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This paper explores the vertices of Jung's, Anzaldúa's and Benjamin's distinct ontologies and the way in which they connect in the shared recognition that what has been estranged in human history is enigmatically lodged in the world's fabric today. Cultural distress, in other words, is the outcome of what has become repudiated in the self and the collective across time. From this perspective, the paper argues that we have a collective responsibility to listen to the claims of the dead laid bare in moments of contemporary real-world danger and it elaborates the psychical dimensions of being that are cultivated in times of danger. The author contends that these psychical presences are the dead of human history including our ancestral heritage that linger and possibly may penetrate our awareness. They haunt and hold a potential to animate our movement towards a sublimatory process that can be seen as a precursor to social responsiveness and action. The author explores this through her own experience with an example of the spawning of spiritual activism within the socio-political maelstrom of AIDS.  相似文献   

This paper explores the analysis of an obese woman who came to experience her flesh as a bodying forth of personal and multigenerational family and cultural experiences of helplessness. The paper discusses the ideas and images that formed the basis of how I engaged with these themes as they presented countertransferentially. My thesis is that clinical approaches which draw on spatial metaphors for the psyche offer valuable tools for working with people whose inner world expresses itself somatically because such metaphors can be used to engage simultaneously with the personal, cultural, and ancestral dimensions of these unconscious communications. The paper builds on Jung's view of the psyche as comprised of pockets of inner otherness (complexes), on Redfearn's image of psyche as landscape‐like and on Samuels’ thinking on embodied countertransference and on the political psyche. It also draws on Butler's work on the body as a social phenomenon and on the theme of being a helpless non‐person or nobody as explored in Tom Stoppard's play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead which retells Shakespeare's Hamlet from the perspective of two of the play's ‘bit’ characters.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper points to the problem caused by the fact that numerous academic ‘Jung studies’ are conducted on the basis of the English translation of Jung's works without any knowledge of his original texts and illustrates it with the misconstrual that Jung's concept of synchronicity suffered in the studies of many recent authors, as exemplified by two articles in the September 2011 issue of the JAP. The translation of ‘sinngemäße Koinzidenz’ as ‘meaningful coincidence’ seduced those writers to take synchronistic ‘meaning’ as meaning the meaningfulness of life or even as ‘transcendent meaning’, which is incompatible with Jung's synchronicity concept, and to replace Jung's strictly intellectual project of establishing an explanatory principle for synchronistic events (in addition to the principle of causality for all other events) by the fundamentally different project of focusing on the impact that such events may have for the experiencing subjective mind, on ‘human meaning‐making’, and, with a decidedly anti‐intellectual bias, of hoping for ‘shifts into non‐rational states of mind’.  相似文献   

Discussing Joseph Newirth's case from a modern Freudian perspective, I explore possible sources of the patient's degraded view of herself, her ambivalent feelings toward men, and her fears of sexuality. I also discuss the course of the treatment, noting that both the patient's progress and the core of her resistance centers on her complex relationship with her analyst. This has been the source of healing and of avoidance of her inner world of imagination and fantasy. I further suggest that active confrontation of the patient's defensive use of her relationship with her analyst would enhance the substantial gains that she has already made.  相似文献   

Until The Red Book: Liber Novus wasFigure 1 published in 2009, we knew of C. G. Jung's personal adventure with the psyche and its influences on his life, as he described them in his chapter “Confrontation with the Unconscious” in Memories, Dreams, Reflections. He called it the “prima materia for a lifetime's work” (1963, pp. 170–199). But without The Red Book, it would have been impossible to imagine how deep and torturous Jung's descent into the world of his inner images really was. The full extent of his interactions with the figures that manifested on this journey he would later call “active imagination.” My initial reading of The Red Book elicited feelings of awed respect for the density, complexity, and daring of the text and paintings. Closer exploration was followed by a sense of new freedom related to my own experiences with active imagination. It was especially Jung's admonitions and warnings to experience one's own inner world as unique and incomparable to any other that gave new breadth and meaning to my personal experiences with active imagination. This feeling of expansion became the inspiration for this article, in which I describe my own encounters with images of the unconscious and their influence on both my inner and outer lives.
Figure 1. Incubation—Sleeping in the Temple, 2009 (acrylic painting on linen-covered panel, 10″ × 10″) by author.  相似文献   

