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An application of assessment center procedures is described for the selection of first level managers from the craft ranks. Information is reported on how the assessment data are used in promotion decisions. An evaluation study was conducted that indicates that the assessment center program has a positive effect on performance of managers at the first level and the pool of potential for higher levels of management. The study results also suggest ways in which assessment data can be used more effectively in promotion decisions.  相似文献   

We report 2 studies that examine how promotional candidates use verbal and nonverbal impression management (IM) tactics across several structured assessment center exercises that differ in the competency demands they place on candidates. Based on the competency-demand hypothesis ( Shoda, Mischel, & Wright, 1993a, 1993b ), it was predicted that IM use would occur most frequently and have the strongest effects on assessor evaluations in exercises that place greater demands on candidates' interpersonal skills than in exercises that depend primarily on technical skills. In both studies, IM tactics were generally used more frequently and there was more variability in IM use for those exercises requiring candidates to display interpersonal competencies (i.e., the role-plays and mock presentation) relative to the exercise that did not (i.e., the tactical exercise). The relationship between IM use and assessor evaluations was also influenced by the competencies assessed by the exercises, and IM use related to both interpersonal and noninterpersonal ratings of performance.  相似文献   

Manufacturing applicants' perceptions of two selection devices were examined. In Study 1, applicants ( n = 3,984) completed cognitive ability tests and a survey of reactions. In Study 2, a subset of applicants from Study 1 ( n = 194) participated in an assessment center and completed the survey. Applicants reacted favorably to the procedures but viewed the assessment center as more face valid than the cognitive tests. Applicants who perceived the selection techniques more favorably were also more satisfied with the selection process, the job, and the organization. Although applicants' perceptions of the procedures were related to job acceptance intentions, applicants' liking of the job and organization explained the largest unique variance. In future studies, applicants' job acceptance intentions and attitudes toward the job and organization should be assessed before and after administration of selection devices; not controlling for prior impressions resulted in overestimation of the contribution of applicants' perceptions of selection procedures.  相似文献   

Although research has established the criterion-related validity of assessment centers for selection purposes, the construct validity of dimension ratings has not been demonstrated. A quasi-experimental design was used to investigate the influence of retranslated behavior checklists on the construct validity of dimension ratings for two assessment center exercises. Assessor use of behavior checklists increased the average convergent (i.e., same dimension across exercise) validity from .24 to .43 while decreasing the average discriminant (i.e., different dimension within exercise) validity (.47 to .41). Behavior checklist sums were moderately correlated with corresponding dimension ratings and demonstrated a comparable level of construct validity. It is suggested that using behavior checklists may improve dimension construct validity by reducing the cognitive demands placed on raters.  相似文献   

We used meta-analytic procedures to investigate the criterion-related validity of assessment center dimension ratings. By focusing on dimension-level information, we were able to assess the extent to which specific constructs account for the criterion-related validity of assessment centers. From a total of 34 articles that reported dimension-level validities, we collapsed 168 assessment center dimension labels into an overriding set of 6 dimensions: (a) consideration/awareness of others, (b) communication, (c) drive, (d) influencing others, (e) organizing and planning, and (f) problem solving. Based on this set of 6 dimensions, we extracted 258 independent data points. Results showed a range of estimated true criterion-related validities from .25 to .39. A regression-based composite consisting of 4 out of the 6 dimensions accounted for the criterion-related validity of assessment center ratings and explained more variance in performance (20%) than Gaugler, Rosenthal, Thornton, and Bentson (1987) were able to explain using the overall assessment center rating (14%).  相似文献   

评价中心的构想效度和结构模型   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用多质多法和验证性因素分析的方法,对以无领导小组讨论、文件筐和人格测验构成的一个评价中心的构想效度和结构模型进行了研究。通过对136名被试在四个测评维度上的施测,其结果表明,在评价中心中会聚效度低于区分效度,影响评价中心测评结果的主要因素是测评方法而不是测评维度,从而得到了一个以测评方法为潜变量的评价中心结构模型。从该结构模型来看,评价中心之所以起作用是由于其多个测评方法(情景)的结果。表明测评情景对于构建评价中心有着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

