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儿童实用创造力发展及其与家庭环境的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以中小学生(9岁至16岁)为研究对象,采用实用创造性测验任务,探查了儿童创造力的发展以及家庭环境因素对于创造力的影响,并得到如下的结论:(1)儿童的创造力随年龄发展逐渐提高,但创造力新颖性、流畅性和变通性三个维度的发展并不均衡,流畅性和变通性在9至11岁期间比其他年龄阶段发展得更快;(2)家庭环境对于儿童的创造力有直接影响也有间接影响,其中间接影响是通过影响创造性态度而得以实现的。  相似文献   

父母教养方式对子女学业成就影响的研究   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
本研究采用问卷法,以475名初一和初二学生为调查对象.探讨了父母的教养方式通过子女的成就目标定向和学业自我概念对其学业成就所产生的影响。结果表明.父母教养方式通过学生的这两个中介变量.以不同的途径影响着学生的学业成就水平。  相似文献   

This study explores the cognitive dimensions used by children in differentiating among television characters. By linking content-free judgments of the differences among television characters with content attributes suggested by prior research, a four-dimensional mapping is identified. This cognitive mapping is virtually identical for children at three different ages. Further, dimensions identified are strong predictors of the children's desires to model the social behaviors of the TV characters. The dimensions identified and discussed include those of humor, attractiveness, strength, and activity. The findings also indicate that young boys and girls use the same dimensions in markedly different ways.  相似文献   

The construct validity of “television viewing” is developed and explicated. It is suggested that while this concept is usually used as a strict behavioral variable, many different constructs are implied by it. The construct validity of television viewing can be derived from a conceptualization of what it is in television which, when viewed, or exposed to, interacts with human behavior and attributes. Four such conceptualizations are illustrated, each leading to a different construct of “viewing”: (1) television as a social-situational factor involving choice behavior between activities; (2) television as a transmission of a content repertoire, implying decision-making regarding messages; (3) television as a source of content-messages dealing with recall, comprehension, and attitude change; and (4) television as a “language” pertaining to the processes of encoding messages in the service of extracting knowledge.  相似文献   

This study was an attempt to replicate and extend the findings of previous research which explored the cognitive dimensions used by children to differentiate television characters. Results indicate that humor remains the primary attribute that children use to differentiate television characters, although this characteristic does not seem to be important in children's modeling decisions. Attractiveness and activity remain secondary attributes but also discriminate between male and female children in predicting identification with the characters. These findings are similar to those of the original study. Sex represents an additional important attribute for both sexes in differentiating the characters but is important only for female decisions about which characters are appropriate role models.  相似文献   

推理方向与规则维度对儿童因果推理的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李红  郑持军  高雪梅 《心理学报》2004,36(5):550-557
采用Frye和Zelazo等(1996)所设计的“二进二出”装置(斜面滚球装置),设置了不同的推理方向、规则维度的因果推理任务,采用个别实验法,研究了60名3.5~4.5岁儿童因果推理能力的发展。结果发现:(1)儿童在不同方向的因果推理任务上成绩差异显著,因→果推理成绩要好于果→因推理;(2)不同维度下儿童的推理成绩有极显著的差异性,一维的因果推理更容易,三维合取规则的因果推理任务更难;(3)3.5~4岁左右是儿童因果推理能力发展的快速期。  相似文献   

The impact of both the static and dynamic visual complexity of a half-hour sequence of “Sesame Street” segments upon viewers' visual attention, recall, and recognition are assessed in this study of 48 four and five year olds. Previous research has produced inconsistent results with respect to the links among the three sets of variables in this observational learning process. Results of a path analysis indicated strong negative relationships between static complexity and all three viewer variables, positive relationships between dynamic complexity and both attention and recognition, and between attention and both types of learning. No significant relationship emerged between dynamic complexity and recall. Implications for television production aimed at young children are discussed.  相似文献   