Abstract: Since the 1982 publication of Aldo Carotenuto's book, A Secret Symmetry: Sabina Spielrein Between Jung and Freud, there has been renewed interest in the life and work of Sabina Spielrein. She was Jung's first psychoanalytic case at the Burghölzli Hospital in 1904, and was referred to several times in The Freud/Jung Letters. Spielrein recovered, enrolled in medical school, and went on to become a Freudian analyst. Her most famous paper, published in 1912, ‘Destruction as a cause of coming into being’, was referred to by Freud in 1920 in relation to his Death Instinct theory. In the few Freudian publications on this controversial theory since 1920, Spielrein's contribution is consistently omitted. Jung also neglected to refer to her ‘Destruction’ paper in his early 1912 version of ‘Symbols of transformation’, even though he had edited her paper and had promised to acknowledge her contribution. He did refer extensively to Spielrein's first paper, her medical thesis, ‘On the psychological content of a case of schizophrenia’, published in 1911, as yet unpublished in English. In her paper Spielrein sought to understand the psychotic delusions of Frau M, a patient at the Burghölzli, much in the style of Jung's ‘Psychology of dementia praecox’ (1907). The purpose of this paper is to explore to what extent Spielrein's Frau M paper, and its companion ‘Destruction’ paper, make an original contribution to both Jung and Freud's emerging theories on the possible creative versus destructive outcomes of neurotic or psychotic introversion, culminating in Jung's concept of the ‘collective unconscious’ (1916) and Freud's concept of a ‘Death instinct’ (1920).  相似文献   

The author describes an internal object that he calls the ‘impenetrable object’ which has two characteristics: being impervious to the projections from the patient and being intrusive, i.e. projecting into the patient. It arises out of an early relationship with a mother who may be generally disturbed or traumatized so that she is unable to take in or tolerate the child's projections and may use the child as a receptacle for her own projections. He links the concept of an impenetrable object with other concepts such as Williams's ‘reversal of the container–contained relationship’ and Green's ‘dead mother’. If such an object dominates the patient's internal world, it can lead to severe difficulties in the analytic process. Interpretations may be experienced as violent projections from the analyst which the patient has to ward off and the analyst may enact an impervious or intrusive object in various ways. The author describes a case in which such dynamics played a significant role. He argues that intensive work in the countertransference is required to detect subtle enactments and allow a shift in the analyst, which in turn can enable change in the patient. He gives clinical material that demonstrates such work by the analyst and illustrates the shift from an impenetrable object to a more permeable one in the patient's internal world.  相似文献   

The author discusses two concepts of transference: the broader use of transference as the 'total situation', as it was called by Melanie Klein and further elaborated by post-Kleinians, and the narrow use of transference in the traditional sense. Using clinical material from the four-times-a-week analysis of a severely disturbed adolescent over a period of 4 years, the author tries to show how the understanding of the transference as the total situation enabled her to work with this boy who hardly spoke or played. The observation of his non-verbal communication and the counter-transference feelings of the analyst made it possible to formulate hypotheses about the quality of his relationship with the analyst and the inner world of the patient. After the presentation of the clinical material the author points out some misunderstandings of the concept of the total situation in European psychoanalytic discussion.

L'auteur explore deux façons de conceptualiser le transfert?:?celle, plus large, de la « situation totale », formulée par Melanie Klein et développée par les post-Kleiniens, ainsi que celle, plus étroite, de l'acception traditionnelle du terme. À partir du matériel clinique d'une analyse À quatre séances hebdomadaires pendant plus de quatre ans d'un adolescent gravement perturbé, l'auteur s'efforce de montrer comment la conception du transfert en tant que situation totale lui a permis de travailler avec ce garçon qui ne parlait ni ne jouait guère. L'observation de ses communications non verbales et les éprouvés contre-transférentiels de l'analyste ont permis l'élaboration d'hypothèses relatives À la qualité de la relation patient-analyste et au monde interne du garçon. Après avoir présenté le matériel clinique, l'auteur relève quelques malentendus qui persistent, parmi les psychanalystes en Europe, au sujet de la situation totale.

