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A comprehensive and agreed-upon account of Husserl??s relation to Gottlob Frege does not yet exist. In this situation we encounter interpretations that allow systematic dogmas to reappear that should have long been vanquished??for instance, that the author of the Logical Investigations was not only decisively influenced by Frege, but also that he had already retracted his sharpest Frege-critique by 1891. The present essay contains a largely historical response to W. Künne??s new monograph on Frege that advocates such views. We will concentrate on a small remark that turns out to reference a defining moment for any understanding of Husserl??s early philosophy. We shall argue that Husserl??s supposed self-criticism does not turn on the critique that he had earlier leveled at Frege??s Grundlagen der Arithmetik; rather, it has to do exclusively with his own earlier systematic positions on the grounding of arithmetic. In this context, an important particular of Husserl??s Philosophie der Arithmetik takes center stage: this book is a mosaic composed from old and new insights, a fact that becomes most evident in the two distinct concepts of ??equivalence?? that are founded there, which reflects Husserl??s transition from a theory of arithmetic based on the concept of number to one based on the parallelism between proper and symbolic (improper) presentations. This change involves a long historical development that goes back to a tradition marked by the work of Bolzano, Lotze, Brentano, and Stumpf, and it is closely tied to the problem of how to distinguish between the sense and the object of an act. Systematic neglect of the historical background of the Frege?CHusserl relation has led to disputes over who owns the copyright to the sense/reference distinction, but it has obscured the very core of the original line of questioning.  相似文献   

Somatoforme St?rungen stellen in den westlichen Industriegesellschaften ein erhebliches Problem für Behandlung, Begutachtung und Sozialversicherungswesen dar. Anders als bei sch?rfer umschriebenen psychiatrischen Krankheitsbildern, deren klinisches Erscheinungsbild gut bekannt und deren St?rungswert unbestritten ist, erfolgt hier die Symptompr?sentation durch verbale, mimische und gestische Darstellung. Insofern k?nnen sowohl Form als auch Schweregrad der Beschwerden durch willentliche Einflu?nahme gestaltet werden, was die M?glichkeit der Zweckgerichtetheit aufgrund sekund?rer Motivbildung zumindest mit einschlie?t.  相似文献   

Freud’s view of the infant as passive and undifferentiated, motivated primarily by the goal of tension reduction, who needs his objects only for the satisfaction of his oral needs, is not shared by many psychologists any more. In this essay I try with the help of other approaches of developmental psychology such as Bühler and Lichtenstein to create a connection to Gestalt theory. Gestalt psychology was before the Second World War the leading psychological theory even outside the borders of Germany and experiences today a silent comeback in psychoanalytical infant research and the theories of intersubjectivity. Central characteristics of development are the changes in the individual in the context of his environment: expansion, transformation and reorganization. Integration plays an important role, because development is not only a differentiation of parts, but at the same time an increasing connection of all these parts to each other. This is another axiom of Gestalt theory confirmed meanwhile by modern brain research.  相似文献   

Somatoforme St?rungen stellen in den westlichen Industriegesellschaften ein erhebliches Problem für Behandlung, Begutachtung und Sozialversicherungswesen dar. Anders als bei sch?rfer umschriebenen psychiatrischen Krankheitsbildern, deren klinisches Erscheinungsbild gut bekannt und deren St?rungswert unbestritten ist, erfolgt hier die Symptompr?sentation durch verbale, mimische und gestische Darstellung. Insofern k?nnen sowohl Form als auch Schweregrad der Beschwerden durch willentliche Einflu?nahme gestaltet werden, was die M?glichkeit der Zweckgerichtetheit aufgrund sekund?rer Motivbildung zumindest mit einschlie?t. Der Autor analysiert die typischen Ph?nomene im Verhalten dieser Patienten vor dem Hintergrund der etablierten Konzepte ,,Krankenrolle“ und ,,(abnormes) Krankheitsverhalten“. Dabei wird deutlich, dass diese Ausgestaltungsformen der Krankenrolle keinen durchwegs dysfunktionalen Charakter haben, sondern unter den gegebenen Umst?nden durchaus eine adaptive überlebensstrategie bilden k?nnen.  相似文献   

Journal for General Philosophy of Science - Der Wissenschaftskonzeption der ?kritischen Theorie“ der zu verändernden Gesellschaft (Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, Habermas) wird im...  相似文献   

