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Our ability to estimate time intervals has sometimes been attributed to a biological source of temporal information. A model for a temporal oscillator that provides such information has recently been described (Treisman, Faulkner, Naish & Brogan, 1990). This predicts that an imposed stimulus rhythm at certain frequencies may interfere with the temporal oscillator so as to alter its frequency. This interference would cause perturbations in temporal judgements at certain frequencies of the imposed rhythm. The pattern of interference would depend on the frequency at which the temporal oscillator runs, and so would contain information about the oscillator frequency. Evidence for such a pattern was found when auditory clicks at different rates were presented concurrently with time intervals whose durations subjects estimated. The present study examines whether a similar interference pattern can be obtained if visual flicker is substituted for auditory clicks. On each trial, flicker was presented at a rate between 2.5 and 17.5 Hz, concurrently with a time interval to be estimated. A pattern of increased estimates at some rates and decreased estimates at others was obtained. This pattern showed similarities to interference patterns obtained using auditory clicks. This provides evidence that the entrainment of the internal clock predicted by the model can also be produced by visual inputs. Other theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies making use of indirect processing measures have shown that perceptual grouping can occur outside the focus of attention. However, no previous study has examined the possibility of subliminal processing of perceptual grouping. The present work steps forward in the study of perceptual organization, reporting direct evidence of subliminal processing of Gestalt patterns. In two masked priming experiments, Gestalt patterns grouped by proximity or similarity that induced either a horizontal or vertical global orientation of the stimuli were presented as masked primes and followed by visible targets that could be congruent or incongruent with the orientation of the primes. The results showed a reliable priming effect in the complete absence of prime awareness for both proximity and similarity grouping principles. These findings suggest that a phenomenal report of the Gestalt pattern is not mandatory to observe an effect on the response based on the global properties of Gestalt stimuli.  相似文献   

根据具身认知理论,人们的认知会受到身体活动的影响。网络环境下人的身体活动受到限制,因而其认知活动与非网络环境存在很大的差异。本研究目的在于考察人们对网络词语与非网络的日常词语的时间知觉,空间距离知觉与知觉范围是否有差异。结果发现被试对网络词语的时间知觉更长;网络词语的空间距离感与日常词语没有显著差异;在启动网络词语之后,被试的知觉范围缩小,对中心刺激的反应显著快于边缘刺激。本研究发现了网络词语加工在时间知觉和知觉范围上的变化。  相似文献   

Evidence for the proposition that human time perception is determined by an internal clock is largely indirect. It would strengthen the case for this hypothesis if a model for the internal clock were available from which predictions could be derived and tested, and if the basic parameter of such a model, the frequency at which the clock runs, could be estimated. A model for an internal temporal pacemaker is briefly described and its properties are explored by computer simulation. Results are obtained that provide a basis for predicting that, under appropriate conditions, interference between an imposed rhythm and the frequency of a temporal oscillator may cause perturbations in temporal judgment which are related to the characteristic frequency of that oscillator. Experimental data are reported which appear to demonstrate such an interference pattern. These results allow some estimates of the characteristic frequency of the temporal oscillator to be obtained.  相似文献   

Whereas the visual modality tends to dominate over the auditory modality in bimodal spatial perception, the auditory modality tends to dominate over the visual modality in bimodal temporal perception. Recent results suggest that the visual modality dominates bimodal spatial perception because spatial discriminability is typically greater for the visual than for the auditory modality; accordingly, visual dominance is eliminated or reversed when visual-spatial discriminability is reduced by degrading visual stimuli to be equivalent or inferior to auditory spatial discriminability. Thus, for spatial perception, the modality that provides greater discriminability dominates. Here, we ask whether auditory dominance in duration perception is similarly explained by factors that influence the relative quality of auditory and visual signals. In contrast to the spatial results, the auditory modality dominated over the visual modality in bimodal duration perception even when the auditory signal was clearly weaker, when the auditory signal was ignored (i.e., the visual signal was selectively attended), and when the temporal discriminability was equivalent for the auditory and visual signals. Thus, unlike spatial perception, where the modality carrying more discriminable signals dominates, duration perception seems to be mandatorily linked to auditory processing under most circumstances.  相似文献   

Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) exhibit deficits in perceptual and motor timing as well as impairments in memory and attentional processes that are related to dysfunction of dopaminergic systems in the basal ganglia. The aim of the present study was to assess the relationships existing between impaired duration judgments and defective memory and attention in PD patients. We compared time performance of medicated PD patients and control subjects on a duration reproduction task that is highly memory-dependent, and on a duration production task that could reveal effects of changes in the speed of internal time-keeping mechanisms. Each task was performed in a control counting condition and in a condition requiring divided attention between the temporal task and a concurrent reading task. Moreover, PD patients and control subjects were assessed on memory and attention using a battery of neuropsychological tests. The results revealed that in the concurrent reading condition of the reproduction task, duration judgments tended to be more variable in PD patients than in control subjects. Moreover, variability of duration reproductions was correlated with both measures of memory and of disease severity. In the concurrent reading condition of the production task, duration judgments were significantly shorter in PD patients than in control subjects, and accuracy of duration productions was correlated with scores on sub-tests of short-term memory. The findings suggest that the administration of dopamine did not entirely remove the memory deficits in PD patients. Moreover, DA treatment would have abnormally accelerated the rate of the internal clock leading to shorter duration productions in PD patients. The whole results indicate that dopamine administration in patients might have overshadowed the slowing rate of the internal clock usually reported in non medicated PD patients, without entirely restoring all of the memory functions.  相似文献   

The concept of perceptual independence is ubiquitous in psychology. It addresses the question of whether two (or more) dimensions are perceived independently. Several authors have proposed perceptual independence (or its lack thereof) as a viable measure of holistic face perception (Loftus, Oberg, & Dillon, Psychological Review 111:835–863, 2004; Wenger & Ingvalson, Learning, Memory, and Cognition 28:872–892, 2002). According to this notion, the processing of facial features occurs in an interactive manner. Here, I examine this idea from the perspective of two theories of perceptual independence: the multivariate uncertainty analysis (MUA; Garner & Morton, Definitions, models, and experimental paradigms. Psychological Bulletin 72:233–259, 1969), and the general recognition theory (GRT; Ashby & Townsend, Psychological Review 93:154–179, 1986). The goals of the study were to (1) introduce the MUA, (2) examine various possible relations between MUA and GRT using numerical simulations, and (3) apply the MUA to two consensual markers of holistic face perceptionrecognition of facial features (Farah, Wilson, Drain, & Tanaka, Psychological Review 105:482–498, 1998) and the composite face effect (Young, Hellawell, & Hay, Perception 16:747–759, 1987). The results suggest that facial holism is generated by violations of several types of perceptual independence. They highlight the important theoretical role played by converging operations in the study of holistic face perception.  相似文献   

A number of leading theories (e.g., Grossberg & Mingolla, 1985; Kellman & Shipley, 1991; Rensink & Enns, 1995) commonly assume that perceptual grouping by contour alignment occurs preattentively across reversing contrast polarity elements. We examined this notion in seven visual search experiments. We found that only grouping by attachment supported preattentive visual search and that grouping by contour alignment required attention in order to operate. Both attachment grouping and grouping by contour alignment were sensitive to contrast reversals. Further results showed that contour alignment was a strong grouping cue only among elements with the same contrast sign but that it did not facilitate grouping across reversing contrast. These results suggest that grouping by contour alignment operates only on inputs of consistent contrast polarity.  相似文献   