L'autrice discute due concetti di transfert: il piu' ampio uso del transfert in quanto 'situazione totale', come fu chiamato da Melanie Klein e successivamente elaborato dai post-Kleiniani, e l'uso piu' ristretto del transfert nel senso tradizionale. Usando il materiale clinico tratto dall'analisi di quattro anni a quattro sedute settimanali di un adolescente molto disturbato, l'autrice cerca di mostrare in che modo la comprensione del transfert come situazione totale le ha permesso di lavorare con questo ragazzo che a mala pena parlava e giocava. L'osservazione delle sue comunicazioni non verbali e i sentimenti di contro-transfert dell'analista hanno permesso di formulare ipotesi sulla qualita' della sua relazione con l'analista ed il mondo interno del paziente. Successivamente alla presentazione del materiale clinico l'autrice espone alcuni dei fraintendimenti del concetto di situazione totale nella discussione psicoanalitica europea.

Die Autorin diskutiert zwei Konzepte der Übertragung: den weitergefassten Gebrauch der Übertragung als der 'totalen Situation', wie sie von Melanie Klein benannt und von Post-Kleinianern weiterentwickelt wurde, und den engeren Gebrauch der Übertragung im traditionellen Sinne. Anhand von klinischem Material aus einer vierstÜndigen Analyse eines schwer gestörten Jugendlichen Über den Zeitraum von 4 Jahren, versucht die Autorin aufzuzeigen, wie das Verständnis der Übertragung als der totalen Situation ihr ermöglichte, mit diesem Jungen zu arbeiten, der kaum sprach oder spielte. Die Beobachtung seiner nicht-sprachlichen Kommunikation und der GegenÜbertragungsgefÜhle der Analytikerin ermöglichte es, Hypothesen Über die Qualität seiner Beziehung mit der Analytikerin und der innerer Welt des Patientens zu formulieren. Nach der Präsentierung des klinischen Materials stellt die Autorin einige der Missverständnisse des Konzepts der totalen Situation in der europäischen psychoanalytischen Diskussion heraus.  相似文献   

Spiritually hungry is how I would characterize our society in this last part of the twentieth century in the United States. Jung's statement that the world is hanging by a slender thread, and that only consciousness can save it, seems appropriate here.  相似文献   

Mary Foote (1872‐1968) was a successful early twentieth century American artist who suddenly closed her New York studio in 1926 to go to Zurich to study with Jung. There she joined his ‘Interpretation of Visions’ seminars (1930‐1934), which she recorded and edited. This work won Jung's praise and his friendship, but all too often Foote was seen merely as a secretary or background figure. Deirdre Bair's biography of Jung suggested that Foote's life and work deserved fuller study, if only to rebalance our view of Jung's early women followers. This paper takes up that work to ask how Foote's early life and career led to her important work in preserving and describing Jung's earliest attempts to apply his theories to clinical practice.  相似文献   

This paper re‐visits Murray Jackson's 1961 paper in the Journal of Analytical Psychology, ‘Chair, couch and countertransference’, with the aim of exploring the role of the couch for Jungian analysts in clinical practice today. Within the Society of Analytical Psychology (SAP) and some other London‐based societies, there has been an evolution of practice from face‐to‐face sessions with the patient in the chair, as was Jung's preference, to a mode of practice where patients use the couch with the analyst sitting to the side rather than behind, as has been the tradition in psychoanalysis. Fordham was the founding member of the SAP and it was because of his liaison with psychoanalysis and psychoanalysts that this cultural shift came about. Using clinical examples, the author explores the couch/chair question in terms of her own practice and the internal setting as a structure in her mind. With reference to Bleger's (2013) paper ‘Psychoanalysis of the psychoanalytic setting’, the author discusses how the analytic setting, including use of the couch or the chair, can act as a silent container for the most primitive aspects of the patient's psyche which will only emerge in analysis when the setting changes or is breached.  相似文献   

Gullatz S 《The Journal of analytical psychology》2010,55(5):691-714; discussion 715-25
Abstract: Innovative attempts at collating Jungian analytical psychology with a range of ‘post‐modern’ theories have yielded significant results. This paper adopts an alternative strategy: a Lacanian vantage point on Jungian theory that eschews an attempt at reconciling Jung with post‐structuralism. A focused Lacanian gaze on Jung will establish an irreducible tension between Jung's view of archetypes as factors immanent to the psyche and a Lacanian critique that lays bare the contingent structures and mechanisms of their constitution, unveiling the supposed archetypes’a posteriori production through the efficacy of a discursive field. Theories of ideology developed in the wake of Lacan provide a powerful methodological tool allowing to bring this distinction into focus. An assembly of Lacan's fragmentary accounts of Jung will be supplemented with an approach to Jungian theory via ?i?ek's Lacan‐oriented theory of the signifying mechanism underpinning ‘ideology’. Accordingly, the Jungian archetype of the self, which is considered in some depth, can begin to be seen in a new light, namely as a ‘master signifier’, not only of Jung's academic edifice, but also —and initially—of the discursive strategies that establish his own subjectivity. A discussion of Jung's approach to mythology reveals how the ‘quilting point’ of his discourse comes to be coupled with a correlate in the Real, a non‐discursive ‘sublime object’ conferring upon archetypes their fascinating aura.  相似文献   

