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《Heythrop Journal》1974,15(4):446-482
Book reviewed in this article:
Man and his Salvation: Studies in Memory of S. G. F. Brandon. Edited by E ric J. S harpe and J ohn R. H innells .
Religion in Ancient History: Studies in Ideas, Men and Events. By S. G. F. B randon .
The Attractiveness of God. By R. P. C. H anson .
Christian Celebration: The Sacraments. By J. D. C richton .
La Confirmation: sens et conjoncture oecuménique hier et aujourd'hui. By L ouis L igier .
Christian Marriage in Africa: A Report , By A drian H astings .
The Priesthood of Man. By A nthony D. D uncan .
The Christian Priest: Elder and Prophet. By D avid N. P ower .
Les Dieux Rêvés. By H. D esroche .
Politics, Medicine, and Christian Ethics. By C harles E. C urran .
Essays on the Freedom of Action. Edited by T ed H onderich .
Problems of the Self. By B ernard W illiams .
The Nature of Things. By A nthony Q uinton .
The Existence of Cod. (Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Volume XLVI.) Edited by G eorge F. M aclean , o.m.i.
Analogy. By H umphrey P almer .
Modes of Thought. Essays on Thinking in Western and Non- Western Societies. Edited with an introduction by R obin H orton and R uth F innegan .
Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling, Volume II. By S usanne K. L anger .
Psyche and Cerebrum. By J ohn N. F indlay .
Existential Guilt; a Phenomenological Study. By D onald V. M orano .
The Existential Experience. By R alph H arper .
Fractured Personalities. By G ary C ollins .
Essays in the Philosophy of Religion. By H. H. P rice .
Religions of the Ancient Near East. By H elmer R inggren .
History of Israelite Religion. By G eorg F ohrer .
Religion in Judah under the Assyrians. By J ohn M c K ay .
The Gentiles and the Gentile Mission in Luke-Acts. By S. G. W ilson .
By R. de V aux , o.p.
The Stones and the Scriptures. By E dwin Y amauchi .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
The Great Living System: The Religion Emerging From the Sciences By J ohn R uskin C lark .
Science and Reality: Recent Work in the Philosophy of Science Edited by J ames T. C ushing , C. F. D elaney , And G ary M. G utting .
Evil and Evolution: A Theodicy. By R ichard W. K ropf .
Process Ethics: A Constructive System , By K enneth C authen .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Measures of Religiosity . Edited by Peter C. Hill and Ralph W. Hood, Jr.
Soka Gakkai in America: Accommodation and Conversion . By Phillip Hammond and David Machacek.
Starving for Salvation: The Spiritual Dimensions of Eating Problems Among American Girls and Women . By Michelle Mary Lelwica.
Religion and Popular Culture in America . Edited by Bruce David Forbes and Jeffrey H. Mahan.
The Newer Deal: Social Work and Religion in Partnership . By Ram A. Cnaan with Robert J. Wineburg and Stephanie C. Boddie.
Passionate Journeys: Why Successful Women Joined a Cult . By Marion S. Goldman.
Buddhism in America . By Richard Hughes Seager.
Towards A European Islam . By Jurgen S. Nielsen.
Life's End: Technocratic Dying in an Age of Spiritual Yearning . By David Wendell Moller.
Catholics in England 1950–2000: Historical and Sociological Perspectives . Edited by Michael P.Hornsby-Smith.  相似文献   

Brain Research and Personhood: A Philosophical Theological Inquiry. By E ugene P. W ratchford.
Charles Darwin and the Problem of Creation. By N eal C. G illespie.
Creativity and God: A Challenge to Process Theology. By R obert C. N eville.
Creation and the World of Science. By A. R. P eacocke.
Physics and Philosophy: Selected Essays. By H enry M argenau.
Biblical Games: A Strategic Analysis of Stories in the Old Testament. By S teven J. B rams.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Kant's Theory of Imagination: Bridging Gaps in Judgement and Experience . By Sarah L. Gibbons.
Mental Reality . By Galen Strawson.
The Cambridge Companion to Hegel . Edited by Frederick C. Beiser.
Descartes: an intellectual biography . By Stephen Gaukroger.
The Common Mind: An Essay on Psychology, Society, and Politics . By Philip Pettit.
Perception . By Howard Robinson.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1973,14(1):72-107
Book reviewed in this article:
The Meaning of Righteousness in Paul . By J. A. Z iesler .
Clement of Alexandria: A Study in Christian Platonism and Gnosticism . By S alvatore R. C. L illa .
Ancient Rhetoric and the Art of Tertullian . By R obert D ick S ider .
Tertullian, A Historical and Literary Study . By T imothy D avid B arnes .
Cluniac Monasticism in the Middle Ages . Edited by N oreen H unt .
Papal Judges Delegate in the Province of Canterbury 1198–1254 . By J ane E. S ayers .
Itinera Ministri Generalis Bernardini De Arezzo (1691–1698). By P hilippus D e F irenze .
The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman . Volume XXI, January 1864 to June 1865. Edited by C harles S tephen D essain and E dward E. K elly .
The Spirituality of Friedrich von Hügel . By J oseph P. W helan .
