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This article represents an attempt to update the reader by bringing into focus some of the more important components of the Satir model. The intrapsychic aspect of therapy is explained in the form if an iceberg metaphor. The use of the Satir family map, or genogram, is illustrated for use in individual and family therapy. Also, the various steps of a Satir model therapy session are listed. The Satir model has developed into a brief, transformational change model while keeping the earlier theoretical base intact.  相似文献   

Youth Suicide Intervention Using the Satir Model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Youth suicide is a social issue that needs serious consideration among families, therapists and helping professionals. This article presents an actual case of a youth who completed suicide, and discussion of the hypothetical Satir model treatment of this youth while alive. The Satir model has numerous interventions that have current applications toward dealing with suicidal youth in a humanist and hopeful way, fostering youths' desire to live and to become more positively involved in their lives. In the past, Satir focused on coping stances in communication, and now the coping stances give a deeper understanding into the internal world.  相似文献   

The Satir Model with Female Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Child sexual abuse is a recognized problem in the United States and Canada. There are several approaches to therapy with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. This article discusses Virginia Satir's model of therapy as it applies to sexual abuse. The emphasis of the Satir model is on transforming the impact of the abuse, no matter how the client chooses to process her relationship with the abuse, and is illustrated through a case study.  相似文献   

This article presents the evolution of one of Satir's processes, namely family reconstruction, a psychodramatic reenactment of significant events in three generations of family life. Both the sameness and the differentness of the classical version as developed by Satir and the current shorter version are explored. The Satir model is a growth oriented approach based on the belief that people have the inner resources to resolve problem situations. Within this model, which focuses on what people can become, the therapist and the individual or family members join forces to move from a symptomatic base to wellness.  相似文献   

萨提尔家庭治疗模式评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
萨提尔家庭治疗模式是建立在经验人本理论基础之上的。她认为人类本身具有成长改变的能量,症状行为是对误入歧途的适应性努力,而不是人的固有的个性特征。为此,她逐渐拓展了自我价值、家庭系统的内涵,形成了沟通姿态、转化历程等核心理念,并开发出一系列生动实用的干预技术。萨提尔家庭治疗模式具有独特的优越性。  相似文献   

Transformations in Therapeutic Practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In her training of therapists, Virginia Satir sought to change the way her trainees perceived themselves, their clients, and the therapeutic endeavor. The change she sought was a movement from hierarchical models of therapy where clients were diagnosed in terms of paradigms of how they ought to be to an organic model where the therapist attempts to understand the client by entering the client's internal context. Contemporary training in the Satir model attempts to bring about the same change. Research indicates that the trainers are succeeding.  相似文献   

Transformational change using the basic constructs of the Satir Process Model provides a road map for assisting individuals, couples, and families through a transformational shift in their basic belief or understanding of themselves. The process of change is a way to assist people in making choices that increase self-esteem, provide self-accountability, and move a person toward a more congruent sense of self. The transformation that is experienced is an internal process where the universal yearnings to be loved, acknowledged, and accepted can be met by the individual self.  相似文献   

The Satir Model and Cultural Sensitivity: A Hong Kong Reflection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses cultural sensitivity in applying the Satir model in the Hong Kong Chinese cultural setting, focusing on congruent communication. The authors contend that Satir was sensitive to the demands of culture. Her focus on individuality, equality, and freedom responds aptly to the egalitarian individualist ethos of the United States. In Hong Kong the family is generally dominated by hierarchical collectivist values. Applying the Satir model as it is being practiced in the United States totally ignores prevailing cultural conditions. Following the spirit of Satir, the authors propose the adoption of an emic approach, drawing inspiration and resource from traditional Chinese culture and maintaining continuity with hierarchical collectivism while protecting individual quests for equality, freedom, and independence.  相似文献   

Virginia Satir, one of the most influential of the early family therapists, reached millions of people throughout the world through her writings, videotapes, workshops, and personal appearances. Yet the Satir model has never been fully accepted by the mainstream of the family therapy movement. This article introduces Satir and her work, and outlines the conceptual foundations of the model, organized in terms of presuppositions, basic constructs, therapeutic process, and methods, and offers some reasons for this lack of acceptance. The relation of theory to method and practice is the least developed aspect of the Satir model.  相似文献   

The authors propose an outpatient, solution-oriented, family systems approach to detoxification from alcohol and/or drugs. Research indicates that outpatient detoxification is a viable option, one that will likely be utilized even more frequently as health care costs continue to rise. Nontraditional assumptions about the process of detoxification are suggested that challenge traditional notions about detoxification being only a biomedical, pretreatment event. Criteria are provided for determining the appropriateness of clients for outpatient detoxification and offer information about typical withdrawal symptoms and guidelines for the detoxification environment at home. A case example illustrates the application of this approach in a community mental health program. Suggestions for adapting this approach to various settings are also offered.  相似文献   