Emergent features, attention, and perceptual glue in visual form perception   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined the grouping of line segments into unitary shapes and attempted to identify procedures to diagnose when such grouping is taking place. Previous research has indicated that attentional measures may diagnose grouping: With grouped parts, selective attention to individual parts is difficult and divided attention across parts is easy, whereas with ungrouped parts selective attention is easy and divided attention is difficult. This result suggests that grouping operates via a perceptual glue binding parts into wholes that are difficult or impossible to divide. Other studies have suggested in addition that grouped parts produce emergent features, possibly including symmetry and closure, that make possible configural superiority effects, where whole shapes are more discriminable than are their distinguishing contours shown in isolation. The 13 experiments reported here indicate that perceptual glue is not needed to explain known findings about grouping, a claim that agrees with conclusions by other investigators using other criteria. Rather, emergent features alone may suffice to explain grouping, provided that reliable and accurate diagnostic criteria can be identified. It is shown that the diagnostics now available are not fully adequate for this purpose. Surprisingly, it appears that some prime candidates for emergent features--namely, closure and line terminators--may not be of central importance to form perception.  相似文献   

This study explored the extent to which rapid temporal processing and duration contribute to the right-ear advantage (REA) and presumably left-hemisphere processing for stop consonants and the lack of clear-cut laterality effects for vowels. Three sets of synthetic stimuli were constructed: consonant vowel stimuli [ba da ga bi di gi bu du gu] of 300 msec duration (full stimuli) and two shortened stimuli consisting either of a noise burst and 40-msec transitions (40-msec stimuli), or a noise burst and 20-msec transitions (20-msec stimuli). Stimuli were presented dichotically for consonant, vowel, and syllable identification. Results indicated a significant REA for consonants in the full and 40-msec conditions and a non-significant REA in the 20-msec condition. Nevertheless, the magnitude of laterality did not change across the three conditions. These results suggest that although transition information including duration contributes to lateralization for stop consonants, it is the presence of abrupt onsets which crucially determines lateralized processing. For vowels, there was a significant REA only in the full stimulus condition, and a significant decrement in the magnitude of the laterality effect in the two shortened stimulus conditions. These results suggest that for vowel perception, it is the nature of the acoustic cue used for phonetic identification and not duration that seems to be the critical determinant of lateralization effects.  相似文献   

Presenting a masked prime leading a target influences the perceived onset of the masking target (perceptual latency priming; Scharlau & Neumann, in press). This priming effect is explained by the asynchronous updating model (Neumann, 1982; Scharlau & Neumann, in press): The prime initiates attentional allocation toward its location, which renders a trailing target at the same place consciously available earlier. In three experiments, this perceptual latency priming by leading primes was examined jointly with the effects of trailing primes in order to compare the explanation of the asynchronous updating model with the onset-averaging and the P-center hypotheses. Experiment 1 showed that an attended, as well as an unattended, prime leads to perceptual latency priming. In addition, a large effect of trailing primes on the onset of a target was found. As Experiment 2 demonstrated, this effect is quite robust, although smaller than that of a leading prime. In Experiment 3, masked primes were used. Under these conditions, no influence of trailing primes could be found, whereas perceptual latency priming persisted. Thus, a nonattentional explanation for the effect of trailing primes seems likely.  相似文献   

A neural network model of global motion segmentation by visual cortex is described. Called the motion boundary contour system (BCS), the model clarifies how ambiguous local movements on a complex moving shape are actively reorganized into a coherent global motion signal, Unlike many previous researchers, we analyze how a coherent motion signal is imparted to all regions of a moving figure, not only to regions at which unambiguous motion signals exist. The model hereby suggests a solution to the global aperture problem. The motion BCS describes how preprocessing of motion signals by a motion oriented contrast (MOC) filter is joined to long-range cooperative grouping mechanisms in a motion cooperative-competitive (MOCC) loop to control phenomena such as motion capture. The motion BCS is computed in parallel with the static BCS of Grossberg and Mingolla (1985a, 1985b, 1987). Homologous properties of the motion BCS and the static BCS, specialized to process motion directions and static orientations, respectively, support a unified explanation of many data about static form perception and motion form perception that have heretofore been unexplained or treated separately. Predictions about microscopic computational differences of the parallel cortical streams V1 → MT and V1 → V2 → MT are made— notably, the magnocellular thick stripe and parvocellular interstripe streams. It is shown how the motion BCS can compute motion directions that may be synthesized from multiple orientations with opposite directions of contrast. Interactions of model simple cells, complex cells, hyper-complex cells, and bipole cells are described, with special emphasis given to new functional roles in direction disambiguation for endstopping at multiple processing stages and to the dynamic interplay of spatially short-range and long-range interactions.  相似文献   