In my response to Nina Farhi's paper, I begin my discussion with the concept of a placental space that Farhi develops to represent the psychotic's internal experience of living in a fusion with the Other. Farhi's new concept of an annealed identification provides a useful addition to the psychoanalytic literature to describe the living conditions of a psychotic who is severely entrenched in an unyielding maternal bond. Basing her conceptualizations on Milner's psychotic patient Susan, Farhi also focuses on Milner's discovery that no repressed unconscious existed for her patient Susan. I suggest in my response that Freud's nearly forgotten idea of primal repression and Lacan's idea of maternal jouissance would shed additional light onto the psychotic experience and expand Farhi's notion of an annealed identification with the maternal figure. In addition, I argue for an inclusion of the Third whose presence is so powerfully lacking in the case discussion and in the patient's life.  相似文献   

This second of two papers focuses on the shame which emerged in the first 14 years of analysis of a woman who was bulimic, self‐harmed, and repeatedly described herself as ‘feeling like a piece of shit’. To explore this intense and pervasive shame I draw on Jung's and Laplanche's emphasis on experiences of unresolvable, non‐pathological ‘foreignness’ or ‘otherness’ at the heart of the psyche. Images, metaphors, elements of clinical experience, and working hypotheses from a number of analytic traditions are used to flesh out this exploration. These include Kilborne's use of Pirandello's image of shame as like a ‘hole in the paper sky’ which, I suggest, points to a crack in subjectivity, and reveals our belief in the efficacy of the self to be illusory. Hultberg's observations on shame as having an existential mode (function) are also explored, as is the nature of analytic truth. Using these ideas I describe my patient's process of finding some small but freeing space in relation to her shame and self‐hatred. Through enduring and learning from her shame in analysis she realized that it was part of a desperate unconscious attempt to draw close to her troubled father and so to ‘love him better’.  相似文献   

In response to the question ‘Who is My Jung?’, this paper describes the profound personal impact of Jung's creative / artistic approach to the unconscious, beginning with my discovery of The Red Book at the age of twelve. Echoing the flow of my own dream‐life, I trace the course of two analyses through the alchemical process of solutio, which began with numinous dreams of tidal waves and plunged us into inter‐ and intra‐psychic analytic relationships that evoked vestigial memories of our first aquatic world in utero.  相似文献   

In this paper the author describes her work with a woman who, in her mid 20s, sought analysis for her non‐vomiting binge eating disorder. The paper explores how two aspects of Jung's view of the psyche as healthily dissociable were used to think about the potential for change contained within the explosive, aggressive energies in this patient's bingeing. The resultant approach takes the patient's splitting defences, dissociations and self‐destructive behaviour as a point of access to her unconscious. Seen in this way, these behaviours contain the seeds of recovery and are the starting point for analysis rather than defences against it. The paper also brings a number of Jungian and post‐Jungian ideas into conversation with aspects of contemporary thinking about subjectivity, identity and the longing for excess developed by Leo Bersani and Judith Butler.  相似文献   

In this newly fashioned dialogue that allows us three respondents to continue our first-round discussions, I treasure the opportunity of learning more about Farhi's and Milner's works through the lenses of Dodi Goldman and Avgi Saketopoulou. Both respondents bring additional important historical information to this virtual roundtable, giving me another chance of re-reading Farhi's text through these new perspectives. I think that Goldman's information about Milner's interest in the natural science contributes a great deal to my understanding of her amazing capacity to tolerate her patient's changing psychotic states. I also learn a lot from Saketopoulou's sensitive discussion of the patient's last phone call to Milner shortly before her death in which the patient informs Milner that she had failed her in similar ways as Winnicott had failed Milner. I suggest a slightly different reading of the word failure and propose that the patient's utterance was a sign of a renewed strength rather than a statement of utter disappointment. A discussion of the place of phantasy in the intra-uterine life of a baby is also included in my response.  相似文献   

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