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本实验对143人用宽、窄两种插入刺激测定了动觉后效。实验结果表明,缩小型属外向,扩大型属内向,中间型内外向的趋势不大明显。作者简化了动觉后效的测定程序以后,并没发现对实验结果有什么影响,但发现了在各种条件下测定的动觉后效的类型是稳定不变的。这些都是把它作为诊断内外向的指标的有利条件。  相似文献   

The basic data with which psychologists commonly deal are the dichotomous responses of individuals t o stimulus presentations. The stimulus situations studied range from those presented in psychophysical brass instrument experiments .to items printed in tests of ability and personality.  相似文献   

Victor Ferkiss 《Zygon》1982,17(2):133-150
The United States today is faced with a crisis of the liberal system stemming from a shortage of resources and ideas. Liberalism assumes that there will always be enough resources to meet all needs and that politics consists of the struggle of interest groups for resources to meet their particular needs. Liberalism is wrong on both counts: there are not enough resources and there is a common good which includes all particular needs properly understood. We must now revise our ideas and institutions in order to make the common good attainable. Various changes in ideas and institutions toward that end are suggested.  相似文献   

The present study was concerned with the relationships between boredom at work, personal characteristics and performance. Data on individual characteristics, work effectiveness and experienced boredom at work was collected from a sample of 93 heavy truck drivers by means of questionnaires and personnel file records.
The results suggest that boredom while driving through a monotonous desert road was moderately, yet systematically, associated negatively with higher mental and physical individual capacity. Boredom was also negatively associated with effectiveness. The relationship between boredom and work effectiveness was significantly moderated by personal characteristics. It was found that boredom was more strongly related to work effectiveness at the lower levels of individual capacity. The results are discussed in terms of possible implications for personnel selection and placement decisions.  相似文献   

Abstract— Forty participants performed seven different information processing tasks (choice reaction time, letter classification, visual search, abstract matching, line-length discrimination, mental rotation, and mental paper-folding) Slow (top quartile) and fast (bottom quartile) processors were selected based on their mean z scores Response times (RTs) of the slow and fast groups in the 21 conditions of the seven tasks were linear functions of the mean RTs of the entire group (both r2s = 99) In addition, individuals' RTs were well described by linear functions (median r2= 93) When tasks were ranked in order of complexity, the odd-even reliability of the ratio of an individual's RT to the average RT was 80, indicating that such ratios remain relatively stable across tasks Taken together, these findings indicate that the performance of an individual on diverse tasks can be predicted on the basis of a single processing-time coefficient Such coefficients may provide useful indices of the efficiency with which different individuals process information  相似文献   

This study investigated the relative contributions of gender and sexual orientation as factors associated with the formation of boundaries in dyadic intimate relating in both same- and opposite-sex couples. The study examined a relational pattern previously not empirically investigated but widely accepted as an actuality unique to lesbians; specifically, that lesbians tend to remain connected to ex-serious-relationship partners after breakup. The study utilized a research design approach emphasizing the methodological utility and heuristic value of including sexual orientation as an independent variable in studies of gender dynamics. Two general classes of theoretical frameworks, those emphasizing gender role socialization influences and those emphasizing systems influences, were discussed in terms of their relative goodness of fit as conceptual bases for the data. Questionnaires were completed by 60 lesbians, 37 gay men, 45 heterosexual women, and 39 heterosexual men. Lesbians and gay men reported higher levels of connection to ex-serious-relationship partners than heterosexuals. The data reflect how inclusion of sexual orientation can broaden understandings of gender differentiated phenomena beyond more traditional gender-only based accounts.  相似文献   

On a administré un inventaire de quinze questions sociométriques à onze groupes d'élèves d'écoles primaires et secondaires, d'une école d'instituteurs, et d'une école pour jeunes mineurs de la region minière (Copperbelt) de Zambie (N = 274). Les choix ont été analysés en prenant l'origine tribale comme base de classification pour les groupements dans les classes et pour tous les répondants. l'origine tribale représente une catégorie importante pour l'interaction sociale à l'intérieur des groupes institutionnels quand la distance est grande. Les dimensions de l'inventaire, que fait apparaître une analyse factorielle basée sur les groupements par tribu des répondants, suivent trois axes et pourraient correspondre à l'autorité (leadership) dans un système institutionnel, l'acceptation par les pairs et l'origine ethnique. l'A. discute de ces résultats en se référant à d'autres recherches sur la distance sociale et montre quelles modifications de la théorie traditionnelle ils suggèrent.  相似文献   

