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苟波 《中国道教》2004,(3):19-21
道教从产生之日起,就面临着“成仙”与“就俗”的冲突。这种冲突既来自于外在儒释二教的压力,同时又与道教的修仙观念直接相关。而这种冲突的结果又逐渐使三教互相融受,也最终影响了道教的成仙、修仙思想。明代小说中有关吕洞宾的诸种故事实质上反映了这种道教成仙观念的转化。一、明代小说中吕洞宾形象分析在明代以小说为主体的通俗文学中,吕洞宾无疑是最活跃的道教仙真形象。此期作品中的吕洞宾,已与传统自闭山林,修道而不理俗务的传统神仙有着很大的区别。他的身上有着强烈的“入世”精神和凡人情趣。另一方面,在他身上又有着宋元道教大…  相似文献   

神仙传说是我国道教文化的重要组成部分。而在我国的神仙传说之中,八仙之一的吕洞宾知名度最高。干春松著《神仙传》便指出:“在众多神仙真人中,在民间风头最劲、影响最大的当非八仙莫属。……在八仙中最为著名,传说最多的要算吕洞宾了。”其生卒年不详,相传他本为唐末文士,名岩又名岩客,字洞宾,自称回道人,后世称为回仙。河中府蒲坂县(今山西永济西)人,唐德宗时湖南按察使吕渭之孙,海州刺使吕让之子。另外,又有唐宗室、江西人、京兆(长安)人等说法。据传,他曾于唐懿宗咸通年间应进士试,不第,遂归隐华山,幸遇道士钟离权,随其修炼,终得成仙,…  相似文献   

钟离权、吕洞宾,是道教史上两个关键的人物.从宋元的南宗、北宗,到明清的东、西二派,他们都自称得钟吕之真传.为了使钟、吕具有广泛的号召力和影响面,自北宋以来,道教中人就开始编造故事,神化钟、吕,尤其是吕洞宾.这样一来,出现了有关钟、吕的大量记载,钟、吕成为神仙,列居唐宋八仙之中.在这里,我们是把他们作为道教人物来进行分析,以探讨其内丹学说.  相似文献   

明清小说中吕洞宾诗词的介入是一个有趣的现象。通过《金瓶梅》词话本与绣像本的对读,并参照其他一些文本,可以发现吕洞宾诗词在文本形成中所起的作用。  相似文献   

在书写文本及民间口传文本及中,吕洞宾是一位集剑仙、诗仙、酒仙为一身的传奇人物。这一形象的产生和被塑造完成的过程,反映出唐末五代道教审美文化的特点。同时,收在其名下的大量诗词作品也反映出崇道者独特的思想信仰和人生追求,为我们分析道教的审美人格理想提供了可贵的个案。  相似文献   

尊敬的各位来宾:今天是纯阳祖师的圣诞纪念日。为了表达教内外广大信众对吕祖的敬仰,进一步弘扬吕祖济世利人的精神,由中国道教协会发起、江西庐山仙人洞道院具体承办、海峡两岸三地及海内外道教界共同参与的吕祖圣诞纪念法会,在庐山仙人洞隆重举行。我谨代表中国道教协会,向莅临纪念法会的各位领导、向来自海内外的各位嘉宾、道长们、道教界的朋友们表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢。吕祖济世利人的精神,就是秉承三清道祖的道德性命之学,引导众生开显心源性本,让自心本性如晴夜朗月,清辉自流,则人人精神深处,都洋溢着安泰祥和,人间的公共生活,…  相似文献   

今年是全真道北五祖之一———吕洞宾祖师诞辰1206年。由中国道教协会发起,江西庐山仙人洞道院承办的海峡两岸三地纪念吕祖诞辰1206年法会活动,于5月26日至28日在江西庐山举行。举办此次纪念吕祖诞辰法会活动的主旨,是通过纪念法会活动,进一步继承和发扬吕祖精神。弘扬道教文化,增强民族凝聚力,促进祖国统一,祈福世界和平。纪念法会的主要活动有:吕祖诞辰纪念大会、祈祷世界和平法会、吕祖文化研讨会和道教文化书画笔会。来自大陆、台湾、香港、澳门等地区和诸山洞府的高道大德、十方信士,道教研究学者,文化艺术界名人600多人参加了这次纪念…  相似文献   

于珍 《中国道教》2001,(3):34-38
《正一法文天师教戒科经》(以下简称为《正》)系明《正统道藏》力字部作品。陈国符考证“正一经 ,张陵一派所传经也。”① 即原始道教五斗米道一派所传授的经文。全文包括五部分 ,其一没有分篇标题 ,其二名为《大道家令戒》 ,其三名为《天师教》 ,其四名为《阳平治》 ,其五名为《天师五言三牵诗》。“其中三、五两篇在体例上与其他各篇皆不相类 ,可能不是同一作者所造作 ,出现的时间也许有先后的不同。但因其内容均为教诫 ,遂被编成一卷。”② 对于其成书时代说法不一。深入研究《正》一文 ,可以发现 :第一 ,《正》中所提到的年号有建安、…  相似文献   

