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Conclusion On s'occupe de la logique quantique depuis 1935 et pendant cette période beaucoup de résultats ont été obtenus, encore me suis-je abstenu de mentionner les résultats obtenus ces dernières années par les logiciens dans ce domaine. Certains de ces résultats ont un intérêt direct pour les théories physiques. En particulier on voit de quelles conditions impératives on doit tenir compte quand on effectue un changement de théorie pour passer à une théorie meilleure. L'exemple de la théorie fonctionnelle des corpuscules est significatif.  相似文献   

La parole archaïque: La théorie du langage chez Antisthéne  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2020,26(2):141-157
The article presents the theoretical-methodological contributions of Social Health Psychology on the evaluation and reinforcement of psychosocial skills in the context of therapeutic patient education. This is illustrated by a synthesis of the results of several empirical researches in the field of pediatric diabetes. This synthesis shows that psychosocial skills are part of a system of actions and interpretations shaped by therapeutic and relational issues as well as social symbolism. Several practical implications emerge from these results for more effective work on the psychosocial skills of patients. The article concludes with the interest of a “psychosocial clinic” which draws on the viewpoint of Social Health Psychology to evaluate, analyze and intervene on the psychosocial determinants of health behaviours.  相似文献   

The aim of Patient Education (PE) is to make patients with chronic diseases more autonomous by facilitating their adherence to treatments and improving their quality of life. It is a multidisciplinary and expanding device. This article's aim is to propose a state of play of PE and its perspective in relation to psychology, especially health psychology, as a discipline and a practice. First, the development of PE in its historical context is presented as well as its definition. Then, the place and contribution of health psychology and psychologists in PE is presented. The following points deal with the contributions of research to understand the efficacy of PE, the difficulties that the different professionals face and the place of relatives. Finally, a reflexion about the links between the training of psychologists and the training for PE is proposed.  相似文献   

To facilitate the analysis and the management of claims related to the last Covid-19 pandemic, the DAJ of the AP–HP constituted a medical group assisted by lawyers intending to review the scientific knowledge and organizational measures during the first wave of this pandemic. This group brought together medical doctors with both scientific expertise in the main specialties requested during this viral infection and knowledge of repairing bodily damage. Based on the data provided by the hospital dashboards and the collection of hospital procedures for Covid-19 and non-Covid-19 patients, the goal of this group was to assess the level of scientific knowledge and organizational measures respectively at the start of the epidemic, its peak and at the end. During the three periods of this pandemic the main changes observed included a greater selectivity on admissions with increasing consideration on the patient's comorbidity; a continual evolution in drug management and more rigorous isolation measures with interruption of visiting rights. The target was to prevent contamination of the non-infected persons with an obsession to protect healthcare workers. The absence of selection for patients requiring intensive care for compensation of their respiratory failure forced AP–HP to double the number of intensive care beds and to refer some patients in other regions. In a context of unstable scientific knowledge and evolving organizational measures, the collection of these data should facilitate the management of claims related to Covid19 during the first wave of this pandemic and open a prospective study for the next pandemic.  相似文献   

A questionnaire assessing academic motivation, QMTF, has been built for high-school students in Togo, according to the model of a french test (QMF). Academic motivation is a combination of need for achievement, of internal locus of control, and of time perspective. The psychometric characteristics of the new questionnaire, which is presented in an appendix with a standardized distribution, have been observed on a sample of 493 high-school students in Togo. Comparisons between genders and with high-schools students in France and in Morocco are presented.  相似文献   

This article examines the professional valorisation of gender-typed traits. In the study, participants should assess masculine, feminine and androgynous profiles in a set of professional contexts obtained by the crossing of social status (high versus low), gender (masculine versus feminine) and sector (production versus maintenance) of occupations. Consistent with a gender- typed trait matching model, the results showed that masculine profiles were the most valued ones in the most masculine occupations, feminine profiles were mostly valued in the most feminine occupations while androgynous profiles were the most valued in gender ambiguous occupations. Of particular interest was the fact that the perception of occupations’ gender was a function of the interaction between the gender and the sector of occupations (i.e.: the most masculine occupations were those that were stereotypically masculine and belonging to the production sector; the most feminine were those that were stereotypically feminine and belonging to the maintenance sector; the stereotypically masculine and maintenance occupations as the stereotypically feminine and production occupations were perceived as less gender typed).  相似文献   

Sans résuméNous remercions le professeur Gary Brent Madison de l'Université McMaster ainsi que le professeur Théodore Geraets de l'Université d'Ottawa qui ont lu et commenté des versions antérieures de cet article. Nous voulons remercier en particulier la professeure Gisèle Chevalier du Département d'études franÇaises de l'Université de Moncton pour ses précieux conseils sur le fond et la forme du texte. Les erreurs et les omissions demeurent toutefois les nÔtres.  相似文献   

