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近年来,道德绑架问题引起了社会和学界的关注。道德绑架最普遍和最典型的形式是胁迫行善。道德上完全义务与不完全义务或者说非权义务的区分有助于我们辨析道德绑架问题。道德绑架的实质是把道德上的非权义务等同于完全义务。道德绑架严重侵犯了个人的权利,有损社会的法治秩序,也会伤及道德自身。依法保护人的各种法律权利,增强人的权利意识是防范和消除道德绑架的重要途径。  相似文献   

厘清医师说明义务的内涵、性质能够使患者和医师明晰自己的权利和义务,有利于保护患者知情同意权.对于医师说明义务的法律性质,有主张医师的说明系患者有效同意之逻辑前提的“承诺无效说”;也有“医疗合同上的附随义务”的观点;还有认为其应是一项法定的注意义务.在对这些观点进行评析后提出此义务应是一项法定的合同义务.  相似文献   

法治一般分为实质性的法治和程序性的法治,前者强调善法、良法,后者则更注重形式正义.新自然法学派代表人物朗·L.富勒的学说即为程序法治论的一种.富勒认为法律与道德密不可分,并将道德区分为愿望的道德与义务的道德,而义务的道德与法律相似.他提出法律具有内在的道德性,将法律的道德性分为外在道德和内在道德两个方面,而他主要阐述的是法律的内在道德,也称为"程序自然法",并将法律的这一道德定位于八项"法治原则"和达致法律的"目的性事业"的手段.  相似文献   

法律的一般原则是医师仅就自己的过失行为对自己的患者承担责任,但是,从近年来美国判例法的发展看,如果医师在诊治患者时可以合理预见第三人将会遭受患者损害,医师的注意义务可扩展到与其不存在直接的医患关系但存在特殊关系的非患者.  相似文献   

论医师的告知说明义务   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
患者知情同意权的真正实现有赖于医师告知说明义务的履行,医师此义务要在诊疗中又因所处不同阶段在法律中有不同的性质。在具体治疗前为取得患者有效承诺的告知说明义务在医疗契约中为从给付义务,而实施完具体诊疗后,就有关康复、服药等注意事项所作的告知说明属于附随义务。实践中医师对此两阶段的义务都应当给与同样的重视,以利于维护患者的利益。  相似文献   

政治义务是一种道德义务与初步义务;政治义务也是一种具有特殊性、普遍性、广泛适用性和有限性的道德要求;政治义务问题是一组相互关联的问题;认为政治义务是伪问题的观点是站不住脚的。  相似文献   

道德绑架现象成为社会热点,这使得从道德哲学的视角来厘清它的概念内涵和错误原因成为必需.在这方面,苏德超对道德绑架做了深入细致的现象刻画.然而,由于他的整个分析预设了一条成问题的原则,所以未能真正地刻画出符合经验直觉的道德绑架现象.通过引入康德对完全义务与非完全义务的划分,可以澄清道德绑架发生在康德所谓的非完全义务的领域,是施事方以道德的理由绑架了应事方在道德行为与非道德行为之间的选择.道德绑架的错误在于施事方将完全义务领域的要求等同到非完全义务领域,剥夺了应事方道德选择的自由.基于此,道德绑架现象可以重新加以刻画.  相似文献   

公正与权利和义务密切相关.公正所涉及的权利和义务,应是严格意义上的相互对应、必然相关的权利和义务,也就是说公正的根本问题是权利与"完全义务"(即狭义的义务)如何分配的问题,即不论是基本权利与基本义务,还是非基本权利与非基本义务,也不论是法定权利与法定义务,还是道德权利与道德义务,一方的权利,必然是他方的义务;反之亦然.  相似文献   

法律的一般原则是医师仅就自己的过失行为对自己的患者承担责任,但是,从近年来美国判例法的发展看,如果医师在诊治患者时可以合理预见第三人将会遭受患者损害,医师的注意义务可扩展到与其不存在直接的医患关系但存在特殊关系的非患者。  相似文献   

探讨义务冲突中"义务"的来源,应当根据功效的不同,将问题分为"未履行义务的来源"与"被履行义务的来源"两个方面。除了包括刑法中明文规定的不作为义务外,考察未履行义务的范围和种类,要密切联系不作为犯中的作为义务来源。基于"冲突状况的发生不能归责于行为人"这一要件,理应排除先前行为、法律行为所引起的作为义务;基于罪刑法定原则的要求,道德上的作为义务也应被否定。关于被履行义务的范围是否包括道德义务的问题,有肯定说、折衷说与否定说三种观点的争论。与整体法秩序相协调的、保障一定生活利益的道德义务,能够成为被履行义务的来源。  相似文献   