按照列奥.施特劳斯的考证,在马克思之前出现了古典正义观和自由主义正义观两种大的类型的正义观。古典正义理论和自由主义正义理论之间存在着明显的差别,比如,古典正义观强调共同体高于个体,预设了一个神圣实体的存在,强调义务优先于权利,强调基于伦理的必然性的自由,强调一种普遍性的公共善和强调公正是城邦立法的第一美德;自由主义正义观则强调个体优先于共同体,强调权利  相似文献   

吕洞宾信仰在宋元明清四代流传,“剑”成为其最易辨识的符号,后来,具有降妖除魔的宝剑就成了吕洞宾的象征,在“暗八仙”中成为吕洞宾的代表符号。可以说,“剑”不仅代表了吕洞宾的身份、地位、形象,也代表了吕洞宾作为神仙所拥有的神奇能力。宋代有关吕洞宾生平事迹的文本不胜枚举,粗略翻阅,与“剑”有关的描述就有10多部。  相似文献   

陆修静(406-477),字元德,南朝宋吴兴东迁(今浙江吴兴县)人,三国吴丞相陆凯的后代.据史料记载,其母怀胎期间,有一位老姥来到家中语其母日:"生子当为人天师."①"及生之日,踱有重轮,足有双踝,掌有大字,身有斗文也."②少习儒业,博通坟典,旁及象纬.又性好道术,精研玉书.成年后,入山中修炼,专精教法,习断谷之术,隐云梦山中修道.后遍访仙踪,收集道书.曾南诣衡湘九嶷,访魏华存之遗迹,西至峨眉,寻清虚真人王褒之高躅.  相似文献   

In this article, I will look into the Zhuangist views on emotions. I will argue that the psychological state of the Zhuangist wise person is characterized by emotional equanimity accompanied by a general sense of calmness, ease, and joy. This psychological state is constitutive of and instrumental to leading a good life, one in which one wanders the world and explores the plurality of daos. To do so, I will first provide an overview of the scholarly debate on this issue and unveil the disconcerting disagreement that underlies it. Then, I will survey some passages in the Zhuangzi and sketch my interpretation of the Zhuangist views on emotions. Next, I will examine the theoretical foundation for this interpretation by referencing the Zhuangist pluralism and their conception of the good life. Finally, I will look into some potential objections to the Zhuangist views on emotions and attempt responses to them.  相似文献   

Thomas Magnell 《Erkenntnis》1991,34(2):171-185
Russell has recently been held to have had a modal logic, a full modal theory and a view of naming that anticipates Kripke's intuitions on rigid designation. It is argued here that no such claims are warranted. While Russell was not altogether silent on matters modal, he did not advance an identifiable modal logic or anything more than a modest modal theory. His view of naming involves a notion of guaranteed reference. But what Kripke's intuitions about rigidity primarily pertain to is fixed reference, something demonstrably different.  相似文献   

In this contribution, the authors defi ne and discuss the educational boundary in analytic training, which they believe is an often neglected and useful concept in psychoanalytic education. The framework on which their discussion rests includes the recent attention of psychoanalysts to issues of boundaries and ethics. Their understanding of how clinical work affects the mind of the analyst educator, as well as the ways the personalities of various analysts affect their dealings with faculty peers and students, are the other cornerstones of their discussion. The authors contend that many of the institutional problems encountered in the training of analysts can be better understood when viewed through the prism of the educational boundary. They present examples which illustrate several of the ways psychoanalytic educators complicate the training experience of candidates, offer specifi c explanations as to why analysts struggle as they try to manage their educational interventions, and indicate in a discussion of potential remedies that those behaviors might be avoided if the educational boundary is in focus. They also provide an example of how the educational boundary can be more effectively managed.  相似文献   

鲁迅对于儒家封建礼教的态度与道家道教对于儒家封建礼教的态度,多多少少有互相一致的地方,即都是抱着批判的态度,其结论也都是认为儒家的封建礼教会导致"人吃人",只是时代背景不同,各自的立场和观点各有不同.  相似文献   

Summary The study of stereopsis, made possible by the invention of the stereoscope, freed binocular vision from the yoke of monocular phenomena. Wheatstone used this freedom to determine the factors involved in the perception of size and distance, and interpreted them within a cognitive framework. He devised an adjustable stereoscope which allowed him to apply the systematic experimental procedures of physics to the phenomena of depth perception. Brewster, by contrast, tried to force the newly discovered binocular phenomena back into the mould of monocular vision, using the lever of visible direction. His interpretations of visual phenomena, be they monocular or binocular, could be reduced to the two fundamental laws of visible direction and distinct vision. While Wheatstone's cognitive approach influenced Helmholtz, and thereby modern cognitive theorists. Brewster's interpretations, based as they were in analyses of the retinal projection, find an echo in modern direct theorists.  相似文献   

公羊学与齐鲁文化有着十分密切的渊源关系,它以鲁学为骨干,以齐学为灵魂,是整个齐鲁文化的结晶。  相似文献   

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