This paper is the final product of free-floating associations during a piece of short self-analysis that was conducted as an answer to the question: How can we adapt to terror? Knowing that, due to our limitations, it is impossible to answer the question in what would be regarded as a scientific manner, I chose to see where I would be taken, using this well-known psychoanalytic tool (first used by Freud). Self-analysis took me to the Middle East where terror is almost an everyday event. Then I read two psychoanalyst’s impressions, one after September 11 (Strozier) and the other after the Holocaust (Ornstein). In both, the experience of a catastrophe in the civilized world was characterized by the dominance of the sense of smell. I then read Améry’s 1966 book and saw the parallel between torture and terror. In both, the background of safety is permanently broken. One consequence of this state of affairs is suggested: Since the exposure to terror, we have been living – in our inner world – in a state of “pristine homelessness” (Kertész).  相似文献   

Karl Schuhmann 《Axiomathes》1998,9(1-2):61-79
Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

Erich Fromm (1900?C1980) was one of the forerunners of the intersubjective tradition in psychoanalysis. Trained at the Berlin Institute and emigrated to the US he started in the 1930s to reformulate psychoanalytic theory by focusing on man??s need to be related on reality, on others and on himself and herself. Similar to Sullivan, Fromm looked at man primarily as a social being but in contrast to Sullivan, Fromm much more stressed man??s being molded by societal requirements and by an intersubjectivity that is determined by strivings originating in his social character structure. The impact the respective social character orientation has on the patient??s being related to others and to himself and herself is to be recognized in the analysis of the therapeutic processes between analyst and analysand. In principle sociality plays a much bigger role for changing intrapsychic processes. Because of Fromm??s ??societal?? orientation his approach to psychoanalysis is still of relevance to understand how the intersubjective and intrapsychic is interwoven in each individual. Beyond that his approach enables insights into what is going on psychically in society and how these changes are influential to the individual??s welfare or suffering.  相似文献   

The implicate or quantum connectivity of the coevolving phenomena of the cosmos, the ontohermeneutic complementarity relations between ourselves and the vast and minute systems we coconstitutingly participate, observe, prolong, and contextualize, and the eco-reciprocities among all forms of life afford us an understanding of ourselves as fractal or microcosmic embodiments and performances of what is irreducibly nondual anthropo-cosmogenesis. And if cosmogenesis is a self-referential process having nothing external to itself from which to obtain gain or satisfaction, we may analogously interpret our noninstrumentalizing contemplative experiences in complete attentiveness without regard to external payoffs as the fractal play of its creatively emergent self-delighting anthropocosmic self-awareness in the human dimensionality. Our attentive, noninstrumentalizing, and nonobjectifying contemplativity aconceptually presences connectivity and reciprocity in an aperspectivally transparent enactment of anthropocosmic ongoing-wholing whose meaning is the being of its own self-delighting. The sustainability of cocreative anthropocosmogenesis on Earth flourishes where our conduct and intrinsically rewarding contemplativity are consonant with and recreate the spontaneous coevolutionary play of intrinsically rewarding creatio continua unreduced, unobstructed, unfragmented, and uneclipsed by partial, excessively dualizing perspectives and related efforts for extrinsic gain.  相似文献   



11 out of 35 male employees of a central alert team with rescue coordination function developed a tinnitus disorder. This clinical case-study highlights the psychodynamic background of this accumulation.


Employees were investigated by psychometric questionnaires and semistructured psychodynamic biografical interviews. Additionally aspects of group dynamics and organisational structure were assessed.


All staff members reported adverse work conditions. Medical and psychometric examination of the tinnitus patients did not reveal severe pathological findings. The interviews identified psychodynamic conflicts dealing with autonomy and regulation of self-esteem. All tinnitus patients reported a very adverse or punitive father relation and difficulties in performing a stabile male role and self-image. Group dynamics was dominated by paranoid and regressive tendencies complicated by maladaptive coping, crude perception of external facts and a pronounced experience of aggressive impulses.