Clinicians have access to several risk assessment instruments to evaluate the risk or recidivism in sexual offenders. Nevertheless, we seem to have attained a ceiling in the predictive validity of these instruments with the traditional techniques of items agglomeration. In this study, we offer a different combination of predictors with the classification and regression trees, and it, by taking into account the type of sexual offenders. The classification trees are constructed from predictors contained in seven actuarial instruments (VRAG, SORAG, RRASOR, STATIC-99, STATIC-2002, RM2000, MnSOST-R). In general, the classification trees have a higher predictive accuracy than the actuarial instruments and point out that it's not the same predictors that should be considered according to the type of offenders and the type of recidivism. Furthermore, classification trees identify correctly more recidivists than the best actuarial tool. In spite of the contribution of this approach, other types of predictors should also be considered to augment predictive accuracy: dynamic predictors, protective predictors as well as measurements based on theories like those on attachment styles (Marshall, D. R., Barbaree, H. E., 1990. An integrated theory of the etiology of sexual offending. In: Marshall, W. L., Laws, D. R. L., Barbaree, H.E. (Eds.), Handbook of sexual assault. New York: Plenum Press, pp. 257-275.) and cognitive distortions (Ward, T., Keenan, T., Hudson, S. M., 2000. Understanding cognitive, affective, and intimacy deficits in sexual offenders: a developmental perspective. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 5, 41–62.).  相似文献   

C. Perelman 《Argumentation》1991,5(4):347-356
This article provides a basic general introduction to Ramus, and evaluates his role in the history of logic and rhetoric, especially with relation to the study of argumentation. The author agrees with Ong and other historians of logic that Ramus is not to be taken seriously as a logician, and that his undoubted importance in the history of ideas is to be found elsewhere.Ramus advocates a belief in nature, experience and reason, and rejects the reliance on the authority of ancient philosophers, above all Aristotle, though experience does not mean scientific experiment and, paradoxically, includes the example of great philosophers and writers. In the end Ramus is seen as responsible for substituting for ancient classical rhetoric an entirely ornamental rhetoric of figures which was to take over education (with the exception of the Jesuit schools) almost until our own day. This curtailing and diminishing of rhetoric is seen as a degeneration. Ancient five-part rhetoric had been concerned with convincing and persuading: Aristotle distinguished the analytic, scientific reasoning of logic, from dialectic which was based on opinion and probability and had close links with rhetoric; by the time of Cicero and Quintilian, who addressed themselves to jurists and politicians, logic has given way to dialectic. In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance the two become assimilated; the evolution of this is traced here through the thirteenth-century Summulae logicales of Peter of Spain to the fifteenth-century German humanist logician Rudolph Agricola, who influenced Ramus partly through the intermediary of Johann Sturm. Ramus took over their topical theories but restricted them to logic/dialectic, and left rhetoric with little more than tropes and figures. He believed that there was only one method for teaching all the arts, and one dialectic common to them all. The distinction between analytical and dialectical has disappeared, with far-reaching consequences for the study of argumentation. Over the centuries logic has lost its connection with controversy and persuasion. With the development of the post-Cartesian, post-Baconian emphasis on the clarity of scientific discourse, and the mid-nineteenth-century interest in mathematical and formal logic, the process was complete. Argumentation, or the new rhetoric, aims to fill the gap thus created.

This study examines the determinants of porous borders personal and professional borders related to the use of information and communication technology (ICT). A mixed methodology that combines both a qualitative approach based on an exploratory interviews and a quantitative phase based on an online survey was followed to collect the data. The main findings of this study are: first, the permeability of personal (average score: 3.56) and professional (average score: 3.67) boundaries is experienced by most individuals. Second, the permeability is accelerated by the ICT use (70.9 % of respondents use the Internet at home for business purposes, 63.5 % use it at work for personal needs). Third, individuals manage differently this permeability by developing strategies based on their ICT use. These strategies go beyond the continuum “segmentation-integration”. There are four models: segmentation, spillover, integration and hybridization.  相似文献   

We focus in this study on strategies used by clinical psychologists to cope with their own or patient psychological distress in the framework of help relationship. A self-administered form was sent to listings of professionals by e-mail. The sample is made of 187 French clinical psychologists. To cope with patients’ suffering, psychologists use mostly avoidance coping style. And the strategies they prefer are “supervision”, “personal therapy” and “speaking with colleagues” (problem focused coping strategies). To cope with their own distress, which has a lot of negative impacts on help relationship, psychologists have most frequently a problem focused coping style but their favourite strategy is to “lighten their schedules”. And almost a quarter of the sample presents a significant level of distress. In conclusion, results show that psychological distress management by psychologists is an important question with a lot of ethical questions.  相似文献   

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