Responding to literature calling for the integration of Christian spirituality and postmodern thinking, this article presents a more specific discussion of how postmodern family therapy approaches can be used to open therapy to the spiritual lives of Christian clients. In this article, postmodern family therapy approaches are described and the compatibility of postmodern family therapies and Christian thinking are examined. Finally, we see how a clinical practice based upon postmodern ideas can provide pastoral counselors with useful tools for talking with Christian clients about their spiritual lives. P. Gregg Blanton is Professor of Human Services at Montreat College. He is affiliated with the Pastoral Counseling and Growth Center in Asheville, NC.  相似文献   

A systems approach to family therapy assumes that a person and his/her problems do not operate in a social vacuum but instead are imbedded in a social context. This context includes fairly small social systems such as a nuclear family and larger social systems such as school systems and cultural beliefs. A case of a girl with albinism born to a couple from India will be used to discuss how a systems approach might be useful in a genetic counseling setting.  相似文献   

As spirituality moves increasingly to the forefront of the body of marriage and family therapy (MFT) literature, many clinicians still find it uncomfortable or difficult to address spirituality in therapy. This study presents a new measure—the Spiritual Issues in Supervision Scale (SISS)—that examines supervisees' perceptions of the degree to which spirituality is addressed in supervision. Researchers distributed the SISS to mental health professionals around the United States who either were receiving supervision currently or had received supervision recently from professionals in their fields or programs. Results indicated that the new instrument has evidence of reliability and validity.  相似文献   

Therapists are increasingly considering chemical addiction from a family systems perspective. Effects of chemical dependency upon the family are discussed and intervention approaches aimed toward assisting the family as families redefine themselves and change their structure are considered. The integration of chemical dependency treatment and the family therapy is also discussed as it is practiced in an intensive outpatient program at a psychiatric hospital.  相似文献   

The development of an emphasis on applied behavior analysis in the Department of Psychology at West Virginia University is traced. The emphasis began primarily in the early 1970s, under the leadership of Roger Maley and Jon Krapfl, and has continued to expand and evolve with the participation of numerous behavior analysts and behavior therapists, both inside and outside the department. The development has been facilitated by several factors: establishment of a strong behavioral emphasis in the three Clinical graduate programs; change of the graduate program in Experimental Psychology to a program in basic Behavior Analysis; development of nonclinical applied behavior analysis within the Behavior Analysis program; establishment of a joint graduate program with Educational Psychology; establishment of a Community/Systems graduate program; and organization of numerous conferences. Several factors are described that seem to assure a stable role for behavior analysis in the department: a stable and supportive "culture" within the department; American Psychological Association accreditation of the clinical training; a good reputation both within the university and in psychology; and a broader community of behavior analysts and behavior therapists.  相似文献   

This article describes briefly an advanced program in integrative marital and family therapy and individual psychotherapy established at the Hebrew University of Jersusalem in 1993–94 and its first two years of successful operation.  相似文献   

The premature dropout of clients from therapy is an inefficient expenditure of mental health resources. This study examined differences in dropout rates among individual, couple, and family therapy clients. Data came from archived records at a marriage and family therapy clinic at a university in the United States. Results indicated that there were no significant differences in dropout rates, despite the use of multiple measures of dropout. Thus, from a mental health services perspective, administrators and clinicians can expect that dropout rates will remain fairly consistent across treatment modalities.  相似文献   

This article describes six cultural influences that affect Thai families: religious beliefs, rural and urban considerations, family relationships, societal values, masculine and feminine roles, and sexuality. A case study of a Thai family struggling with these issues and interventions from a structural therapy perspective is presented.  相似文献   

To increase the effectiveness of parent education interventions, family therapists can address those factors that shape the way in which parents interact with their children. This article presents ecological theory as a framework that can help clinicians expand the range of their parent training efforts. In order to assess the utility of ecological theory for clinical practice, the present study empirically explored the ways in which selected characteristics of parents, children, and the family context related to mothers' parenting behavior. Specific recommendations for family therapists who employ parent training techniques are offered.  相似文献   

Experiential family therapy is an intuitive approach that utilizes active, multisensory techniques. These techniques, such as role plays and drawings, increase the family's expression of affect and uncover new information. Increased affect and uncovered information stimulate change and growth in the family system. Experiential techniques are especially useful when more traditional, verbal-based communication is not effective. In this article, I will present a pediatric case in which the patient, a 7-year-old boy diagnosed with autism, was referred to the genetics clinic to rule out the presence of an associated genetic disorder. I will then describe a hypothetical second counseling session with the same family and suggest how three experiential family therapy techniques: family drawing, empty chair technique, and continuums might be used in the session to help resolve a marital conflict between the patient's parents.  相似文献   

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