Assessment centers have often been criticized for lacking evidence supporting the construct validity of dimension ratings. This study examines whether the poor convergence of assessment center ratings is a result of correlating ratings from exercises that differ in the extent that behavior relevant to personality traits can be observed. Using data from a promotional assessment center for law enforcement officers ( n = 79), the convergence of assessment center ratings was evaluated within the context of the five factor model by comparing the average within-dimension correlation of ratings from exercises that allowed for more opportunity to observe trait-relevant behavior to the average of those involving exercises where there was less opportunity. For each personality trait, ratings from exercises judged by experts to be high in trait-activation potential displayed stronger convergence (mean r = .30) than did ratings from exercises that were low in activation potential for that trait (mean r = .15). Implications for evaluating the construct validity of assessment centers are discussed along with future directions for classifying exercises based on situational similarity.  相似文献   

Seven parents conducted assessments in an outpatient clinic using a prescribed hierarchy of antecedent and consequence treatment components for their children's problem behavior. Brief assessment of potential treatment components was conducted to identify variables that controlled the children's appropriate behavior. Experimental control via a brief reversal was achieved for 6 of the 7 children, (1 child continued to behave appropriately following initial improvement in behavior). For these 6 children, improved behavior occurred with changes in treatment components. Our results extend previous studies of direct assessment procedures conducted in outpatient clinic settings.  相似文献   

Recently a number of authors have argued persuasively that performance ratings are influenced to a large extent by the way the rater selects, organizes, stores, and recalls information. Although the influence of the rater's cognitive processes on the obtained ratings has been considered in the job-performance evaluation literature, this issue has not been considered in the assessment center literature. The purpose of the present study was to examine how assessment center methods affect the way assessors organize and process assessment center information and affect the ratings they make. Independent groups of assessors underwent one of two methods for evaluating candidates in an assessment center. Data indicated differences in the convergent and discriminant validities and differences in the factor structures of the ratings for the two methods. The pattern of results suggested that the two methods for evaluating assessment center candidates affected the way the assessors organized the assessment center information and affected the obtained ratings. Future research should consider assessment center methods and assessors as sources of variation in assessment center ratings.  相似文献   

Two hundred fifteen organizations in the United States provided information about multiple aspects of their assessment centers, including design, usage, and their adherence to professional guidelines and research-based suggestions for the use of this method. Results reveal that centers are usually conducted for selection, promotion, and development purposes. Supervisor recommendation plays a sizable role in choosing center participants. Most often, line managers act as assessors; they typically arrive at participant ratings through a consensus process. In general, respondents indicate close adherence to recommendations for center design and assessor training. Recommendations involving other practices (e.g., informing participants, evaluating assessors, validating center results) are frequently not followed. Furthermore, methods thought to improve predictive validity of center ratings are underutilized. Variability in center practices according to industry and center purpose was revealed. We encourage practitioners to follow recommendations for center usage, and researchers to work to better understand moderators of center validity.  相似文献   

This study investigates the degree to which subgroup (Black-White) mean differences on various assessment center exercises (e.g., in-basket, role play) may be a function of the type of exercise employed; and furthermore, begins to explore why these different types of exercises result in subgroup differences. The sample consisted of 633 participants who completed a managerial assessment center that evaluated them on 14 ability dimensions across 7 different types of assessment exercises. In addition, each participant completed a cognitive ability measure. The results suggest that subgroup differences varied by type of assessment exercise; and furthermore that the subgroup difference appeared to be a function of the cognitive component of the exercise. Lastly, preliminary support is found that the validity of some of the assessment center exercises in predicting supervisor ratings of job performance is based, in part, on their cognitive component; however, evidence of incremental validity does exist.  相似文献   

