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In this interview, Ellis acknowledges that irrational beliefs have a higher biological basis than rational beliefs and that they are not at opposite ends of the same continuum. Ellis agrees that irrational beliefs are more involved in mental health problems while rational beliefs contribute to the psychology of success. The strength of conviction in both rational and irrational beliefs including self-acceptance and self-downing is explored. Ellis equates the conviction with which rational beliefs need to be held to influence emotions and behaviors with “faith.” He acknowledges the importance of faith built on facts rather than religiosity. Ellis agrees that ridding strongly motivated individuals of self-depreciation may lead to a decrease in their high frustration tolerance and, ultimately, their drive for and achievement of success. Ellis supports adding an “F” to the ABCDE model—forcefully agreeing with and applying new rational beliefs. Ellis discusses the need to develop a literature on therapeutic techniques and methods for helping people to apply rational beliefs more strongly to different areas of their lives. Ellis highlights the perils of self-efficacy positive psychology interventions if people’s innate tendency towards self-depreciation is ignored. The interviewer concludes the interview expressing the view that if we listen to Ellis, “we” need to re-think the ways we teach people of all ages to think rationally knowing that the rational re-statement of previously disputed irrational beliefs is only one of many different teaching methods. This interview was conducted in January, 2005, at the Albert Ellis Institute. At the time of the interview, Dr. Ellis was in good health. In this interview held over two separate sessions, a series of questions prepared by the interviewer were presented to Albert Ellis that were designed to stimulate discussion on differences between rational and irrational beliefs and on the issue of whether once irrational beliefs have been disputed, more time and REBT methods need to be devoted to helping clients strengthen their conviction in and application of rational beliefs.  相似文献   

REBT is a process of: (1) identifying dysfunctional emotions and behaviors which inhibit more effective pursuit of what clients experience as their deepest and most abiding desires; (2) relating these dysfunctions to irrational beliefs; (3) inducing clients to reduce the controlling role played by these beliefs in their lives and (4) adopting more self-helping beliefs and practices related to their goals thus reducing their dysfunctional emotions and behaviors and increasing their joyful living. This article discusses how this can be done from within an individual's supernatural belief system, whether that system is theistic or nontheistic.  相似文献   

The article presents a synopsis on rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT), its fundamental theoretical framework, its applications, and future directions. The paper is organized according to the following structure: in part one, REBT fundamental/basic research is discussed; in the second part clinical/applied research in REBT is presented, including aspects of efficacy and effectiveness, discrimination of disorders for which REBT works most effectively, and its relations to other therapies. Uses and misuses of REBT and their impact on research and future developments are presented as well. While it is true that REBT research has many shortcomings, the overgeneralization and/or magnification of the negative, and the minimization of the positive are dysfunctional beliefs that maintain the false idea in the field that REBT has few empirical studies and that REBT research is in serious trouble. A balanced approach, analyzing both the strengths and weakness, suggest that REBT has hundreds of research articles and that high-quality studies tend to support REBT’s basic theory and efficacy. However, to strengthen this conclusion and to fully explore the potential of REBT, shortcomings of REBT research need to be corrected, and high-quality studies promoted. This is particularly important since, although effective, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapies have not yet reached “the desired standard” of efficacy and effectiveness, as about 30–40% of people are still nonresponsive to these interventions Thus, REBT could be a platform of reinvigorating empirical studies on the efficacy/effectiveness and theory of cognitive-behavioral models of psychopathology and human functioning. Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Biobehavioral and Integrative Medicine Programs, New York, USA.  相似文献   

Rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT) is a widely utilized treatment approach for many mental disorders, but it has been “relatively neglected in the professional scientific literature” (Ellis 2003b). This neglect has been attributed in part to a lack of solid REBT outcome studies, which in turn stems from the difficulty of measuring constructs of interest in REBT, such as irrational beliefs, via self-report measures. In light of these concerns, the current paper aims to identify the potential utility of behavioral analogue laboratory tasks for advancing the understanding of mechanisms in REBT, as well as treatment outcome using this therapeutic approach. Specifically, we focus on the utilization of behavioral measures of distress tolerance and their application to the key REBT construct of frustration intolerance. In identifying the parallels across distress tolerance and frustration intolerance, we consider how the incorporation of distress tolerance tasks into REBT research can be useful in evaluating the role of frustration intolerance in the initiation, maintenance, and treatment of disordered behavior across a broad range of clinical disorders.
C. W. LejuezEmail:

Criminal behaviour has devastating effects upon society. Cognitive therapy, broadly defined, has been shown to be effective with offenders. REBT philosophy, in particular, appears ideally suited to treating this heterogeneous population. Although this chapter focuses on adult male offenders, the presented principles apply to most offender groups. Fundamentals and research support of empirically supported treatment are presented. Common clinical challenges are discussed, and case examples illustrate general principles.  相似文献   