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Theologian of Reality . By A ndré D umas .
Contemplation in a World of Action . By T homas M erton .
Merton's Theology of Prayer . By J ohn J. H iggins .
Faith and Order Louvain 1971 .
The Absolute and the Atonement . By I lltyd T rethowan .
Religion and the Scientific Future . By L angdon G ilkey .
Problems of Religious Knowledge . By T erence P enelhum .
An Introduction to Modal Logic . By G. E. H ughes and M. J. C resswell .
Modal Logic and its Applications . By D. P aul S nyder .
Deontic Logic: Introductory and Systematic Readings . Edited by R isto H ilpinen .
Philosophy as Dramatic Theory . By J ulián M arías . Translated from the Spanish by J ames P arsons .
Metaphysical Anthropology: the Empirical Structure of Human Life . By J ulián M arías . Translated by F rances M. L ópez -M orillas .
Shadows of Heaven . By G unnar U rang .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Human Mystery. By JOHN C. ECCLES.
Promethean Ethics: Living with Death, Competition, and Triage. By GARRETT HARDIN.
Joseph Priestley—Scientist, Theologian, and Metaphysician. Edited by LESTER KIEFT.
Darkness and Scattered Light: Four Talks on the Future. By WILLIAM IRWIN THOMPSON.
Christian Child Development. By IRIS V. CULLY.
Interpreting Religious Experience. By PETER DONOVAN.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article.
The Experiment of Life: Science and Religion. Edited by F. K enneth H are .
The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul. By W ayne A. M eeks .
Nature and Religious Imagination: From Edwards to Bushnell. By C onrad C herry .
The Sciences and Theology in the Twentieth Century. Edited by A. R. P eacocke .
Intimations of Reality: Critical Realism in Science and Religion. By A rthur P eacocke  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Science, Ideology, and World View: Essays in the History of Evolutionary Ideas. By J ohn C. G reene .
The Evolutionary Vision: Toward a Unifying Paradigm of Physical, Biological, and Sociocultural Evolution. Edited by E rich J antsch .
Beyond Ideology: Religion and the Future OJ Western Civilization. By N inian S mart .
The Omega Seed, An Eschatological Hypothesis. By P aolo S oleri .
Advice and Planning. By M artin H. K rieger .
Technology and the Future: A Philosophical Challenge. S chuurman . Translated by H erbert D onlad M orton .
The Transforming Moment: Understanding Convictional Experiences. By J ames E. L oder .
Psychology and Christianity: Integrative Readings. Edited by J. R oland F leck and J ohn D. C arter .
Philosophie des Lebendigen. Der Begner des Organischen bei Kant, sein Grund und seine Aktualitat. By R einhard L ow .
The Ten Commandments and Human Rights. By W alter H arrelson .
The Philosophy of Moral Development: Moral Stages and the Idea of justice. Vol. 1 of Essays on Moral Development. By Law KOHLBERG.
The Primordial Bond: Exploring Connections Between Man and Nature Through the Humanities and Sciences. By S tephen H. S chnieder and L ynne M orton .
Knowledge and the Sacred. By S eyed H ossein N asr .
Green Paradise Lost. By E lizabeth D odson G ray .
Creation, Science, and Theology. By W. A. Whitehouse. Edited by A nn L oades .
From Being to Becoming: Time and Complexity in the Physical Sciences. By I lya P rigogine .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Tradition in Science . By W erner H eisenberg .
Order and Organism: Steps to a Whiteheadian Philosophy of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences . By M urray C ode .
Transfornation and Convergence in the Frame of Knowledge: Explorations in the Interrelations of Scientific and Theolgoical Enterprise. By T homas F. T orrance .
The Christian Frame of Mind. By T homas F. torrance .
Darwin's Legacy. Edited by C harles L. H amrum .
The Universe Is a Green Dragon: A Cosmic Creation Story. By B rian S wimme .
Einstein's Space and Van Gogh's Sky: Physical Reality and Beyond. By L awrence L eshan and H enry M argenau .
Insight-lmagmataon: The Emancipataon of Thought and the Modern World. By D ouglas S loan .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Creation and the History of Science . By C hristopher K aiser .
Conceptual Revolutions . By P aul T hagard .
Pierre Duhem: Philosophy and History in the Work Of a Believing Physicist . By R.N.D. M artin .
German Science . By P ierre D uhem .
Mortal Questions . By T homas N agel .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article.
The Human Mind and the Mind of God: Theological Promise in Brain Research. By J ames B. A shbroo K.
The Post-Darwinian Controversies: A Study of the Protestant Struggle to Come to Terms with Darwin in Great Britain and America 1870–1900. By J ames R. M oore .
Theology and Science in Mutual Modification. By H arold N ebelsick .
The Phenomenon of Man Revisited: A Biological Viewpoint on Teilhard de Chardin.
The Miracle of Existence. By H enry M argenau .
The Liberation of Life. C harles B irch and J ohn B. C obb .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Justification of Science and the Rationality of Religious Belief By M ichael C. B anner .
Theology and the Justification of Faith. By W entzel V an H uyssteen .
Explanation from Physics to Theology . By P hilip C layton .