Identical questionnaire items were used to gather data from 2 samples of employees. One sample ( n = 50) responded to a survey implemented on the World Wide Web. Another sample ( n = 181) filled out a paper version of the survey. Analyses of the 2 data sets supported an exploration of the viability of World Wide Web data collection. The World Wide Web data had fewer missing values than the paper and pencil data. A covariance analysis simultaneously conducted in both samples indicated similar covariance structures among the tested variables. The costs and benefits of using access controls to improve sampling are discussed. Four applications that do not require such access controls are discussed.  相似文献   

中学高年级学生作文能力结构特征的研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
对490名高三学生的18个作文变量的测验资料,运用高阶因素分析法概括出中学高年级学生作文能力结构的三个群因素。第一个是作文能力的因素,它是作文认知活动的各种能力相互作用的一种协调发展程度。第二个是由词汇量、造句等能力组合成的词语能力,它是作文能力结构中的一个活跃因素。第三个是词汇量因素,它独立存在于一阶、二阶因素中,表明它是不同阶段认知活动的一个不可缺的因素。  相似文献   

本文以实例说明在工业紧张状态的评定中问卷法可能是一不可靠的方法。提出了应用内分泌(激素)测定作为替代方法的理由。以实例表明在实验室研究中人为地造成紧张状态时尿内肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素、多巴胺和皮质醇水平增高。根据我们实验室的资料表明在心理紧张和体力活动时血液动力测量和激素间相关是不同的,这证实了下述假设:“格斗—逃跑”激素反应对应付心理紧张来说是不适宜的。在欧洲和澳大利亚的工业中进行的流行病学研究表明在某些职业与心血管疾病发病率之间的相关。从实验室研究所得资料证明,由于紧张状态引起激素改变而导致心脏病的因果关系。拉屈别大学研究组的研究表明了在服装工业中在自动化机器和手工操作机器工人之间肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素水平的差异。其他由现场研究得来的资料如在锯木厂、在领港员和邮政工人中的研究也表明了与职业有关的激素改变。在进一步发展应用激素水平作为应激指标中,根据对警察和经理的紧张状态处理的研究结果表明,处理结束时接受紧张状态处理方案的人尿内激素水平比未接受处理的对照组低。结论是:生化测量在预测与紧张状态有关的疾病的发生中是更为可靠和有效的,它们的应用对澳大利亚工会和厂方来说也是可以接受的。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of candidate characteristics on simulated management promotion decisions. Seventy-two managers from three organizational levels participated as decision makers in a half-day exercise. Four candidate characteristics were manipulated: potential for advancement, the availability of assessment center information, current position, and sex. Other characteristics such as tenure and past performance were controlled by randomly distributing levels of the attributes across candidates or holding the attributes constant. The results showed that potential, assessment center information, and position were important in selecting finalists and rating the extent to which a candidate was considered. Two interactions, potential by position and sex by position, indicated that configural relationships played a significant role in the promotion decisions. Participants' perceptions of the importance of the information paralleled the statistical importance of the information. The external validity of the study was supported by comparing the results to data on actual promotion decisions. The results are discussed in terms of the value of different information and how it is processed in evaluating and selecting candidates for promotion.  相似文献   

彭瑞祥 《心理学报》1962,7(4):30-42
一、目的 观察誤差是精密检驗誤差的重要原因之一。在現行的精密检驗方法中,人工操作还占很重要的位置,检驗最后的数值。还是依靠人来判断,因此,检驗者观察誤差的大小,对检驗质量起着一定的影响。在精密检驗中,观察誤差一般分为对准誤差和粗大誤差。前者在很大的程度上依从于检驗者对綫能力的大小(即視觉游标銳度)及精細的距离鉴別能力的优劣。 有关視觉游标銳度的問題,前人有过不少研究。Wuelfing(1892)最初測量的結果,认为如果两直綫上下并列,避免眼睛的扩散作用,游标阈限可降低到12秒弧度。French  相似文献   

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