Preschool children's visual attention to nearly three hours of a heterogeneous sample of children's programing was examined in relationship to the presence of 37 simple visual and auditory attributes of television programs. A factor analysis of the attributes indicated that they were largely independent, with the exception of two factors, which were labeled “women and children” and “puppets.” Attributes and factors that were positively related to attention were the puppet factor, women and children factor, auditory changes, peculiar voices, movement, cuts, sound effects, laughter, and applause. Attributes that were negatively related to attention were adult male voices, extended zooms and pans, eye contact, and still shots. Other attributes had both positive and negative effects on attention depending on whether the child was looking at the TV at the time the attribute occurred. It is suggested that attributes are positive or negative to the degree to which they signal informative comprehensible content.  相似文献   

非言语沟通的视觉信息在电视教学中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王二平 《心理学报》1986,19(4):104-111
本研究用社会心理学关于非言语沟通的观点分析电视教学,认为剥夺有关教师非言语沟通的视觉信息可能是影响电视教学质量的一个原因。通过模拟电视教学的实验验证这一假设。在三种条件下对被试进行同样内容的教学:条件Ⅰ为传统课堂教学;条件Ⅱ为呈现教师形象的电视教学;条件Ⅲ为无教师形象只呈现板书图示的电视教学。课后进行所学知识的测验和态度问卷。结果表明,在电视教学中增加有关教师非言语沟通的视觉信息对学习者知识的掌握及对教师、教学内容和教学形式的态度有积极作用。将剥夺互动中非言语沟通的视觉信息的消极影响命名为“屏风效应”。对提高电视教学质量提出了新的建议。  相似文献   

个体创造性行为的动力来源探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
个体创造性行为的动力来源一直是心理学研究者们争论的焦点,也是创造力研究领域中最为激动人心的话题。该文综述了人格特质理论、精神分析学派、人本主义、行为主义与社会心理学取向的研究者们对这一问题的看法。结论认为创造性行为的动力来源于个体内、外两个方面,社会心理学取向的研究具有特殊的实践意义,并且提出探讨环境作用的机制是进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

鄭祖心 《心理学报》1964,9(4):69-76
研究目的 本研究是关于十年制学校二年級小学生掌握等分除法和包含除法应用題的心理学問題。等分除法和包含除法应用題涉及求一个数的几分之一和一个数是另一个数的几倍。对于这一类的应用題如何才能理解得正确,如何才能給予正确的解答,这是关系提高教学效率的問題,同时,又是以后学生学习分数与倍数的基础。关于小学生理解等分除法和包含除法应用題的心理特点及外部化活动对人智力活动形成的作用,前人均有一定的研  相似文献   

情绪状态对学生创造性的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
研究了情绪状态对学生创造性影响的问题。被试为上海师范大学第三附属中学初二的学生 2 2 0名 ,其中男生 10 4人 ,女生 116人 ,年龄 13~ 14岁。由于国外已有研究的结果并不统一 ,研究的方法也缺乏生态化效度 ,因此本文试图通过教学现场实验 ,运用实际教学情境中的刺激来诱发学生愉快—难过情绪 ,以探索在教学情境中学生情绪状态对其创造性影响状况。研究结果表明 ,学生在愉快情绪状态下的创造性总体发挥水平显著高于难过情绪状态 (t=2 0 2 5 ,p =0 0 4 5 ) ,且主要体现在流畅性和变通性两个方面  相似文献   

The effect on message recall of placing a message within differentially cognitively-involving portions of a complex audiovisual program was examined. In an experimental design that controlled for time of total exposure to stimulus material and for the time interval between exposure to a test message and later recall and interest tests, subjects viewed a program package consisting of a commercial, a pretested segment of an action-adventure program, and an especially created control in one of four conditions of commercial placement: (1) the commercial was placed between two moderately involving portions of the program which occurred a few minutes prior to both the action-climax and the resolution of the suspense, (2) the commercial was placed immediately subsequent to the highly involving climax and immediately prior to the moderately involving resolution, (3) the commercial was placed subsequent to the climax and immediately subsequent to the resolution, or (4) the commercial was placed between two minimally involving portions of the control communication. Assessments of message recall were taken on one-half of the subjects shortly after they had completed viewing the experimental materials. In order to assess for long-term effects, the remainder of the subjects received a similar recall test and a test of interest in the product depicted in the commercial message one month after the experimental viewing session had been completed. The findings supported the proposition that recall of message content is inversely related to the cognitive involvement potential of the program material presented immediately before and after the critical message.  相似文献   