Theology in the Age of Scientific Reasoning . By N ancey M urphy .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Philosophical quarterly》2004,54(215):315-348
Books reviewed in this article:
Individual and Conflict in Greek Ethics. By Nicholas White.
Sextus Empiricus and Pyrrhonean Scepticism. By Alan Bailey.
The Cambridge Companion to Duns Scotus. Edited by Thomas Williams.
Thomas Reid and Scepticism: his Reliabilist Response. By Philip de Bary.
Dugald Stewart: the Pride and Ornament of Scotland. By Gordon Macintyre.
Human Rights and Chinese Thought: a Cross-Cultural Inquiry. By Stephen C. Angle.
Thought and World: an Austere Portrayal of Truth, Reference and Semantic Correspondence. By Christopher Hill.
The Correspondence Theory of Truth: an Essay on the Metaphysics of Predication. By Andrew Newman.
Thinking about Consciousness. By David Papineau.
Selves and Other Texts: the Case for Cultural Realism. By Joseph Margolis.
A History of Political Thought from Ancient Greece to Early Christianity. By Janet Coleman.
A History of Political Thought from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. By Janet Coleman.
Politics in the Vernacular: Nationalism, Multiculturalism, and Citizenship. By Will Kymlicka.
Deliberative Democracy and Beyond: Liberals, Critics, Contestations. By John S. Dryzek.
Fairness versus Welfare. By Louis Kaplow and Steven Shavell.  相似文献   

Book Reviews in this article:
The Great Devonian Controversy: The Shaping of Scientific Knowledge among Gentlemanly Specialists . By M artin J. S. R udwick
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis . By M ichael D enton .
Images of Science: Essays on Realism and Empiricism, with a Reply from Bos C. van Fraassen . Edited by Paul M. C hurchland and C lifford A. H ooker .
In Search of the Person–Philosophical Explorations in Cognitive Science . By M ichael A. A rbib .
What They Are Saying About Genetic Engineering . By T homas A. S hannon .
Cosmogony and Ethical Order: New Studies in Comparative Ethics . Edited by R obin W. L ovin and F rank E. R eynolds .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article.
Erikson: Identity and Religion. By J. E ugene W right , J r .
Insights and Oversights of Great Thinkers: An Evaluation of Western Philosophy. By C harles H artshorne .
The Gospel from Outer Space. By R obert L. S hort .
The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics as the Language of Nature. By H einz R. P agels .
Science, Theology and Einstein. By I ain P aul .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Theism, Atheism, and Big Bang Cosmology . By W illiam L ane C raig and Q uentin S mith .
Risk and Blame: Essays in Cultural theory . By M ary D ouglas .
Theology for a Scientific Age: Being and Being–Natural Divine, and Human . By A rthur P eacocke .
On the Nature and Existence of God . By R ichard G ale .
The Natural Contract . By M ichel S ew .
René Girard and Myth: An Introduction . By R ichard J. G olsan .  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1987,28(3):357-365
The Mediation of Christ. By Thomas F. Torrance.
Christian Spirituality and Sacramental Community. By Wolfhart Pannenberg.
St John Chrysostom: On the Incomprehensible Nature of God. Translated by Paul W. Harkins.
The End of Strife. Edited by David Loades.
Categories of Mediaeval Culture. By A.J. Gurevich.
Popular Religion in the Middle Ages: Western Europe 1000–1300. By Rosalind and Christopher Brooke.
Women Writers of the Middle Ages: A Critical Study of Texts from Perpetua († 203) to Marguerite Porete († 1310). By Peter Dronke.
The Life and Work of Jalaluddin Rumi. By Afzal Iqbal.
Pietists: Selected Writings. Edited by Peter C. Erb.
The Doctrine of Election and the Emergence of Elizabethan Tragedy. By Martha Tuck Rozett.
Das Missale Deutsch, Teil 1: Bibliographie der Übersetzungen in Handschriften und Drucken. Compiled by Angelus Albert Häussling.
Victorian Science and Religion: A Bibliography. Compiled by Sydney Eisen and Bernard V. Lightman.
John Henry Newman: An Annotated Bibliography of his Tract and Pamphlet Collection. Compiled by James David Earnest and Gerard Tracey.
The Christian College: A History of Protestant Education in America. By William C. Ringenberg.
The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust, 1941–1945. By David S. Wyman.
Cours deMétaphysique: Tome II. Métaphysique Générate, l'étant en tant qu'étant. By Albert Félicé and Antoine de Coninck.
Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas. By John F. Wippel.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Faith in Theory and Practice: Essays on Justifying Religious Belief. Edited by E lizabeth R adcliffe and C arol W hite .
The Knight's Move-The Relational Logic of Spirit in Theology and Science. By J ames E. L oder and W. J im N eidhardt .
The Problem of Consciousness. By C olin M c G inn .
Rediscovery of the Mind. By J ohn S earle .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Darwinism Applied: Evolutionary Paths to Social Goals . By J ohn H. B eckstrom .
Beyond Relativism: Science and Human Values . By R oger D. M asters .
Eliade's Vision for a New Humanism . By D avid C ave .  相似文献   

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