflict is part of the normal developmental cycle of families, but when it occurs in a dysfunctional way, it is associated with the appearance of various harmful conditions for the family system and for the adolescent in particular. Family therapy is one of the main options for psychotherapeutic intervention in these cases and has ample evidence of its effectiveness. The success of this intervention is conditioned to the construction of an adequate therapeutic alliance with the family, but the process of this task has not been clarified yet. The present study is a task analysis, the purpose of which was to create a heuristic model of how an expanded alliance may be built in these kinds of cases. The model was revised and improved from the intensive analysis of six cases. The resulting model can be a useful guide for family therapists in that it describes the specific client and therapist behaviors involved in balancing the alliance, as well as the potential obstacles and suggested ways to resolve them.  相似文献   

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