The concept of creativity is very much in currency today in interpreting Chinese philosophy. In working out these notes my intent is twofold: first, to delineate the original content of Chinese though in connection with this concept; second, to search after the meaning of this term in Western philosophy in Bergson and Whitehead, in order to make a possible comparison.  相似文献   

中英青少年科学创造力发展的比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
将中学生科学创造力测验施测于英国6所中学的1190名青少年及中国2所中学的1087名青少年的研究,得出如下结论:第一,青少年的科学创造力存在显著的年龄差异。随着年龄的增大,青少年的科学创造力呈持续上升趋势,但在14岁时要下降;11-13岁、14-16岁是青少年的科学创造力迅速发展的关键时期;第二,青少年的科学创造力存在性别差异。英国女生的科学创造力比男生强,差异显著;中国男生的科学创造力比女生强,差异不显著;第三,中英青少年的科学创造力存在显著的差异。在创造性的问题解决能力方面,中国青少年明显高于英国青少年,但中国青少年在其它方面的科学创造力及总成绩则明显低于英国青少年;第四,中国青少年的科学创造力存在显著的学校类型差异。重点中学学生的科学创造力显著高于普通中学学生的科学创造力。  相似文献   

朱滢 《心理学报》1982,15(1):102-106
本实验的目的是探索加工层次(方式)对自由回忆和再认的影响,实验条件同时包含适合于原来加工方式的提取内容以及不适合于原来加工方式的提取内容。结果表明,深层的意义水平的加工方式产生了最好的保持。从提取内容与加工方式的一致性对结果进行了讨论,最后强调了加工方式对提取是极端重要的。  相似文献   

对中学生创造力的测验研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
本研究以《中学生创造性思惟练习》施测于812名中学生,并请教师对学生的创造性进行评定,然后将《练习》分数和评定等级与有关因素加以比较,结果表明: 1.用《练习》来评鉴中学生的创造力是可信并有效的。2.中学生的创造力呈正态分布。3.创造力高的学生具有某些共同的人格特征。4.学生的创造力与学习成绩有相关,但相关不很高。5.中学生在创造思惟的变通性上表现出男优于女的倾向,其他方面的差异不显著。6.独生与非独生子女在创造力上无差异。7.学生中干部的创造力高于非干部。  相似文献   

This study investigated children's perceptions of television people and the extent to which these perceptions are generalized to impressions of peers. Elementary school children (W=172) completed questionnaires measuring viewing, knowledge of, identification with, and the perceived reality of television characters, and ratings of peers on 11 traits (e.g., funny, attractive, kind, nice). Two criterion variables were studied: children's mean rating of peers on each of the traits and the variance in the ratings of peers on each trait. Multiple regression analyses (controlling for grade and sex) revealed that: (1) identification with television characters was a significant predictor of the mean evaluation of peers on the traits; (2) television viewing was a significant predictor of the variance in children's ratings of peers; and (3) the relationship between television viewing and the variance in trait ratings was lower for attributes found in past studies to be suggested by television presentations. Implications of these findings for the traditional concern that television standardizes perceptions of people through stereotyping are considered.  相似文献   

Gaining, as an approach to reducing absenteeism and tardiness, has been used successfully by a number of firms. Our research has shown that the impact of gaming on these two areas may be minimal. However, statistically significant improvement in employee attitude and cooperation has resulted when gaming was used as a vehicle for employee communication.  相似文献   

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