I discuss what I consider to be Albert Ellis’s ten most important contributions to the development of REBT. I also give a personal view on what we will miss on his passing and on what we won’t.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the contributions to this special issue celebrating Dr. Albert Ellis and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. Members of The Albert Ellis Institute’s International Training Standards and Policy Review Committeee (ITS-PRC) were invited to reflect on the personal and professional influences Dr. Ellis had on each of them. In addition, several of the contributors offer their praise as well as critiques of both Albert Ellis and his theory, as well as recommendations for future directions.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years Leslie Greenberg has developed and refined the Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) approach. This therapy model stands apart from other, humanistic-based approaches in its focus on empiricism. In addition, EFT is one of the few therapy models that is truly integrative in nature, combining client-centered, gestalt, and cognitive principles. This paper includes a recent interview with Greenberg in which he describes the development of EFT and his views regarding future directions of EFT, as well as his views on the field of psychotherapy more generally.  相似文献   

Although rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) has been the pioneering cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) of the twentieth century, and although its main methods are very popular among practicing clinicians as well as members of the public, it has been relatively neglected in the professional and scientific literature. Reasons for this neglect are discussed and some steps are suggested to make REBT more effective and more scientifically accepted.  相似文献   

Although rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) has been the pioneering cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) of the twentieth century, and although its main methods are very popular among practicing clinicians as well as members of the public, it has been relatively neglected in the professional and scientific literature. Reasons for this neglect are discussed and some steps are suggested to make REBT more effective and more scientifically accepted.  相似文献   

Albert Ellis, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Rogers are widely recognized as the three most influential psychotherapists of the twentieth century. In the present article, it is argued that the striking differences in their therapeutic systems, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), psychoanalysis, and person-centered therapy, respectively, are rooted in more fundamental theoretical differences concerning the essential nature of client personality. The positions of Freud, Rogers, and Ellis on three critical issues in personality theory especially relevant for the practice of psychotherapy are examined and comparatively analyzed. The critical issues are: (1) nature vs. nurture as the foundations of personality; (2) the potency of reason in human behavior; and (3) the possibility of fundamental personality change. For each critical issue the treatment implications are also briefly explored with a view toward illustrating how the theorists' positions directly translate into therapeutic practice. The basic intent of this comparative analysis is to strengthen and further clarify the personality theory underlying REBT.  相似文献   

This is a study of the responses of 100 selected subjects who gave their reactions to experiencing a live session of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) with Albert Ellis in front of a public audience. Ninety-seven of the respondents found their session helpful; only 13 felt uncomfortable discussing their problems in public; 99 of them felt that Dr. Ellis focused on their main problem; 94 of them reported that they somewhat or very much used Dr. Ellis's suggestions; 90 of them felt that the members of the audience suggestions were helpful; and 93 of them said that they would like to work with Dr. Ellis again at a public therapy session. Limitations of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

森田疗法与认知行为疗法的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述森田疗法和认知行为疗法的基本理论,在此基础上对两种疗法作比较分析。尽管这两种心理治疗方法在治疗程序和具体操作方法上迥然不同,但在发病机制的解释和治疗原理方面,它们又有很多相似之处,对存在这种现象的原因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The contributions of Albert Ellis to the understanding of human happiness including his suggestions for living a happier life have not been represented in the field of positive psychology. This article presents Ellis’ theoretical constructs associated with his conception of happiness (dual nature of human psyche, self-actualization, purpose and goals of life and short- and long-term happiness). Eleven of Ellis’ rational principles of living (e.g. self-interest, self-direction, self-acceptance, commitment to absorbing activities, hedonism) are presented. When consistently applied in practice, they may help people to experience frequent positive affect, less frequent and intense negative emotions and high life satisfaction. It will show how Ellis’ ABC-DE scientific method can be used with individuals to lessen unhappiness. Suggestions are provided for research into associations between rationality and happiness as well as the impact of different rationality-based interventions on happiness.  相似文献   

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) includes several main theories and practices, especially the hypotheses that people are both constructivists and destructivists. It holds that they have powerful innate and socially acquired tendencies to often be self-helping and rational but also self-defeating and irrational. REBT largely derives its method of therapy from many clients seen by the author, from hundreds of therapy studies, and from the social psychology literature. This article shows how REBT formulations overlap with some of the findings of social psychology, how these findings can appreciably be used to improve REBT practice, how some of the unique theories and methods of REBT may contribute to the field of social psychology, and how social psychologists can help to research some of the main REBT principles.  相似文献   

In this interview Albert Ellis discusses his early days, the women in his life, and his personal characteristics and offers personal reflections on his professional career.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present article is to outline the conceptual foundation and practical methodology of the Jacobson-Truax Clinically Significant Change index, derived from psychotherapy outcome research. This way of considering what constitutes clinically significant change in psychotherapy puts a premium on social validation. It empowers clinicians to evaluate the meaningfulness of their client's progress and to communicate that progress to third parties such as other clinicians, researchers, and insurers. Application of the method is demonstrated in the case of a client treated with Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). The discussion focuses on the advantages of this procedure for satisfying the intellectual interest of the practitioner-scientist and for furthering informed discussion of the value in various applications of REBT to clinical problems.  相似文献   

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