The One and the Many: Relational Psychoanalysis and Group Analysis. By Juan Tubert‐Oklander. London: Karnac, 2014. 288 pp.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to examine attitudinal and behavioral variables associated with reemployment following job termination. Thirty-five employees were surveyed within two days following termination. Of those surveyed, 23 were contacted one month later regarding employment status. Analyses revealed that reemployed persons were significantly more confident of job search skills and had engaged in a greater number of search behaviors than had individuals who had remained unemployed. No significant differences between the reemployed and still unemployed groups were obtained in affective responses to termination or nonwork-related variables. The findings suggest that reemployment success is related to individual differences in expectations of successful job search. Implications for future research on job loss and reemployment are discussed.  相似文献   

Etude au laboratoire des différences dans le comportement d'entraide selon la nationalité et la classe sociale. —Le même plan d'expérience a été réalisé à Madison (Wisconsin) et à Oxford (Angleterre) pour déterminer si les adolescents appartenant à différentes classes sociales obéissent aux mêmes principes dans l'aide qu'ils apportent aux camarades qui dépendent d'eux. Les adolescents de Madison appartiennent à des families de la classe moyenne ((I) petits industriels, commerçants, artisans, (2) employés de bureau) ou de la classe ouvrière. Les adolescents d'Oxford proviennent seulement de la classe moyenne des employés ou de la classe ouvrière. Dans les deux échantillons, le sujet est d'abord amené à croire qu'un camarade lui a apporté beaucoup ou peu d'aide quand lui-même en avait besoin pour gagner un concours. Dans la phase suivante qui est supposée impliquer un concours sans rapport avec le premier, le sujet a l'occasion d'aider la personne qui a été son partenaire ou une tout autre personne. Les résultats de Madison montrent, conformément à l'hypothèse, que les sujets appartenant à la classe des petits industriels, commerçants et artisans ont plus tendance à agir selon une conception de simple échange. Plus que les adolescents de la classe des employés ou de la classe ouvrière, ils croient que les gens s'attendent à ce qu'ils travaillent dur pour une autre personne seulement dans la mesure où ils ont eux-mêmes bénéficié d'une telle situation et ils font des efforts au profit du camarade qui dépend d'eux, dans l'attente d'une réciprocité de type « donner et recevoir ». A Oxford, les sujets de la classe ouvrière sont plus orientés vers la réciprocité que les fils d'employés. Quelques difficultés d'ordre méthodologique sont discutées, mais l'A. pense que les tentatives actuelles pour analyser l'interaction sociale en termes d'échange économique ne peuvent être également appliquées à toutes les classes sociales.  相似文献   

Sequential techniques to analyze social interaction (lag-sequential analysis, Markov chains, semi-Markov models) are newcomers to the methodological arsenal of communication researchers. As with any new methodology, these have many as yet unvoiced presumptions whose violation can affect materially the outcome of their applications. I identify one such presumption—“the perfect measurement presumption”—and demonstrate that violations of it can lead to serious systematic bias in parameter estimates. In addition, I discuss briefly a set of palliatives for this source of systematic bias.  相似文献   

Agency-in-practice is the concrete application of individual constructive capacities as permeated and potentiated by contemporaneous social meanings, practices, and institutions. This concept is proposed as one that maintains an intelligible, potent role for human agency in postmodern theorizing, while embracing the constructive processes of social interactions and institutions. Agency-in-practice is examined in three domains: (1) coordination of subpersonal processes, (2) construal and predication, and (3) language development and use. Implications of such a reformulation of agency are suggested, especially those regarding conditions for the full development of agency and for facilitating social change.  相似文献   

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