Catholic doctrine’s strict prohibition on abortion can lead clinicians or institutions to conscientiously refuse to provide abortion, although a legal duty to provide abortion would apply to anyone who refused. Conscientious refusals by clinicians to end a pregnancy can constitute murder or reckless homicide under American law if a woman dies as a result of such a refusal. Such refusals are not immunized from criminal liability by the constitutional right to the free exercise of religion or by statutes that confer immunity from criminal homicide prosecution. Core principles of the rule of law require the state to protect the lives of all persons equally and to place the life and health of persons above any the interests of providers have in moral integrity or in respecting the moral status of prenatal humans. In some states criminal liability related to conscientious objection also applies to corporate hospital officials.  相似文献   

现行法律、法规规定,无过错输血感染的法律责任采取过错责任归责原则,意味着当医患双方均无过错而又造成输血感染的损害后果时,完全由患者承担损害后果,这种规定无法体现公平、公正的法律精神。无过错输血感染法律责任应当规定为公平责任,这样才能更好地既保护医方利益又保护患方利益。  相似文献   

诚信是传统儒家思想中的重要范畴 ,其在规范中国人的行为 ,模塑中国人的人格上发挥过极其重要的作用。信用是市场经济活动的重要规则 ,西方社会的信用理念在现实的经济生活中有着颇为成功的实践。中国传统的诚信观不仅与近代西方的信用理念产生的社会历史环境迥异 ,在实质内涵、普适性和作用机理上也大不相同。  相似文献   

For political reasons, the social control functions of psychiatry are not openly recognized as such but are disguised as benevolent medical treatment. The roots of this disguise may be traced to the political revolutions in which the rule of man was replaced by the rule of law. This transformation generated a conflict between the desire for freedom under law and the desire for a greater degree of social control than is provided by law. Involuntary mental hospitalization is the neurotic resolution of this conflict by society. The social control functions of psychiatry are disguised and justified by the medical model which describes the moral action of both psychiatrist and patient in the ostensibly value neutral language of science and medicine. The cost of this disguise is great. It negates individuals as moral agents and obscures the moral nature of the problems that psychiatrists seek to understand which, in turn, handicaps them in helping the persons they seek to assist. The task of the philosopher in this situation is honestly and critically to analyze and evaluate psychiatric language, psychiatric practices and the moral issues involved.  相似文献   

从伦理和经济的角度论述了医疗行为责任立法的必要性,阐明了该法的性质;立法的价值取向是充分保护医疗服务接受者的权利,并兼顾社会利益;提出了创建<医疗行为责任法>的具体建议.  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会与思想道德教育的重点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
龙静云 《伦理学研究》2004,(1):76-80,108
在全面建设小康社会的历史实践中 ,思想道德教育对培育社会主义先进文化和建立社会主义道德体系 ,具有举足轻重的作用。当前 ,思想道德教育的重点环节应放在以下三个方面 :加强对广大农村居民的思想道德教育 ;围绕依法治国和以德治国相结合的治国方略有效开展法治、德治教育 ;在方法论上实现由以义务为起点的思想道德教育转变为以权利为起点的思想道德教育 ,由单纯的思想道德教育转变为以利益赏罚为载体的思想道德教育。  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2022,2022(173):34-37
Air embolism is a serious iatrogenic event, concerning many invasive medical therapies. It is a rare but life-threatening adverse event. We report a case of a cerebral air embolism occurring during a renal replacement therapy. We report the case of a court case analyzed in the Department of Legal Medicine of Farhat Hached University Hospital in Sousse, Tunisia, related to a cerebral gas embolism occurring during a session of renal replacement therapy. Then we discuss the medical liability of the medical team involved in this act. Through a draft organic law (law No. 41/2019 on patients’ rights and medical liability), Tunisian jurisprudence aims at resolving legal claims in the field of medical liability by providing more opportunities for an amicable solution and by guaranteeing an adequate and quick compensation of the damage suffered.  相似文献   

Thinking about the decline of morality in post-reform China,the author analyzes the development of virtuous governance based on moral education,and concludes that the reason why ancient rulers were so infatuated with it was the inhibitive function of public evaluation on moral transgressions in familiar neighborhoods.However,as China transforms into a dynamic and commercial society,and its people move from familiar neighborhoods to alienated communities in the cities,public evaluation is losing its power over moral transgressors.To prevent the collapse of the moral system,it is necessary to use rule by law to foster people's sense of justice and rule-consciousness-not to simply hope for the appearance of more altruists.This is possible because law is the embodiment of moral principle,and because legal restraints and penalties can be internalized as habits.After a sense of justice and rule-consciousness has been established in people,we can again take up Confucian virtue education to nurture people's sense of shame and dignity,and their humane and righteous mind.However,to stop the current chaos and corruption,it is urgent that we adopt rule by law and supplement it with moral education.  相似文献   

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