Plateau's experiment, in which the bisection method was introduced, is recognized as the first psychophysical experiment ever done. That experiment was replicated and extended using modem imaging devices. First, participants with professional training in visual arts painted grayscales with no control on illumination. Then, the trained participants and the nontrained participants generated grayscales using a personal computer in three different conditions: a white background of a linearized monitor, a black background of that monitor, and a white background but without linearizing the monitor. Analyses showed that with artificial illumination, scales with steps more evenly spread were produced than with natural illumination. Humans do not seem to have a natural ability to use the bisection method properly. Experts seem to be able to judge the reflectance of distal stimuli, and perceptual learning played an important role in the perception of achromatic colors as found in prior literature.  相似文献   

More and more immersive environments are developed to provide support for learning or training purposes. Ecological validity of such environments is usually based on learning performance comparisons between virtual environments and their genuine counterparts. Little is known about learning processes occurring in immersive environments. A new technique is proposed for testing perceptual learning during virtual immersion. This methodology relies upon eye-tracking technologies to analyze gaze behavior recorded in relation to virtual objects' features and tasks' requirements. It is proposed that perceptual learning mechanisms engaged could be detected through eye movements. In this study, nine subjects performed perceptual learning tasks in virtual immersion. Results obtained indicated that perceptual learning influences gaze behavior dynamics. More precisely, analysis revealed that fixation number and variability in fixation duration varied with perceptual learning level. Such findings could contribute in shedding light on learning mechanisms as well as providing additional support for validating virtual learning environments.  相似文献   

In Experiment I, two tasks were administered to children aged 4, 5, and 9 in order to investigate preference for perceptual versus conceptual attributes in grouping of common objects, and in various aspects of memory. The grouping task revealed a clear chronological progression: color and form determined the youngest children's grouping about equally; form dominated in the 5-year-olds; and most of the oldest children grouped primarily by conceptual attributes. In the memory task, three lists—one organized by color, one by form, one by superordinate category—were presented for free, followed by cued recall. Clustering showed the developmental shift from color to form to concept, while cued recall showed conceptual superiority at all ages. Experiment II replicated the memory task, yielding the same results. The results were discussed in terms of the relative abstractness and predictability of conceptual versus perceptual attributes and the difficulty of abstraction in encoding and the function of predictability in retrieval.  相似文献   

Auditory temporal perception, phonics, and reading disabilities in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paula Tallal   《Brain and language》1980,9(2):182-198
Reading-impaired and control children were given an experimental battery of nonverbal auditory perceptual tests which examined discrimination and temporal order perception. Stimulus tones were presented at various rates. There were no significant differences between groups on tests in which stimuli were presented at slow rates. However, when the same stimuli were presented more rapidly, the reading-impaired group made significantly more errors than the controls. The reading-impaired children's ability to use phonics skills (nonsense word reading) was also examined. There was a high correlation between the number of errors made on the phonics reading test and the number of errors made in responding to the rapidly presented stimuli in the auditory perceptual tests. The hypothesis that some reading impairments are related to low-level auditory perceptual dysfunction that affects the ability to learn to use phonics skills adequately is discussed.  相似文献   

The processing of Kanizsa-square illusory figures was studied in two experiments with four humans and two chimpanzees. Subjects of the two species were initially trained to select a Kanizsa-square illusory figure presented in a computerized two-alternative forced choice task. After training, adding narrow closing segments to the pacman inducers that composed the Kanisza illusory figures lowered performance in both chimpanzees and humans, suggesting that the discrimination could be controlled by the perception of illusory forms. A second experiment assessed transfer of performance with five sets of figures in which the size of the inducers and their separation were manipulated. Only for chimpanzees was performance directly controlled by separation, suggesting that chimpanzees are more sensitive than humans to the separation between visual elements. Accepted after revision: 15 August 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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