The remobilisation of infantile powerlessness, ineffectiveness and helplessness triggered by adverse work conditions and the introduction of a new culture of personal responsibility within the work organisation together with an impaired coping of separation conflicts enforced by traumatic aspects of the relation with the father may have promoted the tinnitus symptomatology. Additionally, due to the missing awareness of the importance of such group dynamical processes the employers contributed to an increasing psychosocial distress, which promoted the accumulated manifestation of tinnitus as a conflict expressive symptom.  相似文献   

Aggression und Gewalt bei Jugendlichen stilisieren sich zum Sinnbild für unsere „kranke Gesellschaft“. Was sich bei jüngeren Jugendlichen noch – oft als Lausbuben-Verhalten bagatellisiertes – Herumschubsen und Rangeln im Pausenhof ?u?ert, tritt in Form von Bullying und Mobbing immer st?rker zutage. Jugendliche, die trinken, stehlen, Drogen zu sich nehmen, Mitschüler oder Gruppenmitglieder bedrohen und Gegenst?nde ?ffentlichen Gutes besch?digen etc., stehen auf der Tagesordnung. Selbst Erpressung von Mitschülern ist kein Einzeldelikt mehr.  相似文献   

One of the remarkable results of Frege’s Logicism is Frege’s Theorem, which holds that one can derive the main truths of Peano arithmetic from Hume’s Principle (HP) without using Frege’s Basic Law V. This result was rediscovered by the Neo-Fregeans and their allies. However, when applied in developing a more advanced theory of mathematics, their fundamental principles—the abstraction principles—incur some problems, e.g., that of inflation. This paper finds alternative paths for such inquiry in extensionalism and object theory.  相似文献   

In this paper, an account of two novel ontologies is given to point to the need to revise the status of facts in school curriculum. It is argued that schooling is in dire need of re-enchantment. The way to re-enchant schooling is to re-enliven the world we inhabit. We need to fall head over heels in love with the world again. In order to do that, we need to shake up our conception of “the hard and cold facts of the world” to make the latter come alive radiating vibrancy and luminosity out into the world. Facts have to be liberated from their “cold and hard” status and become things that captivate us with their uniqueness and dynamism. To the extent that facts enchant (instead of merely re/present the world), working with them leads to educative experience. To work out how to let the facts do that, two thinkers and two ways to reconceptualize ‘facts’ are discussed: Graham Harman and his objects, and Ken Wilber and his holons.  相似文献   

Don Ihde has recently launched a sweeping attack against Husserl’s late philosophy of science. Ihde takes particular exception to Husserl’s portrayal of Galileo and to the results Husserl draws from his understanding of Galilean science. Ihde’s main point is that Husserl paints an overly intellectualistic picture of the “father of modern science”, neglecting Galileo’s engagement with scientific instruments such as, most notably, the telescope. According to Ihde, this omission is not merely a historiographical shortcoming. On Ihde’s view, it is only on the basis of a distorted picture of Galileo that Husserl can “create“ (Ihde 24:69–82 2011) the division between Lifeworld and the “world of science“, a division that is indeed fundamental for Husserl’s overall position. Hence, if successful, Ihde’s argument effectively undermines Husserl’s late philosophy of science. The aim of this paper is to show that Ihde’s criticism does not stand up to closer historical or philosophical scrutiny.  相似文献   

Alvin Plantingas Warranted Christian Belief is without questionone of the central texts of the Reformed epistemology movement. Critiques of Plantingas defence have been both multiple and varied. As varied as these responses are, however, it is my contention that many of them amount to the same thing. It is the purpose of this paper to offer an overview of the main lines of attack that have been directed as Plantingas project, and thereafter to show how many, if not most, of these objections can be understood as versions or aspects of the same criticism, what I call the Inadequacy Thesis.  相似文献   

This article shows how and why John Toland’s Pantheisticon (1720) presents a version of Stoicism that locates Stoic ethics in terms of its ‘original’, naturalistic, foundation and devoid of any reconciliation with Christianity. As the article demonstrates, Toland’s account – based on Cicero’s Academica – stands opposed to the Christianized version of Stoicism that had dominated so much seventeenth-century discourse: in effect, Toland restores the materialism that was incompatible with neo-Stoicism. Furthermore, the article also suggests that this ‘restoration’ can be taken as a Spinozistic statement: Toland’s ‘application’ of Cicero celebrates what the first critics of neo-Stoicism had deemed dangerously close to Spinozism and so a threat to established piety.  相似文献   

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